5- The Darkest Shade of Black

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(The Dream/ Memory Continues) Two Weeks Later Hiding behind a rock, I spied at the elves gathered around the well. As they sat on the edge, a yellow glow evaporated from them, sliding down inside the well like a golden, glittery trail of water. I waited, and waited, and waited. Not even breaths were allowed to leave my lips a bit heavily. Elves were too smart for their own good. Even a slightest movement out of order, they would stop the ritual, and burn everything that is in their sight. Finally, my wait paid off. One of them stood up to walk away and others followed him like a hoard of sheep. The golden trail of water followed them like a thin string. Before the ritual could break, I quickly put my hand on the ground, touching the dry leaves and soil, seeking the golden trail to come to me, like a magnet attracting iron or another magnet. The string broke in the middle, one going to the well and the other one following the elves. I held my breath, praying for the one attached to me to be of the one going inside the well. Disappointment filled me as I realized that the one that had come to me was not the one going inside the well, but the one that had been attached to the elves. Damn, leftover magic. Quickly absorbing the trail of golden magic, I stood up from the ground with a groan. Damn, so much hard work for just some leftovers. "Why do you even do that?" Lilith's sudden voice in my ears made me jump. My annoyed gaze went to her as I shrugged and started walking away without answering her. She quickly caught up to me, and slid her arm in mine, walking like a bird jumping on every step. "Tell me!" She chided, "You are the most powerful in our kingdom. Through your father's hierarchy and the education from the many other enchantress and sorcerers, you have even beat almost every powerful being in Criptire." I scoffed. She stopped speaking. With a confused scrutiny in her eyes she stopped walking and turned me to face her, "Why do you steal magic?" Lilith asked, "why do you do things like these, stealing magic like this from other beings? It does not even make much difference when it comes to your own powers." "No amount of power is little, Lilith!" I snapped in an irritated tone, "I want it all! I want every drop of magic, every smoke of witchcraft, every sorcery that exists out in this world or the other world, I want it all!" Lilith pursed her lips in anger. I knew she did not like it when I went to any lengths to get whatever I wanted. "So you will even stoop down to learn black devilry to become more powerful?" Lilith spat, "You know our occult throws out the people who dare to cross the line of white and black. And at this rate, I think you are becoming darker shades of grey even without realizing it." I smirked at Lilith's statement. She had seen me do things that no one else had. She knew all my secrets, all the ways that I received my powers. But I did not like it when someone stepped into my s**t claiming to be worried. I stepped closer, smack into her space to tower above her. I wanted her to see me. "So you know the edge of white magic." I murmured, "What have you gained by not falling over that f*****g edge? You remain a b***h, following everybody around like a f*****g puppy!" I saw hurt filling her eyes. I could not lie, I cared about her. But I was tired and irritated of her being so f*****g weak and miserable. She was kind and too innocent for her own good.  "You know what you are Lilith." I smirked while mocking her, "With that little bit of magic inside you, you are just a vessel in form of a girl who will get married, borne children, lick the feet of your husband like a slave and get kicked around once he has filled his lust." I started stepping forward while she stumbled backwards. Lilith's eyes had gotten filled with tears. She sniffled but did not remove her gaze from mine. "He will keep taking from you, Lilith." I threatened her. I did not understand the ways of sugarcoating my words, "He will keep taking from you. Over and over and over until he has sucked your soul out of you and there is nothing left except emptiness and grief inside your fragile frame." Just as I stopped speaking, Lilith tripped over a log of wood and fell down on the ground in front of me on her ass, crying hysterically, and scared. What I had not realized was that she was not scared of the future that I had predicted for her. She had gotten scared of the black aura that had surrounded me and the darkness that had filled my eyes. "You had seen the end of my mother, hadn't you?" I hissed angrily, "You and I, both were there when my father had sacrificed her in the name of power sixty years ago to give me more than half of the powers that I have right now. I remember seeing you there, standing in the farthest corner of the hall, standing beside your mother as mine got tied to a spike! As my father handed me a burning log to set my mother on fire so that I can become his greatest weapon in the whole magical kingdom!" I knelt down in front of Lilith who looked close to passing out, "The black devilry that you talk about, the darker shades of grey that you are so scared of crossing, it is all that I am, Lilith." I chuckled, "My powers are birthed through misery and pain and screams of my mother's live burning body. I am the darkest shade of black." Standing up from the ground, I walked away before my control over myself could slip and hurt the people that I never wanted to get hurt.
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