6- Proofs of Punishments

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The anger was still simmering over my heart when I crossed the front doors of the palace and stormed towards the prisons. I was not fond of the prisons to go have a look around every day of my life. It was just what he had asked of me as an exchange. Two weeks ago, when I had asked Azazel's name, he had asked for me to visit him two times a week. Considering it was not what I had ever expected for him to ask, and did not make me lose something, I agreed. I wanted to see what he wanted from me. I was not dumb enough to fall into his traps of attraction. Even though he was the most beautiful specimen of a man that I had seen, I better knew what to expect from a man famous for his reputation as a tactless opportunist. Climbing up the stairs I sprint past the cold walls of the prison. I could shiver from just standing here, the place was so much inhumane. The magic that kept the prisoners captured was cruel, even though it did not seem so.  The entry rods built from magic were just pink, purple lines glittering in the dark. But if a prisoner somehow crossed them in an attempt of running, they were to face immediate death through burning, heart stopping, excruciating pain from limbs ripping off, and the list went on and on. The death and its pain varied according to the victim's crime. The bigger the crime, the harsher the death. Most of the prisoners that entered inside knew about it. The ones who did not, well, they became unfortunate victims of tragic deaths. Once entered inside the prison, no one could come outside alive. The only ones that the magic did not work on were me and my father. Only we had the power of entering and exiting and letting people free. As I came near the prison cell, once again my heart rate quickened. Even though I perfectly understood that he was not worthy of my trust and attention, I could not control my attraction towards him. It was like I had some sort of foxy string inside me that only loosened when I was about to meet his red eyes. Stopping to calm my racing heart and quickened breaths for a minute, I turned around to enter his cell. The magic simmered over my skin and left a burning trail that disappeared soon after when I entered inside. There he was, lying on the cold ground on his back with one of his arm draped over his eyes and his leg thrown over his other one, naked from the waist up while the dirty pants that he was wearing low on his hips seriously teased the edge of my imagination. Ogling over his abs that glimmered even in the dark because of his vampire blood, I took advantage of his covered eyes. Assuming he was asleep, I gently tiptoed to hover above his laying frame. I had expected him to be perfect like all the other males that I had seen. Like, the Princes I spied on when they visited my kingdom and went to take a bath in the lake behind our palace. Sometimes to steal some magic from them, sometimes.. just for my personal, hormonal entertainment. They were the perfect embodiment of the handsome hero in the novels and prince charming in the movies. A body that was built to perfection with no scars and dirt covering it. A skin so smooth and rough at the same time that it would leave you wanting more of their touch, beg them to let you touch that perfection. They had the skin made of gold, a godlike skin that slimmered even in the dark. The nights I had spent with them had been of pleasure, pure, soft, gentle pleasure as they had slid inside me, taking everything that I had to offer and building up, leaving me in a sigh of content while making sure that they had wrenched out the last bit of pleasure out of me. They had been hungry, begging for touch, and begging me to let them touch my body. Their gentle fingers sliding over my skin had been softer than silk. I never sheid away from having s*x. I did not have any care in the world. I had experienced everything, from threesomes, to having s*x with women. I was not made out of gold and flowers and the beauty of the world. I was made of chaos and wild, unadultred desires, and I never wanted to suppress them.  It is what I had expected to see when I had peeked over at Azazel's chest. That kind of perfection on the body of a centuries old vampire who had the quickest healing powers than all the other species that existed in the magical realm. There was something inside me that told me that pleasure coming from him was never going to be gentle. The way he showed the roughness in his actions, I was dying to experience that roughnesss in my bed. I tried to hide my desires but it was getting harder with each passing second. I wanted to be f****d by him, as raw and as passionately as the roughness existed in the world. I should not have. I should not have imagined the perfection and smoothness of his skin, probably then the pain would not have hit me as hard as it did. His chest was covered in burn marks and knife scars. They were so clear and noticeable that even in the almost dark cell, I could see them clearly. I wondered what kind of torture a vampire had to go through to gain those scars permanently on the otherwise invulnerable body. "Not attractive enough to you anymore?" Azazel's deep voice made me jump a step back, turning my face away. From the hindsight I saw him remove his arm from over his eyes, sit up straight and pull back his knees up to his stomach with his arms around them. "Don't be so shy now." I heard him chuckle. "I am not shy!" I commented and turned around to face him, "I was just surprised." "Has this fragile princess never seen the scars of the monstrous, harsh world?" Azazel chuckled mockingly. Storming forward in suppressed anger, I bent down in front of him on my knees,  "No," I mocked, "I had just expected to see more proofs of your punishments for being a two- timing bitch." I visibly felt the shift in the air around him. But the words I had said were not false. This is what he was, and he had no right to mock me while being trapped inside my prison. But the flash of anger in him was gone as soon as it had come. A minute later he extended his palm towards me, asking me to hold it. I arched my brow up. After his insulting attitude, and mockery did he really think he was entitled to ask me of anything? "I will show you something more attractive than my body." he said jokingly, "Go on, take my hand." "What could a prisoner trapped inside a cell show me?" I taunted. "You would be surprised." He promised with a cunning smile and challenging gaze.
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