Chapter One

1646 Words

Chapter OneI can’t believe it’s going to be another four days until I get to see Liam again. Time has slowed to a crawl, every day at work seems to last forever. How will I manage? Sitting in my car, ready to head home, I can’t decide quite what to do so I keep fidgeting with my phone, looking at nothing in particular on its blank standby screen. Perhaps I should just call him. But then, that would be needy, wouldn’t it? Some movement in the corner of my eye distracts. I could swear I saw something in my rear view mirror, but now that I’m scanning the office parking lot, all looks quiet. Great, now I’m losing my mind as well. Instead of dialing Liam’s number, I select Maggie’s. She’d better be free tonight! “Hey, Tess,” Maggie answers, sounding as groggy as ever before her shift. “Hey

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