Chapter 4

1148 Words
Cat's POV My dad often spoke to me about death. He told me that death was inevitable and everyone would one day die, but he told me that death was not a thing to be afraid of because it means that we would finally be one with the moon goddess and that was a good thing. But standing here right now, with my uncle's words piercing through my heart with so much vigour, I don't think my father's words were true. Death can not be a good thing. It can not be a good thing if it has taken the two most important people from my life away. ''No... it can not be, they can not leave me like this.'' I smiled to myself. '' I am sorry little niece,'' I heard my uncle say again as he moved closer to me with my brother still in his arms. '' No, you are lying, you are a liar, uncle Boris. Where are my parents? They can not be dead. They can not leave me and my brother. They love us too much to do that,'' I yelled, still wallowing in denial. '' I am sorry, but it is true, your parents are gone,'' Uncle Boris said again, but still, I couldn't believe him. '' No. That is not true. What have you done to them? They told me that you are evil. I am sure you have done something to them. Where are they? Show me, my parents,'' I yelled as I tried to withstand the wave of emotion weeping through my little form. But as you could have guessed, my little body just couldn't take it, as tears rolled down my eyes. '' I didn't want to show you this, because even though you are smarter than your age, you are still a child and no child should see their parents like that, but I think it is only fair that you see your parents one last time.'' Uncle Boris said as he handed my little brother to one of his kids and pulled me along with him. '' Where are you taking me to,'' I yelled. '' You wanted to see your parents, right? So I am taking you to see them,'' He answered and I could sense the amusement in his voice. He pulled me to the far end of the pack, and there it felt like my heart stopped beating, when I saw my parent's bodies lying there on the cold hard ground. I quickly freed my hand from my uncle's hold as I ran towards them, falling to my knees in front of them as I cried, nonstop. '' Dad, wake up please, Mom, you have to wake up, uncle Boris is here and I don't like him,'' I yelled at them, but like any dead, they didn't wake up or reply to all my yelling. '' That is enough, both of you. I don't like this game anymore. Wake up, Edon and I need you both,'' I cried out. But no matter how much I cried and yelled at them to come back to me, they wouldn't respond. Soaking myself in misery and pain, I heard my uncle's voice say. '' You wanted to see them. Now you have, they are gone and I am in charge now.'' my uncle said and I cried, even more, holding on tightly to them. I didn't know how long I cried on my parents' lifeless bodies, but soon I was pulled away from them by my uncle, as two unknown men came out from nowhere and carried my mom and dad's bodies. ''Where are taking them too, don't touch them,'' I yelled. '' I am sorry Kiddo, but we have to go dispose of them outside of the pack,'' my uncle said. '' Outside?'' I let out, confused. '' Yes Cat, outside, I don't want the rest of the pack members to see this,'' He said and I instantly got furious. '' My dad was the Alpha of this pack, he has to be buried properly. You know he will not be able to enter into the bosom of the moon goddess if he doesn't. Why do you want to cause his soul to wander? He is your brother,'' I yelled, but my uncle only laughed. '' oh little one, your little mind can not comprehend how much I hate your father, he doesn't deserve to find peace in the bosom of the moon goddess. He stole what rightfully belonged to me, so even though I could not make him suffer like I wanted to when he was alive, I will make sure he suffers even in death,'' he said with so much disdain and hatred in his voice as if he was talking about a stranger and not his blood brother. '' No don't do this, please,'' I begged my uncle because my father had told me in the past the importance of him being buried properly if he ever happened to die. But the hatred for my dad clouded my uncle's mind, as he refused, telling the men to take my parents out of the pack. '' Look at me Cat, things are going to change around here, so get ready.'' my uncle said as he walked away, leaving me there to drown in my tears. I was crying nonstop, as I wondered how my life took a turn for the worst just like that. When I felt a slight touch on my shoulder, I didn't want to look up to see who was calling out to me, because honestly, no one else mattered right now. But when I heard Alaric's voice, I quickly looked up. Before he could say anything else, I pulled him into a hug, as I continued to cry nonstop. '' They are gone, Alaric, they left me without even saying goodbye,'' I sobbed. '' I am sorry for your loss. Your parents were loved by everyone in the pack,'' Alaric said, comforting me. My uncle's hatred for my dad wouldn't even allow him to give them a befitting burial,'' I sobbed even more. '' I know, I heard, that is why I need to take you somewhere,'' Alaric said as he began to pull me along with him before I could even get a word out. He took me to the boundaries of the pack, showing me a shallow grave. '' I thought it was only fair for you to know where your parents are buried,'' Alaric said as he pointed to the graves, but it only made me cry even more. '' What will I do now? I am all alone,'' I cried out. '' No, you are not, you have your little brother, and me also, and I will always take care of you. "Together forever"' Alaric said, pulling me into a hug again.
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