So help me god, I will yell stranger danger.

2277 Words
My clothes are still wet as we step outside and wait for the bouncer to warm up the car and take us home. Mike ended up losing the game like I called it so I won twenty bucks. Woo... Shortly after that Bobby and him left to go find where Tanner went off to. My lips are still tingling from the touch of his, my heart slightly hurts because he didn't even say goodbye or even ask me for my number. Who says he wanted your number Tayzley look at you. He doesn't want a woman like you. Most peoples subconscious tell them not to do something they know is wrong. Nope. Mine is my evil twin. She hates me, despises my body and the way I look. Which is why half the time I can't look at myself in the mirror. Part of me knows I'm beautiful, but they other knows I'm not. She's probably right. He probably only kissed me because he was drinking. Or he felt bad. When the car pulls up I climb inside, my body numb from the cold. As he drives us home he talks about some obnoxious story that I try my best to tune out as I give him directions to my house. Tomorrow is another day Tayzley. I tell myself. Tomorrow is another day for sure... *** Beams of the bright sun sneak through my curtain and cover my eyes as I roll over onto my back. Carly is beside me snoring as she always has since I've known her. My phone is vibrating the crazy from under my pillow causing me to curse at it. Pulling it out I see that Jules is calling me. "Hello..." I groan rubbing my eyes. "s**t, I knew I would wake you. I'm so sorry Tayzley, but Harley can't make it in today can you please come in." I groan again rolling back over on my stomach, my face planting into my pillow. Part of me wants to scream into it, but my head hurts so damn bad. "Sure, but I need coffee and ibuprofen. Please." "Of course Tay! On it. See you soon." I could never say no to Jules, she been nothing but amazing to me, plus she's one of my good friends. Once I roll out of bed, its ten-thirty. I keep all the lights off on the way down to the bathroom. How the hell did I even get up the stairs to my room? Carefully, I flick the lights on. My eyes pulsating in pain along with my temples. f**k drinking that much. I can't say never again because that would be a lie. Once I'm showered and dressed. I feel half way better. The hottness of the water killed off my migraine slightly and related the tension from my muscles. Carly is up and on her phone when I re-enter my room. Aly is thankfully asleep still asleep when I flick the lights on too quickly put on some foundation. "Jules needs me to come in. Hence why I am getting ready. Remind me to not go binge drinking like I did last night." I tell Carly. She smiles down at her phone and nods. Alright then? "Okay well I'm Ethan coming to get you or are you coming to work with me?" She nods again. That's it. I stand up from the spot on the floor and march over to her ripping the phone from her hand to see what has her in her own little world. Bad Boy Aussie ;) "Give that back Tayzley," she reaches for the phone but I pull back scrolling through their on going texts. I raise my brow at her, finally handing her the phone back. "I assume you and Bobby had a good time?" "Well yeah, we're just friends Tay. Don't get any ideas," she warns me, standing from the spot on the bed gathering her things. "Ethan is on his way. We have to go to Huntington to pay for the car." I check myself in the mirror one last time before deciding that maybe I should add some eyeliner and mascara. I look like a ghost without it. "Just be careful okay? I don't want you getting wrapped up in something that will hurt you in the end." I smile, grabbing my bag slinging it over my shoulder. "I will. I'll stop by later once we get back from Auto Credit." "Sounds good. Love you." "Love you." Waiting for me when I finally make it into the salon is a steaming cup of fresh hot coffee and six little red ibuprofen. I Take them right away with the coffee, not giving a damn that the coffee is burning my throat all the way down to my stomach. It's honestly a relaxing feeling. Normally I would want a s**t ton of sugar and creamer to dilute the taste of the strong coffee, but not today. "I see someone did get a little taycrazy last night." Jules laughs setting her harry potter book down on the top of the step foot trashcan. I close my eyes and memories from last night dance on my eyelids like a movie. Drink after drink, shot after shot. And him. "More than you know girl." I groan. My body slowly sinking into the salon chair across from her. I want to tell her about what happened, about Tanner, but I need to sit for a minute and regain my thought. "Hey I know this guy at the self check out. Come here." I hadn't even realized that she moved to our little island that has a perfect view of the front of Walmart. It's our go to when we people watch. I push my weak limbs from the chair, my boots hitting the floor with a click each step I take. When I look for the guy at the self check out, the air in my lungs disappears and I nearly choke. Coughing uncontrollably. "Tayzley! Oh my god are you okay?" I hold my finger up to her and catch my breath. That guy is Tanner... He must have heard us because when I look up his icy cold blue eyes are staring directly back at mine. I can tell he's debating on if he recognizes me or not , but when he grabs his bag and begins to walk towards the salon. I immediately want to run and hide in the back room. "How can we help you?" I hear Jules ask him, my eyes searching every inch of him. He is still in his clothes from last night. Only now he's wearing a black jacket that's zipped up to cover the beer stain on his shirt. "How much are your hair cuts?" He sounds tired. "They are 15.50." "Okay, yeah. I think I need a haircut," he laughs and I can't seem to pry my eyes away from him. I know he knows I'm looking at him. "Alright, well go ahead and follow Tayzley she'll be taking care of you today. It's Tanner right?" "Yeah, Tanner Wilson." "Thank you." What is he doing here? How come I haven't seen him before if he's been here before? Why are my palms sweating? "Tayzley? Are you okay?" Tanner asks me. I while my palms against my dress and nod, grabbing a cape from the cabinet behind me. "We'll be right over here," I say quietly ignoring his question, leading him to my station over against the wall. My hand begin shaking when I pull the chair out. Just f*****g perfect Tayzley...go a pair you p***y. "Where should I put this?" He hold his coat up in his hand. "Here, I'll lay it over here," I take it from him our fingers brushing lightly and I try my best to ignore the spark shooting up my arm as I do so. "Thank you Tayzley." Ugh stop saying my name like that. Hell stop talking in general I want to yell at him, but I keep my composer placing the cape around his neck. "So what kind of cut are we doing today?" I start out by asking. I can feel Jules watching us. I know if I were to look up she'd make a face and it would be hell from there. "Just a trim, you can use your shears." I nod, biting down on my lip as I move in front of him to grab a comb and my shears. "Do you want me to shampoo you now or after?" This is get no where, just talk to him Tayzley. "After, please." I nod again, grabbing my spray bottle, wetting the top of his golden blonde hair down. My hands shake slightly as I grab some of his hair at the nape of his neck and begin cutting. The whole time I feel like a gazelle in the wIld, being watched by two lions. One of which being Jules, she knows she. I get cute men in my chair I automatically shrink up. Only if she really knew the truth. Which I will tell her once I can actually breath. The second lion watches me through the mirror, my heart is pounding against the barrier of my ribs. Nearly knocking me out each time it runs it course. Stop watching me. I want to tell him. Why did you stop here? Why did you just run out of the bar last night? I want to ask him, but I can't. I can't muster up the damn courage to speak to him. "Did you make it home okay last night?' He asks startling me slightly causing the comb to slip from my fingers and land on the floor near my feet. I bend down picking up the comb, I glance at jules whose face is twisted in confusion. I just wave her off and stand to grab a new comb. "Yes, can we not talk about last night please. I have a headache enough as it is." I continue to trim around his ears, my hands still shaking. He sighs, his shoulders slouching slightly. "I'm sorry i ran out on you last night. That guy just pissed me off. I didn't want to blow up in front of you." "Oh how sweet of you. Still doesn't explain why you didn't come back... Just stop. I have shears and I'm not afraid to cut more than I should off." I whisper, somewhat snapping at him for his sudden dismissal last night. Thankfully he keeps his mouth shut the rest of the haircut. Once I'm finished I use the hairdryer to blow the hair off from around his neck and remove the cape. When he stands he loves close to me, his broad ass body towering over mine. I gulp down my tongue almost choking on it. He reaches around me grabbing his coat from Harley's salon chair. The tips of my fingers begin to tingle, wanting to reach up and touch his jaw much like I did last night. He smells heavenly, not like old beer, but fresh body wash. "You can't kiss me in front of my co-worker," I point out, gesturing to Jules who still looks confused as f**k. He laughs, rubbing his hand across his jaw. "I wasn't going to kiss you, but if you want me to I will." Embarrassment burns my cheeks as soon as he says that, my heart plummeting to my stomach. Wow Tayzley... "I need to go, Jules will check you out." I rush out of the salon, my chest heaves when I hit the cold air outside the revolving doors. Tears fight to burn my eyes and I myself fight to not let them win. Why am I crying? Why are you crying? I told you so. I want to scream, but my luck someone will think I'm the crazy girl and call the police, which I don't need right now. I look both ways before walking across the parking lot to my car. A huge black Ford F-150 blocking me from being able to get into my drivers seat. "Tayzley!" Oh just f*****g perfect. Here comes fuckboy... "What do you want Tanner?" I whip around craving him, my whole body starting to freeze over from the cold. "What's wrong? Why did you just run out like that and are you crying?" His voice full of concern. "It doesn't concern you Tanner. I just want to leave but this fucker parked his huge as truck so damn close to my car." He peers over me, his lips curving upwards. "That fucker happens to be me Tayzley," he exclaims with pride. I roll my eyes. "Of course it does...well move it please before-" "You go all mad woman on it? You wouldn't be the first to kick my black beauty." Ugh he disgusts me...kind of. "I'm going back inside, I'll see you around Tanner." But before I can walk any further he grabs my wrist and pulls me back against him. His arms snaking around my waist, my body slowly failing to resist him. "We're in a damn parking lot Tanner. Get off me." "Let them watch," his lips brush against my neck. "Mmm, you smell good." "So help me god, I will yell stranger danger." I grunt, huffing out cold air from my lungs. "Fine," he lets me go, but a small part of me wishes he didn't. I turn around pushing my short purple fringe off my forehead to say goodbye, but he's already in his truck, letting it roar to life, pulling through the empty car space in front of him.
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