4- Freedom or Kiss

1161 Words
(The Dream/ Memory Continues) I fingered a dark brown curl of hair that was falling over my face and tucked it behind my ear. The sun had almost gone down. My dusky skin was shining under the orange glow of the setting sun. Lifting my skirt up to my ankles, I quickly climbed up the red, giant stairs to the cellars. The new clothing fashion in our kingdom was kind of sensual but a bit irritating to handle when you are in a rush. I was wearing a long skirt that reached past my ankles and a blouse that had puffed up sleeves and reached till my middle, stopping a few inches above my navel. With a V scooped neck, the blouse managed to cover my breasts while giving a clear visual of my glorious cleavage. I was rocking it, as I saw the humans on the TV say. Our world was not much different than of the humans. We lived, survived, fought and entertained. The humans were unaware of the magical beings. We did not know what upper power protected us from their sight, but as far as we knew, our territory was completely hidden from them. Our land appeared as deadly depths of the highest hills to them. For some reason I was attracted to their technologies, sources of entertainment and other things that differentiated them from us. I found their world funny and intriguing. Hence I had built a bad obsession with TV. And being a princess and enchantress, there was no one stopping me from bringing it to my personal chamber. There were no guards surrounding cellar area. We did not need guards. Our magic was enough to hold the criminals in. Crossing the threshold of the red stone-walled building, I started walking inside. Profanities and curses were being thrown at me from all around the hall by the criminals. Like I gave a mother's tit about them. Shallow, filthy creatures. Keeping my head up high, I walked towards the area from where Lilith's screams were coming. Rounding a stony corner, I turned around and there she was, pressed up against the dirty, black wall by a lousy man. I could see his back, taut and muscular, hidden underneath the white cotton shirt that hung past his hips. The pants he was wearing were dirty and dark. Although it looked like they were black, I doubted it. "Are you going to let him strangle you to the death, you i***t?" I drawled while folding my hands underneath my breasts. The cold skin of my stomach touched my arms like a gentle whisper. "Pa... Pand..." Lilith's strangled words barely made their way out of her mouth. "Gods give you some magic," I cursed in disgust and stormed straight towards her. The iron rods that seemed to be caging the criminals in, evaporated around me. The rods turned to smoke, hissing lowly against my skin, burning me slightly for surpassing the transparent wall of magic that was created to stop the criminals from getting free. Taking long strides ahead, I grabbed the dark curls from the back of the head of the man in a tight fist that was clutching Lilith's throat. He did not react at all, but I knew how to make him bow before me. "Quemar." I murmured. As soon as the curse left my mouth, his scalp started to burn underneath my fingers. With a wincing hiss, the man left Lilith and turned to me furiously. His move was lightning quick that caught me off guard. My hand flew away from his scalp and my eyes snapped up to meet his. The red eyed trickster. "Run, Pandora!" Lilith screamed and ran past me while trying to grab my arm along the way. Her arm got stuck in mine when I did not move even an inch from my spot. "What are you doing?" Lilith screeched when I did not move with her. Her heart shaped, spotless face had turned red. Well, probably it was not so much of a good idea to leave her here as a joke. If I had not come, she would probably have shite her fragile ass instead of using whatever tiny bit of magic she can manage to conjure on this cucker. And without a doubt, had gotten murdered by him. His red eyes were glaring into my blue ones while his six and a half feet form towered over my five and a half feet one. "Go on." I murmured while snapping my fingers. The rods turned to smoke again so that Lilith could pass through. "Pandora.." Lilith whimpered in worry. I turned my face towards her, pointed my thumb at the pass through, and snapped, "Get your lousy ass out of here, Lilith." Seeing my anger, Lilith passed through the way, rounded the corner and immediately disappeared. "The betrayer." I murmured in amusement. I had not expected him to be this handsome, quite frankly. His dark brown curls were falling over his shoulders while a light stubble covered his sharp, square jaw. I had heard all about the centuries old vampire who is famous for being non trusted, wicked, cunning and mad. Completely, and utterly out of mind, two timer, and filthy lier, those are the words that traveled about him. "An enchantress." He dropped his head to the side as his gaze raked over me from the top of my head to the toes. His eyes halted briefly at the naked skin of my cleavage and stomach. The hunger in eyes was too raw to be hidden. "What is your name?" I asked.  It did not actually matter to me, but I was intrigued for some reason. He did not answer me. Bending his head down in the crook of my neck, he inhaled my scent and whispered, "What would I get if I told you?" I smirked. Of course, he would not spill even a word if he does not get anything out of it. "Hmm..." I pretended to think as I put a finger on his stomach and gave a sharp push to move him away from me, "I wonder what a prisoner would ask for. It is too hard to guess, isn't it?" I snickered. He did not move from his spot, but pulled his head out of my neck. Surprisingly, even though his clothes were dirty, his skin was not. It carried a shiny glint that all the vampires possessed. "I will not ask for my freedom." He promised. His red eyes lingered on my face as his mouth curved into a smirk. I tilted my head to the side in mirth. Interesting. "Tell me." I whispered, taking a step forward into his space and touching his body with mine. Bending his head down, he touched his lips on the corner of my mouth to leave the tingling feeling of a kiss, pulled back to stare right into my eyes, and whispered, "Azazel."
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