
Man of Mystery


They couldn’t be more different, and yet… they’re a team?A boring job rife with office politics and a non-existent love life; call center worker Tess really needs a change. Along comes a sexy stranger who commandeers her car in the most bizarre car jacking ever, and injects her life with more excitement than she ever thought she could handle.Government agent Liam Everson knows that in his line of work, relationships are a luxury he can’t afford. It’s always the people closest to you that are most likely to get hurt. Still, when he randomly chooses Tess to drive him to Heathrow Airport to stop Nexus’s latest terror plot, he can’t resist her charms.Despite their differences, they must work together to save the day, as well as each other.Man of Mystery is a stand-alone humorous romantic suspense and marks Lorelei Moone’s first release outside of the paranormal realm. Love sexy alpha heroes, a sizzling romance, fast-paced unpredictable plots, along with plenty of giggles? If so, this book is for you.

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Chapter One
Chapter OneWhat a day. I sigh and rest my forehead against the steering wheel. After getting called in for my semi-annual performance review and having all my achievements from the past six months swept under the rug because Karen took credit for them, I can’t imagine how today could get any worse. Of course, traffic can always worsen any day. It’s warm, too warm to be driving a twenty-year-old rust-bucket without air conditioning. And opening the window does nothing except let in more hot air and fumes from the thousands of cars surrounding me in what has got to be a record for west London. The traffic is spectacularly horrible for a Thursday. Can’t I catch a f*****g break? I pick up my cellphone and after scanning the surrounding vehicles, I figure it’s safe enough to make a call. No cops around at the moment. The last thing I need is another ticket. “Hey, Maggie?” I say, greeting the groggy voice on the other end of the line. “Yeah, Tess, what’s up?” “Nothing. Same old, life’s a b***h. Should we go out tonight? I could use the distraction.” The car ahead of me moves, but I decide it’s not worth the effort to put mine in first gear, just to creep ahead four feet. “Sounds great, but I have a date, and then straight to work. Another day perhaps?” Maggie yawns on the other end. Typical, ever since she’s started working the midnight shift at the airport, her routine has been all over the place. “A date, huh? I’m jealous. Who’s the lucky guy?” I ask, even though I already suspect it’s that guy she works with, Alec, who she’s been talking about nonstop lately. “I finally decided enough is enough and asked Alec out. You know nowadays you can’t sit back and wait for men to make the first move. That’s all in the past. The dating scene is all about equal opportunities.” “Mhm, if you say so. I guess I’m a bit old-fashioned that way.” Which is probably why I haven’t had a date in months. “Say, you wanna talk about what’s going on? I have a little while before I need to start getting ready.” “Thanks. Well, as I said. Same old.” I sigh and squeeze the bridge of my nose to get rid of the beginnings of a tension headache. “Your boss, Frank-something still bothering you?” “No, I mean yes. Sort of. I had my review today. Can you believe it? Of all my suggestions which were actually implemented these past six months, none of that was mentioned. That b***h I told you about, Karen, presented everything like it was her idea, after making me do the groundwork. And now it looks like I’ve done nothing at all, and I’m not pulling my weight,” I rant. “I see. Same old indeed. What can you do? People like her will do anything to get ahead, even if it means trampling those in her way. Keep calm, bide your time and return the favor or find another job. No other option.” “Another job where? I ought to be grateful I have one at all with the way things have been going.” I take a deep breath and grip the steering wheel tighter until my knuckles turn white. I wonder if things ever get easier. “True. If you ever change your mind on shift work, I could ask around at work?” “Thanks, Maggie. That’s very sweet. I’ll let you know.” I’m getting desperate, but I’m not ready to work nights. Yet. “Sure thing, Tess. OK, I’d better grab a shower and all. I want to look my best for tonight.” “Break a leg. And if he turns out to be a d**k, I’ll break both of his.” “Cheers. I’ll let you know how it goes.” I put down the phone again, feeling slightly better after venting to Maggie. What are friends for, eh? The space in front of my car has opened up even further, and I finally pull ahead. Metal boxes in all shapes and sizes as far as the eye can see. Perhaps there’s an accident up ahead. It’s going to take at least an hour to get to the motorway from here in this mess. That means I won’t make it home until God knows when. Urgh . I rest my head back on the steering wheel, wondering if anyone would notice if I had a short nap. The click of my rear door followed by a gust of air causes a cold shiver to creep down my spine. Someone’s behind me! “What the hell?” I instinctively snatch up my handbag and phone from the passenger seat while turning around as best I can to face the intruder. “Shh…” The man cowering half on the back seat makes a calming motion with his hand but doesn’t look directly at me. My heart is hammering in my throat, threatening to make me freeze up, but I react almost on autopilot anyway. “Get out! Get the hell out of my car!” I shout, while rummaging furiously in my purse. “I have pepper spray.” My fingers grasp a small deodorant bottle. “And I’m not afraid to use it!” “Be careful with that, if you blind yourself, we’re both done for.” His gentle and calm tone surprises me. If he’s trying to mug me, he’s got a strange technique. “I… what do you mean, we’re both done for?” I’m still pointing the deodorant bottle in his general direction but am suddenly not so sure I want to spray him with it. “I need you to drive. I swear I have a good reason to get into your car. Also, you’ve got that the wrong way around.” My fingers shake even more intensely as he reaches out for the can and twists the nozzle in his direction. “There.” “s**t. I’m sorry. Thanks. I mean…” Why the hell am I apologizing to this criminal? Still, I feel like a total i***t for threatening to spray him with what is essentially perfume. I suppose it would hurt if it ends up in his eye, but it’s not quite mace, is it? I lower my hand and take a good look at him. The stranger is still sort of hiding half on the floorboard and half on the seat, skittishly looking out the window, while sneaking glances in my direction. He doesn’t look like a mugger. But then, I’ve never been mugged; how would I know what a mugger looks like? Still, his suit and shirt make him look more like a businessman than a criminal. Or a waiter perhaps. “Good thing you’re no longer intent on making me smell like… Lush Lavender, is it? Yeah. Not really my style,” he says with a subtle smile on his face. A joke, really? Now? “There’s no accounting for taste,” I respond, while keeping my gaze fixed on his eyes. Green, bright, focused. “Now, if you don’t mind explaining yourself.” “Of course. What would you say if I told you that there are some very bad people heading to Heathrow right now with cargo that could destroy the world as we know it?” he says. “I would ask if you’ve been drinking.” I continue to stare at him, but he’s unfazed by my reaction and smiles again. How is he so calm? This whole thing has got to be a joke. “Fair enough.” “And anyway, if it’s Heathrow you’re headed for, you’d probably be faster walking at this rate.” I point forward at the traffic to emphasize my point. “I’m sure you could find a faster route if you put your mind to it,” he responds while pointing at the left turn just ahead. If I hurry, I can get out of the line heading to the motorway and make my way through the housing development until I get to the A30, and then… Wait, why should I help this clown? “Why should I take you to Heathrow? You could be a lunatic. Or you could, in fact, be the person taking said terrible cargo to Heathrow yourself. I don’t know you!” He looks up at me again, his eyes boring into me. There’s something about him that makes me want to trust him, but at the same time, the sensible voice in my head insists I’m being an i***t. “Look, I would show you my badge, but I don’t have it on me. This whole mess unfolded while I was off duty; my unit’s been compromised, and time is of the essence.” His face is dead serious now, and I hesitate to argue with him any further, but still, it’s all so surreal I can’t just accept it. “What unit? You can’t expect to just invade a stranger’s car and commandeer it to take you to the airport. I’ve had a long day and am just trying to get home, OK? I can’t get involved in some crazy plot…” “Shh… look straight ahead. We’re probably being watched, and I don’t want you drawing attention to me in the back here. If I had another option, I wouldn’t have gotten in, but I didn’t.” I give him one more glance and then look forward while scanning the surroundings from the corner of my eye. I don’t see anyone watching… There’s a guy waiting at the bus stop, but he seems to be fiddling with his phone. “There’s nobody there; just the guy at the bus stop.” “Is he wearing black commando boots?” “I don’t know. I can’t see properly from here. Yes. Maybe.” I squint to get a better look, even though he’s still focused on his phone and as such totally harmless. “There you go. If he’s wearing boots, he’s one of them.” The stranger shuffles around behind me, bumping into my seat. Although I do my best to stay straight, I can’t see what he’s doing from the mirror, and my nerves get the better of me, so I turn around quick anyway. “What the f**k? Is that a real g*n?” I turn fully now, shocked at what I’m seeing. “Now what, you’re going to threaten me, so I take you to the airport? Hell no, I can’t deal with this today, I just can’t.” “Shush!” he hisses. “Yes, it’s a g*n. No, I’m not threatening you. It’s for protection in case the guy spots us. Now if you don’t mind taking that turn and getting the hell out of here, I’d appreciate it.” “I… He’s just on the phone… I think you’re overreacting.” I look up again, but the man in the boots is no longer waiting at the bus stop. Panic washes over me at once. s**t, what if this guy is right? I slam the car into first, release the clutch way too quickly, making the car jump and squeal ahead and take the left turn into the residential area. I think I can see that man running after the car in my rear view mirror but perhaps that’s just my mind playing tricks on me.

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