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*Flashback: Asherway: Ziva’s ex* “What do you want Jason?” Ziva asked angrily the moment Dilan left her office. Jason smiled, ignoring her tone. “I want the love of my life back and I brought your favourite breakfast,” he said charmingly putting the coffee and her favourite toasted sandwich on her desk before sitting down and crossing his legs to signal that he had no plans of leaving soon. “I don’t need you showing up here or buying me breakfast,” Ziva yelled, pushing the breakfast he brought towards him. It did not matter how many times she told him the same thing, Jason always showed up as if they never had that conversation. “Come on Babe, I said I am sorry,” Jason responded lovingly making Ziva angrier. “I said we are over!” Ziva shouted, glaring at him. Something was really wrong with this man, she thought to herself. “We can never be over, Ziva. You are the love of my life, my future wife,” he said calmly looking lovingly at her. Ziva did not know weather to cry or laugh. “Funny how you forgot all that when you screwed my best friend. How’s your son by the way, shouldn’t you be playing daddy and stop pestering me?” she asked angrily, her heart pounding. “I love my boy but Ella means nothing to me. She was a mistake I made because I was not in the right space and you were pushing me away. I think you have punished me enough for that now,” Jason explained. This was the longest period Ziva has ever been angry with him, although portraying a confident front, he was starting to worry. “I had an acute stress disorder, you idi*t! I still get nightmares because the monster you pissed off came after me. Instead of being there for me while I was going through that trauma, you went to screw up with and got my best friend pregnant. After all that you claim to love me?” Ziva asked, now livid. Jason had the audacity to blame her for pushing him away when everything she went through was because of him. Jason cursed under his breath, he hated that with all his power he could not protect Ziva from the psychopath who stalked and tormented her. “I am sorry, okay? Let me come over tonight, I will hold you in my arms and hush those nightmares away, like old times,” he suggested, regaining his confidence. “For the hundredth time, Jason, you are not welcomed in my house. We are over, I hate you and I am never going to be yours again,” Ziva said coldly but her words did not seem to affect Jason at all. “For the hundredth time, Ziva. You are the love of my life. You can be mad, you can scream at me, you can even hit me, Lord knows you are the only one who can do that but we are never over. We are fated, till death,” he said confidently and unfortunately for Ziva, he meant every word. “You are out of your mind!” Ziva exclaimed, appalled. There really was no getting through to Jason. “Babe, you know I can’t think straight when we are fighting,” he replied, his warm brown eyes looking at her lovingly. Ziva shook her head, it was like she was talking to a wall. “We are not fighting, Jason. We broke up nine months ago,” she reminded him. He chuckled “Try to keep up now, Sweetheart, we are having a lovers quarrel, never breaking up, never. The sooner you get that in your head, the better we move on from this and start planning our wedding and future again,” he said with a smug as if she was being silly for even suggesting that they were over. “I will rather die than marry you!” Ziva yelled, frustrated. There was a time she was head over heels in love with him and planning to spend the rest of her life with him. She even appreciated how he obsessed over her and how he always fought to have her back when they fought but it was driving her crazy now. “I will follow you to the grave, my love. Then we can continue where we left off on the other side,” he responded with a smile looking lovingly at her. “You are insane!” Ziva cried. If she did not know better she would swear that Jason was mentally disturbed but he happened to be the best accountant and business man in the country. “The word is obsessed, you are mine, Ziva. Always been from the first day I laid my eyes on you over ten years ago. You are my future, my world. Babe, you need to understand that I am a man. I might taste here and there but you are the only one and I can’t live without you,” he said. “I have work to do, please leave,” Ziva said, not willing to continue with the obviously futile discussion. “You would not have to work if you would let your man take care of you. Say the word and the whole of Watson empire is all yours,” he responded, knowing too well that she will never accept his offer. Ziva stood by him when he was still starting out in business, now one of the few trillionaires in the world, she had never even once asked him for a single cent. In fact she rejected his exclusive unlimited funds card, another reason why he would never let her go. “I don’t want you or your empire, Jason. I just want you to leave me alone,” Ziva said softly, his persistence getting her exhausted and emotional. “Babe, I can do anything for you, just not that,” he responded tenderly. “It’s really useless talking to you, please leave,” she said. “Babe,” he called her with the same tender tone. “Leave or I will call security!” Ziva roared, angry and frustrated. “We both know that’s never a good idea, unless you want the poor guys to get hurt and fired,” he said sternly. Ziva was the only person with a licence to speak or do as she wished around him, everyone else would feel his wrath if they even tried standing on his way. “Get out!” she shouted, pushing him with the chair towards the door. “Come on, Babe. Are you still mad about that i***t, Rick? Everyone here knows that you are mine, he had it coming for going after what’s mine,” he said holding her hands. “I am not yours!” Ziva was now shouting like a crazy person, veins bulging on her neck, her nostrils flaring and her face red with anger. “I forgot how hot you are when you are mad,” he teased, putting his feet on the ground preventing the chair from moving further, an action that got Ziva angrier. “Get..the..hell..out!” Ziva was now livid. “I have a meeting to attend now, see you later, my love,” he said lovingly before getting up and leaving. Ziva was left fuming. She took deep breaths to calm herself down. “I know you were listening, Dilan,” she shouted when she finally calmed down. The walls between their offices were very thin, she was certain that her friend heard all the conversation she had with Jason. “I have to listen, incase he hurts you,” Dilan said in his defence, walking back into Ziva’s office. Ziva sighed. “He will never hurt me,” she said with certainty. That was what was frustrating her about Jason, he always used this loving tone with her that made her the envy of town. Even her own mother could not understand why she was not forgiving such a ‘loving man’. “Tell that to Rick,” Dilan reminded her. The obsession Jason had on Ziva was unhealthy and really concerning. “He will never hurt me but I can’t say the same for other people, that’s why I can’t date anyone until I figure out what to do about him,” Ziva clarified her statement. With all his power, Jason had never even once raised his voice at her, let alone lifting his hand at her. “A restraining order might help,” Dilan suggested. He could not think of anything else that might help after listening to the conversation between the two. Jason definitely had no intentions of ever letting Ziva go and after what happened to Rick, no man in Asherway in their right mind would come close to Ziva again. “Do you know any court here that will issue a restraining order against Jason?” Ziva asked a rhetorical question. Jason had so much power in Asherway, very few people were willing to go against him. “Never mind,” Dilan responded, defeated. He remembered clearly a year ago when the country’s rating dropped to junk status and thousands of people lost their jobs because the finance minister pissed Jason off. In retaliation, Jason had pulled out all his assets from the market, intentionally collapsing the country’s economy. The poor finance minister had to make a public apology to get Jason to save the country’s economy.
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