11 | Mistakes

3923 Words
Daegon The early morning fog clung to the forest floor, the dim light filtering through and bathing the area in an eerie glow. Soft footfalls of a dozen large paws made their way through the area, heading towards the large mountains in the distance. The largest of the group, his fur darker than a ravens and yellow eyes like liquid gold, sniffed the air for danger, a small growl informing the pack to slow. The Alpha's ears pricked, listening for distant sounds. The woods were eerily quiet, no animals stirred, no breeze swept through, as if the entire area were holding its breath. A smaller, brown and white speckled wolf trotted forward, silvery eyes glancing up at her Alpha 'What is it Daegon?' Trixa enquired through the pack link. Daegon didn't answer for a moment, his snout twitching at the metal tang that now filled the air 'I smell blood' his deep voice answered. Trixa's stomach dropped. The only pack nearby was the blue moon, they preferred the small and quiet surroundings, hence living in the mountains, the closest they could get to the power stones they guarded 'But the witch was seen heading west' Trixa's voice hinted at panic 'she couldn't have doubled back without us knowing, could she?' Daegon didn't answer as he lunged forward, pace now quicker than before. The blue moon pack were strong and resourceful, it was their main advantage against the advance towards his control over all nine pack territories. The pack bounded effortlessly through the forest, the eerie silence making even the smallest twig snap sound like the trees were splitting. He felt the unease ripple through the others when their own nose picked up the metallic scent in the air, but this time it was now laced with the scent of smoke and decay. Deagon's hackles raised when Aura magic brushed his own, this one mixed with what felt like pain and electricity, informing the Alpha that the witch was nearby. And she was not hiding. The pack burst through the treeline, Daegon felt his feet falter slightly at the scene that met them; the once large and ancient house that had been carved into the side of the mountain, lay in ruins, fires raging inside. Bodies lay strewn across the yard, some shifted into their wolf form, but many had not, their mouths open in a silent scream and lifeless eyes wide open. Their skin was paler than normal for death and on closer inspection large gashes could be seen in their neck; they had been drained of blood. The grounds had been scorched by fire and force, and from the patterns it appeared it was done by an Aura; they had been taken completely by surprise. Daegon's pack wondered cautiously through the destroyed grounds, sniffing and nudging their kin to check for life. No one had been spared. A low growl emanated from Daegon at his rising rage towards the Dark Aura, she was the only one capable of such death and destruction and she had now destroyed the only pack that knew how to wield the power stones. As he made his way to the front of the mansion Daegon spied something near the front steps, a pole with a ball on top. Upon closer inspection he realised that it wasn't a ball, rather the severed head of Alpha Sean, his eyes had been gouged out and mouth open in a silent scream, the same as the rest of his pack. Daegon let out a roar and snapped his jaws, his fury at boiling point, the air around him crackling with energy as his emotions raged inside, triggering his Aura powers 'that witch will pay with blood and pain for the destruction she has caused here. Her and her entire kin' he howled in their pack link, the rest of his pack letting out their own growls of hatred towards the Dark Aura and her kind "Awww, tisk tisk my furry oddball" an enchanting voice drifted down to Daegon. He looked around furiously, his head snapping upwards when her scent caught his nose. There, standing on the edge of the broken building was the Dark Aura, her waist length black hair billowing around her, red eyes glinting while she smirked at the Alpha, "condemning a species based on the actions of one" she tisked as she inspected her sharp nails "that sounds very grandfatherly of you. He blamed us for all his problems, too, " she hissed, sneering at the Lycan, showing her elongated canines Daegon let out another low and menacing growl, teeth bared 'Vermin like your kind should have been eradicated long ago' he snapped. The witch sighed, sounding bored which only infuriated Daegon further. A ripple of anger spread through the pack as they called for her death "Could you at least shift into a human form, I do hate having to listen to the mindless rambling of your mutts" Trixa stepped beside her King, teeth bared at the dark aura "aahhhhh Trixa! Now there's someone I could engage with daily, to bad the stench of wet dog on you hindered our possible relationship" The Dark Aura had been sent to the same training facility as Trixa early on. They had met in the first week but Trixa knew from the start, she was rotten on the inside. And not just because of an age long feud between the two species. The only reason the witch had been allowed to attend was becuase the fae were the ones that ran the school. They wanted peace and unity, believing it could be achieved with the right guidance. Now it lay in ruins, no longer able to train new recruits thanks to the Dark Aura. Trixa didn't respond. The Dark Aura let out another tisk "It's frustrating how you are all so simple-minded," 'Where are the crystals you stole?' He demanded. The cruel smile that spread over her face sent a small shover down Daegon's spine. "Oh, you mean this?" She flicked her wrist, the movement unnaturally fluid and graceful. A pale shimmering stone the size her her palm appeared in front of the Dark Aura "aren't they just dazzling? I was thinking of splitting this one up to make myself a crown" Trixa let out a warning growl at the mention of desecrating the power stones. Daegon was fed up with the game she was playing, drawing on his powers he shifted back to human form, ignoring the protests of both Treyton, his Beta, and Trixa. He stood tall with fists clenched, mouth a thin line and face expressionless. He watched as the Dark Aura dragged her blood red eyes down his body "Oohhhhh...now that's a manhood I could get behind," she cooed, "or rather, on top of. Too bad I'm not into beastiality" the comment made Daegon's stomach churn, threatening to empty its contents "Come down here and face your death witch" he growled. She let out a laugh, the sound sweet with an underlying tone that grated on his ears "Oh my sweet and hairy fuzzball. Do you think I have put all this effort into destroying your kind just to simply give up?" She giggled hysterically "honey, you're handsome and all, but only a vain person would think I'd give up these grand plans for a moderately pretty face" she jeered Daegon was unaffected by her insults. The vampires were selfish, vainful and blood thirsty creatures. They cared only for themselves, even their loyalty to their coven was was thin "I had hoped you would not come willingly" Daegon's eyes glowed yellow, his wolf begging to be released. He hungered for her blood, to feel her neck snap in his jaws while her screams pierced his ears. Her death would be the only thing that brought him peace "I will not be subjected to your mutt laws. My life is not yours to forfit!" She sneered, dark hair beginning to stand on end as her eyes glowed. She released her hold on the crystals, dark tendrils of power snaking from her fingertips to wrap around the glowing stone. She was binding her powers to the crystal, which would increase them exponentially. Both he and Trixa would be no match for her then, and these lands would be destroyed. Raising her arms above her head, the Dark Aura began using an ancient language that very few new about. The dark tendrils seeped into the stone, causing it to turn a murky blue, the light flicking as it was swallowed. Daegon's wolf surged forward, a battlecry leaving his jaws as his pack leapt into formation. The Dark Aura threw her hands towards the ground, the black tendrils of her power like smoke as it enveloped the dead and broken bodies of the blue moon pack. Daegon let out a bark to his pack, warning them to stay back. In their mind link, Daegon instructed the pack that was waiting on the boarders of his and the blue moon packs territory to make their way forward; a backup in case he needed the extra strength. Daegon watched in horror as the black smoke entered the bodies of the dead, seeping into their skin. Sickening cracks sounded as they began to change, twisting and skin splitting of those that had not changed before their death. A chilling howl went up, travelling through the fog that still clung to the trees around them. A sadistic laugh emanated from the Dark Aura as her Dark powers continued to spill from her hands and the tainted crystal "Now you will feel what it is like to be hunted and annihilated almost to extinction" the witchs voice was deper than before, sounding like it resonated with more than just hers. A strange smell hit Daegon and his pack, Trixa backing up slightly as her hackles raised. 'Something isn't right Daegon' her voice wavered slightly with fear. That was not like the strong and brave she-wolf Daegon had trained beside. If Trixa was shaken, they were in serious danger 'We must get the stone away from her, it's the only way we can bring her down' he instructed. The dead werewolves picked themselves up from the charred ground, teeth snapping in the Lycan packs direction. Their eyes were blood red, teeth dripping with saliva and fur long and wirey, taking on a dull greyish hue. 'They look like rogues' Treyton observed, stepping beside his Alpha and taking a quick sniff of the air 'their scent is sour and rotting though' 'They are dead and no longer kin. That witch has used our brethren to twist them into monsters' Daegon growled. The ground beneath his paws shook slightly, the air turning cold as the witch cackled with laughter again. Rogue-like creatures burst through the forests edge opposite the grounds the lycan pack was currently standing in. Their red eyes locked onto Daegon's pack, teeth gnashing as the same sour-rotting smell overwhelmed him. 'Kill the abominations and get the stone, that witch is mine' Daegon roared, leaping forward, the rest of his pack following suit. His teeth sunk into the neck of the first creature, snapping it's neck and tearing into it's flesh. A rotting and acid taste spilled into his jaws, burning his gums and tongue. Daegon let out a yelp of surprise, trying to spit out the rancid blood best he could. A few other yelps went up as his pack discovered the same thing 'Their blood is acid based, she has twisted more than just their bodies. Be careful, we do not know the side effects' Daegon ordered, hearing the others acknowledge before leaping at the own is Rogue like wolves that spilled towards them. 'Daegon!' Trixa skidded to a halt beside her King, milky eyes swirling with power 'we need to combine our powers to wrestle that stone away, it's the only choice we have at defeating her' Daegon let out a low growl, combining powers was dangerous especially when not done correctly. It had the consequence of destroying all life within a hundred mile radius. But he also knew that they would not be able to beat the Dark Aura on their own. Now that she had the crystal, her powers superseded theirs. 'I will be the anchor, if this fails you must get the pack to safety. I will use the unstable connection to stop her once and for all' panic and fear rippled through his friend, knowing full well what he meant 'that's an order Trixa' he added, using his command voice to compel her to oblige. She gave a short nod, baring her teeth and the unwanted submission. Trixa leapt forward at the advancing feral rogue, her claws ripping through its greyish skin like paper, black blood spurting out as its flesh dangled from its side. In one swift movement Trixa had pinned the creature and snapped its neck with her powerful jaws. A few of the Elite pack members surrounded their King and healer, giving them a moment to merge their powers. He could feel the remainder of his pack close by, their powerful legs propelling them forward as they rushed to bring aid to their kin. Daegon stepped closer to Trixa, opening his powers to her and felt her own respond. Brilliant white and yellow light swirled around his friend, snaking its way over to the Lycan King and wrapping around his legs, winding its way upwards before seeping into his chest. Daegon's senses exploded with colour. The world around him heightened to a degree he had never thought existed. His breath left his lungs in a whoosh, head swooning with the overwhelming sensation of every sound and smell around him. Closing his eyes for a moment he breathed deeply, filling his nose with the scent of blood, decay, burning wood, ash, earth and water. He gripped his powers, now bulked with Trixa's and pulled all of it forward, feeling the air around him crackle with magic and he opened his eyes. He shot forward, faster than he ever had, Trixa gave a small yelp of surprise before lunging after her King, the pack following slightly slower. Daegon's golden eyes locked onto the witch, her face twisted in a scowl as she sensed the build up of power now hurtling towards her. She threw tendrils of dark magic at the pair, swirling like smoke as it attempted to grab its advisory. The pack surged its way through the swarm of feral rogues, the sounds of their flesh ripping grating against Daegon's ears. The Dark Aura was screaming profanities at the Alpha, her sole attention now on the advancing Lycan, knowing full well of his intent. He leapt onto the broken balcony of the destroyed manor, feeling the stone crack beneath his paws, quickly leaping to the next as it gave way. A howl of pain sounded behind Daegon and he tore his attention away from the witch for a moment, only to see Trixa fall back to the ground with a loud thud, the feral rogue that had managed to snag her back leg crumpled beneath her. He hesitated for a moment, feeling her powers dim slightly under his grasp of Aura power, only to have them blaze more brightly as Trixa pushed herself to her feet, shaking off the debris that had fallen on top of her. 'GO!' she screamed in Daegon's mind, her powers shoving him forward so much he had no choice but to comply. The Lycan King turned and lunged up onto the roof of the mansion, tiles breaking away under his paws. He turned his eyes to the witch, his blood running cold at the sight he saw. He knew there was something wrong when the Dark Aura had pulled out one crystal, he had momentarily forgotten what his Beta had told him a few days ago, when the blue moon pack had reported her breaking into the cave where the crystals grew; she had stolen two. The larger crystal that now sat in her free hand pulsed with an unusual light. The evil and sadistic smile that was plastered over her face told him she had wanted Daegon to combine his powers and come after her; he had fallen right into her trap. How had he been so foolish and blind? He felt his paws slip as he tried to gain traction, only now seeing the blood that coated the roof and the dead werewolf off to the side; it was Alpha Sean's mate, her eyes and mouth open in the same silent scream. The Dark Aura had planned on his anger towards her and her kind, knowing full well he would do what he needed to, in order to destroy her. Those ancient words spilled from her blood stained mouth, the black tendrils of power snaking around the second crystal, only to shoot out a moment later and wrap around Daegon, crushing his body. A howl of pain and panic escaped his throat before he could stop it. Trixa stopped in her tracks, eyes locking onto the scene unfolding above her. She gave a bark to the other pack members and they rushed towards their Alpha. "Your anger was always going to be your downfall mutt" the Dark Aura hissed, her voice laced with many others "and once you and your pack are dead, the others will fall swiftly. We will finally be able to take our rightful place to rule" Daegon struggled against her hold, only to have the tendrils squeeze tighter. Dark spots appeared at the edge of his vision. The Dark Aura pulled Daegon closer, her canines growing as that crazed looked grew in her eyes. Before she could sink her teeth into his flesh a large orb of powers slammed into the witch, knocking her away and releasing her hold on both the crystals and Daegon, her shreek grating against his ears. He fell back onto the roof with a grunt, body on fire with agony. He could hear Trixa screaming his name through their link, her fear and panic fueling his body to move. He pushed himself to his feet, stumbling as his bones cracked back into place, healing and allowing him to move faster. Shaking himself the Lycan King looked around for the witch, the area where she should have fallen empty. Daegon let out a low growl, hackles raising and his power building back up, sensing danger. He drew in a deep breath, trying to catch a scent when something else pricked his interest. It was musty, a tang mixing with the moldly smell that filled his nose. He knew that scent, but couldn't pinpoint where from. Dark clouds began to drift overhead, blocking out the light and bathing everything in grey. An uneasy feeling grew in Daegon's stomach; something wasn't right. A few yelps drew Daegons attention, and he glanced down at the ground, feeling the pain and fear rippled through the pack link. His blood ran cold while his anger boiled in his stomach. The Dark Aura grinned up at Daegon, her long and deadly nails wrapped around Trixa's throat where she lay on the ground, the witch's knee digging into her side to keep her down. Flattening his ears against his head Daegon stalked forward, a deep growl emanating from his chest. He pulled on the joined Aura powers, feeling the resistance as the bond started to become unstable. "Ah!" The dark Aura warned, digging her nails into Trixa's throat causing her to whimper "The mighty Lycan King does have a heart" she sneered. "Release her witch, and I will make your death quick" he snapped back. The others growled through the pack link, his beta Treyton moved to his side, eyes trained on the witch "You still don't understand, do you mutt?" another hysterical laugh, her eyes brightening as she drew on her own Aura powers "your life ended the moment you set foot in this territory. My power, this destruction, your demise, is inevitable. You just couldn't be content with the one slaughter of my kind" Trixa struggled again, only to have the nails dig deeper, pools of blood now forming on the ground and turning the dirt to mud "It's not too late Nerezza-" Trixa started, only to be cut short when she uttered the Dark Aura's name "Enough!" she shrieked. Daegon sensed the build of her magic, now laced with the stone she still held on her hand. The blue light was now completely gone, the crystal now swirling with an unnatural darkness "I will destroy you all! You filthy mongrels! Mangy mutts! You are a plague that needs to be wiped out!" she screamed, eyes wild. Raising her hand with the crystal she spoke in that ancient language, voice laced with many others as she pulled on more power "Daegon get out of here!" Trixa screamed. Before the Lycan King could move the witch, Nerezza, shoved the dark crystal against the open wound of Trixa. The she-wolf let out a blood curdling scream, the ground shaking beneath their feet as the witch's voice grew louder, seeming to echo around them and in their minds. Daegon lept forward only to be tackled from the side, the impact jarring his body as he slid across the yard, coming to a stop a few feet away. His body ached and he could feel a rib was cracked, glancing up he looked around for the feral rogue only to come face to face with a Vampire instead. Daegon snarled, baring his teeth to the creature, noticing then the rest of his pack were locked in combat with multiple other vampires, the dark clouds above giving them enough cover to not burst into flames. How the hell had they managed to get past him? he would have surly smelt their disgusting scent long before they had a chance to get close. His eyes flickered to the Dark Aura, seeing her crazed eyes and wicked smile while still holding the crystal to his healers neck he knew she had been using her powers discreetly to keep her coven hidden. Letting out a howl of rage he threw his power at the Vampire, snapping his teeth in glee when it burst apart on contact with his magic. He raced forward, gathering as much power as he possibly dared, feeling the imbalance that was increasing the more he pulled. If he could not defeat her alone, then annihilating her and her coven was the only thing left he could do. The remainder of his pack burst through the tree line, aiding their kin against the vampires. "Do it Daegon! Do it! Kill the b***h!" Trixa screamed, her pain rippling through the pack. He knew he was giving them all a death sentence. He felt the support and understanding from each of his Lycans and wolves. This was their only chance. He watched in horror as Nerezza pulled the crystal away from Trixa and shoved it against her chest, a sickening sizzle and the smell of burning flesh filled the air As he was about to rip open the connection between his and Trixa's power when something large and heavy came down on Daegon, the ground shaking on impact. His body exploded with fire as the rubble of the building the Dark Aura had managed to quietly lift and throw down on top of the Lycan King crushed him into the earth. He heard the mad cackle of the witch before darkness swallowed him whole.
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