Chapter Eight

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You don't need to come with me into the coffee shop, this is my workplace and I don't want you here" I fired at him immediately I got down from his car and walked into the shop. The coffee shop was packed full of customers as it usually is during work days. The scent of hot coffee hit me as I enter the shop. But I was not here to think about the scent of hot coffee, So I quickly went to the dressing room to get my uniform and an apron so as to start the day's work. I was already late and would not like my boss scolding me because of it. I put on my uniform and apron and just when I was about to finish with my apron I heard the annoying voice of my boss behind me, " Ife," " Yes, Mr Henry, how may I help you?" I asked without turning around to face him. His sight disgusts me, he had a beautiful wife and he had grown-up children who were the same age as me but he was still a dirty no good looking flirt, he never cease to find a way to flirt with me and it irritates me a lot to know that he was just like the others.....dogs. The insane part of everything was that he wasn't young, he was old enough to be my father. His physic is not even worth talking about, he was just an old chubby pot belly man. He was not someone that a woman would like to be with. " You are very late this morning," He said in a husky voice from behind me. " I am sorry," I blurted out quickly while packing my hair in a ponytail. " Have you been told you look beautiful today," He said and suddenly wrapped his hands around my waist from behind and pulled me close to himself. Anger runs through my veins at his touch, he was always flirting with me and though it disgusts me, I couldn't just quit now because I needed the money to pay some bills before my new job starts. But he was crossing the line here and I never thought it will get to this. My hands immediately grabbed his arm as I twisted his hands behind him and hit him between his leg, he winced in pain and groan on the floor while I freed myself and left the dressing room not without sounding my warning. " Don't you ever touch me again because next you, you are sure going to regret it? " I fumed as I walk out This is what I have to go through because I want to earn a living for myself and it was pissing me off like seriously pissing me off. I just hope I won't experience the same fate in my new job because I don't know how I can handle it. But it is a big organisation and I don't think such things will happen. When I came out of the dressing room my Chauffeur was waiting for me by the door to the dressing room. " What are you standing out here doing, will you just leave," I fired at him venting my anger at him. I was completely pissed off by all men at this moment. " Whoah!" He exclaimed and backed away with his hands slightly raised in the air. I shook my head and went behind the counter " We receive the same salary and yet you always come late to work, don't ever come to work again because no one will help you with your work," My annoying colleague, Elle said and I rolled my eyes at her. She was my boss' favourite and he always gives her a lot of privileges that others don't enjoy as such she tends to act like it was her father who owns the shop and one could tell that she was sleeping with the boss to maintain those privileges. Thinking about it disgusts me, we were never friends. She was always all over my face and I have made it clear I don't like her. She turns around to leave and bumps Into my chauffeur. " You didn't tell me you got yourself a hot stripper. He is so damn hot, would you mind if I borrow him for a few minutes! I know you won't be able to give him what he wants" She said turning to me while ogling in her head. I ignored both of them and went straight to work. Elle didn't leave, she went closer to him and started whispering things that I might assume were dirty words as her hands started to roam his body and hair. From the corner of my eyes, I can see her openly seducing the man who came with me. It angered me, I had a lot of things that are pissing me off today. They both kept giggling and whispering for a while and I acted like I didn't care or that I noticed what they were both doing. Suddenly Elle stood up to her toes and placed her hands on his shoulder while moving her head towards his. ' What rubbish!' " Take that flirty hands off him!" I commented as I placed a hand on the counter while my other hand want on my waist. My chauffeur farrows his eyes brows at my sudden outburst and looks my way but I ignored him. " Just a harmless...." " Just get your hands off him right now, Elle!" I commanded once more In a voice she knew too well. She was not my friend and we have been at each other throats ever since I started working here, she knows when I was losing my patience. So she quickly got off him and look at me. " B*t*h!" She cursed. " What did you just call me?" I moved closer to her, getting ready to vent my anger on her but she immediately moved away quickly before I could move closer to do anything else. My chauffeur kept staring at me with a stupid smug face. " Since you are not going anywhere, you can as well be useful, so go and get an apron and get to work" I said to him and went back to work. He smirked and went to the dressing room to get an apron, then he came back to the counter. " Cappuccino please," One of the customers requested and I went back to the brewing machine to brew some coffee when I felt someone standing behind me. His cologne was sending shivers down my spine. I knew immediately that it was not my irritating boss. Just when I was about to turn round to see who it was, he wrapped his hands around my waist and push himself closer leaving no space between the both of us. " What are you trying.....?" " Why didn't you like the way she was touching me? He interrupted me and whispered into my ears. " You must be full of yourself," I said trying to loosen his hand from my waist, but with each move I made he lifted his hand toward my breast. " What the f**k, get your hands off me," I said between clenched teeth. " You stopped someone from touching me a moment ago, I was enjoying it so much and you had to stop it. For stopping her, you have to pay the price for that and do what she was doing.," He whispered. His breath was all over my ears and neck making warm feelings rise from my body. " What is going on here?" My irritating boss yelled and I flinched he took his hand away from my waist and turn toward my boss smiling at him. I brought out the coffee and gave it to the customer who requested it, ignoring the stare my boss gave me. " Who is he?" He asked me. " I am her chauffeur," He gave him a reply before I could come up with a response. " Chauffeur? So she is so rich now and can employ someone as her chauffeur, then you don't need this job, again" He blurted out trying to embarrass me. But I didn't let it get to me because I knew I would be leaving here soon, so I was not bothered by his threat. " Well, she pays well and she pays fine. You can be her chauffeur too If you want it is would be better than being her boss," He mocked and a small smile escape my lips. " You don't have the right...." " There is no reason to be scared, you won't be the one to pay," He interrupted my boss. My boss was angry but both of us didn't cared because I was only here because I want to get my paycheck. " I don't want to see you here again," My boss said between clenched teeth. " Oh, I see..." " Hey! Boss," My chauffeur called out to me. " He is asking me to leave, should I leave?" He asked me with amusement in his eyes. " Look here young man, this shop belongs to me and I have every right to throw out anyone I don't want in my shop. If you must wait for her, go and wait by the car that you are using to drive her around," My boss yelled at her. But he acted like no one was speaking to him, he ignored my boss and turns to me. I placed my hand on my chin and thought for a while. Yes, it was an opportunity for me to get rid of him, so that he can leave me alone. All he wants was s*x and I was not ready to give him that but on the other hand, there is my abusive boss who always harasses me sexually if he gets the chance to be alone with me. As much as I hate this, I do want him around to prevent my irritating boss from having his way with me, even if it was the one week I have here before resuming my new employment, I would appreciate having him around to shield me from my boss. " Stay," I said in an authoritative voice and my boss glared at me. " You will get yourself fired for this Ife," My boss growled. " I would love to, at least I won't have to see your ugly face again," I said to him smiling innocently. He went mute for a second and glared at me once more time. I pressed my lips together trying to suppress the laughter I felt coming out of my throat. I knew he can not afford to sack me because it is not easy to get a replacement as this was a job that required training. He will also need to pay me extra and he was one stringy man that believes every cent matters. I don't give a damn, he can have his job for all I care. I was not happy with the job and don't want to stay if I had a choice. Without saying anything word again he walked away while cursing under his breath. Immediately he was out of earshot, I let out the laughter that I have been suppressing and held my stomach at how much my boss was embarrassed. It was something that I want to happen over and over again. When I was finally able to regain my composure, I wipe the tears from my eyes and my chauffeur stood there looking at me. " What....?" I asked him. He didn't say anything but his Ocean blue eyes went dark and he walked closer to me. I rolled my eyes at him, he was trying to hit at me again. I moved back, trying to move away from him till my back hit the counter, he didn't stop coming towards me, he kept moving closer and when I realised he was not going to stop or any way for me to escape, I quickly turned around with my back to him. " Perfect!" He whispered as his body jammed into mine. I regretted turning my back to him. My back was directly in front of him. All this while there was silence in the shop as the customers watched the show. " Oh my g*d," I exclaimed and he smirked " So you want me to stay, didn't you?" He asked sexily and used his fingers to trace lines on my arms. " Don't fool yourself, I did that because I want my boss to leave me alone," I said to him and held the counter with both hands " That is a lie..." I pushed him away before he could finish his statement. " Hope you are ready to learn how to make coffee because your work just started," I said ending the conversation. I grinned at him and then turns to a customer. " Wow! Ife finally has a boyfriend," My customer grinned at me. " No! Oh him, for g*d sake are you kidding me," I said and stuck out my tongue irritated. " Ife has a boyfriend...." " I was going to shoot my shot," Dan's a regular customer at the shop yell from where he sat in his usual corner of the shop where he spends hours. He was a funny man who makes the shop lively whenever he comes in, with his jokes " I would rather be with you than with him, Dan," I shouted back to him and turned to my chauffeur who farrows his eyebrow at me and then took his gaze back to Dan. " You would choose him over all this?" He asked me while showing off his muscles. Truly speaking he was hot and sexy. " Oh my g*d!" " He is sure hot," " You are lucky, Ife!" The customers started yelling from every angle of the shop and I rolled my eyes at him. " What is his name?" One old lady asked, she was a regular customer too. " His name is...." I paused and jammed my lips, come to think of it, I don't even know the name of the guy who has been stalking me for three days now. ' How could I not know his name yet?" I turned to him and widened my lips in a fake smile. " Seriously, Ife, are you kidding me? You don't know the name of your boyfriend?" Dan yell at me. " He is not my boyfriend!" I protested. " What then is he, a hit stripper or a friend with benefits," One of the customer I was attending to asked me. " None of the aforementioned," " Then what is he?" The old lady asked me. " He is a pain in my ass and my chauffeur," I replied and I smirked at him. " I see," Dan yelled and wink at me. I chuckle at his funny habit. " So what is the name of the handsome chauffeur," A lady asked me. I looked at her and realised she was taking a liking to him as well and was also ogling him. " What is your name, Chauffeur?" I turned to him and asked him. " I don't think that is necessary to know my name," He replied and smirk flirtatiously. " Why is it not necessary, even if you come from the richest family around, you are still a jerk to me. So don't fool yourself, I won't come after your wealth, I promise you that," I said to him sounding childish but deep in my heart I met every word a said. I hated men who feel every woman was after their money. He looked at me, he looked surprised at my statement and then washed it off with a grin. " My...." He paused like he was thinking of his name. " Hey! Cutest please remember your name," Dan mocked him. " My name is Ade, that is all I can say for now," He said at last. " Whatever, but that name is a nice name for a spoilt playboy like you," I taunted and his eyes widened and then he smiled. " He is a heartbreaker," The old lady from earlier Isked me and I nodded my head in joy because she seems to get my reasons for rejecting someone as handsome as him. " Ife is not someone you can hurt because we got her back," Dan warns like a big brother. " That advice should go to him, Ife is not somebody you can mess with. She might be cute and simple but she is one bad b***h!" A different customer added. " Okay guys, that is enough fun for today, I need to get back to work," I ordered as I don't want to continue with the conversation anymore. ********** The day finally came to an end I was happy to be going home just as usual. I went to the dressing room for a change of clothes, I took off my uniform and wore my clothes and a few minutes later my boss came in when I was already done fortunately with the change of clothes. I groan at the sight of him. " Do you think you can easily get rid of me?" He said in his huskily irritating voice. Ignoring him, I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to himself making me loose my balance and made it easy for him to pull me to himself. The instant my body hit against his, he held both my wrist and placed them behind me while his other hand went around my waist as he attempted to kiss me. I struggled against him and tried kicking him away from me as I kept tilting my head to prevent his lips from getting in contact with mine. " Keep still, you stupid b*t*h, you have refuse to give heed to my advances and then you had to bring that I***t to taunt me today," He groaned and tightened his grip on me. Then the door to the dressing room opened and Ade stepped inside. Mr Henry was shocked to see him and he loosen his grip on my hands giving me the opportunity to move away from him. As I moved away from him, he tried holding unto me but Ade charged at him and slapped his hands away from reaching me Mr Henry looked at him shocked, I couldn't blame him. I was also shocked at his reaction. I rubbed my wrist where my boss held me while I stare at both of them. " What do you think you are doing?" My boss raised his voice angrily. " Who do you think you are?" He asked again. Ade ignored him and stare at me, his eyes travelled down my body from my head to my toes as he took in every detail, then he stopped and stare at my arm that were all red due to his grip. " You have no right...." My boss started but Ade suddenly held him by the collar and pushed him to the wall, it was bound to be painful because of the loud thud I heard. " You had no right to touch her," Ade's voice was cold and angry. " Don't ever lay your filthy hands on her again." He said still holding Mr Henry by the collar. I enjoyed the sigh in front of me, but Mr Henry was still my boss. I had to stop smirking and grinning in happiness. I had to stop him from killing him, whatever he would do will affect my pay, it was the only thing I cared about. " Let him go Ade, he is not worth it." I ordered.
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