10 | worlds apart

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Daegon . Pale morning light spilled in through the floor to ceiling window of the study, bathing the map spread out on the table in gold. Sharp green eyes scanned the borders between his territory, and the neighboring pack. The Dark Aura managed to evade his patrols so far, making it known she was toying with them. He clenched his fist tightly, anger spiking - he had been at war with the Dark Aura for years, with no evidence at being closer to riding their land of her filth. A soft knock sounded on the door before opening gently "Alpha?" his beta, second in charge Treyton, appeared, posture stiff when glimpsing his Alpha's dark look "What" Daegon growled. He instructed to not be disturbed while working out a new strategy to capture the witch. He had seen the sun set and rise, running off of rage and caffeine while mapping out an attack plan. The tang of fear reached Daegon's nose, Treyton lowering his head quickly at disturbing his Alpha, but the news could not wait "The Dark Aura has been spotted on the boarders of the Blue Moon pack. Alpha Sean is willing to work with you to capture her" Daegon straightened, face unreadable as he clenched his jaw. He knew Alpha Sean would submit his help to Daegon, the alternative being annihilation; he did not take rejection or defiance well. As the Lycan King, Daegon's reputation of being ruthless, rage filled and powerful known to all packs. He surpassed his father at the age of thirteen with his powers, claiming the title of King shortly after at age seventeen. In the past twelve years he managed to conquer six out of the eight packs surrounding his territory, only halting his advance on the last two due to the rise of the Dark Aura who now plagued their land. She appeared as ruthless and blood thirsty as Daegon, her power being the only one to rival his own. "Where?" his deep voice commanded "To the north. Apparently she attempted to gather a few of the stones forming within the Blue Moon Packs mountains" Daegon narrowed his eyes. Those stones held powerful properties which aided Aura's and their powers, however, they were extremely rare and unpredictable. When used correctly they enhanced the wielders power for a period of time, doubling or sometimes tripling their potential. The Blue Mood pack remained the guardians of these stones for centuries, holding the annual mating bond ceremony every year during the blue moon, when the stones were at their greatest. If the witch had her sights set to steal some, boosting her powers did not bode well for his kind. "Did she claim any?" Treyton shuffled uncomfortably, a low growl rumbling in Daegon's chest "She claimed two of the larger stones, while damaging over half the remaining ones" the Lycan Kings fist slammed on the table, cracking the wood and scattering the papers. While her schemes continued to grow they were no closer to capturing the woman. "Send word to Alpha Sean, I will arrive in two days to asses the damage and situation" he instructed, not turning for Treyton's response. This chase had become tiresome, costing him resources which could be better spent elsewhere. Another knock at the door caused Daegon to let out an irritated sigh "I do hope that tone is not for me" a smooth voice drifted over as the door closed softly. Daegon turned to glance at the woman, Trixa, an extremely powerful healer and one of the very few people who managed to get close enough to Daegon to be considered a friend. He didn't exactly have a choice in the matter though. They grew up together, even though she were younger Trixa dominated him in everything possible. That is, until he turned twelve. Bossy, ambitious and idealistic, her demands at remaining friends and allies at age seven resulted in the pair sharing an oath bind through their powers. Where he went, so did she. A life bond serving to help and protect her Alpha and King. However, this seemed to inflate Trixa's confidence, constantly pushing the boundaries of their friendship where she could. "I don't have the time for your jests, Trixa" Daegon warned rubbing his forehead, feeling a headache forming "Well that's To bad Eggie, because that b***h is ruining my chances at finding my mate" she stated, coming round to lean against the desk in front of Daegon, his pet name she had striking a cord. He growled at the woman, his face like a dark storm, satisfied with the slight fear crossing hers. Friend or not, he was still her king. "We have more important things to worry about then postponing the Mating bond Ceremony this year" he scolded, crossing his arms over his large chest "If the witch is trying to boost her powers, we don't have long before she tries to destroy us" "So what's the plan then?" Trixa questioned, picking up the scattered maps from the floor "you cannot reason with her type of Aura" "There will be no negotiations. For her crimes the punishment is death" Trixa raised her eyebrows at his statement "You know her kind will not respond well" "The vampires have been a plague for too long. Although my father managed to eradicate the covenants we knew about, there were many which remain hidden. Fewer in numbers now, but still a threat" "yes, but, the Dark Aura is a miracle among her kind. There hasn't been a vampire Aura in centuries. She is basically their messiah" Trixa pointed out. Daegon made a face at the thought. Being an Aura is a privilege, a blessing by Gaia and Celeena, Mother earth and the Moon goddess. The vampires had not been granted an Aura for centuries due to the abuse of power and hunger for death. Why one had been gifted now remained a mystery. "Messiah or not, she cannot be allowed to continue wrecking havoc through my lands" he grumbled "Is our little trip to the Blue Mood Pack a peaceful one? Or a chance to take over one of the defiant packs you have not yet conquered?" Daegon flicked his dark gaze to the healer. Always so direct, a quality he valued about her most. She didn't grovel at his feet or try to please him with compliments, as most of the she-wolves did; she told him how she felt, and her opinion for the situation. "For now, a peaceful one. The Dark Aura has cost me to many Lycans as it is. If there's a war coming, the remaining packs will join us regardless to survive" "And if they don't?" she queried, eyebrow raised. She already knew the answer, she just enjoyed making him say it out loud "Then they're on their own, and can prepare for their slaughter. Where I offer truce and peace amongst my pack, the vampires hold no such sentimentality. They kill without reason or remorse, leaving no one alive" Trixa pursed her lips "So..." she leaned her elbows on the desk, lazily drawing her finger over the map, a very sharp and well manicured nail tracing the red circle around a large forest to the west "Have you any luck with the Fae? Are they willing to help?" Daegon let out a harsh snort "As selfish and ignorant as the day they were first created. As far as the Fae are concerned, they would prefer to hide behind their impenetrable wall of trees than face their duty as protectors" "Sooo....that's a no..." "They couldn't even bother with a response" Daegon mumbled, rubbing his face. He felt exhausted. "What happens if you find your mate at the Blue Moon Pack?" Trixa prodded. Daegon rolled his eyes, she had been attempting to push the notion of finding his mate to boost his powers; he thought differently. So far, not even an inkling his mate is nearby had been felt. "Then I will reject her" he growled. Trixa pouted at him "You're being unreasonable Eggie. You know a rejection is extremely painful. For both parties" "A trivial rejection pain pales in comparison to what I endured since my birth. I do not plan on being weakened by a mate either. I have no desire, or intention, of finding or keeping her" he snapped back "Your mate is not a weakness Daegon, she is your strength. She is a gift from the Moon goddess and should not be discarded so easily. You could risk offending both Gaia and Celeena" his healer warned. Daegon scoffed "Out of all things I have done, and gifts blessed to me by the Goddesses, I doubt rejecting my mate would be my downfall" he countered. Trixa sighed at the old argument "Should I ready our bags?" she inquired, changing the subject. Trixa had her own plans when they found her King's mate. She knew rejection would cause more damage than her King was willing to admit. She didn't want to see him fall because of his mulish tendencies "No, gather my Elite, we will travel on foot at first light. By car is to slow, we do not have the luxury of wasting time" Trixa groaned, causing Daegon to raise his eyebrows at the Aura "I just got my nails done" she complained, holding her hands out on front of her, long, sharp and very vibrant nails decorated in glitter "I hadn't countered on a run so soon" huffing sharply before flicking her hair to the side, hand on hip "You're lucky I love you Eggie. I wouldn't be as understanding if you were any other Alpha" Trixa exited the office gracefully, closing the door quietly behind her. Daegon shook his head, knowing if he were any other Alpha, they would have their hands full trying to handle that woman. She had been his pick as beta. Being head strong, motivated and a Powerful Aura made her an asset many sought to win her over. His father however saw her gender as a weakness, sending her to train at the Aura academy for four years. During this time Daegon claimed his title as King, appointing another second in command Treyton's lineage remained strong, coming from a long line of powerful Beta's, training alongside Daegon after Trixa left. His loyalty to Daegon and his pack showing when Daegon overthrew his father with Treyton at his side. He had been his best logical choice. After Daegon requested Trixa return, there had been a moment for him before Daegon cast aside all notions of a mate. If it had been her, he would keep the bond. Although believing his mate would severely weaken him as King, knowing the level of power Trixa possessed would greatly benefit him and his pack. His eighteenth passed, the absence of any bond or attraction to his long-time friend remained, deciding then he would accept no other. Taking her as a non-fated mate remained out of the question, with the bond being inferior. If by chance your actual mate surfaced, someone would need to die, as the bond remained life binding and accepted no other. Daegon let out an exhausted sigh. A foreboding feeling grew in his gut with the thought of the Dark Aura's motives. He needed to stop her before she unleashed her plans. A growl rumbled through his stomach in protest from lack of food and water. A Lycan's high metabolism, even when they not training or hunting, required a large intake of sustenance. Glancing once more at the map Daegon left his office and headed towards the kitchen. . ~*~ . Aiyanna . Thick dark clouds drifted in from the south, bringing with it the promise of a thundering storm. Cold winds blasted through the courtyard, forcing everyone to seek shelter inside. I watched from my spot in the corner while Rohnan and his close friend, Amelia, practiced their sparring. Xavier stood over by the window, glancing in my direction a few times, his face a mixture of worry and...something else. I spent the morning with some of the younger Aura's, going over tapping into their power, showing them how to use it effectively. Try as I might I felt only half present in the lessons, unable to stop my mind wondering to Jax's daughter, Clarice. What would her powers be? Would they react differently? Would she be dangerous? A more pressing question arose, one I had been avoiding thinking about since her origin came into question; would I be able to kill her if she became a threat? She's just a child, it's no fault of her own the origin of her nature originated from a violent and bloody thirsty creature. It didn't remove the reality I couldn't let her live if the survival of the Tower depended on her death. The air surrounding me swirled with pride and power, my head snapping up in his direction at his entrance. His straight posture exuded authority and attention while his eyes scanned the crowd, searching. I felt myself shrink back, trying hard to avoid the gaze searching for me, but the other lustful-bound side almost had me running to him. His nostrils flared, head turning in my direction, eyes locking with mine - I let out a sigh. There's no use hiding, especially in such a confined space. Working together, remember? I thought to myself, sliding from the seat and stretching, my muscles aching from the workout Xavier put me through earlier. Liam made his way over, a slight grin on his face "What has you in a cheerful mood?" I queried when within earshot, raising an eyebrow at him. I signaled for Rohnan to keep going, noticing he paused when Liam walked in. The glare on his face told me he'd been close to making his way over. "Can I not be happy to see you?" he replied, stopping a few feet away. His smell hit me hard, my body almost folding as memories of the other night came flooding back. I dug my nails into my palms and crossed them over my chest "Usually it means you want something," I retorted, Liam sighed "I thought we were past this?" "I'm not giving up my sarcasm or quippy attitude just because we came to an arrangement," I shot back. I had been feeling off all morning, not in the mood to deal with his demeanor. I watched as his eyes darkened for a moment "You are coming to the meeting this afternoon?" Liam sent out a link wide message for the council meeting taking place today. He knew that way I couldn't pretend I'd been unaware and skip out "It had been part of the slave trade" I mumbled. Liam frowned at the comment. I sighed "sorry, habit. I will be there, punctual and presentable" I added sarcastically "Are you going to behave?" the question caught me off guard "I'm a pain in the ass, not a child Liam. I know the council meetings are serious business, and necessary. They're just boring" he gave me a look before turning and striding away. I called his name before he exited; I had questions I needed answers to. Liam stopped, turning back with a hopeful look on his face. My breath hitched, a slight pang of guilt stabbing my chest for a fleeting moment for dashing his hopes "Jax's daughter... she's an Aura," both his eyebrows raised at the question "And? You've never asked to train the other Aura's, we need all the ones we can get" my stomach twisted with the information I would need to reveal "Her origin is a little...questionable. Her mother became infected while she pregnant with her daughter" I the information tick over in his head. Lessor Aura's were born from those who were already infected, or first Gen Aura's. We didn't know how first Gen Aura's powers would continue "Can you sense her powers?" I nodded "Is she powerful?" another nod. Liam regarded me for a moment "How powerful?" there were many underlying questions to that, and I knew he would be weighing up the potential possibilities from my answer. I already withheld part of the truth, if I lied now, he would know "Almost as powerful as me" "Can you handle her?" A small laugh escaped my lips before I could stop myself. I swallowed, nodding again. He glanced around the room quickly before giving a short nod in answer and left. I knew by allowing him this decision it showed his position as Alpha. Exactly what he wanted. When the door closed behind him I let out a breath I didn't realise I'd been holding; Xavier appeared beside me, eyes concerned "He likes to make an entrance" he remarked, a smile tugged at my mouth "Jax has been asking for you again" he added, changing the subject. I gave an exasperated sigh "That man is relentless" "At least we know he has determination, and consistency. He fits in really well here" I looked up at Xavier, his gaze on Rohnan and Amelia "I had a feeling he'd be an asset. I just didn't realise how persistent he could be though. Makes me almost regret saving his life" I joked. Xavier shifted his eyes from the sparring session to mine "Almost?" "There's only one I regret saving" I murmured. Xavier gave my arm a gentle squeeze "He's outside when you are ready" he added, making his way over to the two children for a lesson on defence. My heart thumped against my chest strangely as I watched his back, my powers swirling with uncertainty. Jax was waiting to hear whether I could train his daughter or not, and I had been purposefully avoiding the man. I walked out to speak with him to give his answer
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