Chapter 10. Sorry. Do I know you?

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Now Hamilton was standing beside his car outside the hotel's building. He was waiting for Edythe to come out with his eyes fixed on the exit, looking out for someone wearing a blue T-shirt. Soon Edythe rushed out, and her T-shirt got Hamilton to look at her. She has changed a lot unlike the last time they saw each other at high school. But despite the changes, Hamilton could still recognize his love. As she ran to the gate, Hamilton pursed her. "Excuse me, Miss." At first Edythe did not know she was the one being called. But as the call persisted, she stopped and looked around. Seeing who was calling, she was shocked and refused to believe her eyes because she made herself believe that no one from her past would find her. "Edith," Hamilton called her name as he would always call when they were in high school. And now she had to believe that was really happening. Yet she pretended as if he had mistaken her for another. "Sorry. Do I know you?" "Edythe, it's me, Hamilton." He tried to make her remember who he was. But she continued in her pretense, "I'm sorry but I don't know. Now if you don't mind, I will be taking my leave." "Edythe... Edythe... Edythe Reg." Hamilton continued calling her name but she paid total deaf ears to the calls as though it wasn't her name that was being called. Hamilton could not believe what his eyes had just seen. He was sure of who he was and there was no way he would mistake her for another. Her behavior caused him to ponder as he took a look at face in the rear view mirror of one of the cars parked there. The reason behind his steady state at the mirror was to confirm if there was much change in his facial appearance. It's been roughly twelve years since he last saw her and without a doubt there were slight changes due to age, but it was not enough for someone not to remember. He spent over ten minutes at the mirror before he finally got a grip of his amazement and went into the hotel to see Mason. As he entered the office, Mason could read his mood, it was not a bright one at all. He looked frustrated. And Mason could remember that look. Hamilton had worn that exact look seven years ago when they searched the whole of Alberta for Edythe without finding her. So Mason drew a quick conclusion on how it went with Edythe. "It's okay Hamilton. I know how you feel. But you need to cheer up." Hamilton did not say anything to him as he made use of the seat opposite Mason. "You will find her someday. I'm sure of that." Mason was trying to be positive. He had once advised him to move on but it did not end up well and he does not want such to repeat itself again. Hamilton had moved on but not in the aspect of loving another. "She's the one," Hamilton could hear himself saying softly. Mason did not hear him clearly, so he needed a repetition of what he said. "That is Edythe. Mason, you found her." This time he was louder and Mason heard right. But, now he wonders why he was in that mood if she was the person he had been looking for. Is she married? was a question that rang in his heart, because that was the only thing he could imagine that would cause Hamilton to feel bad. But he did not ask that question as he remembered that Edythe's application did not state whether she was single or not. "Why the rough face?" Hamilton was still sober and could not give a response to any question at that moment. He just rested his head on the desk. Mason was used to understanding his friend. He knew that what Hamilton needed at that point was some time to himself. So he calmly stood up and left the office. He was so quiet that Hamilton did not even know that he had left the office. After a very long time since Hamilton rested his head on the desk without moving. He finally raised his face and could not find Mason there with him. He comes out of the office to find Mason seated in the reception. As Mason saw him come from the direction of the office, he knew Hamilton was now ready to talk. They have lived as roommates all through their college days, so there was nothing new to learn about themselves. Hamilton knew why Mason had left. "There you are?" "I sense you needed some time to yourself, so I left." Mason stood up and they both walked out of the hotel. It was a kind of tradition to them that whenever either of them had some time to themselves they would go out to the street, strolling and discussing the situation. Since it's been a long while since they had such an experience, now was the best time to bring back some old memories. They both were now walking along the road. "So, tell me, what happened? You were not looking bright after seeing her." "I'm not sure what to say, buddy. I am very sure it was my Edythe that I saw. But she claims not to know me." "That's strange." "Surely it is." "There must be a reason and we have to find out what it is." Then Hamilton's mind ran fast, that he did not know when he asked, "Her application...? Does it state anything about being married? You told me the last name was different. Maybe that's her husband's name? She doesn't want me to come in-between her marriage." He said this as though it was nothing to him, but deep down, he prayed that his thoughts were wrong. Since they were walking along the street, whether something was painful to say, they said it as though it was nothing. "I don't think you are right. But, maybe, we will have to go through her application again." There was an ice cream parlor before them, so Hamilton said. "I should get some ice-cream for Rica." Then they walked towards the ice cream parlor to get it. "You should come with me to the hospital?" "I guess I'll have to." Mason agreed. After they had purchased the ice cream, Mason said to Hamilton. "Less I forget. She's working as a cleaner. Should I give her a better position to occupy?" "Umm.... Let me hear your advice first. You're really good at it. Tell me your thoughts." "Giving her a better position to occupy wouldn't be a bad idea. But it would pass some message across to her. I just wanted you to know what she was working as and if it was okay by you. Anyway, I am thinking of making her pay high. That way she won't have to think about anything." "You see, that's why I call you a genius in teams of advice. We should work with your plan for now while I try finding out the reason behind her actions. I just pray that she's still single." "Don't tell me you're giving up on her after all these years?" "I won't want to come in-between her relationship. It has been long enough for anyone to move on." "But you didn't move on, even when half the girls were coming after you in college." "Maybe I made a mistake by holding on to her in my heart." "Don't say that yet. We have not gotten to the root of this. Let's just go and see your friend at the hospital." Mason said, as he was no longer comfortable with the way Hamilton was sounding.
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