chapter 17

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Nichole. I woke up before Nathan and gathered myself enough to get to work. I didn't want to face him today, I know I shouldn't ruin from him but this is my mess and these are my problems. not long after getting to work Ms Sally asks if I'm okay I just shrug her off and tell her I didn't sleep well which isn't a total lie. I had just finished an older man hair cut when I checked my phone out of habit, I know he's gonna be mad I left the way I did but I need space, I need to figure out my own heart before he has a chance to break it. I have a few message. Avery - girl Samuel told me he came to see you last night and you were rude, get it together. he is wanting to take care of you just don't ruin this for us! I roll my eyes at that one, if she wants him to take care of someone so bad it can be her. Nathan - hey little one I know you rushed out and I understand you maybe needed some space but please let me know you are okay. Nathan- Nichole please don't give me the silent treatment, all I'm asking is that you are safe. xoxo i sigh running my hands over my face. and of course to make things worse in walks my problems. I walk quickly to him so he doesn't cause a big blow out in front of Ms Sally " please just follow me" I don't look him I'm the eyes but I know he's smirking at me, not a cute smirk it's evil and makes my skin crawl. " Ms Sally I'll just be a minute" she looks us both over before nodding slowly, I know he looks out of place here his nice suit doesn't go with with town. maybe that's the reason I like it here so much. " just holler if you need anything darlin" I give her a small smile and I feel Samuels hand pressed hard on my lower back meaning I need to start walking so I do leading him out the back door " it's about time you start listening to me Nikki" I want so bad to roll my eyes but I don't. I back up a little because he's standing to close " look Samuel I'm not sure what Avery has told you but I'm not looking to get back with you and from the sound of it your still married" he chuckles shaking his head " oh that's a minor detail, she's gonna be gone soon. wasn't my hm how do you put it type. to mouthy for my taste. just like that friend of yours thought maybe I'd give her a try since y'all are so close but she's nothing like you. you know your place" my whole body is shaking I want to just cry " I don't want to be with you" I try to sound strong but I know I don't he grabs my arm roughly holdings me in place as he grabs my face hard with the other making me look in his eyes. his face his evil he looks like he's about to flip s**t on me " look her Nichole we can polish you up put you on a good diet and you'll be the perfect woman for my arm at things I need. so you will watch you mouth and you will come home with me whether it's today or after I've given you a day or two to gather your things" I try to pull away but his grip just gets tighter and I'm now starting to freak " Samuel your hurting me" he laughs in my face but before he can say anything I hear the voice that brings my butterflies, the voice that makes me feel safe " I believe she said you were hurting her. let her go now or you'll be brought in on charges " Samuels eyes narrow then he rolls them flings me from his hands roughly making me stumble, I almost fall but I end up in large arms I know they aren't Nathan's because this isn't his smell, this isn't my safe place even though I do feel safe. " she's becoming alot more trouble than she's worth." he spits out and Nathan comes around the front his hand on his gun " turn around and leave don't show back up here because she will have a restraining order by the end of the day" this makes Samuel laugh. great that isn't something he cares about. but he looks me over one more time before smirking " don't worry Nikki we will get things right soon" with that he turns to leave. and I fall apart with the large arms still holding me up until Nathan pulls me into his holding me letting his hand run over my head soothing me " shh darling he's gone it's over" I pull myself together wiping my tears and he grabs my arm that Samuel just had but not roughly but he growls " that mother fucker!" I shake my arm lose " it's nothing I'm fine" I try to brush off his irritation of the large hand mark on my arm he looks me over before I turn around and see Luca standing there watching us I give him a small smile " thanks guys" my voice is small and I just want to crawl in a hole. Luca just nods giving me a small smile " Nate I'll be in the cruiser". and with that he's gone, Nathan pulls me back in his arms and I take in his smell " damn it little one you had me so worried". I sniff pulling from his arms " Nate I need time. thank you for helping today really but I need time I need to gather myself.. I don't know if I can do this, it's all to much and I'm not okay". I don't look at him I can't . I hear him sigh before he kisses my head gently " you take the time you need Nichole but I'm not running away. I'm here day or night if you need me" I just nod my head wiping my tears. he kisses my forehead one more time and asks me if I'm okay again before he goes to leave. and I let out another sob as soon as he's gone, I just broke my own heart but it's better I do it before he has the chance to wake up an see I'm not good enough for him. I pull myself together and head back into work Nathan. is gotten the call from Ms Sally that she was worried about Nichole. said she wasn't sure what was going on but she could tell she wasn't comfortable with the guy that's showed up and I knew then that it was Samuel. thankfully Luca and I were riding around not far from the shop. I wanted nothing more than to beat his face in and honest if he had hit her I probably wouldn't have been able to hold back. after we finally got him away I saw red when I saw her arm, had half the mind to go after him but Luca shook his head gently at me and I knew I needed to calm down. after hear tell me she needs space I tried not to be upset, it hurt my heart I can feel her pulling away and I know I can't force this relationship on her but I also know that we are happy together. this jack ass coming in acting like he owns her and making her mind all f****d up is what's getting in her way. I agreed to the space because I guess there isn't anything I can do at the moment and I don't want her to push me any further away. leaving I wanted to punch something or better yet his face but I jumped in the passenger seat of the cruiser and took a deep breath. Luca pulled away and it was quiet for a moment " care to explain what's going on?" he finally broke it and I shook my head " that's her ex, he's a piece of work. showed up last night and things went down hill from there. I was gonna talk to you at Katelynn today to see how I needed to go about comforting her and being there because she's so anger with me and I don't know what I did" I ramble on and he nods listening he takes a minute before sighing " seems like she's confused, not about being with him or you but maybe just being in a relationship " I chuckle with anger " oh trust me I know. she said she needs space" I run my hands through my hair angry " how do I be there for her without pushing her away?" he chuckles " that's a problem for Katelynn. if it were me I'd give her a few days then go and show her I wasn't going anywhere" he shrugs " always works with Kate " he gives me a wink and I can't help but laugh because I can only imagine. I'm sure they yell then end up humping each other, the two of them have been all over each other since they met. .. after our shift I went to their house and played with miss Hadley before laying it all on Katelynn. well not all of it but the fact that the ex was messing her and she wanted space. she sighed deeply " I know" I look up surprised "you know??!" she nods " yes she called earlier, she went home early from work just needed the day off. she told me the history of part of it and said she just isn't sure you won't wake up one day and feel the same about her" my eyes are wide but she continues " she thinks she isn't good enough for you. told me that she was sorry for hurting you and hoped I wasn't angry with her" I run my hand through my hair " Katelynn you and I both know that isn't true. you know I wouldnt try this hard for something I was just gonna walk away from". " I know Nate maybe just send a message letting her know you still care. but give her time she just needs to clear her head" she walks around giving me a hug Nichole. it's late now and ive been laying in my bed with my self pitty all day. I sent Avery a message letting her know our friendship was done after this. I can't believe she told him where I was after knowing what I went through. she never replied. I felt awful talking to Katelynn, I knew for sure she was gonna hate me but she was just there for me. told me she thought Nathan wasnt gonna give up that easy and didn't think I needed to give up on him but to take my space I needed. she also told me even if things didn't work out she was still my friend which shocked me more. I've cried, I've yelled and now I'm just laying here. I want nothing more than to crawl in Nathan's arms and let him hold me the way he does to make me feel better but I know that road won't end well. I know once someone better comes along be will move on, build his house and have lots of babies. my phone chimes and I wipe my tears grabbing it thinking it's Avery but it's Nathan nathan-hey gorgeous. I know you need space but I know wanted to let you know I'm here, as a friend, as someone to yell at to get it out of your system, or someone just to listen. whatever it is just let me know. day or night. xoxo I cry harder. he just needs to move on to someone who isn't broken.
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