Chapter 5

1103 Words
8 years later Cat's POV A lot of time has passed by since my parent's death, and honestly, I was barely existing, because living without them was like hell on earth. I had nightmares every night, where I held their lifeless bodies in my hands, begging for them to come back to me. But I knew they were just dreams because my parents were far gone. There were times I wanted so desperately to join them, to end this pain that I felt, and to be at peace with them, but every time I look at my little brother, I remembered the reason why I had to endure this pain and suffering. My mom kept me in charge of him, so I couldn't just leave him. I couldn't fail my mom. Edon was the only thing I had left, so I had to hold on, if not for anything, for him. Remember when my uncle said that things were going to change? Well, he was not joking about that because nothing was ever the same again. I was turned into a slave in my own home, as I was maltreated day in and day out by my cousins and my uncle. I was reduced to nothing, with no one to help me, except for Alaric, who was always there. He became my rock and my only comfort in this bleak world I found myself in. (*) Hearing my alarm ring, I slowly opened my eyes, and I snoozed off the alarm clock. It was not even daybreak yet, but I had to get started with my chores,if I was going to finish them on time. I got dressed and was on my way out of my room, when I noticed the door slowly open, and Edon and Alaric quietly walked in. '' Hello E, what are you doing awake,'' I smiled as I greeted my little brother and he looked at Alaric. '' Hey Alaric, what is going on, why are you both here,'' I asked with confusion laced in my voice. '' Don't tell me you forgot,'' Edon let out and I was even more confused. '' What did I forget,'' I asked, and Edon sighed heavily, looking at Alaric again. '' I told you she would not remember,'' He said and Alaric chuckled. '' Can you both stop this and just tell me why you both are here? I have to get started with my chores before my evil cousins wake up,'' I said, and that was when Alaric took out a smashed cupcake from his pocket. '' Happy birthday CAT, I am sorry the cake is ruined, but we can still make it work,'' he said, putting up a candle which said 16 on the cake. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I couldn't speak, because ever since the incident I have never wanted to celebrate my birthday again, because today, 8 years ago, was the day I lost everything. '' Say something,'' Alaric urged me to speak. '' Alaric, what is this? You know I do not celebrate my birthday,'' I said as I forced the tears not to fall. '' I know, but I thought this year could be different. It has been 8 years, don't you think it is time to move on?'' Alaric retorted and I couldn't believe he would say such a thing. '' Move on?'' I let out and the tears I was trying to hold back fell this time. '' You tell me to move on, as if it is that easy. Don't you think if I knew how to I would, but I don't and this pain I feel inside of me ever since that day is the only thing I have got, so I have to get used to, the pain is the only constant thing in my life? So forgive me, if moving on is hard for me to do because, honestly, I don't even know if I want to move on,'' I sobbed and fell to the bed crying. Immediately, my little brother wrapped his hands around me, trying to comfort me. '' I am sorry sis, it was my idea. I wanted to do something nice for you. I know you hate today because it is the anniversary of our parents' death, but it is also the day you were born, and I don't want our parents' death to overshadow that,'' Edon said and his words melted my heart. '' I understand, and I love you for what you are trying to do, but I am not there yet,'' I let out. '' That is okay, there is no rush,'' Alaric said, throwing the cake away. '' Thank you,'' I let out, smiling as I looked at the only two people that mattered to me. '' I should get going now, I have a lot of chores to get done,'' I said, cleaning the tears from my eyes, and Alaric nodded. But as I was about to leave again, Alaric stopped me. '' I am leaving,'' he said, and that was enough to make me turn around to look at him. '' Leaving? I don't understand, where are you going to?'' I asked, confused. '' Your uncle is sending me out with some of the newly trained wolves, to go and conquer another pack that refused to bow to his rule,'' He answered and my demeanour fell immediately. '' I don't want to go, but I have to, uncle is making sure of it,'' Alaric said, and I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say, my only friend was being sent away by my uncle. Alaric was two years older than me, so he had already gotten his wolf and was in training to become a Beta. '' When will you be back,'' I asked. '' I don't know, because it seems like your uncle wants me as far away from you as much as possible, but I promise I will be back as soon as I can,'' Alaric answered and I nodded as I lunged at him, giving him a tight hug. '' I am going to miss you,'' I whispered. '' I am going to miss you more,'' Alaric replied. '' Always look at our bracelet whenever you miss me,'' Alaric said, touching the bracelet on my hand. '' Together forever?'' I asked. '' Always, Together forever,'' Alaric asked and I smiled. '' Alright, you two should just kiss already,'' Edon teased us, which made the atmosphere kind of awkward but it broke my heart that I was losing the only friend I have.
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