09 | to late to apologise

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A week passed quickly and the new group was released from Quarantine. I helped with the process of finding out their skills and what job would best suit them inside the Tower. Everyone was assigned defence practice as each member was required to know how to defend our home if such a time came that the walls were breached. I was listing names on a board when I felt a familiar presence behind me, and as I turned around I felt an unexpected smile tug at my mouth. Jax stood there, hands on hips and a large smile plastered on his face "I never knew how difficult it would be just to talk to you" "I thought you had been assigned yesterday?" "I refused when I found out you would be here today just so I could talk to you" I let out a bark of laughter "I bet Xavier would have loved that" I handed the marker to one of the other workers and came around to the front of the table "do you not want to be in Xaviers squad? I mean, I know he's a cocky bastard, but he's the best person to learn from" "I want to be in yours" I raised an eyebrow "I don't have a squad, I'm barely allowed outside these walls" Jax looked around briefly "I may have heard something a little different" he was talking about the elite. I glanced over at Xavier, who was talking to another soldier, noting the grin he had on his face "It's not known to the others for a reason Jax" I warned. I had been training a select few people, all strong Auras, in elite tactics, in case they were needed for special missions or rescue operations or, gods forbid, defence again a wall breach. "Xavier said the same thing" I stepped away from the group and walked over to the window away from prying ears, folding my arms over my chest "Look, I don't know what Xavier had told you specifically, but that isn't something to go looking for without a good reason. Those I have trained are ruthless because of what they have gone through and lost. And they are Auras Jax, they have powers to back their skills" he had guts, I had to give him that, no one had tried approaching me this quickly after a rescue "Plus you just got here, I don't know anything about you or how you work in a team. I know you have leadership qualities which is why I assigned you to Xavier, he will bring out that quality in you" I added "I've seen you watching us, I'd wager you knew exactly who everyone was by now" he said quietly. I felt my back stiffen, not realising he had been watching me just as much as I had been watching him and his group. Who was this man to get under my radar so quickly? "With a group so large, I wanted to make sure no one was missed when being assessed. I don't need anyone jeopardising my tower" Jax raised his eyebrows at that last part "I thought Liam was the one in charge?" I let out an irritated sigh "He is, but he didn't build this place. Do you really think he could do all this himself without powers?" I waved my hand around to emphasize our surroundings "I thought he was an Aura?" I closed my mouth with a snap. Not many people knew only first Gen Auras had real power. Anyone else just had a fraction of what we did and an even more limited ability to use it properly. All strong powers that my pack could use were made up mostly of the First Gen Auras like myself and Xavier. I ignored his question "The answer is no Jax, you either take Xavier's team, or you can be assigned another job working inside the Tower" I retorted coldly. I walked away and stormed over to Xavier; I felt the slight panic ripple through him at my dark expression before another look passed his face I didn't recognise. "Before you rip my head o-" he started "Are you stupid, or just trying to get people killed?" I growled. I felt Liam respond to my anger. Xavier's eyes narrowed "Neither, the man has taken a liking to you. I thought it would help improve your people skills" I blinked a few times, Xavier's lips a thin line "Obviously it didn't work" he mumbled. "I kept the Elite quiet for a reason Xav, I don't need people throwing themselves into a team they aren't prepared for, or unable to train for" I turned and started walking away "What about his daughter?" I stopped dead in my tracks. I was hoping he was referring to training her as an Aura, and not to enter the Elite as a prime candidate. I half turned back to him, the fear that crossed his face meant my anger reflected on mine "Are you..." he swallowed, obviously choosing his next words carefully "Are you going to train her as an Aura?" my eyes flicked to those that were around us, I could see their slow movements as they all struggled to listen to the conversation. I returned my dark gaze to Xavier before storming off, not giving an answer. ~*~ I sat on the lounge in my apartment, the doors to the balcony wide open to allow the cool breeze to sweep through. Rohnan dozed beside me, head resting on my shoulder and arm wrapped around my waist. Since I had been back I had barely been allowed to leave his sight; I wasn't complaining, I felt like we didn't get enough time together as a family anymore. After a round of banter I managed to gain the name of his crush, Amelia. She was one of the few children I had saved esrly on, bith her parents had been brutally murdered in front of her. Rohnan had spent an entire month checking in on her on until he managed to get her to speak again. I wasn't surprised she was his crush, they had been inseparable since then. He also informed me of his intentions to be more involved with the council. Leaving the tower was a solid no, so he wanted to help the people as bedt he could in other ways. I felt my heart swell in pride at his initiative to be included, he had already strarted to help train new recruits and Auras, being one of my best students. He was just shy of fourteen and already so grown up, I just wished I could have given him more of a childhood. When we had spoken about the truth of one of the survivors I had expected his reaction to be full of anger and bitterness, and even though I could see those emotions burning in his eyes he had just nodded; I knew he would need time to process that information. We hadn't spoken since then, and it had been over a week. Rohnan had made no indication of going to see him. I heard someone bang on my door, followed by angry shouting. As gently as I could I stood up without waking Rohnan and made my way to the front door; after this mornings argument with Xavier and Jax I decided to retreat to my home for the afternoon to spend with my son. Another bang sounded as I wrenched it open but my angry words died on my lips when I saw who it was "What they hell do you think you are doing?" I demanded "I came to-" "I told you already, he will find you if he wishes to see you. I told him you were here, that's as far as I will go" I growled "Bullshit, I doubt you even told him" he snarled. I stepped forward, satisfied with the slight fear that crossed his face for a moment "I will not allow you to insult, attempt to control or manipulate me ever again. Do not think I will not hesitate to drop your ass for being an ass. I am not the woman you destroyed" I growled. I heard movement behind me before a single word froze me to the spot "Dad?" I half turned to Rohnan. I had hoped it wouldn't come to a fight, but I guess things never change with a man likw Glen. I gave him a soft smile, telling him i supported his decision. Glen stood there like a stunned mullet trying to breathe "Rohnan?" He stepped forward, Rohnan holding up a hand quickly in response "I think you should leave" he said immediately, voice cold. My breath left my lungs in whoosh, I had thought he would at least try to talk to him first "What? But Roh-" "I said, I think you should leave" Rohnan turned and walked back into the lounge room. I was about to close the door when Glen barged through, catching me off guard and knocking me to the side. He stormed into the room, ignoring my protests "What has she told you? What crap has she filled your head with?" I closed my eyes, I knew what was coming and I had wanted to avoid this pain "she has told you nothing but lies a-" Rohnan spun around and stormed back other to his father, eyes blazing with an anger I had never sen before "For the past three and a half years, all mum has ever told me is that my dad loves me, that he will come back for me. For three and a half years she talked about you as if you were still around, reminding me of all the good times we had spent together" he clenched his fists, I could feel his powers swirling as they responded to his emotions 'I knew it hurt her, to be so kind about a man that treated her like filth, but she did it for me" he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, centreing himself the way I had shown him "for almost four years, mum has done everything she can to do the right thing by me, when I knew she would love nothing more than to never speak of you again. She could have let you die out there, and never told a soul who you were. No one would have known, not even me" Rohnan looked at me, his face softening for a moment 'but again, she thought about what it would do to me if she was the one to let you die, without the chance for me to make up my own mind on what I wanted" he added softly Glen glanced at me, his eyes full of tears. I had expected to feel pleasure when this moment finally came, but instead I just felt sorrow. "Even after what you did to her before the fall" the surprised look that crossed Glen's face told me he didn't realise how much Rohnan actually remembered "and what you did to us after, she still wanted me to feel like I was loved by a father that abandoned him, for another woman when the world was in chaos and destruction" now there were tears in Rohnans eyes, but they weren't from the pain. They were from years of pent up anger at a man who had chosen to save a woman over his own son. "Rohnan....I....I...I'm sorry...I..." "I don't want your apology; I don't even want to hear your reasons. Nothing you say will ever excuse you for the abuse you gave her, or for leaving us to die, nor will it change my mind" he walked over to where I stood and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I was trying hard not to show how happy I was, at how much he had grown into a strong young man. My chest swelled with pride "I don't need you in my life, I don't want you in my life. Nor do I want anything to do with that woman or your daughter. You will only use her against me and my mum in whatever twisted way you can" he growled. I had expected the complete opposite on what just happened. I had been prepared to deal with having this man back in my life for the sake of our son, but Rohnan had made up his mind "You should leave Glen" I said quietly. The mans eyes darted from Rohnan to me "But...I'm your dad?" he whispered. Rohnan huffed, all sympathy gone "As far as Im concerned, my dad died three and a half years ago" shock, anger and confusion all raced across Glens face before his eyes locked onto me. I felt my stomach drop, memories from years of fearing that very face flashed in front of my eyes and try as I might my feet refused to move. Before I had a chance to move Glen was on me, fingers closing around my neck and he threw me backwards, my back connecting with the floor with a loud thud. For all my years of training, I still couldn't manage to react the way I wanted to, without fear for this man. I heard Rohnan shout as he rushed over, only to be shoved away by his dad. Those bared teeth, eyes full of hatred, mouth twisted in a snarl was everything I had hoped to never to see again. I should have left him to die. "You turned him against me you b***h! I will make you pay-" before he could finish his sentence I thrust my palm upwards, catching his nose and causing him to jerk away from me, a howl of pain following him. I jumped to my feet and placed myself between Rohnan and Glen in a defensive stance. That woman that had endured years of pain, of abuse, who had coward at his name and did everything possible to remain invisible, she had been broken, beaten into submission without anyone around to help. She had been weak. And I had killed her a long time ago "Leave now Glen, before you do something you will regret" I said coldly. Glen stumbled to his feet, holding his broken and bleeding nose, his eyes seething with rage "you have no control here" I added and watched as that rage turned to pure fury "You ungrateful and spiteful b***h!" he spat "I have nothing to be grateful for in that relationship, if you could call it that" I snarled back "I owe you nothing and will give you nothing. I did the right thing by Rohnan, his decision is his alone" I didn't want to hurt Rohnan's father in front of him, but I would do whatever I needed to protect my child. "Just leave!" Rohnan shouted, but that just enraged Glen further. I felt my fingers nails and canines grow as I prepared to defended myself against this man, but just as he rushed me the door to our room burst open. There was a flurry of commotion as Glen was pinned to the ground by Braydon, his head making a sickening crack as orders were shouted. Liam's face appeared in my vision as I tried to comprehend what just happened, strength flowed through me as he shared his powers "Are you alright?" Liam asked Rohnan, I glanced at my son, taking in his paled expression and wide eyes. But I was unsure on whether it was because of his fathers decision at attempting to hurt us, or the sudden rescue that had left him shocked. Liam's eyes travelled back to me, his calloused hands gripping my face as he forced my eyes to meet his. He didn't repeat his question, just searched my face, blue eyes swirling and lips tight. I could feel his anger fizzing beneath the surface, wanting to rip Glen apart for what he just did. And try as I might, I felt my walls slip slightly and a fraction of a memory slipped through. It had been a moment before Glen had left me for that other woman. His face twisted in a mix of hatred and rage, hand poised for another strike. My fear and panic from that time leaked in and I watched as Liam's face darkened. Xavier appeared in the doorway, looking between Glen pinned to the floor, Rohnan standing frozen behind me, and Liam gripping my face as we stared at each other. Xavier saw that moment to, as did the rest of the pack. His face paled as understanding bloomed on his face, eyes flicking back to Glen as his own emotions threatened to let that beast surface. Glen was about to die if I did not act. I could feel my whole pack frozen in place as everyone waited for the Alpha to move. "Xavier" my voice cracked slightly. Xavier's eyes were still glued to Glen's figure, the man struggling to be free from Braydon's strong grip "Xavier!" I used my commanding voice, the sound vibrating through everyone in the room. My friend was forced to look away from Glen to meet my eyes "get him back to his room. No one is to touch this man or his family. Is that understood?" My power rippled through the pack and I felt many submit. At the end of the day, I was still an Alpha, and my powers surpassed Liam's. I saw Xavier's jaw clench at the command, his fists ridged at his sides. I tucked all emotions away, pulled my walls higher and stared the man down "is that understood?" I repeated coldly "Understood" he answered through gritted teeth. Xavier hauled Glen to his feet before roughly shoving him out the door, telling him to shut up as Glen protested. I turned to Rohnan, hand brushing his arm to gain his attention. His eyes had been fixed on Glen as he was lead from the room. I noticed that his eyes were glassy, his emotions rolling off him in waves. This was not how I wanted it to go. "Are you ok?" I asked softly. His eyes flickered to mine as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I should be asking you that mum" he croaked. My heart thumped against my ribcage as realisation hit me; he would have seen that memory to. My throat closed up, I never wanted him to see that side. The fear. The pain. I should have protected him better "I'm ok Roh. The past is the past" I turned back to Liam, that dark look still on his face. I was hit with a wave of resentment and rage from my Alpha, his eyes flicking to yellow "If you can't control your emotions Liam, I suggest you go somewhere there will be no casualties" I prompted. His posture was stiff, fists clench but when I said his name I saw him relax slightly "I'm sorry Aiya...that man..." "Will be no issue from now on. Rohnan made his choice, it might take a while for Glen to register that decision. But until then I suggest placing a watch at his door until things settle down" Liam ran his hand down his face, I could feel him fighting against what he wanted to do, and what I was asking. A few tense moments passed before he nodded, his posture stiff as he left, Braydon close behind him. I let out a breath I didn't realise I had been holding, feeling my hand squeeze gently I glanced at Rohnan, our Aura powers swirling with heightened anxiety "Are you sure Roh? He's your dad. You know I will supprt and love you no matter your decision" I reassured him. He gave a short nod in response "That man is not my father. He never was. And when he did those things..." he drew in a shakey breath and I gave his hand a squeeze in return "he might be my biological father, but Xavier is more my dad then anyone else in my life. At least he's been there for me no matter what, considering I'm not his kid" my chest tightened at that admittance, seeing for the first time the positive impact Xavier had on his life, by just being present. A slight shuffle outside our door cause us both to snap our attention in that direction. When we saw Xavier standing there I felt Rohnan relax, my own emotions settling with his presence. Did he hear what Rohnan just said? I studied his face briefly, curious to see how long he had been standing there. But with the way he embraced Rohnan, asking if he was ok, his face never changed. Would that change our dynamic if he knew he meant more to my son than he initially thought? Xavier looked over at me, that strange emotion from earlier lingering in his eyes. I felt my heart thump against my chest in reaction. I watched as the two made their way back to the lounge, engaged in a quiet conversation. Even if he did know, who we were as a family would never change. I quietly closed the door and followed the pair to the lounge room
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