13 | More questions than answers

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Sounds boomed around me, I heard someone screaming my name as I slowly pushed myself to my feet, head and ears ringing from the explosion. My instincts kicked in, bringing my gun up I fired a few shots, the two ferals that were about to cut me down fell dead at my feet. I held my head, blinking a few times as I tried to see through the falling debris and dust. The screams from the ferals vibrated around me as the people on the wall shot them down. I had seen a feral lunge at one of the snipers in a building across from the wall. And although they had access to the collective powers they were no match against this many creatures. Without thinking of the consequences I had jumped from the wall to the balcony below where they were stationed, attracting the attention of several ferals below, who then proceeded to try and climb the building towards me. But I had reached the snipper to late, the last thing I remembered was hearing the small clink as a pin was pulled, followed by a metallic clang before the small snipper tower exploded from the grenade he had pulled the pin out of. There was a small window of nothing in my mind, unable to recall how I had gone from the balcony, to the ground. I pulled out my blade, hacking at the advancing ferals, trying to make my way back to the wall when a sound I had not wanted to hear went up around us. The blood curdling screech of a nightmare, hungry and angry. I frantically started hacking my way forwards, I could hear Xavier yelling my name feeding me magic, Liam ordering I create a portal to get back inside. But there was no time. If I paused for even moment I would be swarmed. Then lights out forever. Five ferals dropped from the roof onto the pavement in front of me, one landing with a sickening crack while the other four shook themselves off, their eyes glued to me as saliva dripped from their open jaws. On a normal day I could handle five ferals, with daylight and space to move. But here, surrounded by broken buildings at night? Not a chance. I glanced up at Xavier, I could see the panic on his face as he continued to fire on the surrounding ferals "Be ready at the gate" I shouted through the pack link, turning on my heel and racing down the alleyway, the five ferals hot on my heels. I heard my name screamed from multiple people as I disappeared from their sight. I could feel the beasts behind me, their hot breath on my neck as I skidded around the corner, barely dodging the swipe at my back. My mind raced with scenarios of what would happen next. I tried to keep my focus on getting back to the gate in one piece, but without warning panic started to claw at my chest. Odd. I had suppressed those types of emotions a while ago, it was what allowed me to keep calm outside the Tower during scouting missions. As if sensing my attempt to get back to the tower gate every turn I made in that direction was blocked by a feral. I skidded around a corner, foot slipping as did, my sword lashing out to catch the jaw of the beast that had lept at my back. The force jarred my body, its wolf-like body tumbling to the ground and causing another to trip. My heart pounded hard against my chest, the sounds of creatures rising in a crescendo as they all came after me in the chase, death and blood the reward if I faltered. An unearthly scream sounded somewhere to my right, the growls from the ferals behind me sounded almost worried, their paws on the pavement growing softer. Taking the chance I pulled on my powers, slowing my pace slightly I looked up to the top of the closest roof where I transported myself. My leg buckled the moment I released my powers, hands going out to stop myself from smashing my face into the cement and hunting knife clattering beside me. Something felt wrong, a feeling inside my chest pulled in a way I had never experienced. I could feel my hands shaking, panic swirling in my chest as I fought to stay calm. Ever since that connection with Clarice, something inside me changed. Pushing myself to my feet quickly I examined the area, sheathing my blade, uncertainty in my chest when I saw the ferals trotting off in the opposite direction; they never gave up that easily. Noting the distance to the towers gate, I could hear the shouts in the distance, the faint gunfire and dying squeals of the creatures. I assessed my situation, slightly concerned with how quickly they had given up the chase. That scream I heard settled uneasily in my stomach. I had to be extremely careful, and even more so quiet, if I ended up with a nightmare on my scent, my life was essentially forfeit; they were even more brutal, persistent and bloodthirsty than the ferals. I jumped across to the next building, keeping a small grasp on my powers just in case I needed them. The taller buildings that were still standing towered over me, beyond my reach to get to the top, and eventually I had no choice but to return to the streets below. Dark clouds drifted across the moon, causing the entire area to be covered in darkness. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, the street eerily quiet I could practically hear my heart beating loudly, as if it were a drum. I walked quickly and quietly up the street, keeping as close to the shadows as I could. The hairs on the back of my neck started to raise, a feeling of dread growing in my stomach as I searched the area with my Aura, praying there were no nightmares skulking around. I was about to cross the street when my blood ran cold, a scream vibrating the air around me. The window of the building across from me exploded, glass reigning down onto the street, a creature landing with a thud seconds later. I stared at the Nightmare, body frozen in place as it's blood red eyes locked onto me, twisted mouth open in a snarl, canine teeth so long they hung out of its mouth. It stood up straight, elongated arms that ended in sharp nails hung almost to it's ankles, parts of its flesh melted in with what looked like clothing, it's broad shoulders pink and riddled with scars. I had never seen one this close. When Rohnan and I were fighting for our lives we never ventured out at night, always finding a hole that we could hide in until daylight. It was why we had built safe houses all throughout the city, so no one would be caught out after the sun had disappeared. I was silently kicking myself for not aiming for one of these instead of trying to get back to the Tower. It let out a hiss, the sound grating on my ears as it began to circle me. I slowly drew out my blade, grabbing hold of my Aura powers as I did. I didn't know how I would fare against a creature like this, I had never encountered one before and I had never met anyone who was alive that had managed to kill one. Its eyes flicked to my hand, a screech emanating from its chest, like a warning. I had expected it to charge me from the start, its violent and hostile demeanour leaving no room to escape. Instead it continued to circle, eyes glued to my figure while drool fell from its open and twisted mouth. Its movements were almost calculated, thought out on what would happen the moment it started its advance. I knew I had one chance to get out of this alive. I surged forward, hoping taking it by surprise would give me the advantage, but as I closed in on it, the nightmare moved, dodging my swing. Shock and fear shot through me, the sting of it's claw slicing my shoulder and back following as I stumbled away. I turned back around, left arm limp and warm blood trickling down my shoulder. Crap, this thing is faster than I expected I cursed, frantically thinking of my next move. That strange feeling of panic rippled in my chest again, causing me to grimace. I saw the creature sniff the air, smelling my blood and I swear I saw it smile, that already twisted mouth twisting further as it sensed victory. I backed up, eyes darting around to find where I could transport to before my blood loss affected my powers. I spied a small landing a few blocks away, but as I gathered my magic the nightmare charged me with lightening speed. I barely had a second to dive out of its way before it's razor sharp claws sailed through the air where my head had been. My shoulder screamed in pain as I rolled away, quickly scrambling to my feet to face my predator. Why had I been so stupid? I gritted my teeth, gripping my hand tighter on my blade. If I was going down, I was at least going to take this beast with me. I squared my feet, ready for the next attack; this was not going to be quick or painless. The nightmare let out another screech as it darted forward, my stomach dropping with the speed it used. Time seemed to slow then as I grabbed hold of my magic and brought it forward, not worried about whether I would cause myself to flame out; at least then I would know I'd killed this creature. I watched as it faltered slightly, as if sensing my powers. But I could see it's eyes were wild with thirst, it could smell my wound, the blood dripping down my arm. Its animalistic instincts appeared to take over its logic as it continued its advance. The clouds drifted away from the moon, bathing everything around me in silver and grey, highlighting the scarring that littered the creatures body. Just as it was about to collide with me something slammed into the nightmare from the right, seeming to appear out of the shadows. The creature was sent flying, smashing into the building on the other side of the road with a sickening crunch. I felt myself slump, hoping whatever had attacked the nightmare was satisfied with that kill and leave me be. But to my horror, and dismay, the nightmare slowly stood back up, shaking it's head as if it had been dazed. Its blood red eyes scanned the area, a snarl twisting its face as it locked back onto me. Instead of charging forward once more it lurched instead, the snarl turning to confusion. Its eyes looked down at its chest where its heart now protruded, dark blood pouring from the hole where it once sat. The gurgle that left its lips sent a shiver down my spine; it almost sounded human. I watched in horror as its heart retracted back through the cavity and slowly the nightmare fell to the ground with a thump. My eyes travelled back up to where it had been standing, my heart practically stopping, breath catching in my throat as I stared at the...Man? He stood perfectly and unnaturally still, pale skin almost glowing in the moonlight. His hair was styled and slicked back, his clothing looking like he just stepped from a 1940's movie with the long coat, tailored pants and tight fitting shirt with a vest. My eyes travelled to his face, his unnaturally perfectly handsome face. Strong chiselled jaw, rounded nose, full lips and blood red eyes. Holy. s**t. Those eyes were identical to the nightmares. And yet he looked nothing like those creatures that roamed the night, blood thirsty for anything that had a heartbeat. He was staring directly at me, slowly lowering his arm that was covered in black ichor back to his side, hand opening to allow the dead nightmares heart to fall to the pavement with a wet thump. I didn't move. I didn't dare breath as questions flew through me head. Who was he? What was he? Why are his eyes the same at the creatures? If that thing laying at his feet is what we thought was a vampire, what the hell is this? I had no answers, no logical explanation as we continued to stare at each other. I felt oddly drawn to this man, as if his alluring features called to me on a primal level. A slight fear at the feeling stirred in my stomach. I gathered my powers, prepared to defend myself; just because he saved my life did not make him an ally. His face changed then, eyebrows pulling together in a frown and crinkling his perfect features. And then he was gone. I blinked a few times, trying to comprehend the sudden shift, my brain not quiet catching up with the fact he had been there one second, and the next not. I glanced around frantically, expecting him to appear behind me, but there was nothing. An eerie silence descended over the street, even the distant gunfire had stopped, the screams of the ferals absent. I don't know what worried me more, the absent sounds, or the fact a creature that looked like the nightmares not only saved me, but had left me alive. I turned to leave and stumbled, head swooning as my situation set in. I had lost a lot of blood, the wound on my back trying to heal but the toxin from the nightmare was preventing it. My only chance was to aim for the safehouse not too far from my location, but even then I knew I would not make it. I stumbled on anyway, keeping the thought of my son in the front of my mind to push my legs forward, one in front of the other. My vision blurred, dark spots now appearing at the edges of my vision, exhaustion trying to pull me down and under, the promise of rest extremely tempting. I clenched my jaw tighter, determined to keep going but I could feel my body failing. I fell to the ground, my body jarring from the impact and a grunt leaving my mouth. With one last burst of energy I wrapped myself in my powers, hoping it would take me close enough to the Tower the pack would feel me. Darkness swallowed me whole as a pair of old school looking shoes into my vision... ~*~ The was the distant sound of shouting... Heavy feet pounding vibrated through the ground beneath me... Light refracted behind my heavy eyelids... Strong hands lifted me from the ground... I felt magic flow through my aching body, driving out the toxin. I struggled to open my eyes, blinking a few times as the light from the torches blinded me, a small groan left my throat and the man holding me looked down, muttering my name. I blinked a few more times, allowing my senses to come back as I recognised Liam carrying me, his face a mixture of concern and anger. I could hear his heart beating fast under my ear where my head rested, his chest rising and falling quickly. His emotions were trying to wash over me and to my surprise Alpha Liam was doing a pretty decent job of keeping them at bay. I could see the wall of the Tower at the end of the street, our pack surrounding us as we all made our way back to safety. Liam didn't say a word, his eyes baring into me held more than enough to know how my little rescue had effected him. How it had effected them all, I could feel the collective concern from the other pack members rippling through the link. I kept the encounter with the strange man hidden from the others, I still didn't know what I had seen myself and until I had an idea it was best not to cause more panic. Pain racked through me, body shuddering as I fought to stay awake. Xavier appeared at Liam's shoulder, mouth a thin line and eyes hard; he was just as unimpressed as his Alpha. I felt the pull of sleep again and this time I welcomed it, allowing it to fold me under its warmth and promise of peace. ~*~ Sunlight seeped in through my closed eyes, pulling me from my dreams. Blinking a few times I looked around and realised I was in my bed back in my home, the window open to allow the cool breeze in as the early morning sun rose above the city. I rubbed my face, thinking back to what had happened. I remembered the ferals attacking at dusk, I had attempted to rescue the sniper that had been caught in his tower. I remembered the explosion and running from the ferals while trying to get back to the Towers gate. Then the memory of the nightmare came back, its blood red eyes, deadly teeth and claws as it stalked me. My back twinged in pain, remembering as those claws had ripped through my skin like a knife through butter. I felt my shoulder under my shirt, fingertips brushing the smooth and slightly raised lines that were still healing; they would definitely leave scars. I had been lucky, the fact I was still alive was the most astounding. I sat up straight when I remembered why I was still alive, that strange man's unnatural appearance and unsettling resemblance to the nightmares left more questions than answers. I heard footsteps making their way closer to my apartment, Liam's overbearing presence getting stronger in my mind which clearly indicated he was headed here. I stepped from my bed, noting the baggy t-shirt and absent pants I had been put in. Raising an eyebrow I quickly grabbed a new pair of black skinnies and tugged them on before heading out to meet the Alpha at the front door. I waited until he pounded on the wood, letting a few seconds slip by before walking over to pull it open, his hand poised for another hard knock. The surprise that crossed his face was strange, as if he hadn't expected me to be out of bed. Uncertainty, concern, and frustration washed over me before he managed to reign them in, face becoming stony as he stared at me. I stepped aside, allowing him and Xavier to enter my home. I closed the door quietly before making my way towards the lounge. I turned to Liam, waiting for the onslaught of lectures. I felt myself flinch slightly as he stepped closer to me, his rough voice causing my chest to hitch "Are you alright?" I looked over at Xavier, he was staring at me with an unnaturally blank look. "I'm fine. How long was I out?" "Two days, Xavier and Rohnan have been feeding you Aura power to keep the toxin from spreading further while you healed" damn, two days? "How did you find me?" The last thing I remembered was trying to crawl my way to a safehouse, but that was much further away than where they had found me "You must have been able to transport yourself close to the Tower. A sniper said you suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the street" Xavier explained, voice quiet. I was badly wounded, there was no way I could have managed to get myself that close. "What the hell were you thinking?" Liam growled, anger replacing the concern. I had expected this reaction "I was thinking about saving someone's life" I retorted "At the expense of your own?" "I wasn't exactly planning on having the sniper lookout explode, which threw me to the ground and into the city at night" I folded my arms over my chest, taking a step back as I squared my feet defensively "Cause I totally wanted to be chased by a pack of ferals at the most dangerous time of the day" Liam growled and stepped closer, adrenaline spiking and heightening my senses "Don't get smart with me Aiyanna. I thought we had an agreement" I scoffed at that "An agreement set in place for your own wellbeing, not mine" "It was that or confinement to the Tower" he almost roared. That confirmed my suspicions, that he had planned on trying to keep me behind the walls I had built "I will not be dictated by your rules Liam! I told you this would not change over night! Your stupid ideology that I would become your perfect Luna just because we had a chat is infuriating!" I shot back, watching the rage bloom in his eyes "What's infuriating is your constant attempt at suicide" I felt my lip curl back in a snarl "I would never leave my son to be commanded and abused by the likes of you" the room went dead silent, the air practically freezing around us as Liam and I stared each other down. I was stubborn, and I was rash, but the one thing I was above the rest was a mother, and right now my protective instincts were kicking in "And yet you would ass-" "Enough!" Xavier's voice boomed, surprising us both into silence.
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