Chapter Six

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Ife entered the company and headed toward the reception, immediately the receptionist saw her, and the receptionist asked: " What is your name?" She asked after she finish greeting her respectively with a professional smile on her face. " My name is Ife Peter, " Ife told her with a smile. " What can I do for you?" the receptionist asked Ife " I am here for an interview," She said to her waiting for her response " Please follow me" Ife was flattered by her response and surprised at her approach, she never expected her to take her to the office where the interview will hold without chastising her for coming late. This gave her some confidence to go for it. The elevator went straight to the top of the L. A. group office, she was surprised by the way she was being given special treatment. Why would the receptionist go with her instead of telling her which floor she was to go to? This again she noted. Ife was a bit on the edge because she knew she was late for the interview but from the treatment, she was being given, she had already concluded in her heart that the job was hers. It assured her that the job was hers already. When the elevator door opened on the top floor, a middle-aged man dressed in a black suit had been waiting there for a long time for her arrival. " Hello, Miss Peter, my name is Rory Kane, I am the one in charge of the interview. I am the Personal assistant to the boss, in other words, if the boss is not around, I get to run everything on his behalf." Rory introduces himself to her. Ife was stunned that she didn't know what to do she was short of words about the special treatment she was receiving from everyone she has met so far. Rory smiled and continued " the boss had a lot of business appointments he had to see to, so he doesn't show up most times. He won't be around for the interview, however, he has gone through your profile and he is impressed with your profile and has asked me to give you the opportunity for you to work in our company if you have any questions you can ask me when you going through the appointment letter." Ife shook her head again and said anxiously, " No, no, no, I don't think there will be a need for that." " According to the boss's words, your letter of appointment has been prepared and I have already signed it. If there's anything wrong with the letter after you have read through it let me know but if you are satisfied, you can sign here to acknowledge acceptance of our conditions of employment, if not satisfied let's know where we can make amends" Rory said. After going through the letter, Ife could not believe what was written in the appointment letter, She is going to get a house and a car. Her annual salary is up to twenty million dollars per annual. Ife could not believe that something as good as this could come to her. " Ah!" Ife looked at Rory in astonishment, although the boss was someone unknown to her, she never dreamed that it would go so smoothly for her or that she will get an employment letter waiting for her! "Mr Kane, you... you are not kidding, are you?" Ife asked incredulously " Of course, this is the boss's order, it is real. Please come with me" Rory invited. As she followed him into the office, Ife looked at the appointment letter again and found no problem, it was profitable for her because she never expected something exceptional like this. No company in M City can offer this. " Mr Kane, are you sure you have not mistaken me for someone else?" Ife felt like she was dreaming. If she could show this to her father now, he would not look down on her again, this will give her great respect. But she will hold on for now until the right time to see how they are all going to react to the fact that she has made it to one of the best companies in M city. Rory handed his pen to Ife and said, " Of course, it's not a joke, if you think everything is fine with the employment letter, please sign here." Ife's mouth went dry. Everything went too smoothly and it seemed that her service was needed indeed. Ade's presence in her life seems to be bringing good luck to her, he was the one who woke her up this morning and didn't make her lose this great opportunity, he drove her here which also prevented her from coming very late for the interview and everything seems to have gone well for her. " When do you think you can resume work? Rory asked her as she prepared to leave, this also shocked Ife as she was expecting to be told when she was to resume work. Since she has not collected her paycheck from her previous work, she asked for one week, so she can sort out her formal employment before she starts work here. With the job secured Ife walked out of the L. A. group deep in thought wondering why it all went smoothly for her. Ade who had been waiting for her by the entrance of the company walked up to her and wondered why she looked troubled. Did Rory not treat her well? " Why are you looking worried? Was the job not given to you? Ade asked her while waiting patiently to hear her out. " The job was given to me it was like they have been expecting me to come because I was not interviewed but was handed an employment letter and the content of the employment is too good to be true." Ife looked at Ade and said in a surprised voice. " Maybe a fairy somewhere is at work today helping your goal come through?" Ade said jokingly. Ife smiled when she heard him joke like that. " Well, well, well, since you have gotten the job, it calls for celebration, so where do you want me to take you for the celebration?" Ade asked as he took her hands and led her to the car. Ife did not make a fuse when he held her hands because she was grateful that he had helped her today. He drove out of the office complex and headed toward a French restaurant that was not far from her house. During the drive to the restaurant, they both kept quiet with their thoughts. Ade on his part was happy that his net has caught the fish that seem to be hard for him to get. He was happy that he would be able to get close to Ife as she will be working in his company and this will allow him to make her agree to be his girlfriend. He even went beyond the company's usual offer to their employees by giving her a house. This was not among the company's rules but he needs to be close to her so he can have his way with her and also be able to keep an eye on her. Immediately Ife headed toward the office entrance he had sent a text to the receptionist to give her a warm welcome and to personally take her to Rory while he gave Rory a call to give him the instruction to follow which he knew he will carry out promptly. He is glad that the instructions have been carried out according. Rory did not need to question him as to why he wanted to give her such treatment because he always trusts in his sense of judgement. They soon got to the restaurant and he got down from the car to open the door for Ife to step out. They both entered the restaurant and Ade led her to a table by the window. He drew out a chair for her like a gentleman before going to sit in his seat. " Wow, this place is serene," Ife verbally expressed her reaction as soon as they settled on their table. It was the same spot Ade sat whenever he came here to eat. So he gave Ife the best view to enjoy the scenery. " I hope the food will give justice to its scenery." " I can guarantee you that the food here is equally heavenly but you have to be the judge of the food I suppose, so maybe you can give it your fair judgement." Ade chuckled, teasing her about being the judge as she said a while ago. " Well, I am absolutely a fair judge, no worries." Ife proudly said, playfully raising her right hand as a sign of her oat. The food soon came, it was indeed a luxurious meal in Ife's eyes. there was a variety of visually appetizing food spread before them. " Hummmm! This is indeed heavenly!" Ife signed as she tried each of the food sets before her. Closing her eyes makes her look sexier, she savoured the quietness of the ambience with only the soft sound of a wave from the sea can be heard. Whatever happened yesterday, good or bad is gone. A new beginning is being offered. And with the elegant food before her, she felt thankful to this silly man who woke her up this morning. " Thank you for all this" Ife hummed as she was still busy chewing. " For what exactly? Ade smiled broadly. He was really curious to know which of these " all of these" she was referring to. " For everything, waking me up, driving me to the interview and this magnificent lunch I am eating. She spilt her thoughts out and continued to chomp on her food. "Does it mean you are going to give me a chance of getting to be your boyfriend? He squinted his eyes looking at her and was happy that he was scoring a point with her. " Yes, I might consider doing that but the s*x aspect is not included in the friendship," she stated like it was a matter of fact. Even though he woke her up without her approval, she is not mad with him anymore because he seems to be a good person deep down in his heart but he is also a *sshole who plays around with women. " You can wake me up too next time, but you have to please me with good food and a hearty treat," she said to him. While they were almost through with the meal Ade gave out a frustrated sign ' Ha, not again? What is she doing here? could it be that she is stalking me or just a coincidence? Add signed within himself in frustration. This caught Ife's attention and she couldn't help but ask him what the problem was. " That Lady coming over here, please help me get rid of her." He said pleading with her. " Why do you want me to help you get rid of her? She is not bad. She has good features, she is beautiful and even looks gentle. I think she is very suitable for you and you don't need to treat her like that. Actually, you should try to date her" Before she could finish the words, a woman wearing a beige suit from GK's spring collection came over and proceed to sit beside Ade. She had delicate make-up and was brimming with elegant temperament. She then said to Ade in a displeased manner. " I called you in the morning to ask you to come out to lunch with me but you told me that you were not available. It turns out you already have a date with someone else" Ade's face remained expressionless as he responded to her question. " Is there a crime for rejecting the offer, I suppose I have the right to decide who I take for lunch and who I reject. He looks up at her without any care for her feelings. The woman chuckled as her gaze swept through Ife's appearance and wondered why he decided to pick this trash
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