
2047 Words
You can't necessarily say this was the morning after. We weren't drunk, we didn't go any further than the casual dry hump with a side of make out. Mostly to the point where my lips couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't planning on staying the night, I wasn't planning on falling asleep in the same bed as him, cuddle up into his retracting, slow breathing chest. But I did and I loved every damn minute of it. Aside from him being the walking whiplash of my so called altering life, I am enjoying where we stand. We aren't dating I don't think, but we're something right? Yes, I might have gave in a little to easy, but can you f*****g blame me. For crying out loud he took me to dinner unlike the last f**k tard I got myself into a mess with. As the morning Indiana sun peeks through his bed sheet spread across his window I lay here with my hands tucked against my chest and my eyes roaming his glorious features. I'm sure I look like a school girl lost in memorization because of her crush, but he's asleep no harm done here. Everything about Tanner is perfect, all down to the cute a little dimple that pops out when he smiles which has become often. Part of me loves that his tanned skin has gone untouched by ink, but the the other wonders why? I mean I have tattoos, but they all relate to what I do for a living. Most men in the army get the logo tattooed on their body or if you really want to go out of the ball park get your last name in bold cursive lettering inked across the middle of your shoulder blades. But not Tanner, its untouched and free to be marked with the claw marks I hope to leave on his back. "You seem to be thinking hard about that." "God damn it." I must have zoned out. "Did I say something out loud again?" "No," he laughs, "but I wouldn't mind knowing what you were thinking." He wiggles his prominent brows at me; his arm snakes up my thigh, shivers cast through my body in a surge. "Are you thinking about last night?" "What about it. I tackled you to the bed and won the fight because you gave in. Its not my fault I discovered you were ticklish." I move my hand down over his and bring it up to cup my breast. "Are you trying to distract me?" "I don't know is it working?" "Very much so." He breathes out. He then breaths back in, deeply. His palm closing more around my breast causing me to close my eyes and feel the burn he's creating. We still haven't broke our tension, but how f*****g far until it bursts into oblivion? "Am I taking you home?" He asks. I nod, because if I speak who knows what will come out. His words seem to fade back and his hand moves back down my stomach stopping at the elastic hem of my panties. "Just give me five minutes." I nod again. Edging his fingers in, he slips past my waistband, slithering to where the moisture is building. "God," he breathes. My head hides into his neck, my lips connecting with his skin. My hips press forward wanting his fingers to finally touch me where I need him. As his fingers move, my legs open more. I am soon on my back. He has propped himself up on his elbow, working his fingers over my clit. I'm not sure if his sister is home, but I keep caution, my hands over my mouth to keep quiet. Holy hell, his fingers feel so damn good. He knows exactly what he's doing and how to do it just right. Slowly. My eyes are screwed shut and my moans are being captured by my hands, but I can feel his eyes on me. His blue intense stare burning through me like red rays of the sun. I dare to open my eyes, because if I do I'll lose it. I'll f*****g lose it all over his fingers and all over his bed, but I have a feeling that what he wants. I love how he's staying quiet as he tortures me. As he listens to my muffled moans taking it all in what he's doing to me. Its turning me on even more. Sending me over my edge. My eyes open right before, meeting his knowing gaze, his fingers move faster and I literally convulse. "f**k Tayzley." I feel the sheets below me become soaked in my own mess, but it feels so f*****g good. So good. I moan, spilling out what's left of me over his fingers, my hands clenching at his shirt around my body as my back slightly lifts off the bed. "s**t!" I let out a huge breath. My now limp body slowly beginning to relax. "Wow. Its certainly been a while I see." He comments and I want to smack him for his dry humor. But I'm to relaxed to move my arm that much. "Thank you captain obvious." I say finally begin able to prop myself up to meet him at level. "And thank you." I lean forward kissing him, taking his bottom lip between my lip and pulling. When I gain the moan I want from him I let go, pulling back with a wink. "We should probably clean up." I say reaching under the covers slipping of my underwear. "My leggings please?" He watches me as I stand and pull his shirt as far down as possible to cover me up. "Really? Already covering up even after you covered yourself all over my fingers?" He calls me out. My face becoming crimson. He stands, removing his sheets from his bed, gathering them in his arms. "No hiding from me okay? Your leggings are right there," he points the chair beside the window. "I love your body no need to be ashamed." I nod, swallowing down my slight embarrassment moving past him to grab my leggings, putting them on. When he comes back to his room he's now dressed. Jeans and a gray T-shirt. "I assume you have work today? So I'll just drop you off at home and I'll text you later?" "Yeah that sounds good." I smile slipping in my boots and grabbing my dress from the chair as well. *** When I walk into the salon, both Harley and Jules are gathered around what we like to call the people watching island. It's kind of self explanatory. "Well someone looks chipper this s'morning." Jules says as walk by and lay my bag down on a station. I smile. "I have no clue what you're talking about." "Someone got laid." Harley speaks bluntly, twirling around her spoon in her regular dosage of yogurt. "I have you know I did not get laid last night. You know you can have a good time without taking your clothes off right?" I question. "Well don't just stand there. Elaborate." Jules pushes. She's so persistent, but that's why I love her. "He came here. Took me to Buffalo wild wings. He apologized, blah blah. Then I went home." I lie. But Jules' smirk is the I know you're lying kind of look.. "Even I know that's a lie and we hardly see each other." Harley calls me out, her huge brown eyes gazing at me. I roll my eyes, plopping down in one of our waiting chairs. My boot colliding with the wooden tile floor. "I stayed the night. Don't get any ideas, we didn't do the dirty, but...." I pause. "But what? You can not stop there."Jules squeaks. Harley nods along with her. "She right Tayz." "We made out, ugh, I don't know." I can feel my face getting red from the thought of it. "Tayzley seriously," Jules presses. "Well..." I breath and begin to tell them everything from the beginning. Filling in Harley with the details as well. "Well shit." "Okay what does he even look like?" Harley asks after I tell her. I grab my phone from my pocket pulling up his f*******: page showing her a picture. "Well shit." She repeats Jules' words. "Tell me about it. But it was amazing." Before I can continue our day starts off with a family of four wanting cuts and from then on it was busy till I was off. I say goodbye to Jules as she shoos me out of the salon. I check my phone for the first time since I arrived to work only a text from my cousin and missed called from Aly. He'll text you don't worry. I tell myself. I shoot a text back to Ashlyn my cousin, telling her that I don't know my schedule for next weekend. She texts back right away wanting me to take Saturday and Sunday off. What for? I send back. Ash: We're going to Indy. I don't text her back. I'm not sure if I want to even go to Indy. I hate driving in traffic and plus the weather isn't really up to par to drive that far. She's going to have to do some major ass convincing. Dinner is prepped and ready to put in the oven once I'm finally home. Which is the first for anything. It's normally fast food on the weekend, but tonight is smothered barbeques pork ribs. Aly is in the living catch up on the last and final season of Dexter. "What did you call for?" I ask sitting down on the couch beside her. She doesn't say anything. Which is a sign for her that something is wrong. "What did Jason do this time?" I groan. "What he always does...lies." "Typical... What are you going to do about it?" "Just wait until he gets his head out of his ass I suppose," she shrugs. I want to tell her to break up with him and find someone better for her someone who won't lie to her, but that's not my place I guess because if I do say something I'll end up getting yelled at. "Let's go." I say. Instead of putting my two cents in I stand holding my hand out to her. "We're getting our nails done then going out to dinner. I feel like I haven't been around much and we need sister binding time." She cracks a smile. Setting her phone down and standing with me. "You're paying right because I'm broke." "Doesn't surprise me. But yes I'm paying. I'll be out in the car." I tell her. *** "You like toes polished too?" The lady at the nail salon asks me again. I've told her no one hundred times, but she still keeps asking. "No thanks." "Ahh, but I only charge an extra twenty." "Not today sorry I have plans with my boyfriend." I lie. But not the best one. "Ohhhh, he will like your toes when I do them." I attempt to jot roll my eyes and look back at All who's chatting away with an American nail artist. Well at least she's having fun. "No thanks." I say again as she finishes dusting off my nails. "Okay. Next time then?" I nod thanking her for her device and hand her my card. When she takes it and leaves I check my phone. Its now fifteen till eight and I still haven't heard anything from Tanner. I log on to f*******: and it says he was active ten minutes ago. He's just busy...I think to myself. *** "So how are we cutting your hair today?" I ask my client. Her hair is curly, but she wants it cut short. I do my best to not distract myself and worry. It's f*****g Thursday now. Tanner has not called me, has not texted me and I'm starting to rethink where I thought we stood in whatever the hell this "relationship" is. He hasn't even replied to my message about telling him I'll be in Indy this weekend since I told Ashlyn yes to going with her. I'm starting to think maybe what we did in his room and me staying the night wasn't the best idea.
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