12 | Revelations

3324 Words
Aiyanna I sat in a small clearing in the middle of our makeshift forest. Back straight, eyes closed as I released my powers, allowing them to search the vegetation nearby. I felt the life of the plants and flowers, the powers of the nearby Aura's and the barrier that shimmered above and around our tower. My body buzzed with energy and life. Breathing out I released my powers and opened my eyes, locking with Clarice's as she stared at me "Breathing helps you to calm your senses and mind, allowing you to connect with your powers," I explained. Every time her heartrate jumped from fear or anxiety I felt it shoot through me like small needles pricking my skin "It's hard to explain the sensation you will feel but I will do my best to put it into words. When you first connect, it will feel like an overwhelming sense of joy and fear mixed together. Like the first time you would have seen a rainbow and a feral. It's both feelings and yet neither, because in a way our powers belong to us, but at the same time they don't. " Clarice blinked a few times, her large blue eyes confused. I let out a sigh. "Let's start by trying to feel your energy. Close your eyes, " I instructed, Clarice hesitated slightly before complying, breathing in deeply as she did. I closed mine as well, opening my Aura powers but not extending them out, allowing Clarice the time to find them on her own. I could hear her heartbeat, thumping against her ribcage in a slow and arithmetic way. Her fears slowly melted as she breathed in deeply again. I felt as she reached inwards, searching for her powers. I felt my brow pull together as I watched them swirl through my Aura Eye, and quicker than I had expected, she grabbed hold and pulled it to the surface. It was bright and brilliant, swirling with different shades of white, blues, and greens. The colours of innocence, from what I had seen only children had these colours, but once they progressed and obtained life skills in staying alive, their colours changed to orange or yellow. However, I had never seen all three colours in anyone but my own before. Normally, Aura's possessed one or the other intertwined with white. Though, even my own powers were different from the others, the white laced with purple and gold. I opened my eyes to find Clarice already had, the smile on her face infectious, body almost radiating and humming with excitement "How did I do?" she asked, voice high and sweet "Better than I had expected. All my other students had at least three tries before they could grasp their Aura, including my son. " she did a little wiggle at the praise, and I felt myself chuckle at the pure innocence "What's next?" The eagerness was plastered all over her face. I let out a laugh before I could stop myself "How about we take this slowly, moving to quick might give you too much confidence before you are ready. Unpredictable power can be a threat to the Tower, and protecting everyone here is my biggest job, " I explained, shuffling closer "Is that because I'm different?" she asked quietly. My eyes flicked to hers, the smile gone from her face. I was not prepared for that question and wondered if she had overheard my conversation with her dad "You are very young, Clarice. I don't want to scare you," "I understand more than people think," she replied simply. I regarded that statement, noting her older appearance and mature understanding over her surroundings "I don't doubt that" I sighed, keeping her in the dark could be just as dangerous as telling her the whole truth "If your origin is true, then no one knows what you can do, including me. Being cautious is the best thing we can do, until we understand your powers better. " "But you are like me." I felt myself freeze at that, unsure as to what she meant. "You're different. Not like the others, they have fur and paws, we don't even get that far. " I blinked a few times, heart pounding as I registered what she meant. How the hell did she know I didn't shift the same? Only Xavier knew I had never shifted, and there was no way he would have told this child "How do you know that, Clarice?" My question was quiet, not really wanting the answer. Clarice simply shrugged "I just know things. Sometimes I don't really understand what it is until I meet someone, or go somewhere, or smell something. It's really confusing, and sometimes makes me feel really scared. I also have nightmares, but they aren't always nightmares, sometimes it's like I'm dreaming the future" I jerked backwards slightly at that, I had never heard of any Aura having that type of power. I remembered what Jax had told me about Clarice being the one that wanted to find 'The Aura Lady' "Is that how you knew about me?" she nodded, looking away "I don't know which ones are nightmares and which ones are going to happen. They all just feel the same. I had one about you, just before we left our home in the mountains." she explained. I felt the hairs on the back on my neck stand on end. "But it ended up being wrong anyway," she added "How's so?" I prompted. This was not the direction I had been intending on going with the lesson, but her whole existence was a mystery, I couldn't help being curious. I felt my stomach tighten as she looked back up at me, tears welling in her eyes "Because in my dream daddy died just before you get to the store." I felt my breath leave in a whoosh. That was when Jax had fallen, I had two choices on whether to use more power to save him and risk flaming out, or let him die so the others could live. No wonder the whole ordeal had felt like something was wrong. I had changed a future where this child had to grow up without her dad because I had decided to be selfish and not use more power than I needed "Can I try something with you, Clarice? It won't hurt, I promise" she regarded me or a moment "What is it?" "I call it Aura-walking. It's something I discovered I can do with other Aura's. I can search their powers and find any hidden talents they might not be aware of. You will be there with me, our bodies go into a trance like state while our minds wonder inside you. Does that sound alright?" I needed to work out how dangerous she was, but also what asset she could be to the Tower. I knew the latter was more important in order to convince the others - mainly Liam - that she wasn't a threat. Clarice hesitated, a small amount of fear rippling through her, but it was quickly replaced by curiosity and excitement; not the reaction I was expecting. Finally, she nodded, and I held out my hands for her to take. Her skin was smooth and cool to the touch, tiny in comparison to mine. I had to remind myself that she was only four years old "When I enter your mind, it might feel weird, almost like a pressure in your head. The important thing is try not to fight it, or else this won't work, " I explained. She nodded, her bright blue eyes open and trusting. "take deep breaths the way I showed you and make sure you close your eyes" she gave me a quizzical look "You don't have to, but your eyes hurt less and won't be so dry when we come back to our bodies" Clarice let out a little chuckle when she understood. After a few moments, she closed her eyes, chest rising and falling gently as she breathed deeply. I hesitated slightly, not sure if this was the right thing to do. My gut twisted as if trying to warn me that this was a bad idea, but my curiosity on who, and what, Clarice was outweighed the apprehension I felt. I closed my eyes and opened my powers, feeling the life that was flourishing around me, buzzing with activity and growth. I redirected my mind to Clarice, once again taken back by the multiple swirling colours. Gently I reached out with my powers and touched hers, I felt her hands twitch in mine in response, but she did not recoil. Good. Stepping from my body I entered her mind, the world slipping away and enveloping me in darkness. Her powers swirled around me, trying to see if I was a threat. Slowly they calmed, and Clarice's image flickered before me, shinning slightly as she smiled "Did I do that right?" I nodded "That was great. Now, let's see what your powers can do" I raised my hand and used my powers to coax hers into the abyss we were standing in. White light intertwined with purple and gold twirled around my arm and hand like a living snake, lighting up the area around us. I watched as her powers snaked its way forward, mimicking my own. "Why does it do that?" Clarice whispered "You've never accessed your powers, so it doesn't know how to react or behave. By mimicking my own you are subconsciously trying to figure out if we are friend or foe" I explained quietly. Clarice didn't answer, she simply stared at the white stream of power making its way forward. "The more calm you are, the more I am perceived as a friend" I added. I lowered my arm and extended my powers in a peaceful way, allowing Clarice's to make the advance and connection. My attention was solely on the trail of power in front of me, I almost missed the slight tingle on the back on my neck that told me we weren't alone. I quickly glanced around, expecting someone to walk out of the darkness, but there was no one here but us. I felt my gut tighten again in my body, my skin crawling with goosebumps. Something wasn't right. I was about to withdraw, my eyes turning back to her powers and realised to late her Aura was about to make contact with mine. I cried out on contact, a blinding light bursting around us and a searing pain shot through my arm. I felt a tug inside my chest, as if something was waking, that beast that the others could shift into perhaps? I was thrown back into my body, hand jolted away from Clarice's. I gasped, retreating away from the child as my senses slowly came back to me, defences kicking in before my mind had time to catch up. I blinked, trying to get my eyes to adjust as I looked at Clarice, my heart stopping as I stared at her. I blinked hard a few times, hoping it was the trick of the light or my imagination that cause me to see that colour. My chest heaved as if I had been running a marathon, sweat beading on my forehead as our eyes remained locked, confusion and regret in her bright blue eyes. Eyes I swear had been red a few seconds ago. I could feel Liam and Xavier calling my name through our pack link, Liam demanding to know what that was. I guess they had felt the ripple to 'I need to speak with you Liam. It's important' I responded, hoping he felt the urgency and didn't ask more questions 'and you to Xavier' I added. I don't know what just happened, but I needed to explain it to someone else so I didn't feel crazy "I'm sorry... they didn't like you being there," Clarice whispered. My blood froze in my veins "They?" "The voices," Clarice fiddled with her hands, "the ones that tell me things I shouldn't know." Oh. My. God. I felt myself swallow, suppressing the sudden panic that wanted to crawl up my throat. "Did they tell you why?" I could tell she didn't want to answer, but she opened her mouth anyway "They don't like your kind." I scrambled to my feet and stared down at the girl. The feeling from earlier about this being a bad idea coming back. I should have listened to my gut "We...ah....can continue another day Clarice. Go...find your dad, " the little girl pushed herself to her feet. She looked at me once more, eyes apologetic and sadness rolled off her in waves. "Don't use your powers until our next lesson." "Because I'm dangerous?" her eyes welled with tears and I felt my heart squeeze; she was just a child. I stepped forward and knelt down so I was eye level "No, I gave the same instruction to all my students. Accessing your powers without me could have serious consequences. Until you have a firm grasp on them, and an understanding on what you can do, only pull on your Aura when we are in a lesson" she gave a small sniff, holding back tears "you aren't dangerous Clarice, just an unknown until we can figure out more about you" I gave her a small smile. I waited until she nodded before standing and heading off towards Liam's war room. I hoped I was right. ~*~ I stood on the other side of the table, arms crossed over my chest as uncertainty tightened in my stomach. I watched Liam's face go from confusion, to disbelief, to anger when he finally comprehended what I was telling him about Clarice. And that I had kept that information from him. Xavier's anxiety and surprise kept hitting me like a steel pole to the head. Their fears were warranted, and justified. From what we knew about the vampire-like creatures was that they were blood thirsty, violent and unpredictable. And after revealing what had transpired between Clarice and I during her first Aura lesson we realised we knew even less about them. I remained calm, my feet in a defensive position in case Liam lost control and lashed out. I could see Xavier with his hand resting on his gun, the same thought passing his face "Why is she still in the Tower?" Liam ground out, his voice low and commanding I felt it ripple in my chest. I longed to grab hold on my Aura powers, always feeling more grounded and safe when I did but I knew with the emotions raging in Liam, his wolf would see it as a threat and act accordingly. My best course of action was to remain calm and defuse the situation as best as I could "She isn't a threat" I replied, my voice just as low. Liam narrowed his eyes "Yet" I felt my lip twitch "She doesn't even know why she has these thoughts and feelings. She's only four" I countered "Don't use her age as a deflection Aiyanna, that doesn't change what she is" he snapped back "Then you kill her!" I shouted, frustrated at the circles we were going in. His face changed to dark and stormy. We could all feel his anger boiling beneath the surface "Watch your mouth" I scoffed at that, prepared to snip back "Aiyanna please. You need to understand this isn't something to take lightly" Xavier chimed in. I shot him a glare "You think I don't know that? I was in her head Xavier. I felt those 'other voices' she was talking about" I retorted angrily "From the moment I realised her origin I have taken this more seriously then any other threat we have faced. This is different, this is unknown" "Exactly! Unknown! Which also means unpredictable Aiyanna. It poses a threat to everyone in the Tower" Liam slammed his hand down on the table, causing it to rattle "Don't tell me how much of a threat it poses Liam. I know better than anyone the dangers she brings" "Do you? Because part of me feels like your curiosity is more invested than your concern" I felt my mouth snap shut at that accusation. My heart pounded against my chest as I struggled to remain in control. Liam was too aggressive and hot-headed, discarding all other emotions related to this discussion. And I was the one that struggled with showing empathy and emotion? "She stays" the air in the room turned to ice as Liam and I stared at each other. Magic crackled around us as I felt him pull on the collective power. Without thinking of the consequences I reached out and pulled the powers away, stopping him. Shock and disbelief crossed our Alpha's face at the realisation of what I had just done; I had blocked him from all access to the Aura's within the pack. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Xavier step towards me, hand outstretched as fear rolled off him in waves. The pure rage that hit me from Liam almost rocked me backwards, his eyes ablaze with anger, chest heaving as he struggled to remain in place. What was about to happen was not going to end pretty. Before Xavier could grab my arm the air around us snapped with the loud sound of a siren; our warning bell when Ferals were close. I watched at the confusion crossed Liam and Xavier's face, mirroring my own, all three of us turning to look out the window. The sun was close to the horizon, the light fading fast and with the attack only starting meant it would carry on into the night. That was nightmare territory. I didn't wait for a response from either of the men. I spun on my heel and left the room, racing towards the balcony. I heard Xavier call my name as I hurled myself over the edge, the wind ripping at my clothes as I gathered my powers, effortlessly transporting myself to the lower level. My feet had barely touched the ground before I was running, barking orders as I went, my mind a whirlwind of questions as I struggled to keep focus. Why now? There was no doubt that they would be ripped apart by the vampire creatures once the suns rays had vanished. Did it have something to do with the connection I had made with Clarice? Had our powers alerted the ferals of the imminent danger we now posed? I grabbed a few extra clips of ammo, and an additional hunting knife after I had exited the tower and entered the courtyard. People ran all around me, orders being shouted left right and centre as people manned the walls, preparing their defense. I heard my name called and glancing over I could see Jax racing towards me. I didn't stop my preparation as he reached me, panic and fear in his eyes and he looked around "What happened with Clarice? She hasn't said a word since she returned from your lesson!" he sounded angry, but that was the least of my worries. I ignored him and shouted orders to a few people nearby, instructing them to grab the spare UV lamps we had. I turned to leave when Jax gripped my arm, I spun around to him, teeth bared as I snarled. "Right now Jax there is a high possibility I could rip your throat out if you grab me like that again" shock replaced his anger as he quickly released me "Your daughter and these attacks are related. This attack might be the result of whatever we did in that lesson, but right now I have a home to defend" I growled, checking the clip in my gun "I'll deal with you later" I added before racing over to the wall.
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