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*Flashback: Asherway: two weeks ago* The following day, Ziva was inundated with congratulatory messages and calls from colleagues and acquaintances who seemed to believe that she was engaged to Jason again. “What the hell has gotten to everyone today, D? Why on earth would I be engaged to Jason again after he betrayed me like that? They all know what he did but find it so romantic that we are engaged again, seriously, what’s wrong with the society today?” Ziva fired questions at her friend in frustration. “My guess is Jason probably gave everyone that idea,” Dilan suggested, logging on to his social media account. “Even if he did, the whole mentality is really disturbing. I got a call from the pastor’s wife, the mayor, ministers and several colleagues telling me they all knew that Jason and I belong together. These are powerful leaders of our country and they believe that I belong with a man that cheated on me and got my best friend pregnant, a man who wakes up with a different woman everyday. What the hell?” Ziva shouted. “He is a trillionaire, money excuses a lot of despicable actions,” Dilan responded while typing on his laptop. “Just keep your mouth shut if you don’t have something smart to say. What nonsense is that?” Ziva reprimanded him angrily. How could her friend even suggest something like that? Dilan laughed, Ziva could be volatile when angry. “I was giving you the society’s perspective not mine. Somehow, the rich and the famous get a lot of leeway on what is expected of them and get away with a lot an ordinary person wouldn’t,” he explained. “That’s just ….” Ziva did not complete her sentence, she was cut short by Dilan. “OMG! OMG! You have to see this,” Dilan interjected. “What?” Ziva asked, her heart already racing. Jason must have done something, whatever it was she already knew that she won’t like it. “Jason has just declared you the future Mrs Watson to the whole world. He even got the internet search engines to attach you to him. Anyone that searches your name anywhere in the world will …,” “Will what?” Ziva asked impatiently. “Will know that you are off bounds unless they want to feel Jason’s wrath,” Dilan explained. Ziva cursed under her breath. No wonder she was getting so many calls, she thought to herself. “Is that even legal? Shouldn’t those search engines confirm that with me first?” she asked, angrily. She did not care much about the tabloids but this meant even colleagues searching her for academic reasons will be greeted by Jason’s proclamation first. Jason was making her his possession, it was infuriating. Dilan shrugged his shoulders “Jason is really powerful, Sweetie. I bet they would rather risk being sued than be on his bad books,” he suggested, feeling sorry for the search engine companies. “He is never going to leave me alone, is he D?” she asked, sinking on her chair, dawning on her that her ex was forever going to be after her unless a miracle happened. Dilan shook his head. He really could not see anyway Ziva was going to be able to avoid Jason and his obsessive behaviour. “Not unless you hit him on his head and he miraculously wakes up with amnesia.” “That movie was fictional, D. Head injuries don’t work like that!” Ziva exclaimed wondering what was going on with her friend’s head that day. Dilan rolled his eyes. “It’s a joke, Darling,” he said trying his best to cheer his friend up. “I’m glad you can still make jokes. Let me see that Leap invitation,” Ziva asked, maybe a time away even if it’s in a monarch country would do her some good. “There you go and here are the charming prince Richard’s photographs,” Dilan gladly passed the file to her. “I don’t need those, your prince is another despicable man who uses his power and hierarchy to use and exploit naive women,” Ziva snapped. She checked the Leap leaders up after their last conversation and found their heir to the throne truly despicable. “Unlike Jason, the prince is single and not betraying anyone. Those women seem to be attracted to his bedroom skills than his title,” Dilan objected, pushing the sexy photographs to her. “Stop talking,” Ziva snapped at him. Thanks to Jason repeatedly cheating on her, she was convinced that any man sleeping with more than one partner was despicable regardless of his relationship status. “Yes, Ma’am,” Dilan responded amused. Ziva could be really feisty when irritated. Ziva was still looking at the Leap invitation when Jason walked into the blood bank with a huge grin on his face. “Good morning Ladies,” he greeted them charmingly. “What do you want?” Ziva asked, anger rising inside her. “Is that how you greet the love of your life?” Jason teased, unfazed by her tone. “We are working here Jason,” Ziva snapped at him. “I am working here too,” he responded with a grin. “You don’t work here, please leave,” Ziva said angrily glaring at him. “Actually, Mr Watson is our new CEO. The health minister announced it few minutes ago,” Zoe, the blood bank secretary interjected. She had come to inform Ziva the news only to find Jason already there. “Oh dear!” Dilan exclaimed, looking sympathetically at Ziva who was looking at Jason speechless. Jason did not need to work at all, not only that, very few companies would be able to afford his salary, let alone a government run blood bank. The only explanation for him being their new CEO, a position that has been vacant for three years was that he volunteered for it in order to get to her. Now she can’t chase him away because he also works there. “I believe that you have been running this place all along, My Love. I will appreciate it if you could orientate me on how things work around here. Don’t worry, I’m not the type to mix work with pleasure, unless I have not seen my fiancé in three weeks, then a quickie might be appropriate. I believe my office is the one opposite yours?” he said mischievously, winking at her. Ziva sighed, calming herself. She was a professional and will behave as such. Jason’s arrival had already attracted a lot of attention from the rest of the staff who also just found out about their new CEO. She could see a lot of heads popping out from their offices. She knew that their breakup was office gossip and did not want to make it worse especially now that Jason was their CEO. “Welcome to the national blood bank, Mr Watson. That is your office, Zoe will help you settle down. I will orientate and introduce the staff to you in the boardroom in an hour,” she said with a straight face before walking into her office and closing the door. “Yes Ma’am,” Jason responded, amused. Just being in her presence and talking to her was a huge accomplishment for him. These days he missed the sound of her voice and found himself listening to her old voice notes over and over again. “This way Sir,” Zoe said, leading Jason to his office. Dilan had just sat down in his office when his phone rang. “Hello.” “Tell Leap I accept, I fly out tomorrow morning,” Ziva said decisively. Jason’s appointment has made her decision for her. “I don’t think they bought the flight ticket yet,” Dilan responded. “Tell them to do it, asap and sign my leave form,” she instructed. “That’s the CEO’s job now,” Dilan reminded her. He and Ziva use to sign the leave forms for all staff but now Ziva and Jason will have to sign the forms going forward. “He started today, my forms were signed a week ago and don’t you dare mention my Leap trip to him,” she suggested and warned. The last thing she needed was Jason blocking her trip or following her to Leap. “You can’t leave us with him, he will go crazy and take it out on us when he finds out that you are gone for three months,” Dilan cried. Jason was ruthless with anyone he deemed to be standing on his way of getting Ziva back, Rick was an example of that. “You will resign if he mistreats you, he’s not stupid, he knows that he needs you to keep this place running,” she suggested. Jason was a good business man, he cared a lot about his reputation and success, he would not pull a stunt that would mess that up. “I don’t like this, Ziva,” Dilan confessed. “Neither do I, but I can’t be with Jason for eight hours every day, I will go crazy,” she responded, already dreading the meeting with him in an hour’s time. “What happens after three months when you have to come back?” Dilan asked. The Leap trip was a temporary solution, Ziva needed a long term plan to deal with her obsessive ex. Unfortunately he nor Ziva could imagine what that plan was. “Maybe he will give up and resign before that,” she suggested but knowing too that was wishful thinking on her part. “Oh Sweetie, I doubt he is ever going to give up on you,” Dilan said feeling sorry for her. “I know D, I know,” she said with a melancholic voice. Jason was relentless in his pursuit, she will definitely have to face him again on her return, she could bet her life on it. An hour later, Ziva introduced all the staff and blood bank procedures to their new CEO. She unfortunately had to have a one on one meeting with Jason for the administrative tasks of his job. Jason, unsurprisingly used every opportunity to flirt with her. To Ziva’s irritation, the 30 minutes she planned on spending alone with him ended up being an 1 hour 30 minutes because Jason pretended not to understand certain processes in order to keep her longer in his office. Jason was thrilled and thought he was making progress with her when she did not storm out on him. He had no idea that she only stayed to make sure that he knew exactly how to run things in her absence.
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