Chapter Nine

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Just then the door to the dress g room opens and Ade walks in. My boss was shocked to see him, loosen his hand on me and it allowed me to move away from him. Ade charged at him, slapping him as he made to reach out to me again. This shocked both my boss and me. I never expected him to react like this, while I stood by the side rubbing my arms that were held by my boss. " Why are you here?" My boss raised his voice angrily. " What right do you have coming in here?" He said again Ade ignored him and examined my body as he took in every detail, then stop where there was a red mark where he gripped. " You have no......" My boss started but Mason suddenly held him by the collar and punched him, " You have no right to touch her," Raising his hands to give him another punch, " Don't lay your dirty hands on her again," I watched as he continued to punch him after punch, though I love the fact that he was defending me I need to put a stop to it before he kills him. " let him go, Ade," I ordered. Ade looked at me angrily and from the look, he was giving me, I knew he was not ready to let go of him. I can see he was very angry now and I need to put an end to this. " Come on, we need to leave, you can deal with him later" I added, I was not ready to plead with anyone. He groaned and let go of my boss, after giving him a warning. "If you don't want your coffee shop to be forgotten forever, don't ever disrespect her again or you will see the other side of me." He threatened and then took my hand and pulled me towards the door. I wonder what he met by that, who is this guy? But this is not important to me because I was not interested in him and I don't want anything to do with him. I followed him, clearly confused about why he was reaching out like a jealous boyfriend who couldn't stand the idea of his girlfriend being with another guy. He kept pulling me till we were outside the shop, I pulled my hand away from his, irritated with his attitude and rubbed on it, that was the exact spot my boss had held me and I felt pain there. He turned to me, his eyes dark, he was clearly angry but I still couldn't understand why he was so pissed because I never did anything bad to him. It's not like he saw me happy at my boss's advances to me His eyes went back to normal when he saw me rubbing my arms. He came closer and held my arms, his hand rubbing on them so gently as if to take away the pain I am feeling. ' Is he trying to seduce me?' I wonder within me as I look at him confused, not sure what was going on in his heart. " Don't let him touch you that way again" his voice was bitter and still angry. " He doesn't have a right to hold you like that." He continued A wave of resentment washed over me, I was irritated by what he was insinuating and I yanked my arms away from him. I hiss and glared at him before responding to him. " Do you also have the right to touch me?" I asked him angrily. He looked at my face with an unreadable expression and I wonder what he was thinking. " You all are the just same, all of you men, you are always thinking about your urges" I cursed and walked away from him. Completely pissed off I just kept walking, I was angry, he had no right to say such rubbish. He was among the men who wanted my body so why was he acting like he was a saint, the righteous one when he was the same as them? Why do all men behave like dogs who run after female dogs Soon I heard footsteps behind me trying to catch up with me. " Just calm down, will you, ?" He said falling in steps by my side with my bag pack in his hand, I paused and turned to him. " How did you get that? I said. " You left it behind" He responded. I stare at him for a while and took my bag pack from him and kept walking. " Why are you angry?" He asked when I refuse to talk to him or slow down. " Tell me, I was not the one who was harassing you back there, I was the one who stop him from harassing you. You never said anything and you didn't do anything to stop him?" He said, his words made me feel like I was weak and I hate that feeling because it always reminds me of that *sshole who tried to assault me back then and I hate it when someone reminds me of it I ignored him and kept walking down the sideway as I have somewhere urgent to be. " Why vent out your anger on me when you could not stand up to defend yourself from your boss who was taking advantage of you?" I paused and turned to him, I was overwhelmed with anger who was he to say such rubbish to me? Was it because I allowed him to kiss me when we were celebrating my new Job? I glared at him like it was something that could kill him. " Don't act as if you suddenly know me?" I said clenching my fist. " Then why are you angry with me when you allow your boss to do whatever he wants with you," he replied to me without a care for my feelings I snapped immediately, my thoughts went blank for a moment, and the only thing I could feel was the anger and pain that his words brought to my heart. I couldn't hold my anger back, I raised my hands and gave him a hot slap across his face. He jerked, his eyes widened in shock because he never expected it. " You are just like the rest of them out there who want my body, don't act like you are different, you all are a piece of sh*t who treat women like trash," I shouted and walked away but I pause, I was not through with him yet, I need to chase him away from me. I went back to where he stood like a zombie, the shock of the slap was still clearly written on his face. He never expected a slap coming from me. " I am not a weakling, my boss can never do what he wants with me, he has never and will never, so will you not be able to do anything too? I don't want you to come to my house again because I don't ever want to see your face again, stay the f**k away from me" I said to him and walk off far away from him without looking back. *********** I watched her figure walking away angrily as I stood rooted to the spot, clearly shocked that a woman dare hit me on my face. A mere female who was not up to my status. She waved a taxi down and enter without looking behind her or caring to know how I was feeling after the slap she gave me. I was angry at her bragging and guts, she thought too highly of herself, and she acted like she was something so great. I was humiliated by a woman and I felt embarrassed. No one has ever dared to lay a hand on me but she did. I went back to get my car, fuming with anger and drove back home. The long drive home gave me more time to relax and calm my anger down. I was tired by the time I got home, so I had a quick dinner and took a shower before going to bed. The thoughts of Ife filled my head as I lay down on my bed. The day's events came running back to me. Each time I remembered the way she slapped me, I got furious all over again thinking of the guts she had to slap me. From the look of things with her, I know she would do anything to avoid having s*x with me. but I still wanted her and I am willing to go to any length to achieve this because I always get what I wanted and she is the only one I wanted now, no other woman can satisfy me as It is now. I will have to do all I can do for me to get her. I can feel her all over me. The day had turned out wonderful, she had an ordinary life, way too ordinary than I expected, no wonder she looked for employment somewhere else, her present work is not something you can call a job. With the way, her boss was abusing her, I need to protect her from him. He was using his power as her employer to abuse her, which I don't like. When I saw her at the club, I thought she was the middle-class kind of lady that was why she was so hard to get but she wasn't. She was just another person struggling to make an end meet for herself and that was exactly why she should have been the one after me. Ladies with this kind of background would always come after my money, which I was a hundred per cent sure of but she seems to be the opposite. She kept rejecting me when I expected the opposite, it made me have conflicting feelings about her and my ideology about women as a w***e. But at the same time, I concluded that she was playing hard to get. That was the only reasonable reason I could come up with and why she was behaving like she didn't care that I had money. She was making the game more fun for me to play. I wonder why she would allow her boss to harass her the way he pleases but would push me away when I try to seduce her. Playing hard to get would be the reason why she is behaving like that. My eyes were not deceiving me, I saw her boss earlier that morning making s*x**l advances towards her but she had handled it so well it shocked me. But seeing him hold her that way later that night just brought something out of me. She was my prize, my possession and only I had the right to touch her and do whatever I wanted with her. She possess the treasure I hunted and searched for and I wasn't pleased to see another man tamper with it. That was why I reacted the way I did, but she got angry at something I had said and even dared to slap me. Me the young master of the William family that made everyone shiver at the mention of my name. I have at first been so furious about her audacity and gut. ' If only she knew who I was ' I thought to myself. But knowing who I was would make my work easier. She would become too easy to get, but if she didn't know then it would be a much more interesting game to play. All I can think now is that I still wanted her, she had acted all too mighty, and she kept doing things that I never expected her to do, not in the least possible way. And it made the game more fun for me, the best thing now is that she does not know I was her new boss, it would make my prize a more deserving one. I made a decision, I wasn't going to stop, I will continue the pursuit, she had more guts, she was as daring and challenging as a thousand women and I had free time in my hands. I had to get her for sure, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss I has shared with her and neither could I stop thinking of all the things I would do to her when I finally get her. She will be the one that will be chasing after me when I finally get her. I pushed my anger and pride to a corner of my mind and slept with the picture of her standing in her room naked in my mind. That picture of her sent my d**k hard. The next morning, I had my breakfast brought to my room and had my bath. Then I took my laptop and dealt with some things I needed to take care of in the office and made sure everything was in order before I put on simple clothes. A plain pair of trousers and blue sleeves were okay for the mission ahead of me. These were the clothes I put on when I was on a secret mission. I came out and told my driver to stay home because his service was not needed today. I got into my car and headed toward her house hoping to drive her to her place of work but on getting to her house, she was not in. So I decided to go to her place of work, I guess I came late today. I knew she would be at her place of work because she is not the type that plays with her work. This I have gathered since I started following her. It didn't take as long to get there as I thought it did the previous day. When I arrived, I jumped out of the car excitedly to see my prize. I quickly went into the shop and allowed the sweet aroma of cappuccino, latte, black coffee and cake hit me. The warning feeling hit me as I got closer. To my surprise, she was not behind the counter when I saw a different person there, I was afraid that his boss had fired her or probably he was taking advantage of her. When I moved closer, I discovered that it was the girl from the previous day who had tried to seduce me to make Ife jealous. I wonder why she was the only one at the canter. " Please excuse me, where is Ife?" I asked her, she smiled flirtatiously at me and blew me a kiss while smiling seductively. " Hello, sexy, " She said with the pretence of not hearing the questions I asked her. I responded to her greetings and asked again. " Hi, where is Ife?" " I am here, don't think about that b*t*h, she isn't worth it." " Shut up Elle?" Ife interrupted her, coming from the back. I smirked at the sight of my prize, she is looking sexier today with a flair gown and her hair in a ponytail. From the look of it today, it's like she was not angry with me again and this gave me joy. It also gave me the courage to continue to pursue her more
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