9- The Mortal Enemy

1039 Words
Azazel's POV Sighing in annoyance and uninvited anger I grabbed the linen shirt that I had been brought in the prison from the ground and pulled it over my head, sliding it down to cover my chest. The only thought running through my mind was if I had ruined all the planning that I had been working on from the past month by lashing out on Pandora? And the plan was not to trap Pandora in my 'oh so delicate, broken love'. The plan was to find out every little bit of weakness that she and the king possessed. Not for my own benefit, but for Zenon and his father Aragog, Criptire's enemies. The deal was to inform them of everything that Pandora and her father hid under the safe facade and find out the weak entrances, exits, the ways to penetrate the palace and kingdom. And Pandora. As the rumours travelled, Pandora was the only one keeping the throne intact with her powers. No amount of attacks and armies had been able to penetrate the thick shield of power the king Jeffery wore because Pandora was there to protect him. That too, ruthlessly. The ones entering the war with Criptire were never spared alive. Even their bodies were not returned and left to be a feast of the crows at the edge of the city for the enemies and the dead's families to watch. In return for my information about Pandora and Criptire, I would receive what I wanted from Zenon and Aragog. An oath to stand by my side with their army when I fight the Gods of Blood for the Royal throne of Vampires. I still could not believe how stupid King Jeffrey is. He caught me, the Vampire for whom the people of the supernatural world had been hunting for four centuries now, a man famous for his cunning ways and never been caught reputation, and did not doubt even a thing?  Now, I did not blame them for trying their best to catch me. If you look down at the crimes that I have committed over the past years, you would either grimace in disgust or wonder how did I even dare to do those things. I did everything. From stealing a man from his death sentence to ditching the one who had already hired me for a job for his opponent if he offered me more. The only thing I demanded in return was either money. Or an oath to fight by my side when I asked. I was very close to getting what I had been working on from a very long time. The plan was to gain entry in the kingdom and Criptire Palace by getting caught, trap a prison guard and use him for my dirty work. But as it eventually turned out, Criptire did not have f*****g any Prison guards. But then it was like the Gods were working in my favour. Pandora herself came to the prison and I instantly had a new plan. Trap the sensitive, innocent princess herself.  But again my assumption turned out wrong. Instead of innocent, I got a feisty, seductive, extremely powerful vixen in my hands. I had always loved new challenges and Criptire just kept making me more intrigued by the new surprises. The new plan was to find out everything through Pandora.  I was attracted to her physically. I could never deny that. She wrenched out the blood-lust in me and I could not wait to taste every last bit of blood that ran through her veins. My hunger had finally crossed the limits. They did not give me anything to drink or eat in the prison and I did not think I could last any longer to fulfill the task by Zenon without any strength inside me. I had to figure something out. Soon. The outburst a week ago on Pandora was a mistake. A grave mistake of lost control that I would never have imagined myself to commit.  And I was afraid if I had f****d up everything by losing that control in the split second of my anger.  ------- Pandora's POV We always show people what we want them to see. The true face of our feelings, our pain, our happiness and our hate, everything is hidden from them no matter how much they claim to have known you deeply. The part that is hidden from everyone in a corner of your heart, your secrets that you want to keep safe, the words that you would never utter to someone because you are afraid of the consequences, and the hurt you hide from those you love for easily getting what you could never get no matter how hard you had worked, craved and begged for them because you never want those people to see the ugly side of your face. Behind every pretty face lies a monster. Behind every happy smile lies jealous wrath. In the depth of every relationship lie many unspoken, hidden secrets that are trying so hard to jolt loose and spill out of your mouth in a mere second of weakness. I hated weaknesses. I hated pretentious love. I hated everything that the world had decided to give me. I hated the burden of carrying the throne of Criptire upon my shoulders because my father had sacrificed everything to make me his weapon. And what was the use of those powers if I could not save even one person that I cared about so deeply? I refused to think about what Lilith would be going through right now. I am Pandora. I crave for evil. I unleash hurt. And I will rip the hearts out of every f*****g wolf of that pack if anything happened to her. I did not have any hopes of getting help from my father or his kingsmen. They were relaxed as a f*****g duck because I was here to protect the throne they sat upon with their head held high and noses looking down at the women that served them day and night. The only person that I could think of to take with me as my weapon for rescuing Lilith was the mortal enemy of werewolves. The vampire.
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