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Nandi’s POV The light slipping through my curtains is very bright it wakes me. I rub my eyes as I sit up in my bed then stretch my arms and back. I get out of bed and walk towards the window. I draw the curtains open allowing more light to come in. I open my windows and the first I hear are different birds signing and chipping in the trees in our yard. It is a beautiful morning with clear skies. I make my bed and lay out clothes I plan to wear to church. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. I hope the bathroom is free, everyone wakes up so late on Sundays and yet we all have to get ready for church. Lucky me the bathroom is free, I bet Aunt Miriam and Kuzipa are still asleep or picking out clothes. I do not take my time because I need to free the bathroom for others. As I am stepping out of the bathroom wrapped around in my towel I hear mom calling out for Aunt Miriam and Kuzipa to get ready quickly or we will be late. I get dressed quickly after applying lotion on my body. Now a little makeup for my face. I do not understand how all the other girls manage to do this daily and every time they are going somewhere. Audrey has tried showing me so many YouTube videos on how to do simple makeup and I have failed terribly.  I look at myself in the full-length mirror, I think I am satisfied with my appearance. Let me get some breakfast while everyone else gets ready. I pick a black purse and my bible as I walk out of my bedroom. Everyone gets ready in good time and we all leave for church. Mom hates it when we are late for church, she wants to be part of everything from the first praise and worship song to the closing hymn which is not a bad thing. Church was amazing as always and now everyone’s favorite part of the day, Sunday brunch at southern sun hotel. This has been a tradition for as far as I can remember. We do this every Sunday when mom and dad are both around. Southern sun hotel serves the best food amongst all the hotels we have dined at in Lusaka. All their meals are amazing starting with their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Their service is also splendid. “Welcome.” Greets one of the staff. The staff at the hotel know us because we are regulars. “Thank you.” My dad politely responds with a smile. We make our way to one of our usual tables. A waiter comes to take our drinker orders. “I am starving so I will head to the serving bay now.” Dad says as he gets up from his seat. “Right behind you dad.” I say following him. I think for starters I will have some chicken and mushroom soup with freshly baked garlic rolls. I love their garlic rolls so much I have them every time we come with different soups. Mom and Aunt Miriam always have a garden or Greek salad first before their main meals. Dad always picks something from the breakfast table with a strong cup of coffee before he decides on his main meal. Kuzipa loves waffles or pancakes with whip cream or syrup with a cup of hot chocolate before she has her favorite, lasagna. She rarely ever changes to having something other than lasagna. Today I want to have something different from the usual meals I always have. Last time we came I had lasagna with Kuzipa and before that I had a pasta dish. Their pepper steak looks good, I hope it is as good as the one I had at Marlin restaurant with Wiza last week. I get a fair piece of their pepper steak, mash, and steamed veggies. Now I feel like I am trying to recreate the meal I had with Wiza. The meal is not that bad, I love the mash and steak. The veggies are slightly overcooked but not so bad. Once I am done I excuse myself, time for some dessert from the huge dessert island. There is always a variety of cakes, carrot cake, cheesecake, chocolate cake, lemon flavored cake, black forest, Vanilla, red velvet and so many more. Today I do not feel like eating cake and so I pick a bowl and loaded it with mixed fruit pieces then add some plain yogurt.  “That is a healthy choice for desert.” I hear someone say. I turn towards the voice commenting on my choice of dessert. Wow, his hot!! He is taller than I am, fair in complexion, a long face with a stubby jaw, well defined nose and beautiful brown eyes. I do not remember what he said to me, I have been busy admiring his handsomeness. I clear my throat before I speak. “Come again.”  He smiles, “I said that is a healthy choice for desert.” he says, oh my god his voice is amazing. “I try to stay healthy.” I say a little shy. “I can see that.” he chuckles, “But I still want a piece of that chocolate, it looks delicious. Please do not judge me for choosing to please my taste buds a little.” He smiles again. “It does look delicious, but I will pass.” I smile. “I am Tony, and you are….?” he offers his hand for me to shake. “Nandi.” I shake his hand. “Beautiful name. Are you staying at the hotel?” he asks. “No, just here for the Sunday brunch.” I smile. “First time?” he asks. “Nope, my family and I usually come.” I turn towards our table and everyone just so happens to be staring Tony and I. “I guess that is them over there.” he says. “Yep, the embarrassing family.” I say which makes him chuckle. “I do not agree with you on that, mine would have already been up in your face asking you which blood group you belong too or something like that.” both laugh. I like him. He is funny. “It was nice meeting you Tony, I hope you enjoy your chocolate cake.” “It was a pleasure meeting you and I will surely enjoy the cake Nandi.” he says with a charming smile. I walk back to my table where my family is doing nothing but staring at me. “Who was that guy?” mom asks before I can even settle comfortably in my chair.  “Mom.” I shot her a glare. “I am only asking, I mean you have a boyfriend. What’s his name again?” she pretends to forget Wiza’s name. “Wiza!” Kuzipa exclaims. “But his not her end game. She will probably date other guys in Madagascar and perhaps another in Malaysia when she goes to school.” my dad adds. I looked up praying to God to open the ground and swallow me. I cannot sit here any longer and listen to my parents plan my love life. “Hey, leave the girl alone. She is only 18 years old and exploring her options, if she does not like Wiza anymore and likes that cute boy she was talking too let her be.” Aunt Miriam jumps in. Thank you Aunt Miriam I appreciate your words. “No, Nandi will not start jumping from boy to boy.” Says mom. Okay I have had enough, I pick up dad’s Range Rover car keys and get off my seat. “When you are all ready to go home you will find me in the car.” I say then walk out to the car park. They can remain discussing my love life all they want but I will not sit there and listen. After a while they all join me in the car, everyone is silent as we drive home. I just want to get home and lock myself in my room. I change out of my clothes into something more comfortable when we get home, shorts and a t-shirt. I lay on my bed then grab my phone from the nightstand. I left it home on purpose, I have so many messages and missed calls from Wiza.  I have a few missed calls from Audrey as well. Let me call Wiza back first before I call Audrey, we shall obviously be on a longer call than Wiza and I. “Hi.” I say when he picks up. “Hey babe, how are you?” he asks. He sounds like he is still in bed, sleeping. “I am okay, how are you?” I ask. “I have a terrible hangover.” He pauses for a while, “I had too much to drink after you left.” “Okay, why?” “Martin really pissed me off, so I drowned myself in more alcohol.” he says. “What time did you leave?” I ask. “At 5 in the morning.” “Really?” he stayed that long even after I left close to midnight angry. “Yep, and I was lonely after you left.” he says, and I am quiet because I have nothing to say. “Anyway, how was church?” he asks. “Church was great like always. We went for Sunday brunch with the family afterwards.” “Oh nice, I cannot remember that last time my family hung out on a Sunday yours does.” “Well, you say you guys are complicated.” I scoff. “That we are.” Wiza and I go on talking, he tells me about all the other things that happened after I left. Parties always have drama, apart from our drama with Martin, other people had their own drama too.                                                                                   ******************************* The following week went by quick, the office had a lot of clients coming through from all the advertisement we have been doing. I never had a chance to myself or read my e-books like I did before. Strangely whenever I called Brian and asked if we could hangout after work he would always give me lame excuses about not being able to see me and would recommend I call Wiza instead and so I ended up spending a lot time with Wiza and not Brian. I sometimes wondered if Wiza had anything to do with Brian’s sudden distance from me. Brian is my friend and I expect Wiza to respect that. I have just gotten home from work on a Friday evening. It was quite a hectic day to end the week. I am not working tomorrow, and I have a date with Wiza. He is not playing any games this weekend, but he still wants us to watch his teammates play. I enter the kitchen to help mom with dinner. “Need help with anything?” I ask. “Yes please make a garden salad please while I finish off with the potatoes.” She responds. “What are we having the meal with?” “I have grilled some pork chops and made a sauce for the potatoes.” She says. “Nice.” I get busy with the garden salad while mom finishes off with what she is doing. Aunt Miriam and Kuzipa help set the table while dad listens to the news in the living room. Once mom and I finished with preparing everything we all come to the table to have supper. “So, your dad and I have decided to leave for Madagascar after Christmas.” my mom says. “Why so early, I though the move was scheduled for mid-year?” I ask. “Well, I would like your sister to start the school year and not join mid-way.” my mom says. “Makes sense.” says Aunt Miriam. “When will you join us?” dad asks Aunt Miriam and I. “I have an option to when I’m joining you?” I ask, shocked. I did not think dad would let me stay away for as long as I wish until I am ready to leave everything behind, but my mom would never let me out of her site unless it is her choice. “You are almost an adult and so we thought we could let you start by making your own choices.” says mom who has a sad smile on her face. This is a difficult decision I have to make. I turn to look at Aunt Miriam who is seated next to me on my left. “When can we visit?” “Definitely when my exams are over in March, we can go any time after then.” she says, and mom’s face gains some life. “Great!” says mom. Supper goes on well with everyone making plans on the move. After supper Aunt Miriam and I tidy up and washed all the dirty plates which are put away afterwards. I take a shower after wards then change into my pajamas. I pick up my phone from the nightstand once a am settled on my bed, I have a missed call from Wiza and messages too,                 Wiza; I miss you babe please grace me with your angelic voice.                 Wiza; Babeeeeeeeeeeee His needy messages make me laugh. Nandi; Your babe will see you tomorrow. Sleep tight, kisses. Just when I am about to put my phone away, I receive a text from an unknown number,                 Unknown; Just so you know, your boyfriend is just using you. Have a look at these photos. The message has four photos attached. The first one is a photo of Wiza sitting on a couch with a beer in his hand looking depressed. There is a girl sitting on the other end of the couch and she seems to be talking to Wiza, she is wearing a short black skirt and a red tank top with very long braids. In the second photo Wiza seems more relaxed than the first photo and is laughing at whatever the girl was saying to him. In this photo she has moved closer to him on the couch. In the third photo the girl is now sitting on Wiza’s laps with her legs across his. She has an arm around his neck, and he has an arm around her waist. They seem intimate in this photo. The fourth one is the worst and what I am looking at pierces through my heart. Both Wiza and the girl are tongue locked. Wiza even has one of his hands shoved underneath her tank top. How dare he? These photos were taken at Joe’s party, after I had left the party after Martin caused the drama he did. How could Wiza do such a thing to me? This all proves what Martin said. I am not going to cry myself to sleep this time. Wiza does not deserve my tears. I am going to deal with him tomorrow.   I put my phone back on the nightstand and get some sleep.                                                                   **************************************   The next morning, I am up by 05:30am. I meet my dad in the living room as I am heading to the kitchen. He is going for his morning jog. “Good morning darling.” He cheerfully says. Why is he so happy this early? I am dreading this day because I have to break up with my cheating boyfriend! “Morning dad.” “Care to join me?” he asks. “No thanks.” I answer hoping he leaves me alone. “C’mon, it will help you prep for the weekend.” He tries to convince me. Saying no is always so hard. “Fine, let me get changed.” I say then return to my room to change. Dad and I head out for a four-mile jog and walk back on the way home. I have not gone jogging in a while, my body hurts so much and now I have to freshen up and start baking with mom and Aunt Miriam. Lord why did I agree to this? Lunch went by like a haze, dad and Kuzipa brought back takeout. Dad promised to take everyone out for lunch, but plans changed. They came home with Pizza for himself and Kuzipa, Fries and chicken nuggets for Aunt Miriam, a salad for mom and, chicken wraps for me. Mom was not thrilled but happy she got her chicken sizzler salad. After lunch I take another shower and get ready for my last date with the lying ass I am dating. “You look nice.” Aunt Miriam comments as I head for the front door. I am wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a white off shoulder long sleeved tank top and black vans. “Thank you.” I smile at her. “Who is picking you?” she asks. “I am driving myself.” I give her another smile and her head moves back surprised by my response. I am now a confident driver and drive myself everywhere I want to go including work which I have been doing for the past two weeks. Dad is very happy and always refills my fuel every Sunday evening. “Nice, have fun.” “Thanks, see you later.” I say then walk out of the front door. I meet Wiza at show grounds at 3pm as planned. He is dressed in grey shorts, a white golf shirt and slippers. We take the usual front row seats I usually take with Brian when we are watching Wiza and his team play. The game is going well, Wiza’s teammates are leading, the opponents are not playing so well which is making things easy for the other team to win. “Have you heard from Brian?” I ask Wiza. The game is over, and we are walking towards the car park. “Nope.” comes Wiza’s response. “I have not seen or heard from him in a while.” I say. “He must be busy with his own things.” “No I doubt that.” I say. “Why are you so bothered about him anyway?” he annoyingly asks like talking about Brian disgusts him. “Brian is my friend, and he has been distant of late!” I snap. “Whatever! That is not my problem if you guys have become distant or closer.” he says. “Did you ask him to stay away from me?” I cannot help myself but ask. This has been one of the many things roaming my mind for a while now and I need to let it out. “What makes you think I did, he may have just backed off because you are now someone’s girlfriend.” he says. “Why would he back off, unless you told him too.” “What that is absurd.” He continues walking towards my car. “Just tell me Wiza!!” my voice is louder now as I demand answers. “Nandi stop it! You are my girlfriend and I do not expect you to be hanging out and entering other guys. You are my girlfriend Nandi not theres.” he says angry. “What other guys, are you referring too?” I am lost. “Brian!” he says loud. “Brian has been my friend from way before you and I met. He respects me and the fact that you and I are seeing each other, he would never do anything that would jeopardize our relationship” I tell him sternly. “You two are always together. You link up during the week after you get off work as well as attend all my games together.” “Wiza, Brian and I have been hanging out after work from way back and who do you expect me to attend the games with, Audrey is not here? I need someone to keep me company while you are busy.” “Nandi you do not need anyone to keep you company. You are there to support me. I cannot share your attention with anyone else, I cannot.”  What is he saying? He is not sharing me with anyone. Wiza is so angry and making it look like I am going around entertaining other guys and making him look bad and yet he was the one busy making out with other girls at Joe’s party after I left. “Wiza I am not cheating or entertaining other guys.” I say. “Nandi please stop playing games, you think I do not know about that Tony guy you have been talking too.” How does Tony get dragged into this? There is nothing to hid about someone I met, and I have rarely spoken too. Two days after I met Tony, I received a friend request from him. I thought about it and only accepted it the following day and we got acquainted fast and exchanged contacts. Wiza must have checked my phone on Thursday when we went out for a movie after work. He had asked to use my phone to send a message to his cousin. “You checked my phone?” I ask. “You are flirting with some other guy and you expect me to be okay?” “Do not start pointing fingers when you have baggage too.” Yes I said it. The look on his face changes to guilt. I must have struck a nerve. He stays quiet for a while obviously wondering what I am referring too. “You got lonely after I left the party you said. Well, you left out the part that you were making out with another girl after I left” I blurt out. Now I am super angry with him. I was going to just ignore those pictures I received from the unknown number and talk about things like adults but who am I kidding, he pushed me to edge with his stalking and checking through my phone. How dare he. “I…..I…” he fails to construct a sentence. I fold my arms on my chest as he stares at the ground. “Explain yourself.” I say. He chuckles then looks up at me. “What do you want me to say huh?” he asks raising his voice at me. “Do not raise your tone at me Wiza, you are the one who has been caught cheating” I dead nap. “Cheating? And what do you call what you and………..” he again fails to finish his sentence. “You know what, we are done. I am done!” he says then starts walking away. “Done? Oh okay, this just proves everything Martin said about you.” I shout at him as he walks away back towards the pitch. I open my car and get in. I look at his form still walking away. If he does not give a f**k why should I? I start my engine and drive home pissed. Everyone is in the living room watching a movie together. I walk past then heading straight to my room after saying a quick hello. I hear a knock on my door after a minute. What now, I just want to be alone. “Come in.” I shout from my bed. The door swings open and mom walks in closing the door behind her. “You are back early everything okay?” she asks while she sits down at the edge of my bed. I am leaning back on the headboard with my legs folded to my chest. “Wiza and I sort of broke up.” I tell, and she gasps in shock. “What happened baby?” she asks with so much sadness. I want someone to talk to about what had just happened but not just yet. “I am not yet ready to talk about it mom.” I tell her. “Okay my baby, when you are ready I will be here.” she says then squeezes my hand. She gets up and leaves the room.
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