7- A Little Gift

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I did not want to be tempted by his words. I had decided to be cautious of him and slowly find out what he wanted. But that challenge in his eyes was taunting me with each passing second. Daring me to walk away from the unknown power of pull that he possessed. Sighing in annoyance I extended my palm to put in his cold one. His grasp immediately tightened on my hand. "If you tried to pull any kind of bullshit, I swear to the Gods of Divination, I will burn you alive and dance upon your ashes." I muttered coolly. An open laugh left his lips and for a minute I was left spell bounded. Either it was a charm that came with his vampire nature or it was just how he was born. Either way, I never knew a man could ever look this devilishly handsome. "I will keep that in my head." he muttered and gave a harsh pull. I fell forward on him and he was there to catch me. My angry gaze immediately snapped to him. "Just needed you closer for this to work." He whispered nonchalantly. His hot breath fell upon my face. My upper body was on him while my knees and legs rested on the ground and my palms clutched onto his wide, taut shoulders. "Look into my eyes." he ordered. I rolled my eyes and tried to yank back from his hold. What kind of joke was he trying to pull? "Just give it a try, Eviless!" he demanded while not letting me move away. My attention immediately snapped back to him.  "What did you just call me?!" I muttered through clenched teeth. "Ahaann.. now I see that I have your full attention." Azazel chuckled, literally pouring salt over the wound he had just cut open. I did not wait to hear more of his crap. Lifting my hand up from his shoulder, I pulled it back in a fist and smashed it on his jaw. "Ow.. f**k!" He snapped. The next thing I knew, he was throwing me off his lap and pushing me away from him. "Get out!" he seethed. "Oh, really?" I taunted while pulling myself up from the ground, "a very nice thing it was that you showed me, asshole." Turning around swiftly and I stormed forward, ready to get out of that cell, away from its cunning prisoner. I was just about to cross the magic threshold of the jail when he swished past to stand in front of me. That vampire speed was something that I really envied him for having. "Where are you going?" He snarled. "Getting the f**k out of this hell hole to never come back." I retorted. No one made me feel the kind of anger that he did. His actions and his words both screamed of a different kind of being and I was unable to recognize which one was which. "Listen to me, eviless." He growled and started taking steps forward, smack into my space, forcing me to stumble back even in my own anger, "The only thing I hate the most in the world is raising a hand on someone. I do not hit you, and you do not hit me, this is a rule that you are never, ever going to break because if you ever dare to hit me again, even the Gods of Blood will not be able to save you from my wrath." Azazel's eyes were blood red in anger. Not only his pupils, but the whites in his eyes were also turning red, showing the scarlet veins that throbbed within. I pursed my lips fiercely. "Fine!" I snapped and moved forward to sidestep him. He did not let me. Instead, he grabbed my waist and pulled me smack against his chest while his eyes captured mine. That is when I realized, that it was not just redness that was simmering within his gaze. There was something more. "What... what is that?" I breathed, dumbfounded. "Your worst fear." he murmured. In his eyes, I saw fire. Not just fire, but a fire that was burning someone who was tied to a thick log of wood. "Do not be afraid, My little gift." the lady that was tied to the spike whispered to a ten years old girl as her feet burned in the fire and eyes shed tears, "I will always keep you safe." I stopped breathing. I recognized the girl. I remembered the lady. I remembered the tragic night. I was the one who was burning her. Two hands grabbed my shoulders and threw me backwards harshly, breaking mine and Azazel's eye contact and pulling me back to reality. Tears slipped out of my blue eyes as I stood deathly quiet and dumbfounded, still in shock because of the remembrance of the day that I had pushed far inside the back of my mind so it would never surface again to haunt me. "Why did you do that?" I whispered, tormented and anguished to the core, "Why did you show me that?" Azazel was standing in front of me with shock as clear as day on his face. The anger in his eyes had disappeared altogether. He did not say even a word and that is what baffled and infuriated me even more. I could not stand there anymore. I could not even stare right into his eyes because I knew what was simmering underneath them. The judgment, the horror, the deed of a ten year old girl towards her own mother, I could see it all. "Pandora." I heard Azazel call out to me but I did not stop. I ran. Hastily stalking out of the cell I made a dash towards the exit of the prisons. I was unable to stand the grounds of the place that would not allow me to breathe without breaking into an hysteria of fury. Profanities and curses were once again being thrown in my direction from every side by the other criminals as I made a dash towards the exit. "YOU ARE A MOTHERFUCKING w***e!" I stopped in my tracks. Turning around slowly to face the man who had shouted the words, I picked up the pieces of my sanity from the ground, combined them into a facade of calmness, and walked towards his cell. "Come here." I crooked my finger towards the demon. Scoffing through his mouth, the demon took slow, threatening towards me, assuming I would never be able to cross the threshold. But I had no patience left inside me anymore. No calmness, no understanding of right and wrong. There was just fury and frustration and horror that I desperately needed to let out before it burned me with its power. As soon as he was in front of me with the only thing separating us the threshold of jail, I pushed my hand inside, grabbed him by his collar, and snatched him outside through the force of magic to shove him aside. Assuming he was free, he started laughing hysterically. He threw himself off the ground and sprinted towards the exit. I stared at his back as he ran on stumbling steps. One... Two... Three.
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