08 | Lustful needs

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I had made my way back down to the quarantine zone to check in with Jax, his friendly and calming demeanour was enjoyable which I surprisingly felt drawn to. I watched from the shadows at how he interacted with the others, helping the elderly, playing with the children, comforting those that had lost loved ones when we had fled their hideout. He had an air about him that suggested he had earnt the respect from these people through hard work and sacrifice. And yet he had not once announced he was their leader, or anything even remotely similar. I had been watching his daughter closely, with my eyes and my powers, at how her own Aura reacted to mine and I was astonished at how powerful it was at such a young age. It almost riveled mine. I was lost in thought and hadn't noticed Jax make his way silently to where I was standing. I was surprised he had seen me at all. "The shadows almost seem to cling to you" his voice jolted me from my thoughts as my head snapped in his direction through the gate, eyes locking with his "almost as if they welcome you" he added, a smile pulling at his mouth. I felt my eyebrow raise "The shadows are afraid of what might happen if they don't do my bidding" I jested, trying not to return that small smile "I am slightly surprised" it was Jax's turn to raise his eyebrow "there are not many that are able to sneak up on me unnoticed, and you have done it twice since meeting" his eyes widened at that statement "I didn't mean to offend you" I let out a bark of laughter at that before I could stop myself "I'm not offended Jax, I'm impressed. Even some of my best students have not yet been able to do what you have done accidently" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the wall, I saw that he perked up at my words "Students?" he asked "Yes, I have a few Auras that I train personally" I studied his reaction at that. He glanced back over at his daughter, I felt the ripple of uncertainty from him "I can train your daughter if you are worried about what might happen" I added quietly. His head snapped back in my direction "How did you..." "First Gens can sense the powers of others, and when well-trained we can also hide from each other. I sensed hers the moment I came into close proximity" Jax rubbed his face, obviously fighting with himself on something "I only realised six months ago. She started displaying strange behaviours in our community. Some were sceptical, others were uncaring of what it meant. But there were some that..." his voice trailed off for a moment "well, let's just say fear does things to us humans when we don't understand the unknown" he mumbled. I understood entirely what he meant by that "Was her mother an Aura by the fall...or by being bitten?" I watched his face for his reaction, looking for the lie that most people told. Being bitten was a death sentence if there were no Alphas nearby willing to take you...or if you were surrounded by those that deemed you one of the monsters already. "She was bitten. While pregnant with Clarice" I frowned, she looked a lot older than four "we had been trying to find somewhere to hide just after the fall, when everything was still chaos. We were caught outside at night" I stared at the young girl who was playing with the broken doll she had with her "there was so much death around us, people being ripped apart and devoured we didn't see the one that had been stalking us. By the time I did...it was too late" Jax ran his hand through his hair, tears in his eyes as he fought to keep his composure The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Goosebumps chasing over my skin as the situation washed over me, realising the potential danger. "She was bitten by a nightmare?" I asked quietly. In the past four years since the fall, I had never come across anyone that had been bitten by one of the vampire creatures, and lived. They killed anything with a heartbeat, not giving the opportunity for anyone to change. Something didn't seem right. "At first we thought we were lucky, the creature ran off after it had bitten Mary, but after a while, I started to question whether it had another reason" "Nightmares don't plan Jax, they hunt alone and with extreme violence and aggression. To our small knowledge, we don't have auras that are made by them" my chest swirled with uncertainty. Even though first Gen Auras still had a beast that sat beneath the surface, I had never seen one change into anything other than a wolf-like creature. "I know they don't, I've seen my fair share of death from those creatures" "What happened to your wife?" Jax flinched at the question "Over the last few months of pregnancy, she started acting...strange. Sleeping longer through the day, wondering around aimlessly at night. She wasn't eating or drinking and I had to practically force her to, reminding her of our unborn child, not that it stayed down anyway." He drew in a shakey breath as he ran a hand through his hair "She grew frail, sickly, and volatile. She bit the priest that had come in to bless her in case she passed while giving birth" I felt my eyebrows arch at that statement "She was changing" I whispered, but Jax heard me, his slight nod confirmed he had "She became almost animal like. Hissing at loud noises, scratching and biting anyone that got too close that she didn't like. It was like she was a completely different person" "When you change after being bitten by a Feral, you have a very small window to find a pack that will accept you, or else you become like the creatures that turned you. We have learnt this through trial and error, from experiences and stories we've heard. I have no idea what, or how, you stop the change when bitten by a Nightmare" I looked over at Clarice again, noting that she was now staring at me "Is that why you left your original haven?" I saw Jax glace at me nervously "After Clarice started acting strangely, most of our town didn't want her around. Others wanted to kill her just to be safe, they knew what had happened to her mother" the fact that humans had resorted to being ok with the slaughter of an innocent child just indicated that most still clung to the old ways "the people we left with were those that supported me and Clarice, they knew it was not her fault she was born the way she was. For that, we were exiled" "And you thought by coming here she would be safe?" Jax looked me straight in the eye then "It was Clarice that told us we needed to find the safe Haven. To find the Lady Aura" I felt a shiver run down my spine at that. How could a four-year-old, that looked like an eight-year-old, know where to find the Tower? "I thought she was just using the overactive imagination that children have after hearing the stories of a place like this. I brushed it off as coincidence and thought nothing more" he continued to stare at me "But now you don't?" "I didn't...until you dropped from a three story building and saved my ass" I felt my breath starting to quicken at that statement. "that is merely a coincidence" "Is it?" he gave me a look and I closed my mouth "I guess it would have been, if I hadn't found out you are the most powerful Aura anyone has ever met yet" I wanted to have my alarm bells sound off at these statements, warning flags flying in my face that this was danger and that they all needed to leave. But even as our eyes remained locked, my heartbeat thumping against my ribcage, chest rising and falling quickly as I ran worst care scenarios through my head, I felt nothing but calm. 'Will you train my daughter?" he asked quietly. My eyes flicked back to the blonde girl, she had laid down on her makeshift bed and was now colouring in. If she was indeed an Aura by birth, she would be incredibly valuable to the Tower, especially with the level of power she possessed. However, if what Jax had said was true, then her origin was extremely rare...and extremely unpredictable. "I will have to discuss this with my Alpha" I turned to leave. Jax called out my name and I half turned back to him "Will he harm her?" I regarded the man for a moment "No harm will come to Clarice. You have my word. But I cannot make such a large, and possibly dangerous, decision without Liam" I thought for a moment on how much I could piss him off with going behind his back on such a decision, but I knew it would not end well. For me, Clarice or Jax "I have caused enough trouble for myself by disobeying my Alpha on a number of things. I would be putting you both in harms way if I did not at least speak to him first" I added reassuringly. Jax looked relieved, but I could still feel his uneasiness. "Thank you, friend. I am glad we ran into each other that day" I stared at him a moment longer before turning and walking away. He didn't need to know that I was still wondering if I should have left them both to die. ~*~ Warning: s****l content I spent the remainder of my day with Rohnan, talking about the scouting trip and how his schooling was going. He even admitted to having a crush. After a sparring session, a few workout sets and then dinner we watched the sun set from the balcony of our room. I had missed the simple days of just his company, pretending to be a normal family, in a normal life, doing normal things as we bantered and cooked dinner. "You know I don't like what Liam did to you mum" he said quietly. I glanced over at him, watching as the wind tugged at his growing hair, the fading suns rays turning his skin a dark honey golden colour "I felt like I wanted to challenge him when he brought you here unconscious" I felt my chest tighten. "I know Roh, he was out of control and neither of us were able to contain it" I heard him sigh "please promise me you won't challenge Liam?" I added softly. Rohnan didn't respond but I felt as he reached over and gripped my hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze "I promise that for now I will keep my place. But I can't promise that once I am big and strong enough to defend you, I won't tolerate his lack of control" I gave my son a small smile. After everything we had been through, I knew he was never going to just stand by and watch me get hurt again "Yeah...I just hope that day never comes" I responded, allowing the silence to wash over us as we continued to watch the light fade from the city. After a few hours of conversation Rohnan said good night and went to bed, I waited until I felt his body slip into a deep sleep before slipping out. I glanced at Braydon that sat in the shadows nearby "I won't be gone long. No one but me is allowed to enter" I instructed. Braydon have a short nod before resuming his position. I walked quietly through the tower, observing those still out after hours, immersing themselves in conversations with their neighbours and friends. We had no curfew, but everyone knew their duties and roles. Having a good nights rest was important, especially when it could be your last. Those still awake were generally the night shift workers. I let my mind drift as my body wondered through the levels, seeking out and gently connecting with every Aura that resided in the Tower. Those with greater powers responded with a gentle nudge, the others didn't even register my touch. I felt my stomach knot; something was coming. I had felt the ripple in my powers and knew some of the others had started to feel it too. A full moon was coming which meant all the downcast Auras were needing to ready themselves to head to the bunker while it passed. But that was normal, and had no connection to the heavy feeling I had in my gut. We didn't have any new Auras recently, which was a blessing, but the rate of arriving survivors was dwindling. Jax's group was the first we had seen in almost two months. I had considered calling us what many believed the downcast Auras to be, but saying the words out loud just seemed ridiculous, almost taking away the seriousness of the threat they all posed when the full moon came. Werewolves. I felt myself snort at the thought. Such a fantasy thing to believe, but essentially what we were, the ferals that we fought off were exactly that; a feral and animalistic version of what the downcast Auras could shift into. They were what happened if you didn't have an Alpha to keep your beast at bay and in check. You lose all humanity, never shifting back again. We still didn't know why the first Gen Auras didn't shift during the full moon. As Xavier had discovered, like many other first gens we had met, he could shift at will. But the experience had frightened him enough that he hadn't shifted again. The only person who hadn't shifted was me. Xavier had explained it was like a flush of heat amidst the fury of rage, his body almost vibrating as he felt something from deep within emerge. But every time I had felt that rage, that vibration, the only thing I noticed change was my teeth, eyesight, sense of smell and overall strength, everything else had refused to follow suit. I gave up trying long ago and just accepted the fact I was somewhat broken inside. But it also showed how little we still knew about the monsters that now inhabited our world. I went to the balcony and looked down to the ground below, the circular hollow inside with the hand fabricated doors, windows and walls making up the rooms people now called home looked almost like the inside of a hive. I glanced up to the glass domed ceiling above, it to a maze of metal and glass, almost creating a chaotic masterpiece; we had decided on glass to allow as much light in as possible, especially to help with the greenery that sat on the top level. Ever since the fall, the impact of mankind almost disappearing had on this world had been for the better, in relation to mother nature. If you were brave enough to venture into any type of forest or woods you would see other life thriving to its full potential, uninterrupted by humans. Even through the city the plant life was slowly reclaiming the earth that was taken from it long ago. But knowing it would be a very long time before any of us would be able to immerse ourselves in that type of lush green, we had decided to make our own. Among the fruit trees and berry bushes collected, all types of vegetation was planted, and we actively turned the top floor into our own little forest. Aside from the roof where Xavier and I sometimes sat, it was the most peaceful place in the whole tower. I often pretended it was a large forest where I could get lost, wondering between the plant-life barefoot and imagining myself running through the trees, free from the problems this world now brought. The thought of the dirt between my toes, and wind in my hair was almost tempting enough to sneak from the tower and enter the nearby forest, almost as if it called to me, needing that feeling of speed and lack of direction. I felt him approached before I heard his soft footfalls. He had been following me for a while but had kept his distance. For once. I glanced back over my shoulder and noticed his glowing green eyes as he leant against a tree, face blank and body ridged "I thought we had eradicated the vermin from this glade" I turned and walked backwards away from Liam, watching his reaction to my jab. He remained unmoving as he stared at me; I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, his switch between understanding and controlling was exhausting and I was in no mood to deal with his multiple personalities. "I want you" he growled, his words causing my body to react in that annoying and wanting way, slight adrenaline now pumping through my veins, igniting my senses. He enjoyed a chase, as I had discovered in the past the thrill of the chase excited him even more. However when I stayed put, he tended to be more rough, throwing me around, growling and biting when I made small noises. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. "Go satisfy yourself somewhere else" I sneered. even though we had come to an understanding, didn't mean it was going to change overnight. Nor did it give him the power to control me again. I heard the growl drift over and I shivered, my body almost begging for his contact. I forced myself to stay put and focus "I would rather satisfy myself with your body" he pushed away from the tree and stalked forward. I felt my stomach flip as my body became aroused, I dug my fingernails into my palms to keep control as images of what he would do to me entered my mind. "And if I say no?" I asked as he stopped in front of me. He didn't move for a moment until his hand shot out and gripped me around the throat, bringing my face close to his; I gave a surprised grunt, my body almost melting as it begged for more "I find that hard to believe when your body is on fire with lust" he pushed my face to the side with his thumb as his lips trailed down my neck. I hated how betraying my body was, wanting more than I was allowing it almost hurt. I let out a small gasp when his teeth closed around the soft spot between my neck and shoulder, Liam's free hand gripping me around the waist as he became excited from the noise and reaction. "I need to hear you say it" he growled into my shoulder I knew I could take him by surprise and put him on the floor. I would be halfway back to my room before he could register what had happened. But I knew the next time he, or I, wanted intercourse it would be worse, and probably more painful with the frustration it would cause. I decided it would be easier to let go and allow my body this moment of pleasure. I pushed into Liam, my hand travelling down his pants to feel how hard he was. Liam let out a surprised gasp before his lips were crushed against mine. If there was anyone from the pack in the area they would have moved others to give us privacy, not that Liam cared if there were others around, he would take me in the middle of the training square if he could. "We agreed on consent" he mumbled between catches of my lips. My breath was heavy as I tugged on his shirt "I need to hear you say it" he mumbled again. I felt a small growl rumble through my chest at the irritation, the logical part of my brain telling me this was what we wanted. "I want you" I breathed out, the words barely leaving my lips as Liam crushed his against mine. Without warning he lifted me up, lips not breaking from mine as he roughly shoved me to the ground, sticks and small rocks biting into my back. His hands wandering over my body, a small moan escaping his mouth when he felt how aroused I really was. Fumbling with his pants and mine he shoved himself inside, a soft growl leaving his throat when I gasped in surprise, not expecting it to happen so quickly. I knew what came next, a round of rough thrusting, biting and choking, throwing me in different positions as he satisfied his needs. I didn't realise how much I had wanted this though, begging on multiple occasions for more, to be harder, which only cause him to become even more aroused and rough, his hand holding my mouth to stifle my screams of pleasure. Once he was done we lay there, chests heaving, body shaking and limbs entangled. I could feel the cuts on my back, knees and thighs slowly start to close as my body healed quickly, noting Liam's doing the same when I caught a glimpse of the half moon cuts that covered his back. It was definitely rougher than before, the lack of intimacy causing the frustration to build to the point I almost told him to finish in me. That would have been a huge mistake. I stood and put my clothes back on, not looking at Liam as I did. He stood and did the same without speaking, a slight tension building between us, but instead of trying to sooth it over or prolong the mushy moments Liam left. I stood there dazed for a moment, surprised at how easily he had walked away, as he had been the one always trying to snuggle in, or pull more emotions from me. I felt like a weight had lifted as I watched his retreating back, but at the same time a slight pang, as if I had looked forward to those moments. I shook my head, I had no interest in romantic notions or relationships, those emotions had been shut off for a reason, and I wasn't about to turn them back on any time soon. Tilting my head back as I stared up at the top of the trees, glimpsing the glass roof through the leaves I let out a sigh, hoping this meant that things were going to get easier. I should have known better than to hope for fantasies
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