chapter 2

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nate. it's been a couple weeks since I've been into the salon, of course after I saw her and waved in the restaurant katelynn had so many questions. her and Luca both kept bugging me about it all night even after I told them I was just being friendly because she was new to town. our shift is over soon and honestly I've ment to stop by the salon and at least ask to show her around town but something in my mind keeps telling me she's going to turn me down which is why I haven't been by yet. " you know if you don't make a move it won't be long before someone else does if she's as pretty as kate let's on" luca says to me I roll my eyes he's brought it up every shift we share. " for all I know she could already be taken" he pats my shoulder " won't know until you ask brother" I let out a sigh because of course he's right. I grabbed a few coffee's for Ms Sally and Nichole to try to break the ice a little, walking into the salon I can't help shake my head when I see katelynn in nichols chair and Hadley playing with everything. I should've known she'd come check her out just surprised it took this long. noticing ms Sally isn't upfront like normal I take a moment to take in Nicole. she's got her hair all messy on the too of her head, with glasses perched on her nose. wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants that hug her curves perfect. I'm brought from my staring when hadley sees me " unc!" she yells excited " hey sweetie" I say picking her up and make my way to the extra chair and sit down. " busted katelynn" she laughs standing and looking over her hair. she hugs Nicole and says " definitely have to do coffee soon" Nicole agrees smiling and Hadley jumps down from my lap and hugs her I smile at the moment before they leave Katelynn's hugs me whispering " good luck!" I just nod and smile at her. Nicole. God what is he doing here?? I know I look a hot mess today and damn it I have my glasses on because I was running late today! ugh! I make myself busy as katelynn and her daughter leave, both of them are so sweet and to be honest before Hadley called him uncle I was completely jealous of katelynn because she was sitting in my chair telling me what a great guy he was, I just figured she was bragging about her husband. I watch as he picks up a few things for me " so uncle huh?" I question he lets out a chuckle. " well that's my best friends wife and daughter. basically like my brother" I nod my head taking my apron off as he makes his way to me with a coffee " did you need anything?" I ask looking him over damn he looks so good in his uniform " well" he pauses handing me my coffee which I take and enjoy the warm sweetness I can feel his eyes burning into me making me extremely shy. he continues " I was hoping I could get you to agree to go to the festival with me tomorrow?" I know my face looks shocked I mean why would this extremely hot guy be asking me to go some where. " uh yeah that'd be fun" I reply trying not to sound as nervous as I am. we swap numbers and I can't seem to get a read on him as. we step outside and I lock up when I turn his eyes are still on me making me blush " can I give you a ride?" he asks " I uh um only live a couple blocks I just walk" I stutter out he nods his head " then I guess I'll walk with you" I nod my head and we start off down the side walk " so officer Freeman can I ask why your being so nice?" I can't help but question because I need to know what he wants, I don't think I can handle being used again. he looks me over and a small smile comes across his beautiful lips " well as good as it sounds when you call me officer please call me nate" he replies turning his ball cap backwards and I can't help but blush again as he continues " and well honestly I want to get to know you Nicole. I'm definitely interested in you" " what?!" I blurt out and instantly cover my mouth in embarrassed as he chuckles I compose myself " I'm sorry. I um I just wasn't expecting that. I mean honestly up until 30 minutes ago I thought you were married and we'll look at you and look at me" I say pointing a finger at him then at myself. " well definitely not married. and trust me I have been looking at you. haven't stopped thinking about you since you cut my hair" he says and I search his face looking for a chance he's playing me but I don't see anything but honesty. " oh" is all I can get to come out. I stop walking once we reach the front of my building and turn to him " well this is me" I say " thank you for the walk and coffee" he smiles as he moves a small piece of my hair from my face " any time beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow?" I feel my cheeks heat at eh contact. " yes definitely." I turn to walk away but he gently grabs my hand " if you aren't interested this can just be friends I'd like the chance to get to know you." he says his voice is deep but it's a whisper and his warm hand on mine feels amazing I give him a small smile " definitely friends right now. I'd like to get to know you also" he smiles bending a little placing a small kiss on my cheek " get ready for some fun tomorrow" he says as he winks at me and turns to leave I just watch for a moment stuck in my place as he makes his way back down the road. once inside I throw myself on my couch doing a little happy dance " ahh" I scream excited I can't believe he wants to get to know me!!! nate. that night I'm laying in my bed and I'm excited that she actually agreed to come with. for some reason she seems surprised I'm into her. hell I'm worried she's not into me. and let's face it if this goes any where I've got a lot to be up front about before we can take this any further. but I need to slow down I really need to get to know her and if she just happens to be turned off by certain things I like them we'll I can live without them. right? I decided to send her a text to let her know I'm definitely thinking about her nate- hey beautiful. looking forward to tomorrow 11 good? there's a parade before hand and we can make a day of it? she doesn't text back immediately so I'm a little worried until she finally responds Nicole- sound good. meet you there? nate- definition not what kind of gentleman do you take me for? I'll pick you up Nicole- ( laughing face) sorry not used to a gentleman I guess. apartment 2b this brings a smile to my face. so that's what's wrong she's only dated douche bags well time for me to rock her world I guess. nate- well get used to it sweetheart. nate- get some rest. Sweet dreams sweetheart Nicole-sweet dreams Nathan uh! she is going to kill the dominant side of me. between the officer and the full use of my name i can't help but think dirty thoughts about her sexy ass. I try to calm myself down to get some sleep but that isn't helpinp very much.
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