chapter 3

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Nicole. I woke up this morning freaking out. I mean is this a date? or he is just trying to be nice? what do you wear to a festival? I haven't been since I was a kid. after I grab my coffee I put on some music to listen to while I shower. once I've showered I add a little make up to myself and do my hair letting it be down and add a few lose curls. I throw on a tank and a flannel shirt leaving it open with some shorts I look myself over in the mirror. ugh! my thighs are so big I hate it. before I have a chance to change there's a knock at the door and I start freaking out again. I just want to cry or tell him I can't go. why couldn't he have called before hand? why'd he have to actually be on time. I make my way to the door and let out a breath before opening it. he's standing there with a single Lilly smiling at me looking extremely sexy. he's got on a dark t-shirt with tight pants and he smells amazing! as I look him over I realize he's got to be at least 6 foot compared to my frumpy 5 foot. he noticed me checking him out and smirks as he holds out the flower. " you look beautiful" he says and I just smile at him. " um come in I've got to finish grabbing my things" I take the flower thanking him for it and leading him in " it's not much but make your comfortable" I say looking around at my small apartment " I like it." he says smiling and once again I just nod as I place the flower in some water and start to look for my things. I then remember my phone is contacted to the speaker playing guns and roses and I quickly try to turn it down fumbling a little " definitely like your taste in music" he says " thanks. kind of like everything" " me too at least we have that in common" he says playfully and I smile as I grab my purse and keys. when I turn I see him looking at the picture I have if my and my parents " mom and dad?" " yeah we aren't really close" " I don't even know mine." I look at him with sad eyes but he just smiles " don't worry no love was lost on my I have lucas family." " well that's good to hear" " come on it's a day of fun no sad stuff" he says grabbing my hand leading me to the door once we're outside the warm sun hits me making me smile, maybe it will be a good day. " so figured we'd walk since it's right down the road from here as long as you don't mind me leaving my truck" he says " no not at all" I look down and see our hands are still together and that makes me smile. I'm not sure if he notices but either way I like it way more than I should. as we're walking taking in the town I decided to try to make conversation " so tell me about yourself officer" he smirks at me. " well I've been an officer for about 2 years before that I was military. I'm 34" my eyes go wide and he notices. " I take it your surprised at the age?" he asks " uh I'm 24" I whisper hoping he doesn't think I'm too young or immature for him. he gives my hand a squeeze " well then you'll have to take it easy on the old man" he smiles at me and I laugh " I guess so. well continue what else should I know?" he fixes his ball cap a little thinking " well there's lots you should know but some things shouldn't be said in public" I raise a brow at him. and he looks as if he'd trying to find the right words nate. damn she's so beautiful. I'm still holding on to her hand and she hasn't said anything about it so I'm assuming she doesn't mind. I had to go open my mouth though and say things I shouldn't. I know I can be let's say different in the bed room and I don't want to scare her off so I definitely don't want that conversation just yet. I want her to get to know me outside of that first. " how about you tell me something about yourself" I say trying to change the subject and she smiles at me nodding " well I'm from the city and my parents aren't really parents I hear from them when they need money. my best friend is Avery but she didn't want to leave her boyfriend to come here with me. I'm 24 but I alright told you that and you know I do hair." she runs her hand through her hair thinking " I haven't had very much luck dating and when my ex and I broke up o thought I could use a change. I'm tired of the city everyone is so rude so I came here" she shrugs and I smile at her " well I'm sure glad you landed here" we find a spot to stand for the parade and I watch as her eyes dance over everything taking it all in " want a lemonade?" I ask " yes please" she goes to get her wallet but I put up my hand " it's on my darling this is a date" I wink at her making her blush. I turn to go to the stand and get our drinks. as I'm walking back I see her talking to someone as I get closer I see it's richard yes the same Richard that used to chance katelynn. he finally got picture after hearing them having s*x at the BBQ and then after he found out they were getting married he told her he thought it wouldn't work. I asked her to let me kick his ass but she just said it was nothing to worry about. luca still hates the guy and I see why. Nicole is laughing at something he said and he has his son with him. I walk up " here you go darling" I hand her her drink keeping my eyes on richard trying to let him know she's spoken for but I know he doesn't actually care. " hey man I was just introduction myself to Nicole here she says she's working at Sally's I might have to go get my hair cut" he says offering me his hand to shake and I shake his hand being polite and greet his little boy " yes she's good with hair" I say " well alright it was good to meet you Nicole hopefully I'll see you around" he says to her and she smiles " nice to meet you both" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as they walk away. I feel her small hand make its way back into mine and I begin to relax " I take it you two aren't friends?" she ask looking me over. I shake my head and give her the short story of him and she gasps when I tell her how he didn't care luca was back home " well that's just horrible! how could he act like that when they are clearly in love" she says surprised and I look at her wondering why she would say that since she hasn't seen the two together. " she talks about him like he hung the moon for her" she says answering my question and I can tell but laugh " yeah the two were definitely made for each other" I say giving her hand a squeeze once the parade starts shes dancing a little to the passing music and I join in enjoying myself. when it ends everyone heads towards the festival " oh this is going to be so much fun!" she is says excited " oh it will let's get bands because your riding that one with me" I say pointing to the large roller coaster and she bouncing on her heels " come on" she says pulling me towards the tickets and I can't help but laugh. it's going to be an amazing day the rest of the day we ride rides, eat junk and laugh. her laugh is probably the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Nicole. I've had the most amazing time with nate. he's so funny and care free it amazes me. we've eaten so much junk today and he hasn't said a word about my weight or the fact that I've eaten all that junk. the sun is starting the set and the festival lights are coming on making the sky look beautiful. we're once again holding hands walking through The festivities when his friends walk up " hey guys enjoying the festival?" the guy says as the little girl jumps I'm his arms and I can't help the smile that comes to my face " yeah y'all enjoy it?" nate asks and the little girl squeals excited making everyone laugh " well luca this is Nicole Nicole luca" I shake his hand and he then wraps his arm back around his wife lovingly and I smile at them they look so happy " I guess you've already met my wife sorry about that she couldn't stay away given nates interest in you" he says making his wife push him playfully and me blush " I enjoyed talking to her and looking forward to coffee with her and miss hadley soon. and she actually helped clear a few things up" I reply " like what?" he asks and I cant help but laugh " well I uh I thought he and she were together when I first saw them" I say hoping I don't step into some kind of drama but everyone seems to laugh and katelynn speaks up " oh goodness that's funny. not that he isn't a great catch but he's definitely my brother" " yeah pretty sure if they split at this point id have to take katelynns side in it" nate says hitting lucas arm and everyone laughs again. and I smirk at them they all seem to love each other so much. " well guys y'all enjoy we're gonna get the little one home. nate bring her to the house sometime" luca says shaking his hand. nate hugs katelynn and she hugs me whispering " I promise if you give him a chance he will do everything to make you happy" I smile at her nodding slightly before saying " I'm not sure if he's into me that way" this makes her shake her head " trust me hun I know things" I just smile. mate claps his hands together as they leave " alright we can either shave more carnival food for dinner or hit the bar and grab a pizza lady's choice" I smile at him " how about pizza?" I say and he takes my hand leading me through the crowd. the bar isn't far and isn't to crowded since everyone is still at the festival. we get seated and order beer for both of us and a large pizza to split " so did you enjoy yourself?" he questions taking a sip and I don't the same " definitely. but gonna have to walk off all that extra food soon before I blow up the size of a barn" he chuckles and his eyes roam over my body making me fidget in my seat uncomfortable. " your body looks perfect from where I'm sitting" this makes me blush. my ex never thought that about me I just whisper a thank you to him to scared to meet his eyes again I take another sip trying to calm my nerves the waitress comes back to refill our drinks and she smiles and bats her eyes at Nate. she's got long legs and fake blonde hair I'm sure it's just his type. " anything else I can get you nate?" she asks leaning in a bit but his eyes stay on me " no we're fine unless the lady needs Any" he nods towards me and she pulls back as if she just realized I was actually here. " no I'm fine" I say a little uncomfortable she then turns and walks away " ex?" I question before I realize what I've said and he shakes his head " definitely not. I'm not really into stickies my friend into something that's been with half the town" my mouth falls open and I cover if with my hand I can't believe he just said that and he laughs " I'm just being honest. I'm looking for something serious not trying to get an STD along the way" I laugh and blush a little our food comes and we dig in until I see how I'm eating in front of him then I stop a ligand clean my mouth pretending I'm full " eat up we worked up a hunger with all that walking" he says pointing to my half eaten pizza I shake my head " I uh I'm pretty full" . he looks me over but stops from saying whatever it is that's one his mind. once he's done and laid the bill we walk hand in hand back to my place. " so I had a wonderful time getting to know you" he says and I smile " I did too" " would you consider going on a second date with me?" I look at him wide eyed and I look around seeing we're now in front of my door I was so into he conversation I didn't realize it " you know you don't have to be nice just because I'm new" I say turning to face him and he carefully moves a strand of hair behind my ear nate. I've had such an amazing time with her today and I'm not really ready to leave. I noticed she's a little insecure about her weight throughout the day at odd things shes say but I don't see why her damn curves are driving me insane there were times I had to keep myself from getting a hard on from being close to her. as she says I don't have to be nice to her I can help but touch her beautiful hair it's so soft. she's looking down at the floor and I take my hand and place it under her chin making her beautiful eyes meet mine she kicks her lips and I lose it I kiss her at first she'd shocked but then her hands go around my neck and One of mine hold her hip as the other goes to the back of her head pulling her body into mine. I gently bite her lip making her gasp giving me the opening I was hoping for as I slip my tongue in her mouth out tongues dance for I don't know how long before we part catchings our breath the kiss was f*****g amazing. I hold her body into mine as I rest my forehead against her eyes still closed and I smile on my face. when I open my eyes hers are still closed and I run my thumb across her bottom lip cupping her face " I'm not just being nice because your new. I like you Nicole" I whisper and she blushes looking up at me through her lashes " I like you too" she whispers I give her one more small peak before backing away a little trying to control myself holding on to her hands. " I'll text you okay?" she nods " goodnight beautiful" " night Nate" she turns and goes into her apartment and I throw my hand in the air excited I basically skip to my truck on cloud nine. that kiss set my body on fire! Nicole. oh damn can be kiss! I wanted nothing more than to rip the guys clothes off! I make my way to the shower to get cleaned up and I bring my fingers to my lips smiling remembering how amazing it felt. I get clean up and in my PJs and crawl into bed thinking about our day. I really hope he actually text and as I'm thinking it my phone lights up and I giggle like a teen seeing it's him nate- tomorrow evening to soon for a second date? Nicole- I think it sounds like fun nate- awesome. I get off at 5 see you around 6? Nicole- sounds good. what are we doing? nate- it's a surprise beautiful Nicole- ( pout face) okay then nate- promise you'll enjoy it Nicole- I'm sure I will nate-I really like you Nicole my heart flips. oh my goodness. I take the chance to ask him what I've been dying to know Nicole- nate? nate- Nicole? Nicole- how are you single? what is it I should know about you that you can't talk about in public?" it takes him a minute to reply and I bite my lip nervous he's not going to. damn it Nicole you had to ruin it! I think to myself before my phone lights up again. nate- I've dated a little but my hours are always to much for most people and I spend a lot of time with luca and his family. that little girl has my heart. that's makes me smile and another message comes nate- I wouldn't ever do anything that would make you uncomfortable I swear. but to be honest I can be a little dominant in the bedroom. I know some people don't like that and that perfectly okay we can cross that bridge once we get to it. please don't freak out oh goodness a little dominant. I squeeze my thighs together getting excited just thinking about it. maybe this is what I've been missing from s*x? nate. damnit! she isn't replying I should've just lied and came up with some excuse but I really like this girl and I don't want to lie to her. and if she ain't into the things I am I'm sure the s*x will still be amazing with a body like hers. ugh! I run my hands through my wet hair freaking out until my phone chimes Nicole- they seem like great people and I see hadley has you wrapped I won't get in the way of that. as for spending time with them everyone has friends right? okay that wasn't so bad but my phone lights up again Nicole- we can always see what we like together when the time comes. I won't lie to you I'm only being brave saying this now because it's over text and I may hide tomorrow but I'm used to let's say vanilla s*x so not really sure what I actually like. this makes me smile. I can show her a thing or two. nate- they already like you so I'm sure you will be their friend as well. they never liked any of the ex's. as for s*x don't worry I'm gonna rock that sexy ass body of yours and you won't know what hit you. no hiding from me young lady Nicole- yes sir damnit! I've got a major hard on now nate- go to bed darling before I come show you now. I've got a hard on just thinking about your ass Nicole- oh my goodness Nathan! nate- oh you will for sure be saying that soon ( wink face) we flirt over text a little longer until I see how late it is and I have. shift in the morning so I tell her good night and that I'll see her tomorrow. I finally get calmed down and go to bed with a smile on my face
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