Chapter 3

1032 Words
Cat's POV You know the tears I tried to hold back because I wanted to be that strong girl that my dad always spoke about. Well, even though I tried to be strong, I tried to take solace in my mom's words, hoping that it was a game, and she would eventually come back for us. But with every moment that passed and my mom still didn't come back, I began to lose hope, so as my heart broke, so did my tears. I wasn't the strong little girl I thought I was because, truthfully, one can only be strong when there is hope. And right now I am scared because I knew something was wrong. But even with tears rolling down my eyes, I kept a stronghold of my little brother, trying to comfort him even though I was breaking at that moment. '' Dad, Mom, where are you?'' I whispered as I prayed to the heavens for everything to be alright. Still shivering in fear with my tears soaking my little body, I continued trying to keep my little brother quiet just as my mom had instructed, but that was when I heard it. ''A loud sound'' which made me shiver even more in fear. It was so loud that it had my brother busting out in tears. Soothing my brother, I wondered what that sound was all about, and honestly, it made me worried for my parents. I wanted to come out of where I was hiding but my mom's voice hovered around in my head telling me not to do it. So I sat in the closet, with my heart thumping out of control, and tears rolling down my eyes, I continued to hold my brother to my chest, trying to calm him down. A few minutes later, the noise had died down. The door to the cupboard was opened and I smiled to myself, thinking it was my mom or my dad who had come back for us, but who I saw standing in front of me sent more than shivers down my spine. '' Uncle Boris'' I was still little when he was exiled from our pack, but with the picture, my mom showed me. I knew he was the one. ''But why was he back,'' I asked myself as I looked up at him. With the stories I heard about him, his being here will not be good. And my dad was going to hate it. '' Hey little Cat, you are now so big,'' Uncle Boris said with a big smile on his face as he looked down at me. '' Do you know who I am?'' He asked and I nodded. '' Yes, I know, you are uncle Boris, my dad's brother,'' I answered. '' Good, it is good to see that your father did not erase me from the family,'' he said as his gaze drifted to my little brother now. '' Who do we have here? I guess this is the little one I have been hearing so much about.'' He said as he touched my brother's head. '' What is his name,'' He asked. '' Edon,'' I retorted lowly, as I held on tightly to my brother. '' Strong name for a strong boy,'' he said, smiling. And that was when I knew I had, had enough. I want to know everything that was going on, especially why he was here. '' I know what you did, so why are you here? Weren't you exiled from our pack? My dad will be so mad if he sees you here. Where are my mom and dad anyway? They have to know that you are here,'' I asked as I looked around, for any sign of them. '' Oh my sweet little girl, I can see that you are much smarter for your age. But it is such a shame that my brother didn't waste time poisoning your mind, but that does not matter anymore, because your dad can not stop me. I am here to take back what belongs to me,'' Uncle Boris retorted with a devilish grin on his face. My 8-year-old mind could not piece together what he was saying, as I was so confused. '' Can I hold baby Edon,'' Uncle Boris asked and I shook my head, refusing, holding on to my brother so tightly as if he was a prized possession. '' That is alright, but I want you to meet my kids, they are your cousins anyway,'' He smiled as he called out names and soon two teenage kids walked in. '' This is Fridolf, my eldest son, and that is Lupe, my youngest child.'' He said, introducing me to his children, my cousins. But honestly, I didn't care about anything he was saying right now, all I cared about were my parents because they were nowhere in sight. '' Where are my parents, where are my mom and dad? I need to see them?'' I asked my uncle as tears rolled down my eyes. My uncle looked at me with an indifferent expression on his as he moved closer to me, forcing my brother out of my hands. '' What are you doing, give him back to me,'' I yelled, as I tried to take my brother back from him, but he didn't let me. '' Fierce, just like your father, I like that,'' He said. '' I don't understand, I am confused, you haven't answered where my parents are, I need to see them,'' I let out but he didn't say anything to me, he just looked at me with a blank expression in his eyes. '' You know what?'' I let out, cleaning the tears from my face. ''Do not bother, I will go and look for them myself,'' I said as I stormed off, but soon my uncle's words stopped me. '' It is useless to go looking for them,'' He said and his words made me turn to look at him. '' What are you talking about,'' I asked, so confused. '' It is useless because they are dead,'' he retorted. And at that moment my whole world changed forever.
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