8- Never Learnt of Mercy

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To say Demons are very weird beings would be an understatement. Demons are kind of like a cat when it comes to personality. A normal, human-y looking creature- with a horn on the top of their head in the middle of their temple. Cunning, clever, not at all soft hearted, but sometimes, stupid. You see how a cat easily gets distracted by a red, shiny laser beam? All you need to do is pull out the temptation arousing light into their sight and the next thing you know, you can have them jumping around anywhere you desire. Even if it is into the mouth of their death. This is what I did to the i***t in front of me, who was shuffling on the ground to get up on his two feet. The demon, sentenced to our jail for raping numerous of children until he gets thrown back to Abaddon, the underground kingdom of Demons, and 'The Place of Destruction', as they call it. He managed to stand on his feet, looking back towards my still frame again and again while I counted down the seconds until the magic hits him for the forced escape from the prison. I knew what was coming. I was the one who had contributed in creating most of the magic guarding the prison after all. I did not have to wait much. Three numbers out of my mouth, and he was falling down on the ground, desperately scratching his skin with his nails. His skin started turning red and blue. The skin started coming off under his nails and blood started to pour out, but he could not stop scratching his grey, ghostly skin. He rushed back to the prison, trying to get back inside so that the punishment would stop but the invisible walls would not let him get in. "Let me in!" he roared in agony. I had never learnt of mercy. I stormed away from him. He would either run away with the curse or beg any of the guards guarding the palace to save him. Either way, it would not be long before he scratches his insides out along with his still beating heart. I couldn't care less with which way he got his share of punishment. Right now, I needed to burn my own demons out of my memory. ***** A Week Later "Pandora," Oniee looked tired from the practices of trying to shift earlier than his time, "Can't you please teleport and take us there?" He was almost sixteen years old. Although chubby, tiny at first sight. But in reality, a Snow Dragon. A rare creature among all his species. The red, green, black dragons were common. But the Golden and Snow dragons were almost like a myth among all the magical kingdoms. And Oniee was our hidden treasure. Oniee was somewhat like the kid from the Harry Potter movies. An orphan hidden away from the big, bad, Voldemort like villains under his aunty's turf until he shifts at the age of twenty and everybody finds out about his identity. The only difference was that his aunty was not evil like Petunia. Not even my father knew about him. My annoyed gaze shot to Oniee at his pathetic tantrum. "Have you managed to overpower your tiny self esteem and shift into your dragon till now?" I stared at him fixedly with piercing scrutiny. Oniee did not answer. A crudely insulted stare was set deep beneath his heavy black brows as he glared daggers at me silently. "Then you are not coming with me." I raked him with disdain and grabbed Lilith's arm, "I can only take one person with me and that is not going to be a non-shifting, pathetic kid with no powers to defend himself." "Once I come of age and change into my dragon, I will take you high in the sky and throw you down from the highest- what are you doing?" Oniee shouted as I started to measure his height with my index finger and thumb. "Checking how high the drop is going to be, see if it is worth it." I mocked. Oniee let out a menacing growl as his black eyes started to shine silver. "Do not let out your animal voices." I snapped at him, "Show me you can turn and I will take you to the pack of hot blooded, killer werewolves." My powers are not going to be working much there due to the powers of Moon Goddess protecting the wolves. As an enchantress, my powers could only be harnessed through nature or magic. As Werewolves were the kind of beings that heavily depended on nature only, while I was an enchantress who was a slave to both evil and natural magic, the evil part of my magic will stop working as soon as I put my feet in the land of wolves. And the natural magic inside me was only enough to create a portal to reach there and come back. "Then why are you taking Lilith with you?!" Oniee snapped as disapproval gleamed in his eyes, "She is just a fairy. What can she do? Heal the wolves attacking you or seduce them by creating a magical environment in the middle of a war?" Sarcasm dripped in his words. Lilith's angry gaze sliced to Oniee, but she did not say anything. Fragile and a live portrait of calmness as she was, I had never seen her even shout at anyone in fury. "Are you naturally this much of pain or are you trying hard to become one?" I seethed. Before I could put his mind straight with my bare hands, he turned around and stormed away from us. Once he was out of the earshot, Lilith turned to face me. Worry was clear on her face, "Pandora, Raging Cruor Pack is famous for bloodshed in every part of the City of Wolves. More than half of the city is marked as their territory. I do not think stealing something precious to them is going to end well for you." I rolled my eyes and focused my gaze upon her, so she could hear the seriousness of my words, "I am not stealing anything!" I insisted, "Their land just has powers that are left unused from centuries because they do not let anyone enter it! All I need to do is appear in a secluded place, connect with the earth, and usurp the powers flowing beneath the grounds. They will not even know we were ever there!" My words did not seem to calm Lilith. But I did not have much time left before the sun comes up and lights up the forest that the wolves run in. I closed my eyes and focused on channeling my energy. The dark tattoos, the mantras that were covering my body started to shine bright, burning my body with heat as the powers centered on my stretched out palm to create a portal. A round, golden circle, almost like a tornado with a wide hole in the middle appeared in front of my eyes. The portal. Taking Lilith's hand in mine, I entered inside the dark forest through the portal and it immediately closed behind me. Now all is going to be easy peasy, as long as we do not get caught. Just as the thought crossed my mind, something large, and heavy jumped at us from the side, throwing me down on the ground and taking Lilith with it under its... paws? "Pandora." Lilith whimpered in pain from under the heavy paw of the black, menacing, almost seven feet tall wolf, "Save me, please." I was standing stock-still in shock. Just as the situation dwelt upon on me, without missing a heartbeat I created a portal and jumped to the other side. Alone.
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