Not Yours

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Nandi’s POV Forgetting about Wiza has been easy, the office has gotten busy, like super busy. Hellen and I have been unable to manage the client flow on our own and so the boss decided to hire an extra person. We have two people working at the front desk all the time managing our efficiency as well as having two people come in on Saturdays. Aside from the office keeping me distracted, I gained a new friend as well as rekindled my old friendship with Brian. I had to force Brian to start talking to me again. On Monday after work, I drove to his place and asked his little sister to inform him that I had come to see him. When he came out and found me, he started making up excuses to why we have not been hanging out in the past days. “Wiza and I broke up.” I tell him after we have gotten past him lying to me about why he has been avoiding me. We are standing outside their house by my car. I can feel Brian fighting within himself on how to react or what to say to me after telling him about mine and Wiza’s breakup. “I heard from Benjamin yesterday.” he says while looking at the ground, “I’m sorry Nandi, I thought things were going well between you two.” “We all thought so. You see why I am mad at you?” I softly punch his arm, but he still yelps in pain. “You stopped talking to me for a dying relationship.” “Ouch woman that hurt!” he rubs his arm, “Are you okay though?” “Yes, I am okay. Well, I think so, as long as I have you as my friend again.” I give him a small smile. “I am sorry for going quiet on you.” he finally apologizes. We go on chatting, Brian tells me about what he has been up too the past few week. He met a girl he likes, she lives in the same neighborhood as he does. He tells me about all the couple things they had been doing which includes going for ice cream. Which is our thing. “So, what you are telling me is that you have replaced me?” I ask with my eyebrows furrowed and my arms folded on my chest. “Well……. we just found ourselves doing things that you and I usually did together.” he says trying to be as careful as he can not to hurt my feeling. I start laughing. When I look at his face he is looking at me like I am crazy. “What’s funny?” he asks. “You tip toeing around me like I will break.” I tell him. “I do not want you to feel like you have been replaced. I actually missed you while you and Wiza were, wait is it safe to mention his name?” he asks. “Yes, Brian it’s okay.” I tell him, “In fact I would like to know how you met your new girlfriend who’s name you still have not revealed to me.” I smile. He chuckles. “Her name is Linda and if it were not for you she would not have spoken to me.” “Me? How exactly did I do that?” I ask. Is he referring to one of my friends? “I was taking a walk within the neighborhood and passed by her gate then she asked me where you were because she always saw us together. It was funny to hear someone ask me about you.  So, I said hi then I explained to her that you were with your boyfriend. She then asked if she could walk with me since you were not around and that is how we started talking and here we are.” he explains. “So, all this happened within the last two weeks?” “No! Linda and I met the day you had that date with Wiza when you guys first got back together.” “Firstly, that was the only time we are ever getting back,” I say which makes him laugh, “And If I could go back in time I would go back to that very day and make sure we stay apart.” we both laugh and joke about it. “You know what, we should do something together this weekend. I would like to officially introduce Linda to you.” He smiles. “That would be nice, this weekend is abit packed already. I had promised to spend time with Kuzipa and Aunt Miriam then Tony asked me to go watch a movie with him tomorrow evening.” Tony and I have been talking a lot, this would be the perfect time for someone to get jealous not then. He suggested we watch ‘London has fallen’ it’s a sequel of ‘Olympus has fallen’ another great movie that features Gerard Butler saving the president of the united states of America. Because I love action movies and Gerard Butler I agreed. “Wait… who is this Tony you are watching a movie with tomorrow?” he asks very surprised. Oh yeah, I have not told anyone about Tony except Audrey. “Tony is a guy I met weeks ago. His cool, you should meet him.” I say. “Look who has moved on so quick.” He teases me. I flip my hair over my shoulder, “Life must go on.” I say sounding very sassy. Brian continues teasing me, I am glad my mind is not floating in the clouds thinking about Wiza. He came and we dated, things did not go as planned and what happened happened. I am glad I had not done anything regrettable with Wiza otherwise moving on would be so hard.  After seeing Brian, I leave for home. My ten minutes visit turned into an hour-long visit. I wonder if our relationship will change now that we he is dating Linda. We have always spent so much time together when neither one of us was seeing anyone but ever since I started dating Wiza things changed, and they will continue being the way they are while he dates Linda.                                   **********************************   I have not stopped watching the clock waiting for it to hit 5pm so that I leave. Anxious about my first date with Tony. He called me earlier and asked if he can pick me from work and I said no. I need to get home, shower, and change into a pair of clean clothes. I need to look pretty for our date. “What are you wearing for your date?” Hellen asks. “Not sure,” I respond. “Make sure you look extra cute okay. Wear some makeup as well, not too much but enough.” Zoe adds. “Zoe is right, make sure you look extra cute. Otherwise, that meal will leave for a snack.” Hellen winks at me before walking away. Hellen keeps asking where I find guys, she liked Wiza and now Tony who has been gracing me with his presence the past days. On Wednesday Tony came to my office, he brought me lunch as an excuse to see me. He asked me out to lunch the day before and I turned him down because the office was very busy, I could not afford to go out for lunch but could quickly have a wrap or something for lunch. I had not packed anything for lunch on Wednesday and Tony showed up with so much food which saved me from starving. He brought me a Thai beef salad, potato wedges, a mini pizza, and chicken wraps. We both failed to finish the food, so I shared with my co-workers. I asked him why he had brought so much food and he said he could not decide on what to get. I served myself the salad and chicken wraps for him. We sat in his car and had our lunch, I washed down the salad with a fresh blend of apple, ginger, and mint juice from Roan & Sable. Tony has so far been pressing all the right buttons. He is very attentive to what I like, always asking me for my preferences. I feel bad sometimes because we are always talking about me and never himself. Whenever I ask him anything concerning him, he always finds a way of pushing the conversation back to being about me. Finally, time to leave the office. I get into my car and rush home. Mom and dad are not home when I arrive. Aunt Miriam and Kuzipa are watching something together. As planned I get into the shower to wash off. Once I am satisfied, I turn the water off and return to my room.  Zoe and Hellen said I should look extra cute, I pull out a floral summery dress, one of the many dresses mom recently bought for me. the dress is short but decent. I add white All-star canvas and a blue demine jacket, I know the cinema gets cold at some point. I brush the edges of my hair with a bit of gel to keep the stray hair intact. I do not like wearing makeup, lord knows I do not have a clue on how to wear makeup, but I will add just a bit of everything. I apply a bit of face powder to get rid of the oil on my face, I brush my long eye lashes with black mascara for thickness and volume then apply some lip gloss on my lips.  All done, I am satisfied with how I look. I smile at my appearance in the mirror. Cute. My phone vibrates on the bed, I pick it up and check Tony’s message. Tony; I am outside. Me; Coming I grab my black sling bag then walk out of my room. “See you guys later.” I say to Aunt and Kuzipa. “Have fun.” they both respond. “Whoa where are you off too?” dad asks as he walks in. “Out.” I kiss his check and rush out before he asks any more questions.  I walk out of the gate and see Tony standing by his car, an ash grey BMW 3 series. I love Tony’s car, it’s my kind of car. He first thought I would not like it when I told him I did. He thought I am into Mercedes Benz than I am into BMWs. “Hi” I smile. He smiles back at me, “Hi, you look and smell amazing.” he says, I look away so that he does not see me blushing.” Thank you.” “You know I thought we would not make it for our movie when you said you wanted to first come home and freshen up.” he says. HA! In his face, I bet he thought I would take forever getting ready. “Do you know I went to boarding school?” I ask. “Say no more.” He chuckles. Going to boarding school required you to get ready faster than usual. It was like military managing so much in very little time. “Anyway, let us get going if we still want to arrive in time.” I say. He opens the front passenger door for me to get in. We are going to watch the movie from fresh view cinemas at Manda hill. We arrive just in time, we use the remaining 15mins before the movie starts to get popcorn and drinks. Tony already purchased the tickets online. We pick good seats, the top seats are the most comfortable and have the best view. The movie is amazing with so much action.  Tony is enjoying the movie as much as I am. I am glad he likes it, it would be unfortunate if he is not. After the movie end he suggests we get something to eat, we are both starving. We decide on a half and half large chicken and something meaty pizza from Debonairs. Our drinks are serviced while we wait. “Enough about me, tell me about yourself.” I say. He is always interested in listening to me talk but not tonight. “What do you want to know?” he asks after laughing. “Everything.” I smile. “Okay, here goes nothing.” He says with a charming smile. We talk through our meal, Tony telling me about himself. Tony is the youngest child of five, he has one sister and three brothers. His mom died while giving birth to him and his late twin sister. He tells me about how lonely his father has been until a few years ago when he remarried. His siblings and himself are happy he finally moved on, but he married a woman that is half his age and only 10 years older than Tony. Tony’s dad’s wife is also his elder sister’s best friend. The two seized being friends when the best friend married the friends father. Even I would not be happy if Audrey got married to my dad if anything ever happened to my mom. Tony’s father is a very rich and powerful man, he is also the minister of Foreign Affairs in our country. With all the money he has, he manages to provide all his children’s needs. It now explains all the luxuries and fancy things Tony has, I mean he has an expensive phone, the latest iPhone, a very expensive and nice car, and many other things. Tony tells me about the opportunities to study abroad that he has turned down, he wants to obtain his first degree locally then get his masters aboard right after. He is also working and making little money for himself. He works at a company called Foresight solutions they are specialized in Micro soft hardware and other information and technology related things. It has been a lovely evening, I did not expect to have the fun I have had today and gotten to know Tony the way I have. “Thanks for the evening, I had so much fun.” I tell him. We were sitting in his car parked in front of our house. “The pleasure was all mine, I hope we can do this again.” he says then lifts my hand to kiss it. “Goodnight beautiful.” I feel butterflies in my stomach when he calls me beautiful. “Goodnight.” I smile before getting out of the car. I walk to the front door and wave at him before he drives off. Aunt Miriam is still awake watching a movie, “Hey, how did your date go?” she asks. “Amazing.” I say bitting on my bottom lip, “Goodnight.” “Goodnight darling.” She says then I walk to my room.                                                     ***************   I am sound asleep enjoying my dreams. When I hear someone screaming my head off. “Wake up” I hear Kuzipa scream. I pull the covers over my head hoping she gets the memo and leave me alone, but my little sister is not going anywhere. “Nandi wake up it’s almost noon.” She says. She is now sitting on my stomach, shaking me, and trying to pull the duvet cover off my head. “Go away Kuzipa!” I try to chase her away, but my sister is as adamant as our mom is. I am sure she got this bad trait from her. It is always so hard to get rid of her. “Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!!!” she keeps going on and on until I realized I was fighting a losing battle. I uncover my face and there she is brightly smiling at me. “Get showered we need to go to the saloon.” she says. I think this was a bad idea, I should not have agreed to spend time with Kuzipa and Aunt Miriam. We are supposed to go to the saloon at 10am. I pick my phone from the nightstand and check the time. It is 10:40am. I slap my face with one hand, “Why did you not wake me up earlier?” I ask as I get out of the covers. “Aunt Miriam tried some time back then gave up.” she says. I remember someone speaking to me earlier, but I thought it was all a dream. “Okay let me get showered, have mom and dad already left?” I ask. They are attending a wedding in Livingston and dad opted to drive there instead of flying. Terrible choice. “Yes, they left before I actually woke up.” she says. She gets off my bed and leaves the room. I get out of bed then head to the bathroom for a quick shower after which I change into a pair of grey jeans and a black T-shirt. I slip some slippers on then grab my phone. “I packed you something to eat on the way, no time for you to sit and have breakfast.” Aunt Miriam informs me as I enter the kitchen. “Thanks.” I grab the lunch box with a folk and a bottle of water from the fridge. She has packed me a salad of some sort, beacon, boiled eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes with toasted bread with butter. The three of us leave the house for the saloon leaving Mary our helper home to do the cleaning. Aunt Miriam drives straight to Northmead where we are getting our hair done. Schools were opening and Kuzipa must have something decent braided. During the holiday dad tried to convince mom to let her do pink braids. Mom only agreed after Kuzipa refused to eat for a whole day.    I swear the things this child gets away with, our parents would never have let me do. Aunt Miriam is not having her hair braided, she is only here to have her weaves washed, blown, and toned. I on the other hand, I am thinking of doing something different. I am tired of all the braids I have been doing lately. Aunt Miriam suggests faux locks, I like faux locks, but I anticipate the pain during the plaiting. They say beauty hurts right? When we get home, Audrey calls me. I have not spoken to her in a while, not by choice but because we have both been so busy. “Wow, your hair looks great” she says. “Thanks babe, your hair looks great too.” I compliment her, she had now dyed her hair gold from the roots, only she has the guts to do such a thing. “How are you?” “I am exhausted, I had an assignment I neglected until the two days before it was due, so I have been busy researching and working on it.” She explains. “I hope you have learnt your lesson.” I tease. “I learnt the hard way babe. So, how are you?” she asks me. “I am well, just came back from the saloon and about to binge watch cartoons with Kuzipa and Aunt Miriam.” I inform her. “How is that little human, I have actually missed her dictating me around.” we both laugh. Kuzipa has me as her elder sister and never really troubles me unless mom and dad says she can, and I let her. Audrey on the other hand she somehow manages to dictate all the time. Audrey enjoys and entertains her because she loves her. “She is okay, she was trying to convince Aunt and I to let her do blue braids this time. But schools are opening so she can only do black.” I say which Audrey laugh. “I am not surprised.” she says, “How is Tony?” she asks. “Tony is good, we went for a movie last night and had some pizza afterwards. I like him, his got good energy.” I say, Audrey smiles. “So are you guys like………………” “No, we are not dating.” I cut her off before she can finish her sentence then she does the same to me. “Yet!” she says. “Wiza and I have only been over for a few weeks now, I am not yet ready to jump into another relationship. I mean Tony is a good guy but are they not all good in the beginning?” “Tony seems like a good guy though, you have said it yourself. Wiza was good too but he was too fast unlike Tony who is taking his time with you.” She says. “Very true but anyway I will let nature take it’s course.” Audrey and I go on talking for a few more minutes before Kuzipa comes in and asks if I am joining them any time soon. I say my goodbyes to Audrey who really needs to get some rest anyway. I join Kuzipa and Aunt in the living room. We start watching whatever Kuzipa suggests we watch.                                                     ****************************************   The next day is Sunday and as usual we have church then brunch but unfortunately we head straight home. Tony was looking forward to us hanging out. he was not pleased when I called him to cancel, but he then quickly suggested we hang out in the afternoon. Mom and dad are on their way home but will not arrive until later in the day. After changing out of my church clothes, Tony picks me up almost immediately. I introduce Tony to Aunt and Kuzipa before we leave, they both love him and ask him to stay for lunch which aunt is preparing. Tony accepts the offer and I immediately turn it down before I drag him out of the house. “Do you eat sea food?” Tony asks me. “Yes, I do.” “Can we go to Ocean’s basket?” he asks. “Yeah sure.” Tony drives out of our premises. We drive to Arcades shopping mall from my place, the ride only lasts a few minutes before we arrive.  Tony asks about how I spent my Saturday which I tell him. He spent his Saturday with his siblings as well. His sister cooked lunch and invited all of them over so they could catch up. She lives on a big farm in Lusaka west with her husband and two children, a boy, and a girl. I wish I had more siblings, it has always just been Kuzipa and I with no brothers.   Like Audrey, he is amused by my little sister. He hopes to have a daughter like Kuzipa in future. I for one do not wish that, she is my sister and I love her so much but to have a child like her never. The girl almost drives me insane daily. After we finish with our lunch, we leave the restaurant heading back to the car park then I see someone I least expected to see. I let go of Tony and I’s intwined fingers. “Nandi are you okay?” Tony asks me when he notices the sudden body language. Wiza is on the phone talking to someone then he immediately cut the call. He is heading directing towards us. “Nandi.” He calls my name and I look up at his face. Tony is obviously wondering what is going on. “I…I…” words fail to come out of my mouth. “Are you okay?” Tony asks with so much worry and concern. Why am I so scared? Wiza has a cold and scary stare on his face. We broke up so there is no reason for me to be scared or for him to be mad. I have moved on and he needs to do the same. “I am fine.” I finally find the words just ask Wiza stops in front of us. “What the hell Nandi?” Wiza’s voice roars. “Who are you and why are you speaking to her like that?” Tony asks very furious. “Back off, I ain’t talking to you!” Wiza snaps at Tony but his gaze not leaving me. I can feel Tony getting angry and his need to protect me from Wiza who he does not know. I turn to face Tony placing both my palms flat across his chest gently pushing him back. “Give me five minutes to talk to him.” I say, and he nods his head denying my request. “No, I will not leave you here with him.” he says while looking at Wiza over my head. I should be happy Tony is caring enough not to leave me alone with Wiza, but I need to talk to Wiza alone without Tony being there. Who knows what would come out of Wiza’s mouth? “Go to the car I will be fine.” I stare straight into his eyes pleading with him. “Alright, five minutes.” he says then walk past me to the car. I take a deep breath before turning to face Wiza. “What is it?” I ask with my hands folded on my chest. “What is it? Are you seriously asking me that?” he asks sounding very annoyed. “Yes, I actually am.” I shot back. “It’s only been a few weeks since we broke up and you have already moved on. You have not been taking my calls or responding to my messages and now I find you here with that guy. Who is he, anyway, is that the Tony guy?” he says his name with so much disgust. “Wiza you said it yourself that we were over. What I do with my life is none of your business. I do not owe you any explanation.” I do not have anything more to say to him, so I start walking away. But he grabs my arm pulling me back towards him. “I know I have wronged you in so many ways in the past months we have been together, but I want you to know that I love you.” His voice is so calm now, if I turn to look at him, I will break down. I longed to hear those words from his lips while things were good between us not now when I have moved on. “Please say something.” he pleadingly says. “Wiza we cannot keep going in circles.” I say while looking at the ground. He lets go of my arm, I turn and face him. “I am not giving up on you.” he says. I want to scream in his face and tell him I am not his anymore. I am not even sure if I ever was his. It was so easy for him to leave me for other girls as well as cheat on me with random girls from parties. I was definitely never his. We stare at each other for a minute or two before I walk away back to Tony’s car who is leaning by his car, looking at the ground with his legs crossed and arms crossed on his chest. “Hey.” I stand right in front of him. “Hi, is everything okay?” he asks as he uncrossed both his legs and arms. “Yes.” I respond. “Who was that if you don’t mind me asking?” he asks. “That was Wiza, my ex.” “Oh, I see. He seemed pretty upset seeing you and I together.” he says. “That’s for sure. He does not want to accept that things are over between us.” I sigh. “How long were you guys together?” Tony asks. “We were on and off for a while, we met in July and dated for a while and things ended a week ago.” “Okay makes sense, you are a nice person Nandi even I would not easily forget you after dating for over a year.” he says. Did I hear him say a year? “No Wiza and I barely dated 2 months.” I correct him immediately I realize he misunderstood me. “You mean you guys met this July and not last July?” Tony asks me confused. “Yes.” “Okay.” he scratches the back of his head, “What did you do to the guy?” I laugh. I honestly do not know how to explain all this. I do not even understand what is going on in his head. “Should we not be getting ice cream?” I ask to change the subject. “Yes, we should.” he chuckles. We get into the car and leave the mall heading to another place that he says serves the best ice cream other than my favorite Gigibonta. Overall, I can say I have had an awesome weekend. I have gone on two dates with Tony and almost had one ruined by Wiza. I am not going to let Wiza ruin or control my love life, I gave him his chances and he decided to do what he did and ruined things. I am moving on and he needs to move on as well.
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