Masochistically sick.

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When I arrive back inside, Jules is waiting with the smuggest look upon her face. Her shoulders hunched up and squeezing her cheeks into a smart grin. “I swear if you speak I will run back out there and leave you here to close.” I point to her and walk back to the back room. My cheeks are now starting to regain their normal pale color. The back room is warmer than I intended, but it's nice. I lean against the double washer and dryer, my head hitting the dryer button causing it to buzz scaring the living daylights out of me. So much for wanting to think alone. I hear the squeak of the door open. “You're going to tell me right?” “Yes,” I sigh, turning around meeting her slightly puzzled gaze. “He was at the bar last night. I was beyond drunk, but hell if I could ever forget that damn jaw line.” I groan gripping the ends of my hair. “How do you know him?” I ask, very curious. I’m still reeling at the fact that he came in here wanting damn haircut for one. I honestly never thought I would ever see him again. You know how when you're so in the moment of having fun you just do things that you shouldn't really regret. But every time you think about it for cringe at the thought of you doing it? Like last saturday I went out and kissed just about everyones cheek and hugged them without even warning them. But they gladly accepted it because most of the people at the bar were as drunk as I was. I tend to be a friendly drunk. Sue me. “Well for starters him and Seth use to be friends. You know how Seth was a big pot head in high school, well so was Tanner.” Wait a second? “So you’re telling me he went to Groves?” “Yes Tayzley. He was in the same grade as Seth.” How the f**k did I not know this? She peeks her head out of the door to make sure nobody is waiting out front then continues, “He also enlisted into the Army the same time Seth did.” That explains the damn Army Go sticker on the back of his obnoxiously large truck. “And I’m pretty sure he just got back from Iraq.” I close my eyes. Thinking about the way his lips felt against the pulsating skin of my neck. I shouldn't be while Jules is standing in this secluded area with me, but I am. “Go ahead and go home okay?" I open my eyes, shaking my head at her request, but she doesn't have it of course. Her small five foot two frame shoves me out of the backroom. I’m in complete shock on how her small body can move my large one. “Get your coat and go. I will stay we aren't even busy at all. He was our first person all day.” She grabs my coat and my bag shoving it towards me gently. “Fine mother.” “Mother knows best sweetie.” *** Arriving home, I’m greeted by my father. He’s sitting in his usual spot on the loveseat rocker. the remotes resting on his stomach like they always are and football playing on the tv in front of him. “How was work?” he asks as I take a seat on the other couch caddy corner from him. “I wasn't even suppose to go in. I was only there for an hour until she sent me home. I have a killer headache anyways.” I curl up and grab my phone from my bag. "That's what you get for going out last night," he remarks. He doesn't say anything after that. He’s too into his football to care right now. Which is okay. Being the american that I am. Actually the person that I am, because I damn well know that every single one of us do this. I click the small f*******: app on my phone, scroll to the search engine and type in Tanner's name. Low and behold there it is Tanner Wilson. Part owner of Parkers Automotive here in town. I’m dying for more about this Tanner guy. I mean I kissed him and he tried to kiss me at the salon but he denied it and made me look like a damn fool. What is he all about anyways? Why was he kissing me if he had just gotten out of a five year relationship? I certainly don't want to be his rebound. I click on his name and scroll through his timeline. Nothing. Its like hes never on. My phone soon flashes blue. Tanner Wilson has requested to be your friend. It reads and I almost drop my phone, a slight gasp falling from my lips. “You okay over there?” I look at my father and nod. Looking back at my phone. I quickly accept his request before I change my mind on actually pursuing him. I know I shouldn't and apparently so does my evil subconscious, but as of now I’m shutting her off. Tanner: Hey. A tiny popping sounds through the living room. A small picture icon taking place in my phone screen. I stare at the three letters for quite sometime before I actually reply with a hey back. Tanner: Thank for the haircut:) Did you get your tip? Me: No, I didn’t know that you left one. Tanner: It was on your station. Maybe your friend stole it. Me: Okay...what do you want from me? I cut straight to the point. Tanner: I’m not exactly sure yet. Me: Well whatever it is I’m not sure if I’m interested. Tanner: That’s not what your body was saying last night. I gasp louder, slapping my hand over my mouth, certainly gaining the attention of my father more this time. “If your s*x talking with someone please go in your room and do that shit.” “Dad! Really?” I glare at him. My eyes mentally wanting to burn holes through his skull. He rolls his eyes. “Yes Tayzley really.” Tanner: Thought so. Are you there? ?? Me: chill… I’m here I was just talking to my dad. I send Five minutes maybe ten minutes pass and still nothing. I hover over my keyboard, wanting to send him question marks like he did me, but I don’t. I set my phone down, grabbing the blanket on the back of the couch wrapping up and catching up on my sleep. By the time I wake up, my dad is no longer in the livingroom. My brother and sister gone to a friends. I look at the digital clock on my phone and it read six p.m. Holy s**t. I slept that long? I stretch out my legs making a crazy squealing noise as I do so. It helps I guess. I feel much better than I did earlier today. My head not closed with the she pain of my headache. No new messages from Tanner or anyone for that matter, but my stomach seems to have a message for me. I’m hungry. And not for food from home. I need grease and a lot of it. I text Bells asking her to meet at Downtown. One of our many restaurants that we have here in good old Groves. Note the sarcasm. Bells- Can’t. Benson and I are taking Evan to Chuck E’ Cheeses… I groan falling back into the chair. I text everyone in my phone even my dad, but everyone is busy with their own lives. Sometimes I wish to myself that I was married and had a kid, because I would never be bored. I’d always be on the run, chasing my kid around the house to put his or her diaper on. Running many errands. Multiple back and forth trips to Walmart because my husband forgot something. Never a dull moment when you have a family of your own right? Ask Tanner… What? Ask Tanner...Thats all I’m saying. There is no way I’m going to ask him. I’ve already dealt with his annoying ass enough in the past day and a half. I just want to eat and come back home and go back to sleep. Fucking ask him Tayzley...Now! “Fine!” I say out loud. f*****g fine. Me: You’re probably too busy, just like every other damn person on the face of this planet, but would you want to meet at Downtown...I’m leaving now. Since I didn’t even bother to remove my shoes when I fell asleep. It’s much easier on me. All I have to do is grab my coat and I’m out the door. But if life couldn't get anymore f*****g frustrating. If god couldnt be anymore cruel to me than he already has, my f*****g car decides not to start. I pull my phone out from my coat pocket and see that its flashing green. My heart races slightly when I see its from him. Tanner: Yeah sure, food definitely sounds good for this hangover. Me: You had two beers...and change of plans my car won't start, so its a no go. Tanner: I had more after I left, smart one. I’ll come and get you, Leaving now. No questions. Send me your address. I sigh, leaning my head against the steering wheel. Why god? Why? I text him my address and head back into my house and wait. Not even twenty minutes later, the roar of Tanner's truck pulls into my driveway. His fluorescent blue light blinding me as I walk out to meet him. Climbing from his truck, he comes out from behind the gaudy lights, but they somehow make him look like the archangel swooping down to take me with him. I have to stop myself from drooling. He's changed now. Loose dark wash jeans hang low on his hips, his arms covered now with a gray Army logo sweater. And his now freshly cut hair styled down. Wisps of blonde dripping over his forehead. "I thought I'd help jump your car." He says bringing one hand to the back of his neck scratching it. "Or we could do it after?" "After..." I mutter. Walking through the snow to open the passenger side door. It take me a second to climb in because how high the step is but I manage and take a seat on the heated cushion of his truck. I'm not going to admit this out loud, but I find this truck to be one of the sexiest things a man can own. I know I was throwing a fit because its all big and shut, but come on its still hot as hell. "You look nice by the way," he attempts to compliment me. I groan. Shifting my hips slightly to face him. "In no way shape or form is this a date, you got that? In not ready to be someone's rebound. I just want to have a greasy ass meal and sit in silence." I might sound crazy, but to be completely real. I'm not in the mood. "All right?" He sighs, pulling out from my driveway. He stays quiet down the driver of Hannah street, but once we hit the main road he says, "what makes you think I'm using you as a rebound Tayzley?" Like he had been thinking about it the whole time after I said it. "Hmm, let's see Tanner. One you just got out of a dam five year relationship and all of the sudden you're interested in this." I wave my hands in getting off my body. "I happen to love your curvaceous stature." Who f*****g says that? "And am i not aloud to show interest in another woman. For his sake Tayzley I'm a man. I see something I want I go for it." His knuckles turn white as hi gross the steering wheel. I honestly don't know what to say... Seriously who the f**k says curvaceous stature? "I agreed to go get dinner with you because I want to get to know you. Is that too much to ask?" The truck comes to a halt, the stop light ahead of us is green, but no one is moving. "Can you just go, you stopped when there is a damn green light tanner people are going to think you're mad." "I am mad, pissed actually. You assumed I was using you as a rebound. Really Tayzley?" His voice booms through the small cabin of the truck. Part of me wants to jump out of the truck and run home, but I'm sure that would make me look just as crazy as him. I shrug my shoulders, slouching into my purple coat like a turtle when someone pokes at it. "Can we just eat please." "Sure why the f**k not." Once the light turn green again, his tired squeal and slip under the snow covered asphalt. Resulting in us jolting forward. "You're crazy..." "Right back at you babe!" This is going to be a fun f*****g ride. I swear if he's like this the rest of the night there will be ketchup stains all over his perfect Army sweater. I slouch further in the seat leaning my head against the cold window. Not caring the its slightly burning the skin on my forehead. We park across the road at the courthouse. I don't wait for him to be a man and open the for for me, I just climb out look both ways before crossing and had into the restaurant. A busty brunette greets me and seats me right away at a booth near the back. "Lesley will be right with you can I get you started on anything to drink?" He voice to high pitched for her body. "Coke please," I smile, but I slowly diminished when I catch Tanner sliding into the booth seat across from me. "I'll just take a sprite no ice. Thank you," he flashes his ungodly perfect smile at her. "Alright I'll be right back with those then." Pulling out my phone, I tune into the media, not wanting to start up a conversation with Tanner. "No phone at the table." The phone is snatched from my hands. If there weren't people around if lunge at him, but something tells me he'd love it. He wanted everyone to watch his public display of affection in the parking lot at Walmart, I'm sure he'd enjoy people watching me fight him for my phone back. "You'll get it back after we eat." Why is he being playful all of the sudden? "Stop pouting. It doesn't suit you." I took my eyes, picking up the menus in front of me blocking him from looking at me. I hear him laugh at my childish behavior, but right now I really just want my damn burger and fries. "You're a catch you know? Stubborn, but eventually I'll reel you in." So full of himself. "Tay, put the menu down and talk to me. We're suppose to be getting to know one another?" I peak I've the top of the menus, his blazing blues catch my greens and I have to catch my breath for a moment after it happens. Why is it that he already has this prodigious affect on me? His gaze, when l meet it somehow has this hold on me, that I can't fight off. I sigh, soaking the menu down on the take. "Fine, shoot. Ask me something." "Are you always this stubborn?" "When it comes to loathsome men like you. Yes, yes I am." I clarify, straightening my posture to seem more confident. "Wide range of vocabulary I see." "I write, so yes I'd like to think so." He scratches his chin. "Write about what exactly?" "That's none of your business." I snort. "It is my business if you put it out in front of me like that. So tell me, non fiction, fiction. No wait romance!" "Keep guessing all you want Tanner in not going to tell you." "Hmm," he catches me off guard by running his foot against my calf. I try kicking it away, but it's no use. "Why do you hide your body under theses leggings?" His foot moves up further meeting the inside of my thigh. "Tanner, please stop people are going to see." When I say that I mentally slap myself. He doesn't care if people see what he does to me. "Here c-comes our drinks." Thank god. He moves his foot and sigh in relief. I'm not sure how much of his touch I can take before I combust. "Here are your drinks. I'm Lesley I'll be serving you tonight. Do you know what you want." Her hair is also a brown, bust she's not a busty or bimbo as the first girl. "Yeah," I shift in my seat, feeling Tanners eyes watching me as I give her my order of seasoned fries and a burger. "I'll have the same," he tells her. "Great, it will be out shortly, let me get your menus for you." I nod handing over my menu as does Tanner. When Lesley leaves Tanner is back at it. "Tell me about yourself." He leans forward his con resting in his hands. Rolling my eyes for the millionth time I ask, "what more do you need to know?" He shrugs. "You're favorite color?" "Are we twelve...its purple." Laughing he leans back in the booth, his shoe tapping my foot but I jerk it away. "I see why your hair is purple then. What made you want to cut it that short though?" His expression neutral. "I like short hair. It's more flattering. Its different, most women have long hair which it okay. I just like to be different from others." The space between his perfect brows knit together as he studies me momentarily before speaking. "You're most certainly different, Tayzley." The way he says my name, so slow, so deep with a slight growl, sends my skin crawling. I've never felt so pulled by a single syllable change in someone's tone. I've never wanted to reach over this table, grab someone by their collar of his sweater, smack him then take the sting away by kissing his crude mouth. *** "You still want me to jump you?" He smirks. "If my hands weren't full of boxes I would smack you right now. Then I'm afraid you might like that to much." He chuckles, his perfect dimpled smile on full view. "I would." "You're sick." "Masochistically sick." I pause before crossing the street to his truck. "Did you just f*****g quote twilight?" "I have no idea what this twilight you speak of is," he takes some of the boxes from my hands helping me as I continue to cross the street. "Whatever Tanner." "Whatever Tayzley," he mocks. When we end back up at my house, he tries three times to jump my car, but nothing. You'd think with all that f*****g horsepower that he's holding under that hood it would over power my car, but nothing. "You need a new battery." "What?" I pace over to him, my arms wrapping around my body to keep me warm. "You need a new battery. Come by the shop tomorrow I'll give you good deal on one if you want," he offers. "Fine. I'll be there. I'm going to go inside now. Thanks for coming out with me." Once again before I can walk away he grabs my wrist spinning me around to face him. His thumb comes in contact with my bottom lip, slowly tracing it. My eyes flutter closed. Every part of my body in pure bliss from his simple touch. But when his lips connect with my forehead instead. I suddenly become disappointed, slipping my wrist from his grip. I tell him goodnight only to watch his truck speed away down my road.
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