Distract me

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Wiza’s POV Everything is going well, my team has won the game. The other team did not have their heads in the game making it an easy win. Nandi and I just congratulated the guys, and we are heading towards the car park to leave for our time alone. Nandi is asking me about Brian and just like that my mood changes. He is not even here yet he is ruining a good day.  “Why are you so bothered about him anyway?” I ask so irritated. Every single day, Brian this Brian that I am fed up. “Brian is my friend, and he has been distant of late!” “Whatever! That is not my problem if you guys have become distant or closer.” I say. “Did you ask him to stay away from me?” she asks. “What makes you think I did, he may have just backed off because you are now someone’s girlfriend.” I tell her, the truth is I did have a word with Brian about him spending too much time with my girlfriend. “Why would he back off, unless you told him too.” She snaps. “What that is absurd.” I continue walking towards her car. “Just tell me Wiza!!” she demand in a loud voice. “Nandi stop it! You are my girlfriend and I do not expect you to be hanging out and entering other guys. You are my girlfriend Nandi not theres.” I snap at her. Now I am getting angry by all this. “What other guys, are you referring too?” “Brian!” she shouts. “Brian has been my friend from way before you and I met. He respects me and the fact that you and I are seeing each other, he would never do anything that would jeopardize our relationship.” she says. “You two are always together. You link up during the week after you get off work as well as attend all my games together.” I let the jealousy speak. “Wiza, Brian and I have been hanging out after work from way back and who do you expect me to attend the games with, Audrey is not here? I need someone to keep me company while you are busy.” She is right, she has no one else she can come with. “Nandi you do not need anyone to keep you company. You are there to support me. I cannot share your attention with anyone else, I cannot.” “Wiza I am not cheating or entertaining other guys.” She says. “Nandi please stop playing games, you think I do not know about that Tony guy you have been talking too.” I cannot hold it in anymore, but only after I blurt it out then I realize she will ask me how I know about him. “You checked my phone?” she asks getting angrier. Lord what have I done now. “You are flirting with some other guy and you expect me to be okay?” I ask her. Last week I noticed she was getting distracted a lot whenever I was with her. She would receive texts and smile or giggle at whatever was on her phone. My guy instinct suggested she was chatting with another guy and I was right. I pretended to have depleted my data bundles and had no airtime to call Josh so I could use her phone. I checked her messages and saw a name that was appearing a lot ‘Tony’. “Do not start pointing fingers when you have baggage too.” What does she mean by that? It can only be one thing that I have done wrong but how did she find out? she was long gone by then. “You got lonely after I left the party you said. Well, you left out the part that you were making out with another girl after I left” she says disappointed. “I…..I…”I try to say something but I cannot find the right words. “Explain yourself.” She sounds like my father right now. I do not think I want to go on with this conversation. I chuckle then look up at her. “What do you want me to say huh?” “Do not raise your tone at me Wiza, you are the one who has been caught cheating.” “Cheating? And what do you call what you and………..” I am fighting a losing battle, she is angry and nothing I say will make things better. “You know what, we are done. I am done!” I say then walk away. “Done? Oh okay, this just proves everything Martin said about you.” I hear her say. She is right and that fool was right too. Why is this happening. I really like Nandi, but the world seems against the idea of me and her. First Gina came and disrupted things, I managed to get her back and now I have lost her again due to my foolishness. Everything was going okay, and she would never have found out about me going through her phone if it were not for the stupid argument about Brian. The plan was to watch the game then spend some time alone together, but we ended up getting into a fight and breaking up. This was not supposed to end this way, we were not supposed to end just yet. I love Nandi. I walk back to the pitch and join the guys who are still celebrating. They are making plans to go out and have a few drinks. I might as well join them and drink my sorrow away. I have just ruined things with the perfect girl I could ever get for a girlfriend.                                   ***************   Nandi’s POV I feel so drained after everything that happened yesterday. I just want to lay in bed and do nothing all morning. Everyone is up preparing for church while I am mopping around over my failed relationship with Wiza. Lucky me, mom does not force me to get up and go to church with them. I am happy staying behind rather than going to church with a heavy heart. Mom sends me a text shortly after they leave saying they are missing Sunday brunch because it is not the same without me. Let me get out of bed and prepare lunch for them. They shall all be starving when they get back. I respond to mom’s text asking them not to order takeout, I will prepare lunch. After taking a shower, I change into a pair of comfy grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt and house slippers. I put oxtail in the pressure cooker to cook while I pluck some fresh vegetables from the garden. The rice is cooking while I wash and cut the vegetables. Dad loves his oxtail with beans, okra, and pap. Luckily, we already have cooked beans in the fridge which I will just warm. I enjoy having the kitchen all to myself, mom says I make a bad chief, but I like it this way, all alone and not distractions while I multitask. By the time everyone is entering the house, food is ready, and the table is set. “Smells good in here.” I hear dad’s voice enter the kitchen. “Hey, how was church?” I ask with a small smile. “Amazing, I will tell you about it later.” He says. “I look forwards to that.” Dad is more than excited, I have not cooked them a meal in a while with my busy schedules in the past months, I am always either at work or hanging out with either Brian or Wiza. I do cook with mom and Aunt Miriam whenever I find them cooking but cooking entirely on my own, it has been a while. “This food is amazing, what can I do to get you cooking more often?” dad asks. “Get my heart broken.” I whisper only for my ears. Everyone is enjoying their lunch. After lunch, we all have our own programs, mom and dad resting in their room. Aunt Miriam has gone out on a date with her boyfriend leaving Kuzipa and I watching a SpongeBob marathon.                                                   ****************   Wiza’s POV The next morning, I wake up with a pounding headache like I was hit by a train or something. I pinch my temple with my left thumb and index finger before I open my eyes. This is not my room at Josh’s place. Where the hell am I and who the f**k is in bed with me? I cannot see their face because they are giving me their back, but whoever is laying in bed next to me is female. Her hair is tied up and damn, she has a great body. I get out of bed making sure not to wake her up. I grab my boxers from the floor as well as my clothes. The moment I step out of the room, I recognize where I am, Joe’s place. I do not remember coming here though. “Hey Man, you are finally up.” Says Joe who is laying back on the couch with his girlfriend in his arms. “Hi Wiza.” Kristen smiles at me. “Hi.” I squeeze my temple. My head is pounding so much it might kill me. “Headache?” Kristen asks. “Yep.” “Let me get you something for that.” Kristen gets off the couch and heads straight to the kitchen where we hear her opening a few cupboards. I sit down next to Arthur who is passed out snoring. “Here you go.” she hands me some tablets and a glass of water. “Thanks Kristen.” I say then take the tablets and water. “How did we even end up here? The last thing I remember is Pete getting into a fight with Martin over what I honestly do not remember.” “Kristen brought us here after we all got stupid drunk.” says Tom as he walks into the room from God knows where. “…..and Pete only got into a fight with Martin because of you.” Says Joe. “Me, how?” how did Pete and Martin end up fighting because of me? Forcing myself to remember what happened is not the best plan, this headache might kill me. “He found out that you and Nandi broke up because of some photos that were sent to her of you and some chic. Pete said Martin took a lot of photos that night so it made sense he must have sent them to Nandi.” Tom explains. “And we all know Martin is the only one who is capable of doing such a thing.” Joe finishes Tom’s sentence, these guys have a habit of doing this. I scratch the back of my head when it all starts getting back to me. “Damn…………. must have been one hell of a night ey.” I say. “All this drama was happening in the morning Wiza, you guys were too much work for me to handle and that is how I asked Cindy to help me drive the other car.” Kristen informs me. “Who was in the other car?” Tom asks. “Wiza, Alex, Mary and Benjamin drove with Cindy while I drover with you, Joe and Arthur.” she explains. “Where is Alex and Benjamin?” I ask. I have not seen or heard either one of their voices since I got up. “Ey, Alex is blacked out with Mary somewhere in the house.” Joe says with a chuckle. “Benjamin was picked up by Brian 2hrs ago.” Kristen says. “Okay let me prepare you guys something to eat.” Kristen excuses herself to prepare lunch for all of us. Joe is lucky to have her, they both treat each other good and they are the only couple that gives us inspiration to find stable partners.   After having a good meal, we are all relaxed enjoying a few more beers. They say the best way to cure a hangover is by drinking some more. “You know the most difficult thing was getting all your drunk asses in the car and into the house.” Kristen says. “Oh, I remember that very well, Wiza still wanted to drink even after we got home.” Cindy adds. The person I woke up next too is Cindy, she is Kristen’s cousin. It was embarrassing facing her when she came down the stairs and joined us. She sat next to me on the couch after Arthur had woken up. She played cool and said hello before we all went on with the rest of the day. I do not remember what happened last night and this morning or how we ended up in bed together, but I hope I did not make a fool out of myself. She seems like a pretty cool. “I remember we finished half a bottle of tequila taking shoots.” I hear Tom say. “Ey now I think you are exaggerating I do not remember any of that.” I deny what Tom just said. “Oh, so you do not remember us having a three some?” Tom’s face changes to shock as he is asking me about something I would never do in my life. A three some? Tom and I with who? Not possible. Everyone is quiet and looking at me all weird. “Are you serious?” I ask Tom and his mouth just hangs open shocked I cannot remember such a dreadful thing. I turn to look at Cindy, she has the same expression on her face. What the hell!! If we really did have a three some then it is good I remember none of it. Just then Joe burst out laughing “Due you should see your face.” he continues to laugh. “They are just pulling your legs, you did not have a three some.” Kristen’s words relive me from the horror of sharing a bed with Tom. “Thank God.” I shake my head. “So, you do not remember having s*x with me as well?” Cindy whispers to me and I am speechless.  Such questions are tricky, if I say no she will get angry and if I say yes then it turns out we did not have s*x then I will be a liar. “Do you want to remind me?” I jokingly ask her. For a second, I am waiting to be slapped but then her next reaction takes me by total surprise. She stands up pulling my arm up with her. I follow her lead which is upstairs to the room we shared. I guess she will remind me of what has been forgotten as well as distract me from the truth which is that I have lost Nandi.
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