Chapter 8. Yes... Yes... I do remember.

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With the serious threat from her boss, she knew had to say something, thus she summoned the courage to say the truth no matter what the outcome may be. "Sir, my daughter never returned yesterday from school. I was looking for her throughout the night. So it was this morning I heard news about her being broadcast at the station, so I hurried to see her." "Don't think of me as a fool. And tell me the truth." "It's the truth sir. My daughter was admitted to the hospital and that is where I am coming from." Austin saw the sincerity in her words. He had seen the news that morning when it was being displayed but he never imagined it to be related to anyone he knew. But when she said this with sincerity and seriousness, he believed her and had compassion. "How is she now?" "She's getting better. I already spoke with her and the doctor said she will be fine in a few days." Edythe replied. She knew where this was going. And at this junction she was no longer troubled as when she had come in. But still, she was waiting to hear what his final verdict concerning her employment would be. For some reason, she had this confidence that it would not end up badly as she had predicted when she entered the company. "That's good news. You can get back to work. When you finish your duties for today, then you can go and stay with her." "Thank you sir... Thank you very much sir…" She did not know how to express her gratitude nor happiness after hearing his decision. It was a thing of great joy to her. She kept on appreciating Austin until she finally left the office and got back with her job for that day. ***** Edythe hurried with her work in the company that day and soon she was through with all she was to do that day. Since she had lost her other job, the load was reduced and also since her boss had permitted her to leave early so as to spend time with her daughter in the hospital. She left Clawson Space before it was four. After spending sometime in the hospital, she retired to the house by seven in the evening. As she left, Hamilton arrived and stayed with Rica through the night, expecting to see her mother. It was towards midnight that Hamilton knew that her mother had already been there before he arrived. This was told to him by Rica who woke up by that time and saw him in the room with her. They both had a good time chatting with one another as they took the food which he brought. By this time, Rica was able to sit upright. They cracked jokes together. Riddles were asked and Hamilton also told her some stories. The fun lasted for a while until Rica felt sleepy again and Hamilton helped her back on the bed, while he slept on the chair beside her. Days ran so fast as Hamilton kept visiting and spending time with Rica at the hospital. But still he did not get the chance to meet Edythe. It happened that whenever he left, that was when Edythe would arrive. John also visited the hospital, checking on Rica. He was the one who met Edythe most of the times he was around. And it was okay with Edythe whenever she saw John around. It told that he showed concern. Her not being able to meet Hamilton at the hospital was not all. Whenever she spoke with Rica at the hospital. Rica would always tell her about Hamilton but all her mind went to John because he was the one who she saw when she came around. John also had good times with Rica but it was not compared to that which she had with Hamilton. Moreover, John had work to attend to so he did not have all the time to spend with her. With the way Rica always spoke about Hamilton and John to Edythe, even though she believed them to be the same person. She was beginning to like John, unknowing to him. But she never showed it because of her past experience. She only took him as a friend and he did the same. John was younger than her, so there was no way a relationship would work between them. It was Sunday evening, Edythe was at home. She has just returned from seeing Rica that evening to rest and prepare herself for the next day's work. She had planned her day to be very long because she was to go in search of another job since she lost one and the income she was making from Clawson Space was never going to be enough to take care of the bills and other stuff. After She has taken her shower and dinner. She was busy putting some stuff in place when her phone rang. "Hello," she picked the call. "Good evening. I guess I am speaking with Miss Edythe Reed." John spoke through the phone but Edythe was unable to discern the voice that spoke. "Yes, that's me." "I'm calling from the RockSolid hotel where you attended an interview sometime last week. I am sure you still remember?" "Yes… Yes… I do remember," Edythe was shocked, she never expected that call because she messed up in the hotel on the of the interview. She did not even get the chance to be interviewed. But all the same, in the middle of her anxiousness, she tried to control her tone and hear what they were calling for. Even though her thoughts had told her that they want her to come for the interview again. "Okay, I want to know if you're still interested in the job or not?" "Yes I'm still interested." "In that case, congratulations, you have been hired. You should be here by eight in the morning to begin work." "Thank you sir. I will definitely be there. Thank you… Thank you…" "See you tomorrow then." He ends the calls. "Yes!!!" Edythe screamed with joy as she saw herself jumping. She did not know how to express her excitement. The call which just received was a great relief to her. At least the stress which was to go through the next day had been reduced. Even though she has known the pay of her new job, she believed that it would go a very long way in the financial needs of herself and Rica. Her plans for the next were now changed. She was to go to RockSolid in the morning before heading to Clawson Space. After she finds out the pay, then she shall decide whether to find an additional one or not. This new plan was because the income of Clawson Space and the other place was not enough in the past. So Edythe said a prayer, asking that the pay of her new work would be better than that of the place where she had been sacked. This way, it would reduce stress for her, since she will only be working in two places and not three. Well, she continued that prayer in her heart even while she slept till the morrow.
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