Chapter Five

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I left the club immediately after the dance and I have been declared the winner, leaving Bola with her man. I was so exhausted when I got home. On getting in I took off my shoes and fell to the bed immediately without bothering with taking a bath and wiping my make-up off my face, then sleep took over. I don't know what time it was but I kept hearing a loud knock on my door, I wanted to ignore it so that whoever was at my door will leave and go away thinking I was not in or still sleeping and leave me alone. But it seems this person was desperate and the banging continued without any care that he or she was disturbing the neighbourhood, I groaned in annoyance and placed a pillow over my head to ward off the noise but it was so loud that I couldn't bear the sound of it, it was like someone hitting a hammer n my head and it was starting to give me a headache. I groaned and sat up on the bed, hitting the pillow on the bed angrily, I got up from the bed still boiling with anger within me as I marched to the door and hoping within me that it was something important that is making the person by the other side of the door desperate or I was going to rain thunder on whoever was by my door disturbing my sleep but my eyes opened in shock because the face I saw, was the last person I had expected to see at the door. I was shocked to my bones, I remained frozen on the spot, he just smirked and pushed me aside, entering my house with my permission as if he owns it or we lived together. " You look horrible," he said and sat down on my couch without waiting for me to tell him. I shook the shock I felt away from my body and walked back into the house while closing the door. " What the hell are you doing here in my house?" I asked him as I watched him act so proud and pompous. Who gave him the right to come into my house and I don't remember offering him a sit. " Before I answer your question go wash up," He said and I glared at him but at the same time, I felt embarrassed by his bluntness. I knew my Iook was disgusting and I wasn't embarrassed by it, this was my house and I could do whatever the hell I like in it. He was the stranger here and has no right to tell me what to do in my house. Since he was from a rich home, I couldn't bear him looking down on me like that. " You either start talking or you leave my house this instant," I said, pissed off at his proud look. " You call this a house?" He smirked and it infuriated me more. I stormed closer to him and held his right ear tightly with both hands, I pinched and squeezed till he yelled in pain. " Get up now" I commanded with my hands still in his ear squeezing tightly. He got up as I said and I led him straight to the door, opened the door then pushed him out the door and locked the door. That serves him right for being so rude. Going back into the room, I looked at the time, I was way late for the interview now. ' Gosh,' I said inwardly and quickly took off my clothes and ran into the bathroom. I was already getting late for my interview and I don't know how I am going to face them in the company I was going to for the interview. My only saving grace was that I know I can pull this off. I had a quick bath and came out of the bathroom naked, I ran to my closet and quickly brought out a pair of jeans suit and went to the mirror and quickly took my dryer to dry off my hair. " I thought you were beautiful last night, but now seeing you like this, you are damn hot" I heard his voice and snapped my head in the direction of his voice. When I saw him, the guy I pushed out of my house was inside my room staring at my naked body my heart skipped, I was afraid and I screamed in fear that he might want to cross the limit and I jumped towards my bed dragging my duvet over my body. " You pervert!" I screamed at him. He didn't move, he just stood there with a grin on his face. I was afraid he might be an r***t " You know what, try changing your lock because it is terrible," He said nonchalantly and sat on the bed. " You better get dressed already because I know you are getting late for work," he said and I glared at him. I couldn't even react to the fact that I was naked and this was an embarrassing situation for me as it is. I sat there watching to see if he was going to attack me but to my surprise, he just sat there and was looking at me. Then his next statement brought me back to reality, I was already late for work "Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, the time is not waiting?" He said and I felt defeated dragging myself and the duvet over to the mirror, I sat down on the chair and made sure the duvet covered my entire body before picking up my dryer again to dry my hair while still conscious of his presence. He sat there on my bed, staring at me with lust written all over his face. ' Pervert' I cursed within myself and went to my closet. I hung the duvet over my shoulder and applied my cream to my body and put on the clothes I brought out before I turn to him " Now, what the hell do you want?" I asked and walked up to him, standing in his front and directly facing him. " I want you," he said looking up at me with desire in his eyes, I smirked at his confidence and walked away from him, picking up my purse and phone. I walked to the sitting room and ignored him. " You are not interested?" He asked coming out of my bedroom but I still ignored him because he doesn't deserve an answer from me but Iwas glad he was not the aggrieve type of guy who would force himself on ladies. " You didn't give that impression last night at the club with the way you were looking at me." I turned around to face him, what I was about to say needed to sink into his thick skull and remain there. " Get this into your thick skull, you and I are never going to happen because I am not having s*x with you. You are not my type of guy" I said meaning every single word I said. The previous night, I had thought of him being my first, sure he was an amusing dancer and he was completely hot and sexy. It wouldn't have been a terrible idea if I decided to just give him a try but I changed my mind the moment I saw him by my door this morning He seems to be the kind of person who always gets whatever they wanted, at the same time, he was the kind that treated women like they are nothing but holes that can satisfy their needs. He is here with one objective in mind and that was to have s*x with me. Maybe he thought I was cheap or stupid, that I would do whatever he wanted with me because I accepted the challenge the previous night but I was going to prove him wrong. It is never going to happen between us. He was too full of himself, too confident, too proud and I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of having my body. NEVER. He stared at me for a while like I spoke an alien word he could not understand but smiled at the end. " I see." He simple said. His reaction was different from what I expected but I wasn't going to sit and argue with him over having s*x or not, I was already late for my interview and getting a taxi now will be different, I turned back to the door and marched out while he trailed behind me. I locked the door when he was out and came down from the pouch, I saw an Audi car parked in front of my house but ignored it and moved on to get a taxi. I noticed him behind me. " Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked him irritated and frustrated with the fact that he refuse to let me be. He knitted his brow together in a questioning look " you seem to have forgotten that I am to be your chauffeur from today, so hop into the car" He said with a marching grin and drag my hand pushing me into the car. He kept to the deal, a deal I felt he would not want to do because of his status, that he would let go. " You.... well... you" I stuttered as the thought of having him close to me clouded my mind. He was too sexy to always be close to me, I wasn't so sure I could handle myself being so close to him and his open statement about having s*x with me made me more uncomfortable. " Thanks, anyway but you don't have to do this," I said at last and he smirked. " I am doing it pumpkin, you, ain't going to get rid of me easily," he said and I just shook my head. " So now pretty, where do I take you to?" He asked me. I was thankful I get to go in a personal car or I would be arriving at the interview very late. It is just ten minutes late now, with him driving me I will get there in ten minutes. " L. A. group," I said to him, I thought I saw a look of surprise in his eyes but he was good at hiding his expression and asked instead " Is that where you work?" He asked me casually. " No, just going for an interview, but I am already late as it is and was hoping I would be able to convince them that I am good for the job, so please can you drive fast," I told him while pleading with him to make It quicker. He did say anything but just obeyed me. I am a bit thankful that he came to wake me up this morning and also gave me a ride to the company where the interview will hold. It would have taken me up to an hour before getting there because getting a taxi most times in the area where I live was a problem. I would have gotten there very late but thanks to him I will only be ten minutes late. Thank God I will not miss out on this opportunity of changing my present job which I hate so much. My boss was a pain in my ass, I just hated the job so bad that is why I am giving this job a go. My present job doesn't pay much and I will not be able to get to the top with a job like that. My boss has been making a pass at me since I started work there and since I didn't heed his advances, he has been making life difficult for me, he always makes me work extra hours and complains about my work. I placed my hands on my chin and turned toward the window getting lost in my thought. I had to make a living for myself, I didn't want to end up married while I remained a loser, I need to achieve my dreams of being a successful person and prove my father wrong that I can do it without his help. I didn't want to end up like my mother who got pregnant for a scambag and ended up dying because he didn't care for her because she had no money of her own. I didn't want that to be my fate, whatever it was, however, it was, I just needed to survive and make it on my own. " Hey" his voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned to him " You look stressed out," he said and I felt his hand on my thigh. I quickly jerked his hands away and glared at him. " What are you doing?" I asked him, pissed off by the fact that I was stuck with him. I don't want him to have the impression that he can do whatever he wants with me because I accepted his offer to drive to the interview. " Helping you relax, because I can see you are probably worried because of the interview?" He said and I just rolled my eyes. He was out to seduce me, he was determined to get inside my hole but I was not going to let him do that. NEVER. After a while, we arrived at L. A group and I marched out of his car after thanking him for the ride, praying that I don't get kicked out of the company before having the opportunity to prove myself
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