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I wanna be drunk when I wake up on the right side of the wrong bed. ††† As we enter the small town bar, the crowd is small, but we're a little early. Two black torn bar stool call mine and Carly's names. My favorite bartender is working so tonight will be good for sure. "Ladies! You're early," says a man to my friends right. He's covered in random tattoos. It's only nine and you can tell by the way his eyes squint he's drunk. "Raven! Get these two ladies some drinks I'll pay." He doesn't look at her, yet his eyes are landed on my exposed chest. If this get me drinks then so be it. Hell, creepy old man keep looking. "Alright babies what'll it be?" Her hand juggling a bottle of blue liquid. Carly taps my shoulder and mouths shots. Shots it is then. "Two rounds of rainbow shots. To get us started." We take our seats and dig in. Shot after shot my head is spinning. The man at the bar buying us drinks, his name is Carter. An odd name for a man his age. "Want to know something girls?" he leans forward his fingers playing with the rim of his beer bottle. "Sureeee Carter let's hear your take on life." Carly slurs. "Boys toss salads. Us men we know how to hit the g-spot," he brings his two fingers up forming a V, putting it upside down and licking between. Both mine and Carly's expressions are shocked, but we laugh it off. He's a man. A drunk on at that. "Okay Carter I think you've had enough to drink!" Raven calls over the music. Let's go. I mouth to Carly nodding my head over by the pool tables. We both slip from the stools. Thanking Carter for our drinks telling him we'll be back later. Cheers, by Rihanna plays through the bar, the speakers singing to her reggae tone. My hips swaying to the rhythm, my hands weaving above my head. Carly just laughs and pushes me to an empty standing table. "Aw come on Carls, dance with me," I pout grabbing her hands in mine. But there is no use in trying she just stands there like a lump on a log. "You need more to drink." I say just as the cold winter air seeps through my leggings. The ding of the bar door ringing through my ears like an echo. Its like in Twilight when Bella sees Edward coming through the cafeteria doors. Three mouth watering bodies prance through the bar as if they own the place, but I'm in complete awe of body number three. His build is strong, his muscles toned, can be seen through his thin white T-shirt. His jaw so damn sharp I'm sure if I touched it, it would cut me. The alcohol coursing through my veins some how sends a signal to my feet causing me to move towards where him and his friend are ordering their drinks. "Where are you going?" I turn to Carly and nod towards the bar. "Drinks, we need more drinks." I hope for her to stay, but of course she comes with. Weaving through the pushed out chairs we make way back to the bar. Ordering two Long Islands. "Do you want a tab babe?" Raven asks holding up my card and I shake my head with a yes. "Looks like our table is occupied now." I turn to the table to the left. The red stool now occupied by body number three. His large hand wrapped around a bottle of Krona. "Let's go join them then." "You're not serious?" "Dead serious." And I'm not lying. I take a large gulp of my drink and strut my curved frame towards their table. Packs of menthol cigarettes lay around the ash tray. Bodies one and two chalking up the end of their pool sticks. I slide my wide hips in between the gap between them and set my drink down on the table. They both look at each other slightly confused then smile. The one in the ball cap speaks first, "hey!" His cheeks slightly flushed. "Hey I'm Tayzley, but you can call me Tay." I stick my hand out and he gladly takes ts saying, "Mike and this is Bobby," he gestures to body number two. His hair is pulled back into a small pony tail, his eyes wild green and his skin is covered in tattoos. "Hey." He says coolly his Aussie accent surprising me. "Who's your friend?" He points to her with his pool stick. I reach over and pull Carly over to my side pushing her hair back from her plump cheeks. "Boys this is Carly, Carly meet Mike and Bobby." "Uh, Hi," she speaks shyly. Taking a sip from her drink. Bobby's lips twisting up at her shyness. Oh boy. "What about your other friend you came in with," I peak around Bobby's tall frame. Their friend seems to be in some sort of daze his eyes set on the glowing drink menu across the room from him. "Oh that's Tanner, hey Tan, stop being so glum and come introduce yourself." Nothing. He just sips his beer and stares at the damn sign. Okay? "He just got out of a five year relationship...he'll come around, but in the mean time you ladies want to watch me beat this wanker in pool." Bobby's cheers pointing to his friend, his pearly whites sparkle in the dim bar light. "Oh I'm willing to bet on it, what do you say Carls ten bucks says mike here will hit the black eight ball in first." She nods her head smiling with the straw between her month. "I'm in!" My confidence is on full force tonight and I couldn't be more happy that it is. Talking to them went more smoothly than I thought. Twenty bucks now accompanies the packs of cigarettes. Along with now three empty glass that was once filled with a sweet mixture of alcohol. Every so often I'll peak out of the corner of my eye, Tanner I think his name is has his head bowed each time, his hands still wrapped around the now empty beer bottle. His knuckles almost white. I'm not one to butt into someone's problems, especially after just meeting them, but to be completely honest I'm drunk and I'm curious. "Do you need another one?"I ask turning and leaning my elbow on the the table, my face placed against my fist. I bet I look like an i***t. He looks up, his eyes nearly knock me back two steps. Light blue eyes melt into mine, the whites of his eyes slithered with red. "What?" His voice is deeper than I imaged, almost a smooth velvet. "I said do you want another beer?" I enunciate this time. "No I'm good, thanks though." "Why did you break up?" The words leave my mouth before I can process to stop them. My hand immediately smacks against my lips even though its too late. "Straight to it I see." He laughs. It's enough to knock Medusa on her feet. "I swear it was the alcohol, I didn't mean to- I'm just going to shut up." What the hell Tayzley? That's none of your damn business. "Calm down, you're fine." I'm not though. I feel like a complete dumbass. I look over at Carly, she's over by Bobby laughing at something he said. Mike is debating on if he should hit the the green ball. And here I am making myself look stupid. "Hey did you hear me?" "Huh," I look at Tanner he is now standing, over me. My eyes travel up his shirt, his neck and now his jaw. My hands have a mind of their own and reach up to touch it. "God, I love your jaw, its so perfectly sculpted." You're doing it again... I jerk my hand away and apologize quietly. This time when he laughs it's much louder, more lively than it was seconds ago. "Thanks. I like your hair." His hand comes up to take a small lock of my short deep purple hair between them. "It's like a dark wine." "Thanks," I bite my lip. "So um about that drink?" I ask one more time. "Yeah, that's what I'm doing do you want one?" He nods towards the bar. I take a second to think if I really need another drink. Actually like a nanosecond and nod. "A beer is good." I hate beer, but I'm drunk everything tastes like water at this point. When he ventures to the bar I let out the deepest of deep breaths and try to collect my nerves. The acceleration of my heart when he stood that close to me can't be healthy. One thing you all should know about me is that I fall way to f*****g fast. That's what gets me into trouble. Way into trouble. When he come back he hands me a shot instead, he has a beer of his own. "I didn't take you ask the beer type," he says taking a swig of his beer. I watch him, its almost in slow motion as he does so. His head tips back slightly the bottle placed between his perfect heart shaped lips. When he swallows his Adams apple moves against his tanned skin. "Are you going to take it? Or are you tapping out this early?" He pushes the small glass my way, little specks of brown liquor slip from the rim. I escape from my trace and grab the shot and tip it back. Too fast, but I cover it up and let the warm liquor burn the back of my throat. I cough slightly hitting my chest with my fist. "Thanks." "No problem. I didn't get your name." "Oh it's Tayzley." I smile. Looking over at my best friend who seems to be a social butterfly tonight. "Tanner." He takes another drink of his beer and I look away to keep from losing myself in the way he looks doing it. "I know your friends told me." I tell him. I move from the stool and move close to him. Just so I can hear him better over the booming music. "When did you get that?" His finger pokes at my eyebrow piercing. I push my black framed glasses up my nose. "Well, I had it done once before, but I was allergic to the metal. I had to get plastic this time." "Still doesn't answer my question Tayzley." "Sorry, last week. I went with my friend Bella." "Did it hurt?" "A little bit, more than the first time because he had to taper it." "It fits you," he smiles around the bottle. Again my body has a mind of its on and means forward, my lips brushing right on his jaw line. The tendons of his face flexing beneath them as I press my lips harder against his burning skin. I pull back, biting my lip. Why did I just do that? "What was that for?" He turned in the stool. My heart is racing, part of it from the alcohol coursing through my body and the other because of him. I shrug. Shaking my head back and forth not being able to give him a real reason as to why I just kissed his cheek without any warning. "Sorry," I whisper. I hear the clunk of his empty bottle hit the table. My breath picks up when I see him move from the red bar stool, standing over me once more. The tips of his fingers play under my chin lifting it to meet his eyes. "You missed." His eye are slightly hooded, I give him a confused look. But when his lips slowly lower to mine, I now understand what he meant. "That's what I'm talking about!" An Aussie accent cheers from across the room and I know he's talking about us. My arms wrap around his neck, craving more than just his lips I pull him close our hips brushing together. His arms draping over the small of my back, he lifts me slightly as the kiss deepens. I feel like I'm in a f*****g fairy tale but it doesn't last long when a cold sensations covers us both. And gasps fill the air. "Oh s**t Dude I'm so sorry!" Some random guy panics, beer soaking into mine and Tanner's clothes. Tanner doesn't say anything. Not even to me when he pushes past the i***t who spilt the beer on us and leaves. The cold from outside once sharing causing me to shiver when it come into contact with my now wet clothing. (Tayzley and Tanner atr my new otp just so you know. So much to come and I'm so excited! Please follow and comment. Also tweet at me TayMarie426)
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