chapter 16 new chapter!

2018 Words
Nate. I was on cloud nine just from being around her so much and even having to ride with David couldn't bring me down today. there was one little comment he made about how beautiful she truly was and he didn't think it was fair I got to her first, but I tried to let it roll off my back. I went ahead and sent a text to luca letting him know about her ex situation just in case I ever needed back up because I have no idea how he's gonna handle things if he shows up here and she refuses to go back with him. the look of surprise on her face when I brought her lunch still makes me smile, I know she's never had anyone truly take care of her but I'm here to show her I want to be that person. before our date I got the alarm set up and joined with her phone while she finished getting ready, she came out in a loose flannel open with a shirt under it and some shorts making my little solider want to come out and play. but I want to take her out, show her off. we decided against a movie because wasn't anything we wanted to see so we're sitting here at dinner talking while we wait on our food. she's thanked me a thousand times for the food and for the alarm and I tried to just brush both off because neither are a big deal. " okay so this weekend is mud fest" I say trying to see what she really thinks and her eyes light up " are you still going?" " if you wanna. Luca said his parents are gonna come and stay the night and watch had for them instead of her going so they can have a little fun" I wiggle my eye brows when I say the last part making her laugh. " sound like fun. what do I wear?" I look her over and I want to tell her she doesn't need clothes but who am I kidding I don't want anyone else looking at what's mine. " just shorts and a shirt. anything you don't mind getting mud all over" she nods thinking a little. " this does mean I'd like you to meet them before we go if that's okay. I know they'll love you so you don't have to worry" I see her wheels turning before she slightly nods " okay. I mean I know they are important to you I just don't want to mess that up" I squeeze her hand over the table " trust me they will love you" a throat clears and it's out waiter, prick has been eyeing her t**s all night. which I have to but they are for me to look at not his ass. I roll my eyes making her giggle as he sets our food down " ma'am would you like another drink?" he asks her and she shakes her head slightly " no thanks I'm good" he gives her a smile and walks away I scuff making her laugh again " I'm so sorry he's ignoring you" she wrings her hands in her lap now and I shake my head " trust me I completely understand where he's coming from but you are mine and if he flirts to much I'm gonna kick his ass" her eyes go wide " Nathan!" I chuckle at her shrugging digging into my food as she finally does the same our night was good and I was walking her to her apartment door, you know being a gentleman leaving her after our date like I'm supposed to but when we round the corner a dude in a suit is standing at her door knocking hard. her body stiffens beside me and I know this is the ex. I look him over before he sees us and I can tell he comes from money, his light hair slicked back and his fitted suit. she stops walking and I look at her her eyes are wide with fear I squeeze her hand going to ask if she's okay but he turns seeing us " damn there you are Nikki I've been waiting for 20 minutes" he says looking down at his watch like she was supposed to know he was gonna show up. she doesn't respond it's like she's frozen as he looks her over and glares at me " what I'm earth are you wearing? no wonder Avery is worried about you" she makes a squeak sound and I look down at her " why are you here Samuel?" she holds my hand tighter as she speaks " I came to see you. obviously you need me in your life if your running around this town looking a hot mess with this bumpkin." I step a little in front of her " okay first don't disrespect her in front of me and second she didn't ask for you to come here so I think you need to leave " he just glares at me " Nikki who does this guy think he is? come now we have things to do and talk about " her whole face goes white " negative there Samuel bumpkin here is a officer and if you don't leave I will call the station and have you arrested " he rolls his eyes looking at her and laughs " I'm only in this s**t town for a day so figure your s**t out and get in touch and don't let me catch you dress like a slut again your ass is to big for that" at that I go to lunge at him but she has a tight grip on my hand " leave now before we both end up in jail" he walks away with his hands up, he won't fight me I know for a fact guys like him are to much of a p***y for that. Nichole. God my day had been so great until now I need to throw up. everything comes at me at once , I knew I was to fat to be wearing this but I wanted to feel cute and Nathan didn't say it looked bad but now I feel awful. as soon as Samuel leaves I rush into my apartment and find the bathroom spilling my dinner I don't hear him come in but soon he's behind me rubbing my back as he holds my hair and I sit there and cry trying not to vomit again " shh he's gone love" I shake my head the rest of my body shaking now I flush the toilet embarrassed now between everything in the hall and now this I brush my teeth and try to clean my face ignoring the fact that Nathan is standing behind me " what Nathan? I know trust me I shouldn't get so worked up. and you should've told me I looked like s**t before we left. " I snap at him I throw my tooth brush down and he just continues to stare at me in the mirror then he comes behind me grabbing my hips a little rough holding my body against his. I want to cry again, I was just getting comfortable with his hands on my body but now I feel like he can feel every roll every dip. " first off do not take that tone with me little or I'll spank your ass red. second you have every right to be worked up. cry scream whatever you want that d**k had no right to talk to you like that but do not let him make you think less of yourself because third you don't look like s**t! the waiter couldn't take his eyes off you and I didn't even want to let this perfect body leave the house tonight because all I wanted to do was bury myself inside it" he doesn't yell but his voice is stern and his grip never falters. I hear his words but my brain won't let me believe them at the moment. I try to shrug him off but he doesn't move. " go get a change of clothes I'm not leaving you here and I can't run into him again tonight because I'll kick his ass" my eyes go wide. I don't understand, why isn't he just leaving so I can cry in peace? " I don't want to go anywhere" I snap again but he just shakes his head at me " Nichole you can lash out all you want but I won't be leaving you alone tonight" I groan throwing my hands up and this time he lets me go. I throw some clothes in a bag and leave my apartment not even waiting on him. wasn't smart because as soon as I'm outside I realize Samuel could still be here I shiver I don't trust him, I know how he makes me feel about myself but I wouldn't put it past him to hurt me. his harsh words about my boys still rushing through my head as I feel Nathan come behind me and take the bag before taking my hand and leading me to his truck. once we got to his place he set my bag down neatly and lead me to his bed room " here change into this and let's get some sleep" I roll my eyes at the shirt he's handing me but take it and go to the bathroom and change I look myself over in the mirror he's gonna wake up one day and see me the way Samuel sees me. he's gonna break my heart the same way he did but it'll be worse because this thing with him, these feelings for him are real. he's sitting on the bed with just sweats on and I look over his perfectly toned chest and I want to scream " ever think I might need to be alone?" I know I sound rude but at this point he's got to see this isn't gonna work. I'm not gonna run back to Samuel but I can't be the cute little girlfriend on his arm, f**k I've seen his ex she looked like a super model for God's sake. he just looks up at me with sad eyes then he nods and gets up slowly " I'll take the couch tonight. you just get some rest" I don't reply I just go and get in his bed and watch as he leaves leaving the door cracked so I cry into the pillow softly. Nathan. I wasn't expecting her to be mad at me. I don't know how to handle this. the guy was a grade A asshole but that I can deal with and if it comes to it I can kick his ass. but this emtions from her the anger I don't know what to do. I lay on the couch and close my eyes I can hear her soft sniffs and it's breaking my heart. I threw the blanket off of myself and went into the room, it was dark but I could see her body on the far side of the bed so I slide in and pulled her to me holding her. her body went stiff as she cried harder " shh baby girl just let me hold you" I'm not sure how long she laid there for and cried and but when she finally relaxed and stopped I sighed heavy, I've definitely gotta talk to luca and Katelynn about this I don't know how to actually help her. I know she's broken because of the past and because of the harsh words he said to her but I need to help her understand he's a sad man who is belittling her just to make himself feel better. I've gotta be strong for her and I'm going to do my best to do that. holding her close I finally fell asleep hoping tomorrow would be better.
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