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*Flashback: Two week back in Asherway * Ziva’s head jerked left and right, her breathing and heart rate rising, her skin drenched in sweat before she screamed out loud sitting up on her bed. She took a deep breath, her eyes scanning around her dim lighted bedroom. “He is not here, it’s just a dream. He is not here, it’s just a dream,” she repeated the sentence over and over until she realised that she won’t be able to get back to sleep again. Leaning over to her pedestal, she picked up her phone. She ignored the ten missed calls from her ex and checked the time and discovered that it was only just after 3 in the morning. She got off the bed, took off her drenched pyjamas, put on her swimsuit, took her towel and left the room. Splashing into the pool, she was grateful for the heated water feature, soon she was on her fiftieth lap, her mind clear again and ready for a new day. Four hours later, she walked into her national blood bank office. Her very cheerful haematology nurse and best friend walked in before she even sat down on her desk. “Good morning my dearest Ziva,” Dilan greeted with a harmonic voice, taking a seat in front of her desk. “Morning Dilan, how are you?” Ziva responded with a smile, taking a seat too. Dilan had the special ability to light up the room and cheer everyone up. “The skies are blue, refreshing sea breeze, it’s a fabulous day and I am great. How are you? Met anyone to replace that abhorrent fool?”he asked. No one got to her nerves more than Ziva’s ex fiancé Jason. “I am fine, thank you, Dilan. It’s work time, we only discuss work related things,” Ziva responded with a straight face, knowing that they would never get anything done once they start talking about her depressing ex and Dilan’s many suggestions on how she should handle him. Dilan rolled his eyes, Ziva was such a workaholic, he thought. “Your mental and s****l health is of great importance, they have a huge impact on your work output,” he said carelessly, looking at his perfectly manicured nails. “We are not talking about this,” Ziva said decisively before noticing his very stylish attire. “That’s not the blood bank uniform,” she cried. “I told all of you to get quality material, I’m not wearing that scrunchy thing you call a uniform. What will my fans say if they see me wearing that?” Dilan responded dramatically. He had no problem with the red and navy colours of the uniform but found the design and material unacceptable. In retaliation he wore his own design with the same colours. “We can’t afford pure silk and all your fancy materials, Dilan. This is work not a fashion show,” Ziva responded but deep inside she could not deny that her friend’s design was more stylish and so much better, a fact she would never reveal to him because the company would never spend that much money on a uniform. “Says the person who does not have to wear the dreadful thing. Is it a can’t or won’t? Because you can never go wrong with the right material, it will even boast staff morale,” Dilan said, admiring his own attire. Ziva rolled her eyes, defeated. “I don’t know why I even bother with you. How much blood stock do we have?” she asked. Besides ensuring that the blood was safely screened for any infections, it became her job to make sure that the country had enough blood stock because they have not had a CEO for the past three years. “More than enough, we are at 95% capacity. 10% of that is type A, 12% type B, 13% type AB and you will be pleased to know that we have 65% of the famous, most needed type O. Of that 65%, 80% is O positive and 20% negative. Our national stores are adequate too, all is well in Asherway,” Dilan said with a serious tone Ziva had gotten used to when he becomes serious. “That’s very detailed Dilan, thank you. What time did you get here?” Ziva asked, amazed. Dilan must have been in the office very early to have all that statistics already. She was reminded once more why he was the best at his job. She would have never achieved the stability the national blood bank had if she did not have Dilan by her side. “You sleep you snooze, Darling. Now can we discuss the Leap invitation?” Dilan asked excitedly. “Sure,” Ziva responded. Now that Dilan had done most of the day’s work, she had ample time to chat, something she was certain was intentional on his part. “They are trying to set up their national blood bank. Private companies have been milking them dry for years and there are suspicious rumours that private companies were paying off the donors,” Dilan explained. “That’s unethical and illegal!” Ziva exclaimed. There are rules and laws throughout the world against paying blood and tissue donors. The law is mainly for the protection of the poor who could be easily manipulated into selling off their organs or blood to make some money. “Don’t I know it! I think that’s what motivated the country into setting up its own but they need help from a haematologist with experience in setting it up and you come highly recommended. They will pay for your travel and accommodation, they really sound desperate,” Dilan said. Ziva was a well known haematologist who helped different countries to set up their blood banks. “Three months is too long for me in a monarch country. What if I clash with their health minister or some royal?” Ziva asked. She did not handle patriarchal nations well. Setting the national blood bank required a lot of interaction with state heads, she always ended up at odds with the ones who believed women are aught to bow down to them. “If you do, you must choose the charming prince Richard. Look at these photographs of him, steaming hot!” Dilan exclaimed giving Ziva photos of prince Richard. “There’s more than twenty photographs here, Dilan,” Ziva said looking at the different sexy photos of the prince before looking at her friend suspiciously. “What? I needed different angles of him,” Dilan said defensively. “He has nothing to do with the blood bank,” Ziva responded, not buying it. “I know, but he can be your rebound snack while you are there. I hear he is very gifted, guaranteed multiple orgasms and he will leave you speaking in tongues. I’m pretty sure you would get over that obscene ex of yours in a second,” Dilan said snapping his fingers. “Dilan!” Ziva exclaimed. Dilan could be very explicit sometimes. “It’s true, you should read his biography and fan page,” Dilan responded biting his lower lip seductively. “Are you sure you would rather not have him for yourself?” Ziva asked, looking at the hot prince. Dilan had definitely gone through a lot of trouble printing all those photos out. “If I was going, I would definitely get that honey on my bed the day I landed there,” Dilan responded wittily. “You have a boyfriend and prince Richard is straight,” Ziva reminded him. “Jared would understand and prince Richard is only straight because he has not met me yet,” Dilan responded confidently making Ziva laugh. There truly was never a dull day with Dilan around. “I should find Jared a committed partner, you are not good for him,” she teased. “Darling, that man is mine, today and forever. Once you go Dilan, you never go back,” Dilan replied confidently. Ziva rolled her eyes, Dilan was the most confident person she knew. “On a serious note Ziva, you need to move on with your life. You are hot, independent, cheeky sometimes but Darling, you a catch.” “So the poor guy can be intimidated by Jason?” she asked. The last guy she went on a date with ended up in hospital with a broken leg after getting mugged by unknown man and lost his family company because her ex bought off the company majority shares, the shareholders and board members. “Still beating yourself up about Rick?” Dilan asked, feeling sorry and concerned about her. “I can’t help feel responsible for what happened to him, I can’t risk someone else’s career and life like that again,” Ziva responded, the conversation already getting her depressed. “That’s more reasons why you should go to Leap and get back on the horse again, far away from that manipulative bastard,” Dilan suggested clenching his fists, talking about Jason got him worked up. “I will think about it, not getting back on the horse thing but assisting with their blood bank,” Ziva conceded. The two friends were still chatting when Ziva’s ex fiancé, Jason Watson walked in unannounced as usual. “Good morning Ladies,” Jason said flashing them his breathtaking smile that melted many hearts. “My day just got spoiled, see you later Ziva,” Dilan said, getting up and leaving Ziva’s office without acknowledging Jason’s greeting.
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