Second Chance

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Wiza’s POV I went to see Nandi a few weeks ago and apologized for my shitty behavior. Leaving her for Gina was the biggest mistake I have ever made. Nandi was so loving and caring, I enjoyed every moment I spent with her. Nandi agreed to spend some time with me today. She should be resting after having worked the entire weekend. I am taking her to Marlin Restaurant. They serve the best steak in town, it is always nice and tender with so much flavor to taste. “Table for two?” a waiter asks. “Yes please.” I respond. “This way.” He says then leads the way, Nandi and I following behind. He leads us to a good table in the corner with enough privacy. Not that I am hiding from anyone, but the table gives you enough privacy. Nandi and I settle in our sits and look at the menu. I keep stealing glances from Nandi, I am mesmerized by her beauty. She has changed her hair, the braids are gone and now she has corn rolls or whatever they call them, she had the same hairstyle done earlier today. She is wearing a short red and black checked dress that is falling above her knees with black strappy sandals on her feet and a sling bag. With very little make up on she is still the most beautiful girl in the restaurant. I am in my usual jeans, shirt, and convers, I did not put in a lot of effort. We order drinks and talk while we wait for the food. “So, dad got promoted and we have to move.” She says. “Where are you moving too?” I ask. I really hope it is within the province. “Madagascar.” She says with some much sadness in her voice. “What! When are you supposed to move?” “Trust me no one is thrilled about the move including myself. I am going to school next year and was hoping I could just enjoy being home before going away for four years.” She says. She sounds so stressed about this move. I am too, I am trying to work things out with her and now her family is moving. I just have the worst of luck ey. “I am not sure when we are moving but I will let you know.” She says with a flat smile. I stay quiet for a while not sure what to say, I want a second chance with her but how will that be possible with her thousand miles away? “So, how is training going?” she asks. “Exhausting but alright.” “Are you making enough points to make it on the university team?” she asks. “Technically I already am, but I am doing my best to have a good record. Once I relax I may lose my position or spot on the team.” Nandi is not like other girls who go on and on about their lives, she is always so interested in knowing about what is happening in my life, asking me about rugby and wanting to attend every game I play. I have never met a girl that enjoys watching rugby and wants to watch me play.  Nandi was a keeper, and I am going to keep her if she let me. even if she moves to another country I will keep her in my life. After we are done with our lunch, we head to Gigibonta to get her favorite ice cream. Brian and Nandi are always doing these ice cream dates, and I have learnt how much she loves their ice cream. “So, are we……..?” I start, not sure how to ask. “So long as you will not break my heart.” She smiles, “I am still moving away eventually.” “I know, but until then I want to spend as much time with you.” I say. “Okay.” She smiles. “I better get going.” “Alright.” I get out of the car and go round to open her door for her. I hear ladies love these simple gestures. I drove her home right after we finished having ice cream. “Oh no.” Nandi face palms herself. “What is wrong?” I ask her, standing in front of her. “My parents are right behind you. I am sorry I did not mean for you to meet them like this.” She says. “It’s alright,” I smile at her, “I technically already met your mother.” “Yeah, anyway do you want to come say hi before you leave?” “Sure.” We walk towards the porch where both her parents are seated. “Good evening.” I greet both her parents. It is just after 6pm. I am so nervous, I have never met any girl’s parents. “Good evening to you too young man.” her father responds in a flat tone. “Hello” Nandi’s mom smiles at me. At least she is nice. “Are you Nandi’s boyfriend?” he asks as he gets off the chair. I swallow the lamp in my throat, what do I say? “Yes sir.” I say to him. There is awkward silence amongst us all for a while, what will he say next? Is he going to get angry or kick me out? My goodness why am I freaking out now? He moves closer to me, the man was 6ft tall and well-built with muscles and broad shoulders. He must work out a lot. A smile spreads across his face as he stretches his hand out towards me. “Do not break her heart, if you do, I will come find you and break your bones.” He warns me. his wife gets up from her seat and comes closer. “He is kidding, we know you will not break her heart.” she smiles at me then looks up at her husband “No one’s bones will be broken okay.” The big man just nods and smiles at his wife. Nandi wraps her soft hands around my arm and pulls me away. “Wiza needs to leave now.” She says while dragging me away. “Wiza darling feel free to stop by any time.” her mom calls out. “Thank you Mrs Simwinga.” I nod to nod my head at her. “Wow, someone has guts to tell my parents they are my boyfriend.” Nandi says after we reach the car. I smile at her, “For a second I thought your father was going to break me into tiny pieces just there.” Nandi laughs. “He is sometimes a bully, but he is actually a softie, mom is worse.” She says. I arch an eyebrow up, “Are you serious?” “Yep.” “Okay, in that case I better impress her.” I pulled her closer to me and kiss her lips softly. “Now that I have met your parents, I can freely come and see you.” I tell her. “I guess so.” She smiles. Her smiles are the best, they calm whatever storm I have in me.                                                                   **********************************   The past one week has been amazing. Nandi has given me a second chance to be with her and I really appreciate it. I have a game today and she promised to come watch me play. She indeed is my lucky charm to win these games, I have not lost one single game since she started coming to watch me play. The game is almost starting, and I have not spotted Nandi, I last checked my phone a few minutes ago and no missed calls or texts from her. Where could she be? “Alright lets take our places the game is about to start.” The captain yells. We all move on the pitch and take our places. Just as I take my position, I spot Nandi and Brian making their way to their seats. Why is Brian hovering around her so much? I know they were friends when I met her, but I did not expect them to be this close. She is always with him when I am not with her, even the times I am out of town playing, she is with Brian. It is the most difficult game I have ever played in my life. Brian is being too chatty and distracting Nandi from focusing on me. I keep looking at them the entire game instead of focusing on the game. If we lose the game my teammates will not be happy, and the coach will bench me. The game is finally over and we won thank God. There is an after party at one of the guy’s house and everyone is going. I am not sure if Nandi would want to go or not, I just want to be with my girlfriend regardless of where we shall be. “Hey.” Nandi says cheerfully. “Well played, that was a good game.” “I guess.” “What is wrong?” she asks, her facial expression changes to worry and concern. “Nothing.” I say very irritated. “C’mon tell me what is bothering you.” She probs. “I would rather not talk about it. Do you want to hang out? There is a party within your neighborhood.” She stays quiet for a while, her thinking face is on. “Sure.” She says with a small smile. “Cool, come with me I grab my bag from the lockers then we can leave.” I lead us both to the locker room to grab my stuff before we leave. The party is in full swing when we arrive. The house is full of people from the game, both the players with their girlfriends plus our friends from high school and other random people I fail to recognize. The house is blasting with music and people talking above their voices. We make our way through the crowd and find somewhere to sit, outside in the back yard. “Let me get us something to drink, I will be right back.” I tell Nandi before I leave her outside by the pool side. “Okay.” she says. I give her a peck on the lips and head inside the house straight to the kitchen. I find what I want to drink but nothing nonalcoholic for Nandi. “Joe, you got something nonalcoholic?” I ask the host who is packing some drinking in the fridge. “You quit alcohol?” he asks very surprised. “Nah,” I raise my hand to show him the six pack of Budweiser I have in my left hand. “I need something for Nandi, she does not take alcohol.” “Oh, I see. Let me finish loading these then I can check upstairs.” he says. I open one of the Budweisers and take a hard pull of the liquid. Joe has been gone for about 15 minutes before he returns with a six pack of grapetiser. “This is all I could find. I hope these will be enough.” He says. “Thanks man, this is more than enough.” I tell him. “Grab that plate over there for you and Nandi.” Joe points at a plate with samosas, sausage, and some chicken pieces. “Thanks man.” I leave the kitchen with the hope of finding Nandi exactly where I left her. Nandi is still where I left her, sitting by the edge of pool alone. “I hope you like grapetiser.” I say as I sit down next to her, “I also brought us something to nibble on.” “Thanks, I was actually feeling a little hungry and yes I like grapetiser.” she giggles. “Great. Eish the house is full.” I tell her. “Really?” “Yeah, all my teammates and their girlfriends are here. Brian and all the other guys I went to school with are also here with their own people too.” I chuckle. I hate crowds. “I bet the bathrooms will have long queues then.” she says. She is right, the bathrooms already have long queues. “Yep, careful with that grapetiser it will literally pass through you.” I tase which makes her laugh. I equally need to be careful with the Budweiser. “When do you start school?” she randomly asks. “October 3rd” “Okay, so you have a month and a few weeks until school opens” she says. “I am actually not looking forward to it.” I say. “Why is that?” she asks. “Dad wants me to playing rugby. That is why I am always by Josh’s place when I’m playing.” “So, are you going to quit rugby, or will you still play?” she asks something I have not really thought about. “I want to play rugby, but it will be hard with school and my parents monitoring Benjamin and I.” I say. “Let me give you some advice, our parents always give us advice to do things that they think shall be the best for us but what worth is it doing something our parents want and being unhappy about not doing what we want. At the end of the day, it is your life, and you need to do something that will make you happy. It is your life after all.” We are both quiet for a long time. I am thinking about what she just said, I need to do what makes me happy, my father has lived his life and I need to live my own. “And when are you leaving for school?” I ask her. Nandi is going to school a year from now and after she finishes her 4year study, she will be back in Zambia. Her parents are still moving to Madagascar mid next year and they want her to go with them. She says she will not go but I know she will miss her family so much if she stays behind. I do not know what it will mean for us when she leaves for Madagascar or when she leaves for Malaysia, whether we shall still be dating each other, or if we shall break up? I like Nandi so much and I am not ready to lose her. “You two are back together?” we both hear a voice from behind and we turn our heads to see who it is. Martin my annoying teammate. He staggers towards us with a bottle of alcohol in his left hand. “I did not think you would get back.” He says with a smirk. “Dude you are drunk.” I say with hope that he shuts up. Martin s always running his mouth when sober, a drunk Martin is not any better. “No!! I did not ask you if I am drunk or not” he points a finger at me. He moves closer and sits down next to Nandi. “So, a person can just use you, dump you and come back for you?” Martin says to her. “Martin shut up.” He is beginning to piss me off. “I am not talking to you Wiza, you just shut up!” he says, “Now you.” he looks at Nandi, “How do you allow this guy over here to treat you the way he did? Do you not have self-respect?” I cannot sit here any longer and continue listening to him insult Nandi the way he is doing so right now. Yes I screwed up and apologized, I am lucky Nandi agreed to give me another chance now this fool wants to ruin things for us.  I stand up and move to his side and lift him up from his shirt collar. “How dare you speak to my girlfriend like that?” I shout in his face. “Did I say anything that is not true Wiza? All you do is use her, she can be smiling now but she will be crying tomorrow.” He responds, I was not expecting this. “Shut up!” I ordered him, but he still wants to go on talking, “Nandi he is just using you, you are not the first one this season….” Before he could finish his sentence my fist meets his face. He falls in the pool and everyone close by all came closer to the pool to watch, a few coming from inside the house. For a second, I am thinking he will drown but his head come up above the water. “You can try to drown me, but do not waste her time with your seasonal feelings.” Martin yells from the pool. I will not continue giving him attention because then he will just keep talking. Let me get back to my girlfriend, but when I turn Nandi is missing from where she was before. I searched through the crowd but cannot see her anywhere. Let me check the car park, she might be there. She may have gone to her car. I start walking towards where I parked her car, Nandi is standing her car crying. “Nandi.” I call her name out as I get closer. Her reaction is shocking to me. “Just stop there!” she shouts with her hands stretched out forward. “What Martin said was all true. Stay away from me okay.” “Nandi.” “Just give me my car keys!” she yells. “I cannot let you leave like this.” “I do not care what you want. Just give me my keys now.” She commands. I honestly do not want her to drive off in this state, but she is insisting so I fish her keys out of my pocket and toss them over to her. She gets into her car and starts the engine. That i***t shall pay for this.                                                   ****************************************************   Nandi’s POV “How do you allow this guy over here to treat you the way he did? Do you not have self-respect?” Martin’s words hurt me so much cutting through my heart as easy as cutting cake. He always says hurtful things to me, but they always have some truth in them. I cannot listen to Martin speak anymore so I get up and leave. I have no choice but to pass through the main house. Tears are running down my face as I make my way through the crowd of people. I get a few stares and they all look like they are wondering what is wrong with me. The person I like keeps hurting me so much, I have a feeling what Martin said a few minutes ago is true. I get to my car and cry out loud. Is this what people think of me, that I have no self-respect? Wiza did dump me and returned after his fling failed to work with Gina. Did he have any feelings for me or was he with me just to show off? I want to get out of here but Wiza is having my car keys. “Nandi.” I hear Wiza’s voice. “Just stop there!” I shout with my hands stretched out forward. “What Martin said was all true. Stay away from me okay.” “Nandi.” Shock is written all over his face. “Just give me my car keys!” I yell, I just want to get out of this place. “I cannot let you leave like this.” He says. “I do not care what you want. Just give me my keys now.” I say firmly. He pulls my keys from his pocket and tosses the keys towards me. when I catch them I immediately unlock the car and get in. “Nandi where are you going?” he asks. “Home!” I snap, where else on earth would I honestly go. “Please wait I need to talk to you. You cannot leave like this.” he says. “Leave like what angry?” I ask. “Yes, I do not want you to leave angry because of what that douchebag said. Just ignore him babe.” “I cannot ignore what he said. Martin was not speaking from without Wiza.” I say. “Babe, he is drunk. Just ignore him.” “How do I ignore him calling me out and saying all the things he said Wiza. I cannot ignore the truth I am sorry.” I say then drive off leaving him standing there. Tears kept rolling down my face as I remember Martin’s words. Martin is always saying the most hateful things. But everything he has said this far is always true. When I get home, I heard straight take a shower. I am lucky everyone is already in their rooms, I do not want anyone asking me why my eyes are red or how my afternoon went. Because my relationship with Wiza is over. 
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