Chapter 9. Please remind me.

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At RockSolid hotel the next day, all employees have just been given an orientation on their work specifications and they've resumed work as expected. As a part-time employee, Edythe was carrying out her duties in a hurry so as to meet up with her duties in Clawson Space. After, the orientation which Mason had given to his new employees and they had all begun their work. He retired to his office as he called Hamilton. "Hello. Where are you?" "At the hospital." "Did you forget our arrangement for today?" "Please remind me," Hamilton gave Rica a sign that he would be back as he walked out to the room. "Edythe is here at the hotel as I speak and she will soon be leaving because she applied as a part-time worker." "You did not tell me about this." "I just found out now. You need to hurry before she leaves." "Buddy, please listen to me, don't let her leave until I am there." "That might be difficult. It seems she has another place where she's also working part time and I can't be the reason why she'll go late." "Please Mason… I know you can do this… Buy me some time to get there." "Alright. I will try my best. But please hurry up." "Sure, I will." Hamilton terminated the call and went back into the room. "Hey sweetie, I will be leaving now." "Duty calls, I guess?" Rica said. It was the first time Hamilton was looking a little bit worried and in a 1@ to leave. She quickly understood. "Uhh, not exactly. I will be back before you notice I'm gone." "Take your time. There's no need to rush. I'm fine now." "Love you." Hamilton kisses her on the forehead as they hug each other. Then he left the hospital. ***** Edythe was done with her work that morning, and was supposed to leave. Yet she had not discussed the pay with the management. It was strange but how strange could it be; she was not interviewed. So her thoughts were that she was on probation that was why they hadn't discussed her pay. So she was nervous as she prayed for favor. Since she was to leave, she asked who was in the position to grant her that permission to leave. And she was directed to John's office. After she had knocked on the door and was asked to come in, she was shocked to see John but John wasn't. "Hey there." She was still standing at the door post staring at him. "It's okay. There is no need to be surprised. What's the problem?" Now she was made to believe that he was the one who bypassed his boss and offered her the job as a way of helping her. John was a quick mind reader at that point. Through the face she made, he could tell what was going through her mind. "Please it's not what you think." "What am I thinking?" She was forced to ask. "You earned the job. I did not go behind my boss and would never." He was right, he knew exactly what she was thinking. But now that he has explained himself, she had a question to ask in order to confirm if what he said was true. On second thought, it wouldn't be nice if she asked him about the pay for the job. So Edythe just went ahead in stating her purpose for coming to his office. "I'll be leaving now." "Are you done for this morning?" "Yes." "Okay give me a second." Out of all the people that had begun work, she was the only one who they were yet to discuss her payment. John was the one in the position to negotiate this with her, but Mason hasn't asked him to do so. Thus, he too, thought she was on probation because she was not interviewed. Well, since she is about to leave, it would be nice if they talked about the pay before she left. Or if she was going to continue or not. Anyway, he did not get a perfect conclusion as to why he hasn't been told anything about her. So he made use of the telephone on his desk to communicate across his office to Mason. "Sir, Miss Edythe is about to leave." "She can't leave now." "But sir, she has a job somewhere which she must attend to." "You don't need to remind me of that. Just make sure she doesn't leave now. Make her stay a little longer. And I'm sure you know what to do?" "Yes sir." John puts back the telephone and says to Edythe. I guess you won't be leaving now. My boss has asked me to supervise your work before you leave. So I guess we should get moving. Don't worry, I'll make it fast so you won't be late." In Mason's office, after he had told John what to do in order to delay Edythe a little so Hamilton could meet her. He used his cell to call Hamilton again. "How close are you?" "Five minutes away. Tell me she is still there?" "Yes, but I can't tell how long we can make her wait." "I'm already close." Immediately he ended the call with Hamilton, John called him again. "Sir, I have checked her works and I can say she did a good job." "Okay. Bring her to my office." So John led Edythe to Mason's office where he left her and returned to his work. "Good morning sir." Edythe greeted as she entered the office. Her mind went back to the day of the interview and the incident that happened. "Have a seat." "Thank you sir for giving me a chance. I wasn't myself the other day. I did not know what came over me." Edythe began to apologize for her manners even before taking the seat which she had been offered. "It's okay. That was in the past." Then they were distracted by the ringing of her phone which she quickly put on silent. "I'm sorry for that, sir." "I guess that's from your other place of work?" Mason asked his own cell vibrated with a message from Hamilton saying 'I'm outside, is she still around?' Edythe nodded in response to the question which she was asked. "Then you should be going, so you won't arrive." "I still have some time." Edythe said. She did not want to ruin that moment again. "I insist. I know the consequences of being late. Whatever we have to discuss can wait till next time." Since she had been given an assurance that there would be a next time for them to discuss, she had faith in getting the job. "Thank you sir." She stands up and leaves the office. Instantly, Mason took up his phone. "She is leaving the hotel now. If she's the one then you'll recognize her. She is wearing a blue T-shirt." "Thanks."
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