Thick girls rule the world.

2361 Words
*Listen to Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson.* I'm so irritated. I'm so confused and just I don't know. Embarrassed? What if he's telling his friends? Waiting for Ashlyn to arrive I call up Carly. "Yeah?" She answers. "Hi to you too. I have a question, have you talked to Bobby?" "Me....uhhh no. Hold on." I hear her shuffle around as I wait for her to continue. "Okay I had to step into the bathroom. Ethan was sitting beside me. Umm yeah I talked to him just a few hours ago why?" Before I say anything I realize how ridiculous I'm being. Calling up my friend to see if she spoke to Bobby and if he maybe has spoke to Tanner in the last few days. I sound insane. "Uhhh, Just wanting to know if he can get us se tickets to a hockey game in a few weeks." Good save. "Yeah I'll ask. Are you sure everything is okay?" "Yeah I'm good. Why wouldn't I be?" Just as I say that Ashlyn walls through the front door, the air following her hits my legs. "I have to go, Ashlyn is here. I'll call you when I'm back from Indy." I hang up the phone before she can even get a goodbye in. Ashlyn smiles at me, her long dark brown hair curled to perfect and her oh-so perfect makeup always on point. I guess that's what you get for being a makeup artist at Mac in the mall. "You ready?" She asks fixing the zipper on her coat. "Yes, this is a much needed trip. I'm thankful I got it off on time. What is it that we're doing exactly?" I gather up my things and follower her out the door. "Well I got us a kick ass hotel for an amazing price, but the rest is kind of a secret." "Of course it is." I follow her short frame to the my car. "My bags are already in the back are you ready for this road trip Tay?" "Yes, more than ready." *** An hour in my ass is on fire because of the seat warmers and my anxiety about driving on this damn highway with five lanes has shot out the roof of my car. Semis pass and my eyes move back and forth many times before actually switching lanes. "We need to stop. I need coffee and I need to stretch." I pull off onto an exit. When we stop at the Marathon I check my phone again. Nothing but a text from my dad telling me to be careful and to text him when I'm there. I'm getting itchy, wanting to text him and ask him what his f*****g deal is, but I don't. I simply -for once- shut my phone off, and hide it away in my pocket. The guy at the counter starts up a conversation as I'm trying to buy these snacks and waters. Something about how he can speak seven different languages and such. I just want to pay for my things and go dude, but I'm too nice to tell this complete stranger to stop. Ashlyn is propped out against the car with a cigarette hanging from her lips. "I thought you quit?" I hand her, her water. "Yeah well, when you have a non stop job in the makeup industry with high end douche f***s as clients. It will do this to you." She holds it out then sticks it back in her mouth. "You do realize we both work with people like that right?" "You don't even know the half of it Tayzley. My nerves are shot." Throwing the cigarette into the snow she climbs back into the Car without further explanation. *** "God, my feet are killing me. Remind me to not drive in these boots on the way home." I kick them off falling back onto the bed. "No time for sleeping. Get up, get dressed we have plans. Tonight, us thick girls rule the world." I sit up on my elbows and watch her. She checks her makeup in the mirror and smacks her tongue over her bleached teeth. I envy her. Even though shes a few years younger than me. I envy her and the confidence that she carries along with her. She could give two f***s what you thought about her and she'd still strut her stouty self across the room like she was the queen of the world. "Does this plan involve drinking and strobe lights?" Grabbing my back I pick out a dark fitted dress that stops just below my knees. Tilting her head back she winks and sends me a smile. Her; you know me so well smile. "You are right indeed." "This is why we are cousins." I laugh getting my self around for this much need festivities. *** The second the bouncer opens the doors to this underground club I am lost in the way the lights reflect off my skin. Leave it to Ashlyn to find the coolest spot in Indy. Music from the numerous speakers flood my ears and course through my veins causing my entire being to tingle in joy. I needed this. No, I need this. I'm not going to worry about Tanner being a complete asshole. People are crowding the light up dance floor like a pack of sardines. It's insane. As we push our way through, I feel a tug on my arm. A sweaty palm pulls back and turns me to face them. His eyes are dark, but the black lights make the whites around his eyes glow in am iridescent way, that almost traps you. "I'm Axle." His name alone is panty dropping. "You are?" I turn to find Ashlyn standing there, her eyes twinkling with glee. I need to tell her about Tanner. "I don't think we're really on a first name basis there Axle." I bite my lip, motioning to Ashlyn that I'll be fine. He nods. His smile ripping right through the seams of my dress. God damn it! "You know my name pretty girl, so tell me yours." His stance shifts, his broad shoulders rise and fall as he breaths as if he's smelling the air around us. "Tayzley," I tell him. Why the hell not. I'm here to have a good time. "Much better, let me get you a drink?" His eyes move across my chest, my body heating up when his eyes halt there for some time. "Yes, please." When he finally hears me, he leads us to the bar where I find Ashlyn with a guy herself who looks exactly like Axle but his eyes are bright almost white. "Ahh I see your friend there met my brother." My mouth is watering, one for a drink and two because twins. I need to come to Indy more often. I'm surprised I'm even talking to guys, let alone Axle. He looks like the kind of guy who owns his own business, wears suits because he knows it gets the women and f***s like a lumberjack. Hard and doesn't hold back. I'm not even drunk or have any hint of alcohol in me and I'm thinking thoughts about this person I've only just met. You hardly knew Tanner when you kissed him, what's a little one night stand going to hurt? No...not happening. Unlimited cleavage shots is all this guys is going to get. For his brother on the other hand, who knows. "Your drink." When I take it I notice it glowing purple. The coolest f*****g drink I've ever had and its glowing my favorite color. And it tastes even better. Fruity yet strong just the way I like them. After three of those I pull Axle out into the dance floor, my overly alcohol induced confidence makes it known that I'm ready to have a good time. Ride by Somo is overtaking my body in ways I didn't even know my body could move. My ass is pressing against his crotch, whiles his hands rest on my hips driving me back into his movements. He's hard. That's for damn sure, but I ignore it as he presses against my back and move till the next song comes on. He jerks me around, almost knocking the wind out of me when my chest collides with his. His lips lock on mine in a hungry manner. I should push away but the three drinks I had are now consuming, making this kiss feel ten times better than it probably actually is. My eyes open merely just to see if I can see Ashlyn anywhere in sight, but when my eyes land on the one person I didn't think I would see for a while. I freeze up and I'm pretty damn f*****g sure my heart just fell out of my ass. Tanners eyes are burning into mine, his body language so off putting I want to run and hide. He grabs Axle by the collar of his white shirt and throws him to the ground. He's on top of him throwing punches at his face. I'm stuck. My words are no where to be found. Bodies push me back as the fight playing out in front of me gets stopped by two huge bodyguards in yellow. Axle's nose is covered in blood and from what I see Tanners knuckles are busted open and covered in his and Axles blood. The music has stopped and all eyes are on the two men. Ashlyn is by my side and the look on her face is just as confused- shocked as mine. I can not f*****g believe he showed up here of all places after almost a week of not talking to me. How the hell did he even know? Pushing my way through the crowd I find the exit to the outside, when I step out the winter air wraps around my body and suffocates my lungs causing me to cough rapidly. Tears break through my thick layer of mascara sending streaks down my cheeks. I'm pissed, overwhelmed and so outrageously frustrated I don't know what else to do but cry. "Tayzley are you okay?" I hear my cousins faint voice ask me. I nod holding my hand up to indicate that I'm fine. The two body guards soon push Tanner and Axle out the doors causing them both to fumble on the steps. I can't be here. "Tayzley..." I hear Tanner say. But I don't turn around. I just walk up the steps to the top where the air is slightly warmer but not by much. "I'm not sure who you are dude, but she doesn't want to talk to you. Clearly." "I don't give a f**k what she wants." I hear a smack and a large grunt. Once again Axle and Tanner are at it again. Punches being thrown and blood being splattered. I hear Ashlyns heels hit the concrete of the steps as she rushes to my side and stops me from walking any further. "Explain and now. Clearly that guy down there knows you." She points to Tanner, who now wiping his knuckles on his shirt. "Yeah, but right now I don't know him and not sure if I want to." I sigh, sliding my wrist from her grip. I'm defeated at this point. Not sure what exactly I should do. Heavy breathing puffs up the stairs along with a pleading cry for me to stop. "Damn it Tayzley. Stop!" I whip around, almost stumbling over my feet but I catch myself. "Stop? Why...why the f**k should I? You haven't talked to me in a week and now you show up here, beat this innocent guys ass for nothing and expect me to stop and talk to you? I don't think so." I can see Ashlyns eyes move back and forth between us. "I was busy. I had things to do. Then I find out you're here at a party all the f*****g way in Indy kissing that prick." He waves his hand towards Axle, who's burning eyes are watching us as well. "Let's get this straight. All you said to me was you were starting to have feelings for me. Never once did you say I want you to be mine or be your girlfriend. You f*****g fingered me and didn't talk to me for a week. I even tried to message you but still nothing." "Like I said-" "I don't f*****g care if you were busy! You can take two damn seconds out of your day to reply to me. f**k Tanner! You know what you are? You're a disgusting slug, slithering around getting what you want because you're hot. Who knows maybe you were f*****g some other girl. Just like you were when you were married." My anger has taken over, I'm saying anything and everything possible that will get under his skin. Because that's what I want. He gets under mine now its my turn. I'm red in the face. My chest hurts and I want to get out of here. Just like on que a cab pulls up to the curb a asking if I need a ride. I grab Ashlyns hand and nod. Before I get into The cab Tanner grabs my wrist tightly pulling me back from getting into the cab. "Don't you walk away from me Tayzley. I'm not done talking to you." I push him back, using all my force to push at his chest. "Get off of me!" I scream, but he doesn't budge. Again, I push at his chest but it's no f*****g use he's a damn brick wall. "Stop pushing me away." "Oh, says the fucker who didn't have the audacity to reply to my simple message on f*******:. You even f*****g read it Tanner. I feel humiliated." The guilt behind his irises is so clear, that the grip around my wrist loosens and gives me enough time to slip from it and climb into the cab. I don't have the energy to even look back as the cab pulls away from the curb and Ashlyn shoots him the name of our hotel.
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