Chapter Ten

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She ignored me and went behind the counter while Elle rolled her eyes at her. " Your favourite place here seems to be the back room." I teased her and she glared at me for a moment and continued with what she was doing. I realized my mistake, that I should not have said that, it's like bringing back the incident from yesterday. My mission was not to piss her off but to make her love me and it's like I was starting on the wrong footing today. I moved closer to her, to resolve whatever grudges she had against me because I can't afford to make her angry since I want to make her mine. " What are you doing here? I thought I said I don't want to see you again?" She asked me immediately I was closer to her before I could say anything to her. "The deal was two months and it is not up to two months yet, is it? And this is only the second day I have spent with you as your chauffeur, remember this is a free service that you won like a lottery and I keep to my words" She rolled her eyes and started cleaning the coffee machine. " Stay away from me, Mason! I don't belong to you and I will never belong to you." She said confidently and I smirked. " You do, you are mine, pretty lady, I can't let you go, not after setting my eyes on you." Her eyes widened at my pronouncement, she openly sent me a death glare. It sent a warm feeling down my spine. " I can be yours if you want me to, " Elle said and I smirked. Gina turned to her and sent her a more deadly glare. " Stop being such a b*t*h, if you don't want him, then be precise about it and let someone else get the feel of the action," Elle said and turned back to what she was doing. Gina finish the cleaning and walked past me, went into the back room again like there was a treasure for her there. This time around I followed her into the room, I was not going to give her boss a chance to lay his filthy hands on her anymore because she was the treasure I was hunting. I shut the door the moment I walked into the room, and I needed to be with her in private and don't want to be disturb. " Can't you listen to me, is it that you have a hearing problem? Stay away from me!" She asked angrily. " No, I am not... I am just motivated by your beauty," I said and looked at her sweet lips, then her cleavage, her waist, and thighs. Damn! She was f*****g hot and I want her badly. I need to do everything I can to get her. " I swear it, I am going to kill you if you don't stay away from me " She stated and wanted to walk out again but I held her and turned her back to face me. " Why are you so pissed off? I didn't say anything wrong and never did anything bad to you" I said to her and her eyes darkened. " You indirectly called me a sl*t and a weak woman. You are not even sorry about it," She said angrily. I smirked and held her waist, pulling her closer to me, and closing the gap between us. She didn't show any resistance. " I am sorry my Pretty lady" I muttered to her and watched her angry face grow less angry. She had honey-coloured eyes that lightened her brown wavy hair. " But I am not leaving until I completed my two months of being your chauffeur because I love driving you and being with presence," I said to her and I thought I saw her eyes light up with excitement but she blinked and it was gone. She tried pushing me away but I held her still " Let me go?" She ordered but I had not done what I wanted to do yet. " Mason! Seriously?" She shrieked and she fought less tirelessly to get away from my grip. " Won't you ask me what I want?" I smirked at her. She stopped fighting and looked at me, her beautiful eyes piercing into mine searching for answers that were my ticket and I took it. I quickly bent down and took her lips on mine, using one hand to hold her head still while the other hand remained on her waist as I felt her muscles tighten. She was going to fight back. Her eyes widened in surprise when my lips made contact with hers. She pushed and used her hands to hit my chest but I didn't budge because this was what I wanted to do immediately after I saw her this morning when I entered the coffee shop. Her lips were soft and sweet just like the last time. But she refused to part her lips for me but I didn't stop, I kept my lips on hers as if my life depended on it. I wanted to taste her lips once more, and feel the need that drove me into her again. The sweet taste of her lips made me groan inwardly, it was so sweet, so soft and I didn't want to move or retreat till she stopped fighting and her lips parted slowly. I kissed her upper lips and suckled her lower lips like they had something in them, I refused to let her lips go and she kissed back easily just like the first time. We toiled and played with our tongues, feeling each other's breath, taking each other we are like one. Once again, I felt the need to devour her and take her, I felt the need to dig into her and make her mine, but it wasn't the same need as a man that wanted a one-night stand, it wasn't the same need I felt when I was with other ladies. That need to lay with a girl and get your climax but it was a need that superseded it. This need had something more, something sweet, something that pulled me to her. Though I didn't want to accept it, I know my need for her was driving me crazy. My hands left her head when I saw she was responding to my kiss and went to her waist, our kissing moved slowly and steadily to aggressive, and our hearts beat pounding in our chests at the pace we were going, our breathing pitched at the rate of our heartbeats and I found my hands lifting the hem of her gown, to her thighs. My hand went underneath her and went to make contact with her tight. She opened her eyes and she jerked away from me, panting. " Mason! What the h*ll are you trying to do? You like going beyond the limit." She cursed trying to catch her breath, her eyes remained on me. I smirked and licked my lips still trying to get a taste of her lips that was driving me crazy. " Stay the f**k away from me, your pervert." She barked and walked past me. " I never forced you to kiss me back though." I teased and she walked past me. She paused, turned around and glared at me, just as I expected and walked away swaying her hips and waist. ' This is going to be one h*ll of a ride for me' My thoughts whispered mischievously Her boss came in immediately after she left and glared at me. " What are you doing here?" He asked and I scoffed. Merely looking at him makes me angry to my core. " I am with Gina," I shrugged and headed toward the door to leave but he stopped me. I turned my face to him and tightened my fist as I felt really angry. " You should stay away from Gina and stop coming here again." He warned. I ignored him, he was an old man that wasn't worth any of my time, it was best to ignore him. I placed my hands on the door and pulled the handle to open it but her boss stopped me again. " I'm still speaking to you boy." He yelled and I suddenly lost it, nobody dared to yell at me. Thoughts of his hands touching my Gina made me lose it. "Do you know who you are talking to? How dare you shout at me? Do you wish to disappear along with your family?" I resort angrily. He seemed to think I was bluffing and continued. " Open your filthy eyes wide and look at me real good, I own this shop with lots of it across M city, this is my shop and I decide who comes in and who goes out of here if you don't want your bones to be broken and lame forever, leave this place instantly or you regret it. Gina is mine because she works for me and I don't want you near her again" Henry had already taken a good look at the man in front of him. The man was dressed in plain clothes and it was easy to tell that he had no money. He has said all that in an attempt to scare him off and make him leave Ife to him so he can continue to flirt with her. However, Ade's next words stunned him. " So it's only shops that you owned that make you full of yourself? How much do the whole shops you own cost, give me a price and I will pay double for it." Ade said furiously. Henry suddenly started laughing, it was a burst of presumptuous and mocking laughter. " What did you just say? You are a mere chauffeur, how full of yourself, are you? can you even afford a hundred dollar talk less of my shop that is worth twenty million dollars?" Henry continued to mock, " I think what you are wearing isn't even worth two hundred and with what I can see you won't be able to get that much money in this lifetime and the next to come." He said mocking Ade. Henry's net was worth more than twenty million dollars, so he felt he had more power than Ade and feels that he can crush him down. "I will give you forty million dollars for every shop that you owned in M city." Ade looked at him and said calmly. Hearing him made Henry roar in laughter. " Wow! You sure know how to act big, who are you kidding? Do you know how much Forty million dollars is? What do you take me for, a fool? Who are you to demand I sell my shops to you? You are just a piece of trash." Ade's eyes darkened, had it not been that he wanted to keep a low profile, he knew what to do. But at the same time, he will have to teach this fool a lesson he will never forget. Henry continued to taunt him further. "You piece of trash dares to insult and threatened me in my shop, I will deal with you today. I was completely angry now so I lifted my fist and punched his cheek. He staggered backwards, I didn't wait for him to recover from my punch as I grab his collar and gripped his collar tightly almost choking him. " No one dares mess with the William family in M city, now listen and listen real good, you will sell this shop to me and don't ever think of coming near Ife again because you must have heard of me and what I can do to those who offend me," I growled. I picked up my phone, and I call Rory to prepare a check for forty million dollars and gave him the instructions to prepare a corporate acquisition contract along when coming. I sent my location to him and instructed him to pretend like he doesn't know me. I ended the call and face her boss again. " If you know what is good for you, don't say anything when you leave this room and make sure you sign the contract or you will be a forgotten person. I don't want to ever hear that you are still in M city. Leave with your family or I destroy you and your family. Cold sweat broke out of him when he realised who I was because everyone knows that I always hide my identity, so he grabs my legs and started pleading " I know my mistake now, please forgive me, young master" I used my leg to push him to the side and looked at him. " After the transfer, you will leave this place and never come back again, not even to buy a cup of coffee from this shop. Once again no one must know who I am if you don't want to die along with your family. He started crying and pleading because he realised he has offended the wrong person. " Young master is still angry with me, please forgive me, I promise not to reveal your identity but please this shop is what my family depends on for survival, I plead with you to have mercy on me. My children are going to suffer the most if I sell those shops." Everyone in M city only knew the existence of the young master but nobody has ever seen him physically because he had always kept a low profile. I never knew he was the one, I thought he was some common man. These shops were my family's lifeline, and while it was true that it was worth twenty million dollars, if he sold them so suddenly what will his children survive with in the future? Their status in M city will be affected and they will have to leave M city. He had really gone out of line today just because of a lady that he wanted to turn into his plaything. He deeply regretted it now. What was he going to tell his wife, this was a problem he does not know how to solve. He was in deep soup, he has offended the wrong person Ade was not ready to hear him out so he left him on the floor crying and went to join Ife by the counter.

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