Chapter Four

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" I guess we all would love to know the winner of this wonderful challenge, " he asked the crowd who roared out loud when he finished speaking " Yesss!" " Can the two volunteers come forward with the result of the challenge so we know who won the challenge?" He called out, Bola and her boyfriend came out of the crowd and handed over the result to the coordinator "Yo! Yo! Yo! I think we have ourselves a winner here but before I announce the winner I would like the two challengers to come over to my side," He says as he looked at the result in his hands. We comply with his request and went to join him where he was standing. " You both are perfect for each other, your dance step was spot on and for a moment I thought it was going to end in a tie but all the same you were both great" He cheered and turns to the crowd. " Is the guy going to have the lady for two months or did the lady get herself a chauffeur for two months?" He asked the crowd. The crowd were very eager to know the outcome of the result and someone shouted in the crowd " Spit out, we want to know" " Yeah let's know," another said there was yelling from all corners of the club as everyone want to know who the winner was. The coordinator waited again for the crowd to calm down before he continued his speech. " I know you are all eager to know who the winner is. The result I have here shows that the winner won with only one margin." He told the crowd who screamed " We want to know the winner" I was not in for all this crap he was saying, all I know was that I want to go home and I also want to know if I won or if I am going to be a s*x slave for two months because I know he will surely want to get his pound of flesh from me. Then the coordinator continues again " And the winner of this challenge is the lady he said and I couldn't believe my ears, for a moment I thought I was going to lose to Mr pompous. I looked at him and smirk at him. The coordinator then turns to him " You lose man, you have to be her chauffeur for two months and probably you get the opportunity to win her over during your two months of being her chauffeur because you will both make a great couple." The coordinator said. The crowd were surprised that I won the challenge, the guys were mocking and teasing him after the winner had been announced. He was not happy with the outcome of the challenge because I could see the way he was looking at me lustfully while we were dancing. He must be feeling bad now that he didn't get to have a taste of my body. Well coming to the club today was a good thing for me because I get to put this guy in his place. I don't have any intention of letting him drive me around because he will not let go until he gets what he wanted so I will look for a way to leave here without him knowing it. I am happy that I was able to get him down from his high horse. What a win. ...... I have overworked myself today and decided to come to the club to let out some steam but I was not feeling the party as much as I used to. Maybe I was just stressed out from work. I don't feel like partying tonight but I came down to the club anyway. I know feasting my eyes on women was going to help me relax as it had always done and who knows I might as well get one lady for the night or probably a threesome for the night. My name is Ade Willam, every girl's darling and dream man, I am loaded with cash, I am super wealthy and I had no worries in life. I have a great business going for me, I had a beautiful dream ahead and wonderful life as it was. Everything about me was perfect, every little thing in my life was perfect. I was not so popular because not everyone knows me, I never made a tv appearance or go make myself appear in the public as a C. E. O of a company most people know to be worth billions of dollars, I have managed to conceal myself from the eyes of the public. The name of the company itself speaks volumes. The name of the company is L. A. group, we are involved in various import and export business and we rule M city where I reside. When my mother died I decided to keep my identity hidden from the world. Only close friends and family know who I am. My name of course is in every part of the city because I have a very strong family background. My P. A always handle everything that has to do with the public for me while I lay low and pass out the instructions. So no one recognised me for who I was and it helped me to blend in perfectly with people in society. So far, it was an amusing life. I love it and wouldn't trade it for any other one. I am not the relationship type of a guy, I don't do commitment as in sticking to one girl type of a guy, I felt girls, in general, ladies don't deserve such attention, neither do they deserve such time and commitment. All they want is just money, they never know what love means as such don't deserve it. I wasn't ready to give my heart to anyone. They wanted money and that I had to offer them. they are nothing to me because to me they are nothing, not after what Neve did to me. At the club, I sat down and was drinking alone while admiring the beautiful, gorgeous features of every lady till my eyes landed on a lady, in particular, I like her immediately. She was gorgeous and she looked daring. She rejects my drink and my approach to her, I don't like being rejected. Who does she think she is? I have always been in control and it well-known fact that no lady can reject me Women are my tools, they succumb to my charm and always satisfy my want. They succumbed to my money. Does she dare to reject me? She acted like some kind of goddess, like the untouchable queen. She dared me and this made me want her even more, she triggered me and I wasn't going to let her reject me just like that, I wanted her and thought of ways to make her pay, I wanted to make her regret her words. I wanted to stamp on her and kill her proud look. I planned on making her plead while she moaned beneath me. I wanted to wash away that smug look she has on her face and prove to her that I was superior and that no matter how beautiful she was, she was still nothing, there was nothing special about her, she was just like the other ladies and I just wanted to take what I always take from women. I made her a dare which she accepted with so much boldness, I know how good a dancer I was, I could easily make ladies go to the moon and back with my dancing steps. I love dancing and I am sure a good dancer because I have used it to get a lot of ladies, I could make ladies go crazy with the way I dance s*xu*lly, I was sure I would make her feel the same way, I was sure she was going to succumb to me and would lose the dare. I stood there excited over a victory I could foresee, she was going to regret crossing paths with me, that I felt in my bones. We walked up to the dancing floor and the light was focused on us, and I got the chance to take a full view of the lady I dared. She was dark, gorgeous and beautiful with a beautiful body, she had the right curves and for the first time since I dared her, I realized why she was so confident about herself. She could truly wrap any guy in her arms indeed but not me. She was a true beauty. When we came closer to each other, she looked more beautiful, I found myself wanting her the more, she was like a prize I had to win and a trophy to take home with me. She made me long for her body. seeing her made me want to win, all my bones tensed up when she came closer to me. She was a price I needed to win and take home with me. I couldn't wait to devour her piece by piece, nasty thoughts filled my mind and you can clearly see the kind of guy I was. " 1....2....3.. and go" I heard the coordinator say. I took a slow step and swirl my ass s*xu*lly. The ladies started moving to my side of the dancing floor and were shouting at the top of their voices I can tell they want a piece of me but my eyes were focused on one particular lady and she was driving me crazy with the way her ass swirl to the music. I looked at her and I see she was dancing seductively and that was a mistake on my part because the sight of how she was using her hand to seductively rub her body looks like she was doing it to me. She sure knows how to do it with the way she was dancing now most guys are all going crazy with the way she twerks and swirls her body and she does know how to swirl that ass of hers. But I fought hard too because I wanted to win the challenge. I roll and swirl to the sound of the music following the rhyme of the sound, I seriously desire to take her when she started swirling and twerking her waist, she is one sexy b***h. I discover I was getting arose by mainly looking at her. I wanted her seriously when I saw the way she swirls her ass, I wanted to hold her and grab her ass, I wanted to touch every single part of her body but I remember I had to win this for that to happen so I held back and continued to dance. I couldn't lose, if I did, it means she was right and I would be her chauffeur, I couldn't let that happen to my name after that. But at the same time, I couldn't hold my arousal and hunger for her, a total stranger, she was driving me crazy and I just wanted to pull her closer to me and grab that ass as she swirls it. losing to her was going to temper my ego and she was going to still have that proud look on her face, the look I wanted to wipe off her face. I have to restrain myself from completely losing it. I didn't want to be mocked or made jest of, I had to stop myself from losing control. I need to concentrate on winning this, but how could I do this when my hormones and body were reacting differently? She was driving me crazy I never knew dancing for ten minutes would be so much more to me than any other. It was like she was using her hands to caress my whole body as she uses her hands to caress her body as she danced. The more time dragged on, the more I felt myself losing control of everything. Deep down, I prayed for the time to come to an end and freed me from the entanglement. But the time wasn't moving as fast as I felt I wanted it to. I was losing it slowly. There and then I know I have to choose, either I lose the dare or none of us loses. She wasn't going to let me win. She was determined to win at all costs, she continued her seduction moves, I was sure her pride won't let her lose to me. Though she fought so much, I did too. She was strong and determined not to make a fool of herself. As I said, she was daring, no girl made me feel the way I felt with just a mere dance, never have I felt so lustful towards any lady as much as I had toward her. My arousal got to its peak and luckily for me, the music stopped, I quickly went to the edge of the dancing floor to hide my boner and also allow me to relax a bit. I turned back to her and saw her staring at me in shock, I smirked at her and she smiled. She had so much that would come her way and she has no idea of the things I had planned for her. After the winner was announced which happened to be her, I left the club but not before making sure I collected her contact and made sure my driver traced her back to her house. I wasn't planning to let her get to run away from me. I wasn't even going to give her a slight chance of that. She has arisen an urge in me that needs to be addressed She has become a personal project for me and I always take my project seriously.
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