Chapter Two : Liam

1995 Words

Chapter Two : Liam“Goddamn it, Clark, this one’s locked up tighter than the A4 on a Friday night.” I straighten myself and look over at Clark’s equally weary expression. The suspect in the interrogation room is turning out to be a lot more trouble than expected. Days and days of questioning have led nowhere. The only thing we seem to have worn thin is our own patience, not his. “Stubborn bastards, these Nexus guys,” Clark responds. “Hey, Everson, how about we try another tactic?” “What do you suggest?” “It seems they’ve scared this guy into silence, so we’ll just have to convince him he has more to fear from us.” “All right. Bad cop, bad cop it is then.” I give Clark a final nod before pushing open the steel-reinforced door leading to our cuffed suspect. “You want to tell us again how

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