Go get your Taycrazy on.

1317 Words
Once I'm finished with this last client. I'm out the door. My co-worker who is currently running our shop was okay with me leaving at four today. Then I'm home bound to my house. Being twenty-one and living in an economy where everything is overly priced sucks and results in you having to live with your parents. When I say parents I mean my father. Trust me I hate it, yet love it at the same time. I still have to pay bills and rent. So don't go jumping to conclusions that I'm some spoiled baby whose parents pay for my way through life. Sorry, but I like my independence. I like having my own money. If you live off mommy and daddy how are you ever going to learn how to become independent? "You're sure you're going to be okay?" I ask for the tenth time grabbing my red crossbody bag. Jules laughs pushing her black framed glasses up her nose, "no, because we're so busy." She flicks her arm around to the empty salon chairs. Sarcasm full frontal. "Yes, Tayzley. Go, get your taycrazy on," she waves me off. I roll my eyes and say, "yes mom." Its our thing you could say. Even though she's two years older than me, she acts like my mom. Ever since day one I've called her that and it just stuck. "I'll see you Tuesday then." I smile, punching in my time clock number in our computer clocking out. She nods, smiling, her shoulders hunched up and her cheeks squished. I mimic her and tell her goodbye before departing to my gold VW station wagon. Yes, I said station wagon. Jules has this theory if I tell men that its my shaggin' wagon I'll actually live up to its name. Yeah, right. Dean, my car named after the drool worthy Dean Winchester in supernatural has been nothing but a jewel to me and I hope it stays that way. Before leaving I shoot a group message to my girls. Group message to: Carls & Bells. Me: still up for tonight, you t***s? B: love you too t**t. But hells to the yes. C: I'm already halfway to your house boo boo is dropping me off. They both reply and I put my phone back in my bag before driving off to my house. You wanna know One thing that pisses me off about living at home? When your sisters boyfriend parks in your spot, making you park on the damn curb. I know I wouldn't have this issue if I lived in my own place, but god damn how many times do I have to tell him before he listens. Exhaustion is pushing through my seems, but I won't let it. Tonight I'm going to have fun with my girls, drink and spend my weekend how it should be spent. "I'm home!" I call out. Taking caution before I enter my closed room I knock. No one answers, so I push the door open and find my sister and her boyfriend cuddled in her bed, asleep. I envy their love you know. She doesn't know that. I wouldn't dare tell her that either. He's always there for her. When she's had a bad day he's there. I want that. I want my sister to be the one to walk in our room and find me cuddled up with a guy. Maybe even snap a photo and post it just like I've done her to get at her, but laugh at it later. I quickly grab my things, making sure I don't wake them and resign to getting ready in the bathroom. *** By the time I'm showered Carly is waiting out in the living on our couch petting my dog. She nearly causes me to drop my towel, but I hold it tight with my tensed hand as she laughs at me. "Did you even knock?" I ask making sure my body part at covered. "Do I ever?" She taps at her phone probably texting her man that she loves him. "It would be nice if you would for once." I tell her. "I'm going to get my clothes on now." I step back into the small bathroom dropping my towel. I dare to look in the mirror to be met with my horrendous body, but what do I do...just that. Everyone tells me, oh Tayzley shut up you're beautiful. Curves are in. Guys like more to hold on to. I have yet to find that guy. Most want the girls that are in the porn movies or Victoria secret commercials. If you're into that I picture you as a shallow lonely man. Because let's beat it only they look like that because they can afford too. I love food, can you blame me? I quickly change into my leggings, peach colored tank top and cardigan. You will never see me without one for that fact. I hate my arms. Carly loves them because they are proportioned perfectly as she says, but I think differently of course. "So I look okay, I mean my outfit?" I ask Carly stepping out of the bathroom. "Ugh, why can't I have your stomach!" She complains about her own, standing up walking over to me. "What's wrong with yours?" She grabs her stomach and squeezes it. "It sticks out, and yours is flat. Why?" She whines. I just shake my head at her nonsense. "Your stomach is fine Carly. Am I still doing your makeup?" I change the subject, her brown eyes widening. "Yes please. Finally this day has come,"she praises and I laugh. My phone goes off, vibrating against the bathroom counter. B: so...plans changed. I'm out for tonight. Rain-check though. "Of course..." "What?" "Bella is out for tonight. I guess it just me and you." I shrug putting my phone down. I guess having a kid does that. Out of all my friends Carly and I are the only ones to not have a child so close out of high school. We were always told we were the smart ones. You know to wait on having kids, but look at Bella she is an amazing mother. She turned out okay. "It cool dude, she can come out next time. Let's get ready," she drags me to the bathroom and practically forces a makeup brush in my hand. *** "Damn it Tayzley hurry up I have to piss." My sister Aly yells through the door. "Don't rush perfection. My dear one...okay almoooost finished....there." I finish the last touches on my best friend. For weeks she begged me to do her hair and makeup, why waste it on a normal day. When I can do it before we go out. Even though she has a man she wants to look good. Covering her eyes I help her up from the toilet seat. "Okay, ready?" "Yes, of course!" I place her in front of the mirror, removing my hands from her eyes. The look on her face when she sees a dermatic diffence makes my cheeks hurt from how hard I'm smiling. "Tayzley...You are seriously so good at what you do. Thank you," she hugs me an turns back to looking at her self. I pat myself on the back, because I really did do a good job. My most favorite thing about Carly is her red hair, it fits the tone of her skin and the color of her eyes perfectly. "Tayzley hurry the hell-" "I'm done," I groan swinging the door open. "Is Jason still here?" "No he left. He has to work." "Good l get ready in the room. Oh and next time tell him to f*****g park on the road. How many times do I have to tell you." "Okay Tayzley..." She says in annoyance. I turn to Carly and roll my eyes. "I can never win with her."
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