Chapter Seven

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" I will have to introduce myself, my name is Marie Cave, what is yours?". Ife sensed the woman's hostility and was about to speak when Ade suddenly asked if she needs dessert. " Honey do you want a dessert?" His tone of voice was cold, but there were seemly hints of intimacy. " I don't think I will eat any because it is too sweet for me." He continued to pass the dessert into her plates and occasionally dabbed at her while eating. Finally, Ife stood up and winked at Ade. " Excuse me, I have got to go somewhere" Then she walked down the corridor behind the restaurant. Ade knew she had something to say, he shrugged and was about to stand up when Marie called out " Ade, who is that girl?" " Didn't you see it? Everybody is an adult, do I have to explain everything to you?" Marie didn't hide the disappointment in her voice. " The girl seemed to be a commoner, who is her family? Is she..worthy of the William?" Ade frowned, " Why should she be worthy of William's family? She is my woman and I like her, that is enough. Marie said anxiously, " But you are the young master of the William family, how can you choose a woman so casually? Who is that girl? She is supposed to be a grassroots woman, isn't she? Why do you like her? Why don't you want us to get married just like your father wants it" " Enough!" Ade's voice sounded like a voice from the dead. " You are not qualified to judge my woman. I am an adult and can make my decision myself as to whom I should marry. My father can not decide for me" Marie shivered at his anger. " You can continue to enjoy yourself and learn to mind your business, we didn't come here together and we can't leave together, so go to your table and leave me the h*ll alone." With that, Ade strode down the corridor where Ife was still waiting for him in the corridor. Ife complained in anger when she saw Ade come up to her. "Ade! Did you bring me here to help me get rid of one of your slut? Why didn't you tell me before we got here," She was embarrassed. " What if I told you in advance? Would you have come with me?" He asked negligently. Well, that could have been her decision to make but he should have warned her. " Who is that woman?" Ife asked " One of your ex-girlfriends?" Ade smiled ironically" Ex-girlfriend? She is not qualified yet. Marie is a young lady of the Cave family, her father has always wanted to unite our family through marriage, She kept bothering me, a few years ago, and I don't think that she has given up yet." Ife breathe a sigh of relief as she understands what was happening here. " Well, why not give her a chance, she is beautiful you know?" Before she finished talking she was pulled into his arm forcefully. " It seems you are trying to push me into another woman's arms. Do you think I am going to give up on you? Ade's cold voice came over her ears, " stop dreaming." An involuntary shudder passed through Ife's body when she saw that he guessed what she thought. She tried to push him away; the next second, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. She began to regret calling him to the corridor. " What do you want me to do now? If I agree to help you get rid of that Miss Cave? Will you promise me this will not happen again?" She felt she should help him because he has also helped her today. She got her hands pressed firmly against his chest " Marie is coming?" Ade said in a low voice, glancing at the other side of the corridor. " It looks like she is not going to give up, let me see how you can help me get rid of her," Ade muttered. Ife looked over the other side of the corridor, where there was a woman dressed in GK clothing behind the wall. Marie was behind the wall. She came to see what they were doing. Ife decided all at once to stand straight and threw her hands around Ade's neck and kissed him hard in the presence of Marie. Ade's eyes narrowed in surprise and he kissed her back passionately with his big hand running down her body caressing and fonding her. His lips were soft and f*****g good, surprisingly I love his lips, his kiss was gentle at first, and he took my lips, manoeuvring expertly on mine. I suddenly used my hands to rub his hair, he was indeed a good kisser, but I need to restrain myself from doing something I would end up regretting. Then the kiss suddenly became faster and hungrier, he was also trying to restrain himself too and that thought warmed my heart. His hands were still on my back but his lips were moving so fast, he wanted me but I was not ready for this yet. He suckled on my lower lips and intertwined his tongue with mine, kissing me deeply. I felt like I was going out of breath. I wasn't sure I could stand this and I prayed for Marie to leave already. I need to catch my breath, he was moving fast, yes, I love it but I thought I might die of suffocation if I didn't stop him. Marie will not be convinced; kissing him was no longer a bad idea though, and having s*x with him will be amusing too but I was not ready. You see how much I was beginning to think differently by just kissing him. This was why I don't want him near me. He had me trapped, I was mesmerized by him and I suddenly wanted more of his hotness, more of his kissing, more of his kissing. 'No, no, no snap out of it, I warned myself and paid more attention. In a different situation, maybe, probably I might accept having s*x with him but this was a different situation. He was not my type, he was too pompous, proud, hot and sexy for me to handle. Moreover, he was a player who was using me to get rid of another woman for him. He drew me closer and rub my back. He kissed me and his hands suddenly tightened around my waist making me jerk. I open my eyes, and just at the same time he opened his. Then he slowed down and eased his grip on my waist, helping me to catch my breath. I felt his breath on my face too, he was also out of breath but slowly down which made it worse because I suddenly wanted my body to be close to his body. I intertwined both of my hands together behind his neck, holding onto them tightly. I felt warm all over and I wanted more, I needed more. I wanted him. He slowly started increasing his pace and pulled on my waist, he wanted my body close to his as much as I wanted his body but he also knew he has to be careful if he wants this friendship to continue. The pace of the kissing fastened and once again I fought the urge to want him more than I already did. I felt his breath and panting on my face. Then his grip became tight on my waist again and I jerk once more, his grip on my waist tightened and became very painful. I felt him hitting his back or hitting his hands to stop him from causing me pain. He manoeuvred his lips expertly on mine and I thought I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take the want and need I felt all over my body and worse still, I couldn't take the pain I felt on my waist. As time dragged on, his want became unbearable. I also couldn't take it anymore. Ife just wanted to show Marie that they were in a relationship hoping she would know her limit and stop pursuing him, so I kissed him passionately. When he continued to kiss me aggressively, his tongue was invading my mouth, twisting my tongue and the feeling I was having between my legs. Ife paused, " babe... go easy.." knowing her " Babe" was deliberately said to Marie, Ade still felt so sweet. He breathed with his tongue in her mouth. " Oh baby, every time I see you, I just can't help myself...." Ife tried again to challenge Marie's patience, deliberately softening her voice " ... just stop now, okay? Miss Cave is still waiting for us at the table. Let's go back..." " Let her wait. She eats her food. I eat my food, I didn't invite her to my table she came of her own will" He said dismissively. 'I eat my food also has a double meaning. Ife blushed, could this man be less bare-faced? Anyway, Marie might immediately leave after watching this scene. The whole corridor was ignited by the passion and ardour between the two of them. Behind the wall, Marie's face twisted as she stared at them, her fist clenched into a ball. She thought they just went to the restroom and didn't expect that it was an excuse for them to be kissing and caressing each other here. 'Was their relationship so good that they couldn't live without each other for a minute?' Marie could have thought she was still competitive when she saw Ife but now seeing that they were so lovey-dovey, she completely lost her confidence to fight. Seeing the man and the woman was almost crazy about each other, Marie bit her lips and could not stand it any longer, she turned around and ran away with tears on her face, Ade was someone she lusts after since her teenage, not returning to the restaurant. Ife suddenly stopped kissing Ade and stepped away and pushed Ade aside. " She's gone". Her lips were swollen. Ade sighed and released her unwillingly and he straightened his shirt collar. They both walked back to the restaurant and only both of them were now at the table. After drinking some water, Ife finally calmed down. " Don't ask me to come with you to a restaurant when you want to get rid of your ex-girlfriend," She murmured. " Why not just call someone else to do it for you?" Ade raised his eyebrows, " Next time? Don't worry, it's not very common." She curled her lips, " How could it be ' not very common '? Your admirer could line from as far as the airport to this restaurant. ' That's right.' There would be too many women who would want to covet his money and power. But he was a player who uses and dumped women because he felt they were the play toy that he can pick anyone he liked to play with. " Very few women could come close to me, but I don't do relationships because all they want is my money." Ade shook the glass of wine slightly and the crystal liquid made him more dignified and attractive. " Oh, then how did Miss Cave come close to you, she even called to invite you for lunch. If you don't like her, why don't you just tell her?" " Marie has always loved to stalk me everywhere I go, her family and mine have been friends for generations, and we also have connections with each other in business. What's more, my father has a good relationship with her father. Do you think I want her close to me?" Ade gave her an unpleasant glance. Ife rolled her eyes, she thought never the proud and strong man would think of anything of difficulty, but he held family values and cared about it. We continued to enjoy the wine on our table as the lunch was supposed to be a celebration of the new job I just bagged. Then the unexpected happens as he spoke about the kiss we both use to deceive Marie. " Have you been told that you are an amazing kisser?" I gaped at him. I didn't expect him to ask me that question but I was not going to admit to him that he was a great kisser too. " I have never wanted someone so badly in my entire life, why not give us a chance?" He continued and I stare at him in utter disbelief. I know my cheek would heat up, but I suppress the blush I was feeling and looked away from him. If he could say the truth, I had to say the truth too but I wasn't going to do that. I wasn't going to let him know he was good too and also sexy, that I also want him as much as he does that will make him continue In his pursuit of me and that I don't want to continue because I don't want my heart broken Moreover, he is a player who uses women to do his bidding and dumped them. His eyes were on me waiting for me to give him a reply to what his kiss was like. " You are just amusing and I don't want to give you a chance because you don't bring out anything in me. I am not inspired by the kiss" I said dryly and he knitted his brows together in a questioning look. He was not convinced by my answer because his eyes were still on me. But I didn't mind, and neither did I care. I just knew I was not going to admit the truth. " Why not give me a few days to convince you that you want me too as much as I do." He said to me and I know he was not going to give up until he get what he was after. " Time will tell," I responded and he didn't say anything and just looked at me. We left the restaurant and he went to drop me off at my house with the promise of coming to pick me up the next day, he then drove off.
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