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September and October went by fast. Tony and I were hanging out a lot, which included going to watch movies at the cinema and going out to eat. I introduced Tony and Brian to each other, and we started doing double date things the four of us, Brian with Linda and Tony and I. Tony wasn’t into sport, so we didn’t do any sport activities together. Brian on a few occasions mentioned he and Linda would go watch the guys play rugby and suggested we tag along but I declined knowing Wiza would be at those games. Wiza was still calling and texting me and I ignored him. He kept sending me weird threatening messages,                 “Have all the fun you want with that boy, but be rest assured I am getting you back”                 “I don’t understand how you can be happy without me”                 “I’m getting you back one way or another Nandi” I couldn’t tell Tony about it because I didn’t want to give him any reason to worry, I just decided to block Wiza. I just hoped I didn’t make him angrier than he already was. Sometime in October Tony and I went to visit his sister when he introduced me as his girlfriend. Shocking right? Even I was shocked because I didn’t recall him asking me to be his girlfriend. He apologized then properly asked me to be his girlfriend which was quite funny and yes, I gladly accepted. I really liked Tony, he was calm and slow with me. I appreciated the fact that we got to know each other first before anything ever happened. Tony and I hadn’t even made out yet until the day he asked me to be his girlfriend, he kissed me goodnight when dropping me home. October meant Tony had opened school at the university and so did Wiza. I visited him over the weekend always hoping not to run into Wiza. Brian tipped me on how to move around the university to avoid meeting Wiza and so far, I hadn’t run into him the past month the university had been open. On one of the weekends in November I was getting off work on a Saturday driving straight to see Tony. I had missed him so much after not seeing him for over a week, although it felt like a month. I hadn’t spoken to him either, every time I called him, he was either in class or busy, but he sent me messages throughout the day. I didn’t speak to him the day before to inform him that I would visit him right after work. When I got to campus, I parked my car at my usual spot nearer to Tony’s hostel. I got out of my car carrying with me all my valuables before I locked the car and went to Tony’s room. I knocked on his door once then opened the door which was unlocked. Tony was facing the window giving me his back. He didn’t hear me come in because he had his headsets plugged in. I put my bag and phone on his bed quietly then hugged him tight. He got startled a little, but I also heard him yelp in pain. Why yelp in pain, I didn’t squeeze him too tight for him to be in pain. He turned around taking his head sets off and giving me a kiss on the lips immediately. “Are you in pain?” I asked with a questioning look on my face. “Noooo” he said but I knew he was lying to me. “Are you sure?” I asked, he smiled and said “Yes baby, I’m fine” I wasn’t buying his lies, so I hugged him again and watched his facial expression change. Something was wrong and he was in so much pain. I let him go and lifted his T-shirt and what I saw made my heart ache.                                                   **********************************   Tony’s POV I was standing in front of my window with my headsets plugged in listening to loud music. I couldn’t sit on my bed until the painkillers started working. I was in pain after I got jumped a few days ago. I was taking usual my morning run on campus when a group of guys attacked me. It was very early between 04:30 and 05am when I usually went and by this time the sun hadn’t yet risen so I couldn’t see who my attackers were. But the one who threw the first and several other fists at me said I should stay away from Nandi. Whoever this douchebag was, was asking me to stay away from my girlfriend and I wasn’t going too. His friends went ahead to kick me on my back and stomach. In the past few days, I noticed one or two guys following me on campus during the day. Then I noticed two others in the morning during my morning run. I don’t know if they were the same or different because I ran quite early before the sun rose. I think I knew who jumped me. It might have been that Wiza guy she was dating before we started dating. I knew he wasn’t happy that Nandi had moved on and didn’t want to be with him anymore.   After being beaten I was left there in so much pain and I laid there until I managed to gain little strength to get up and walk back to my room. Luckily my roommate was kind enough to get me some painkillers and a few things to tend my now sore body. Eating was hard because I had a cut inside my mouth as well as the left end of my mouth. I opted to take soup or just liquids. I missed class the passed three days because I couldn’t walk by myself around campus. No one knew what had happened to me and I asked my roommate to keep it that way. I couldn’t tell my siblings nor dad because they would blow things out of proportion. I hadn’t spoken to Nandi since I got jumped. I only sent her messages and declined all her calls pretending to be in class. She was going to flip to know what happened and I was going to keep it a secret until I was completely fine. In grossed in the music I didn’t hear the door open, I just felt small warm arms wrap around my torso. I yelp in pain then turned around to find Nandi. Shit!! I hoped she wouldn’t hear me yelp. What was she even doing here, she wasn’t supposed to be here? I needed to get better before I could see her. I took my head sets off and gently kissed her. “Are you in pain?” Nandi asked me with a questioning look on her cute face. “Noooo” I tried to lie to her “Are you sure?” she asked with one raised eyebrow.   “Yes baby, I’m fine” I said hoping that was convincing enough. What she did next took me by surprise, she hugged me again, the same way she did when she arrived but this time, she was facing me and looking at my face. Fuck, it hurt so bad. I couldn’t cry out in pain because then she would know something was wrong. I tried my best to hold it in, but my stupid face gave it away. She quickly let go and raised my T-shirt from my waist revealing my bruised body. The pain on her face hurt me. I felt like a dagger had been pushed into my chest. She was frozen for a minute staring at my chest and stomach while still holding the t-shirt. She went round me and checked my back too. Nandi was in pain seeing me like this and I hoped not to tell her who I thought did this. “What the hell?” she said, I have never actually heard Nandi curse “Who did this to you?” I pulled my t-shirt down and turned to face her. “No one, I was trying out for rugby then this happened” I lied. She stared at me straight in the eyes telling me that was a lie she wasn’t going to buy. “Lying twice in a day huh?” she said. How did she always know when I was lying? I scratched the back of my head trying to come up with a better convincing lie. “Just tell me who did this to you, it’s better than you trying to come up with a more convincing lie” she said. How did she know I was trying to come up with another lie? She was standing in front of me with her arms crossed on her chest. “I got jumped by some guys 3 days ago” I told her. I couldn’t find a better story, so I told her the truth. “What!!!” she exclaimed “and you’ve been hiding this from me because?” “I didn’t want you to worry” and this just pissed her off even more “You have been keeping this from me since Wednesday?” she asked “Why?” I didn’t answer her, what was I going to tell her? “Who did this to you Tony?” she asked staring directly into my eyes. I just shook my head. I wasn’t going to tell her. She was so angry I refused to tell her. She grabbed her phone from my bed and stormed out. She left the rest of her things meaning she was going to come back. All I could do now is wait.                                                                                   **********************************   Nandi’s POV The moment he said he got jumped I knew who did this to him. I was so angry, and my temper was boiling. I grabbed my phone from his bed and stormed out. I dialed Brian’s contacted and called him. It rung twice before he picked up, “Hey………” Brian greeted but I cut him off “Which one is Wiza’s hostel and room?” I asked “No hello? Nandi is everything okay, you sound pissed?” Brian said from the other end of the phone. “Brian I will explain everything later I just need to know where to find Wiza right now.” I demanded “At the ruins, Kafue block 2 room 4” the moment Brian finished his sentence I hang up and matched towards the ruins. Why they called the hostels the ruins I have no idea and I really didn’t care right now. My aim was to find Wiza. I made my way through trying to find Kafue block 2. A lot of guys were winking at me or saying something which I really didn’t care about. Another guy caught my wrist and I sent him a death glare after which he let my wrist go and I went on searching until I found it. I found room 4 and knocked on the door. I heard loud music coming from the room and so I banged the door using my fist. The door opened after the first bang and my ears were hit with very loud music coming from inside the room. Wiza is the one who opened the door. My hand went straight to hit his face. My hand ached after I slapped his face hard. Wiza was still in the same position after I had slapped him. After a few seconds he stretched his jaw and rubbed the cheek I had slapped. His eyes became scary again like the day I met him at the mall when I was with Tony. I stood there staring at him unfazed massaging my now aching hand. “How dare you Wiza, can’t you just buzz off and leave me and Tony alone” I told him angrily. His movement was quick and took me by surprise. He grabbed both my arms and pulled me closer to his naked body. I hadn’t realized until then that he wasn’t wearing clothes and was only in his boxers. I tried to push him off, but his grip was too strong. “Careful Nandi” he hissed into my ear “I let him live because I don’t want your little boyfriend’s blood on my hands” Wait did he just say he let Tony live because he didn’t want blood on his hands? So, he did it. This bastard attacked Tony arggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to scream in his face but then something or someone interrupted our fight.                                                                   *********************************   Wiza’s POV We were in my room when I had someone banging on my door. I got up and pulled my boxers up then opened the door. Boy was I amused to see my favorite girl standing there. But then my amusement disappeared when she slapped me hard. I was still for a while then I stretched my jaw and rubbed my cheek. She must have figured out I beat her boyfriend up. “How dare you Wiza, can’t you just buzz off and leave me and Tony alone” she spoke. She was angry and it wasn’t doing any justice to her beautiful face. But f**k it, she dared to slap me, and this pissed me off. I had been calling and texting her, but she was ignoring me all this while. I wanted to do something to get her attention and so I decided to jump her boyfriend but then I got carried away. We ended up beating the day lights out of the guy until I stopped them. I grabbed her arms and pulled her closer to me, if we weren’t in this situation, I would have kissed her, I missed her so much and here she was slapping me for hurting that stupid boyfriend of hers.  “Careful Nandi” I hissed directly into her ear “I let him live because I don’t want your little boyfriend’s blood on my hands” I spat out. Her facial features changed, she feared what I had just said might be true. It’s like she was doubting, and I just confirmed her doubts. Her mind was working, and she wanted to say something then the door opened wider behind me. “Boo boo came back to bed” Gina requested, her body wrapped in a bed sheet. I stared long in Nandi’s beautiful eyes before I let go of her. I knew she now hated me more than before but one way or another I was going to get her back. I entered the room and closed the door in her face. Fuck! Gina and I continued what we were doing before. Yes, Gina was back in my life. Gina and I go way back, we met back in high school at some party. I never used to take alcohol or smoke before I met Gina, but I slowly started because of spending too much time with her and doing what she did. Gina comes from a broken family, when she was 15 years old her little brother fell ill, and they had to transfuse blood from some of the family members to save her brother’s life. During the blood testing and grouping they discovered that her little brother and dad’s blood didn’t match and that he wasn’t his child.   It was a difficult time for the family she said, and everyone was lost for a while, she started drinking alcohol and started smoking too. Her dad filed for divorce and didn’t want to stay married to Gina’s mother. Which man would want to stay with such a woman? These unfortunate things caused the family to break apart.  Gina and I were each other’s first and that’s the reason why we always found it easy to get back together for hook ups. But I needed to stay focused on getting Nandi back.                                                   ***************************************   Nandi’s POV I walked back to Tony’s room feeling very defeated. I never thought through what I was going to say or do when I saw Wiza and the first thing I did was slap him hard and he confirmed my doubts about harming Tony. And then Gina was there with him in his room. He was with her again, I don’t understand what’s between those two. He should just stay and be with her if they love each other that much. I wasn’t jealous or anything, but I mean they accepted each other regardless of how their relationship ended. I pray Gina keeps Wiza busy then maybe he can forget about Tony and I. When I returned to Tony’s room, he was preparing something to eat. Did I mention Tom was a great cook? Well he is and I enjoyed his food every time he cooked for me. But I felt terrible that he had to cook for me while he was injured and so I took over under his instructions. “Baby where did you run off?” he asked “I went to slap Wiza in the face for hurting you” I told him blankly and continued cutting the cheese block into small cubes. We were making macaroni cheese with mince, well I was physically making it and Tony was giving all the instructions. Do this…………. Don’t do that……. I was looking forward to finishing with this meal the instructions were too much. “What, how do you even know it was him?” he asked surprised “Because I know him, and I knew you weren’t gonna tell me who hurt you. And that rugby tryout story you were trying to blind me with?”  he chuckled, at least he was laughing despite the pain he was in. “Rugby is the only sport that can give you these kinds of bruises.” He said “Well you don’t even play any sport so how you would know that is a wonder” I said “Research baby” he laughed, and I rolled my eyes skywards He chuckled again. “Yeah……anyway if he tries anything again just let me know, this time I will give him a piece of my mind” I said not thinking through what I would do if Wiza attacked Tony again, most likely report him to the police. “I will not tell you” he bluntly informed me “Why not?” I stopped what I was doing and faced him “Because then you would always worry that your boyfriend can’t protect himself? No not happening” he said. “So, a few days ago you managed to protect yourself?” I asked because he did fail to protect himself “Baby they ganged up on me, how was I gonna fight off 4 guys?” he asked, well he did have a point and Tony was sort of a weakling, unlike Wiza who had some muscle from rugby. I sometimes wondered if he ever worked out because he was slender with no muscles. “Either way you have to tell me, or you will face my wrath when I find out.” I informed him and continued with the pasta which was almost ready. I had mixed the mince and pasta and just added the cheese waiting for it to melt. “I think I will just inform you because you scared the s**t out of me earlier, baby you were so pissed and I swear I have never seen that side of you” he said then laughed “Then let’s keep that side of me hidden.” I finished preparing the pasta and served both Tony and me. We had our meal then watched a movie on Netflix afterwards.                                                                   *********************************   I was so exhausted when I got home in the evening, I lost track of time after watching two movies with Tony then we both fell asleep. I found everyone having supper and I just said quick hellos to everyone then excused myself to my room. I needed to take a long shower, I had a long day. I plugged my phone to charge on the nightstand and stripped my clothes off before I went to shower. I was in the shower for a long time. I washed my hair too which I had kept unplaited for the past week. It had grown so long and was now past my shoulders. Tony liked my hair natural but I couldn’t manage natural hair beyond a week and so I was having braids done Sunday afternoon. I found a missed call from Brian after I finished with my shower and I decided to call him back after I had changed into my pajamas. “Hey Brian” I greeted when he picked up “Hey Nandi, how are you?” he asked. “I am okay Brian” I responded. He was obviously wondering if everything was okay after our call earlier. “When you called earlier, I was worried, did something happen?” he asked “I am sorry about earlier. I was very angry and needed to find Wiza” I said “Did you find him?” Brian asked “Yes, I did thank you” “And what pissed you off if I am ask?” “Wiza did, he and his friends attacked Tony on Wednesday.” I told him “You’re lying” Brian sounded shocked “He was bruised Brian I couldn’t even hug him without causing him any pain” “But why would he do such a thing?” he asked, “Is he still bothered that you have moved on?” “I think so. Tony didn’t want to tell me who had attacked him but I had a feeling it was him and so I went there, and he proved me right.” “I hope Tony will be okay” he said “I hope so too” I told him “I can’t be worrying what Wiza will do next. Has be ever done this to anyone?” Brian was quiet before he gave me an answer “well some time in 12th grade we heard a rumor about him beating up some guy that allegedly slept with Gina while she was drunk at a party” A chill went down my spin when Brian told me what happened. So, this behavior wasn’t new and started a while back. Was this the kind of person I was dating? If he attacked Tony or anyone close to me, I swear I was going to report him. I pray the academic year goes by fast so that Tony gets out of the place fast. He was lucky he only had this very year left before he graduated. After speaking to Brian for a few minutes I said goodnight and joined my mom and dad who were now watching TV. They asked me how Tony was because they knew I now spent Saturday afternoons with him. I told them he was okay, I didn’t want to get them worked up with the fact that my ex-boyfriend was now attacking and giving my current boyfriend hell. By 10pm everyone was in bed except me, the nap I took with Tony was going to mess up my evening. I settled on my bed before I picked up my phone and started browsing through my social media apps. A message came through from an unknown number. The last time this happened I received photos of Wiza making out with some girl. ‘I love you Nandi and I don’t think that will ever change. We shall find our way back to each other’ How dare he even send me such a message. I had blocked and deleted his contact and now he found a way of texting me.
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