chapter 18

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Nichole. Nathan has given me the space I've asked for, I expected him to burst through my door the first night but it's been two days and I only ever get a couple messages a day. I replied once letting him know I was in fact safe just trying to figure out my life. I'm sure Katelynn is the reason he's been so calm about this. I have been going to work and she came in yesterday to visit with me on my lunch break, she's still convinced I need to go to mud fest tonight but I'm not sure being near Nathan is a good idea, he needs better than me and I can't be who he wants me to be. sighing as I check my phone that's gone off I see it's Nathan and Katelynn. Katelynn telling me the address and telling me the time to meet her because she thinks I don't need to be cooped up. Nathan's message telling me I should come that he won't make me uncomfortable or bother me but Katelynn is really wanting me to go. I groan rubbing my hand down my face texting Katelynn back letting her know I'd be there. I think this is a bad idea, seeing him will only break my heart more. why won't be just stop I'm not some project that needs to be fixed. I gather my things to get myself ready, they both have told me just anything I can get dirty. so a pair of old ripped jeans and a tee should be fine, I look around for my favorite hat but then I remember it's at Nathan's. fighting back the tears I just throw my hair in a pony tail and make my way to my car. Nathan. standing around with the the guys having a beer trying to clear my head, it's been a long two days without actually having a conversation with her. Katelynn says she seems alright since she visited yesterday. I just don't know how much longer I can do this being away, she needs to know I'm not giving up on us. she makes me happy, she understands me more than any of girl has and she doesn't b***h at me. Lucas mom and dad were disappointed they didn't meet her and so was I but I explained she had a rough week so they understood and told me I could bring her to the house when ever, yeah if I ever get her to stop running. I know she's coming today but when I saw her walking up it was like the air was gone from my lungs. her jeans holding her body just right. her hair thrown up as she gives us all a small smile and a wave. Katelynn pulls her in for a hug and I fight my own self not to pull her in also. I walk around and pull her hair from my truck and walk around to hand it to her. her eyes look me over with an emotion I'm not even sure of but she gives me a small smile taking it and fixing it on her head. " found it and figured you'd want it for today" she just nods and says a small thanks. Katelynn pulls her away to find her a drink and I'm sure she will have her in the mud soon. I sigh out and Luca looks me over " you okay?" I shake my head downing my beer " I'm losing her and there isn't anything in an do about it" he raises a brow at me looking over the girls now loading up on a ATV. " look man I know the advice my ol lady gave you, and yes I think it was good advice. but man to man if you want her let her have fun today. then go to her let her know she can't run" I chuckle lightly shaking my head between him and Katelynn I'm positive Nichole is gonna think I'm crazy soon " and how do I do that? she's trying to push me away told Katelynn she wasn't good enough for me" he looks me over " tell me this. is she good enough for you? because from what I can tell she accepted you. and us in your life. the only problem she seems to have is not wanting to bring you into her past problems" I nod " I think she's the one" he laughs patting my back " then show her" " flowers? candy?" he rolls his eyes then looks around making sure we're some what alone " that could work but you and I both know that isn't the way to make a stubborn woman listen" I raise a brow at him. I understand what he's saying. I've thought about going to her place and dominating her and making her scream my name until her voice has done out but Katelynn told me to give her space. but space itsnt working maybe I need to do this my way. I finish my beer chunking the can in the back of my truck. Luca laughs at me as if he already know my plans. " Nate!" I hear a squeak beside me and Samantha comes up hugging me " hey sam how you been?" she was in the service with us and we fooled around a little but things didn't ever really click with me per say so I told her I wasn't ready for a relationship. she's still in and just visiting her cousin I believe is what I heard. " I've been great. missing you guys being out there with me though it definitely isn't the same". I nod and look around for Nicole, I see her and Katelynn laughing covered in mud now and my heart beats a little faster " so Luca your wife around?" he nods pointing towards the girls " her and Nate's lady are just having fun" I noticed she made a Dave at what he said and he did to because he raises a brow at me " well freeman while I'm back we need to catch up " she says running her hand down my arm " uh yeah I'll have to see what the schedule looks like" her eyes light up. I look over again and David is talking with the girls and then I watch as Nicole gets in his ATV and they take off. Luca grabs my shoulder and I try to relax, she's just having fun. " hey babe, hey sam I didn't know you were in town" Katelynn says wrapping herself around Luca my eyes still following the ATV with my girl in it " oh yeah just visiting a cousin and I remembered Nate here was staying around here so I was happy to run into him , it's a small world." Katelynn touches my arm " hey she's just hanging out don't go all hulk on her she needs a little fun" I scoff yeah she needs fun with everyone but me I just nod at her and I know she knows I'm pissed. " well come on Nate meet my cousin then let's go for a ride" sam's voice breaks my thoughts " you know what sure" I take another beer and Luca and Katelynn both shake their heads at me I shrug " just having fun right" Katelynn rolls her eyes. I just walk away with sam as she chats away Nichole. at first I didn't think I'd like this but man I've had so much fun, Katelynn took me for a few rides then David even Luca ended up going with all of us at one point, at first I didn't know where Nathan was but then I saw him with a slim blonde basically wrapped around his arm and I knew then what he'd be doing tonight. I fought back the tears and continued to try to have a good time. it's starting to get late and he hasn't come back over towards us but Katelynn and I are sitting on the back of his truck having a drink while Luca and David play washers talking crap to each other making us laugh. I look over and I see Nathan dancing with the blonde and I guess I sighed louder than I knew because Katelynn pushes my shoulder with hers " he's being stupid but that won't ever work out trust me" I try not to roll my eyes. it'd definitely work she's hot " oh seems to be working for him" she shakes her head giggling and I look at her like she's crazy " he got jealous as soon as he saw David talk to you. he and her know each other but he couldn't ever sleep with her" my eyes go wide with her over sharing. I don't want to know about his s*x life like that. I mean I've met the ex and she looks almost the same. I shake my head " well I'm sure he will be tonight" before she can reply David comes up " alright Nikki time to see what ya got" " oh no I don't even know how to play" he laughs " that's okay it's easy just throw the washer into the hole" he gives me a wink as he helps me down. " okay one game but then I'm headed home I'm tired" he nods and Katelynn gives me a small smile " come find me before you leave okay?" I nod and go to the washer boards " is this even fun?" I ask and he laughs " yes trust me. " I just shrug and watch him go first. Nathan. I'd stayed with Sam to long and now she won't leave me alone. I've been keeping an eye on Nicole and she's having a good time and I want nothing more than to drag her some where private and make her listen to me but I don't I keep my distance. I'd just finished dancing with Sam which she had demanded of me and was at a cooler grabbing a beer when Katelynn comes up pushing me hard. I whip around looking at her and she kisses with Luca behind her with his hand sin the air " what the f**k Nate" " what is the problem now Katelynn?" she rolls her eyes at me and pushes me again " I got her here and you completely avoid her and hang out with the soldier slut " " hey excuse me I'm not a slut" sam comes up and I see Katelynns hands bawl up " girl you've been chasing his d**k since you met him hey the hint he's not that into you" Katelynn bites out and Luca grabs her in his arms trying to calm her down. " I'll have you know Nate and I are close so I can't help whatever your problem is" Katelynn goes to move closer but Luca holds her so I stand between them all " okay look everyone calm down. Katelynn I haven't done anything wrong. she's hanging out with David as we speak and has been with y'all all day. Sam you already know we aren't that close and I won't be with you" Katelynn rolls her eyes again and sam looks me over " you have always played hard to get Nate I'll see you around when you are ready to have some fun" " see slut" Katelynn grits out before can say anything and sam just shrugs as she walks away " call me Nate" she calls over her shoulder " Katelynn you've got to calm down" I hear Luca say and I look them over " yeah Katelynn you need to calm down because that was uncalled for" Luca let's her go and she pushes me again " oh f**k off Nate your gonna f**k up with nik all for her and we both know she's is a slut so no it wasn't uncalled for" I sigh running my hands over my face " Kate I get you are trying to help. I didn't do anything wrong I'm giving Nicole the space she asked for and she seems to be enjoying her time with David" I say this and point to where they are jumping up cheering over something Katelynn shakes her head " she's making friend Nathan Freeman stop being an ass before you lose her" I throw my hands in the air lost at what to do now " I'm going for a walk Katelynn just calm down please and make sure Nicole doesn't run off with that prick" Luca nods at me and Katelynn doesn't respond. I just need to clear my head. she wants space and of course she can have friends but I need to know where I stand. we should be here together, we should've enjoyed today together but no she doesn't want to be with me. Nicole. I was so excited when I actually finally made it! after the game I told David goodbye and we agreed we'd see each other around. I found Katelynn and Luca Luca was holding her in his arms lovingly and I hate to interrupt. I clear my throat getting their attention " hey guys I'm gonna head out. I've got mud in places I no longer want it". Katelynn laughs at that " okay girl let me know when you make it home and we will have lunch soon" I nod agreeing " thank you for the invite even with everything so messy right now. I really did need this" she hugs me whispering in my ear " when he comes don't fight it I promise he wants you" I feel the tears but I fight them " I'm to broken for him. he deserves better" she chuckled keeping me in her arms " a certain man used to think the exact same way you did but we didn't let that stop us" I guess Luca heard that because pulls her in and kisses her and I blush at their affection " I'll see you guys. get home safe" " oh we aren't going home. I'm taking this lug to a room and he's making me a baby" Katelynn jokes and Luca shakes his head smiling at his wife ... getting home and getting clean I felt better. physically but emotionally I was a wreck, I'm sure right now he has her in his arms doing things to her body that I wished he could still do to mine. ugh! when did I become so needy for a man's touch? I put lotion on and one of my silk gowns before sitting on my couch and digging into the tacos I picked up on my way home. the TV going in the background but my mind racing trying to keep myself from thinking about his hands on her. Nathan. I got back from my walk and Sam once again wrapped herself around my arm " wanna get out of here?" I nod " actually yes. but not together sorry you know I'm not interested" her face looks hurt for a moment but then it changes as she tried to bite her lip and lol sweet. " oh come one I know it'll be fun". I shake my head stepping back " Sam you and I both know I'm not doing it. your a sweet girl, but not the one for me" she looks shocked. I know she knows she's got a pretty face, it's gotten her far and I'm sure she will find some other guy to have fun with tonight with no problem. she's never had a problem with finding one. I guess I do like them a little more innocent now. I walk away finding my friends and David but no Nichole " hey guys where'd she go?" Katelynn rolls her eyes " oh now you care" I roll my eyes at her. I can't be mad at her being mad because I am happy my girl has made such good friends with her " she headed out said she was tired". David says and this time I roll my eyes he just shrugs " we're friends dude. can't help it you left her alone all day" I step closer to him but Luca puts his hand on my chest " stop Nate" he says " don't think you can make a move on my girl David" he just shrugs again and walks away. I want to follow him and kick his ass because I know that's exactly what he has planned I'm sure he can tell something is wrong between us so it's the perfect time for him to try. " go home Nate. or go to her. but stop acting like this space thing is working for either of you" I nod at Luca and kiss Katelynns cheek " I'll be over to see my Hadley soon" we say our goodbyes and I rush home, cleaning myself up and grabbing a few things I got that I think I may need tonight, I was gonna ease her into things more but if she lets me in I'm going to show the woman she is mine. I stop and grab flowers and myself something to eat I grab a little extra just in case she didn't eat yet. I knock on her door and wait. it takes forever it seems like and I knock again. before resting my head against the door " come on little one o know you are in there" she slowly opens the door and my eyes roam over her body as she tries to cover herself with her robe blushing " thought you were busy tonight" I can hear the sass in her voice and I want to chuckle but I just smirk instead " oh little one I do have plans. can I come in?" she looks me over before nodding letting me in.
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