chapter 4

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nate. yesterday I talked with Nicole but wasn't able to take her out again like I had planned something came up at work and I had to go in at the last minute. she told me she understood but I feel like I let her down and I'm worried she's gonna feel like the rest of the girls, I know work can be unexpected and I hate that but what can I do when it's my job? sitting in the patrol car with Luca now just hoping for an early day. " so how did things go with Nicole?" he asks and I shrug " I guess okay. I was supposed to take her out yesterday but you already know I was called in for that drug bust" " well have you talked to her?" I run my fingers through my hair " yeah we talked some last night but I haven't heard from her today. think she might be re thinking things." " dude you have no idea what she's thinking you have hung out once give her time" I sigh " I know I'm just really into her and I can't tell if she feels the same but I don't want to push her" he nods understanding " look you saw what Kate and I went through dating. just be there and show I let her know how you feel the way she was looking at you I think she likes you too" I just nod my head. I decided to try texting one more time. nate- hey beautiful. hope your day is going okay. a call comes over the radio so we have to take it and I keep checking my phone through out the day hoping for a reply but when my shift comes to an end still nothing. now I'm worried. Nicole. I had a nice me day yesterday since Nate had to cancel which j completely understand I know he can't help when he gets called into work. I did a little shopping and got a few things I needed for around my apartment. this morning when I was getting ready for work Avery and her boyfriend showed up along with his friend to surprise me. I was so excited she was in town I was almost late for work once I got to work I realized I'd left my phone at home. while I'm working they are going to explore a little and get checked into their hotel until I'm off then I'll cook dinner so we can catch up. the day has been non stop so I didn't even have time on lunch to run back and grab my phone. I hate myself for being so forgetful! about 30 minutes before we close the Richard guy walks in and instantly smiles I've at me, ms sally raises a brow at me but doesn't say anything " hey pretty girl have time to cut mine real fast?" he asks and I smile politely and nod " yes have a seat" I get the things ready as he sits and I look him over, he'd be attractive if he didn't seem like an ass. and from what I've heard from Nate I don't think I'd like to date a guy that has no respect for a relationship. I get his cape on and ask what he wants and he tries flirting as I get to work on his hair. " so you still hanging out with Nathan?" he questions and I stop for a moment looking him over trying to figure out what he's getting at " uh yeah we're friends" he grunts " well I'd watch myself. I haven't actually seen the " friendly" officer in a relationship and you seem like a nice girl I'd hate for you to get hurt" I nod my head listening to him as he speaks but I'm not sure what to say I mean Nate already told me he hasn't been in a relationship in a while but does that mean be just wants in my pants like the last guy? richard continues" but if you are looking for a relationship I'd love a chance to take you out" he says smiling from ear to ear as I clean him up but before I can respond Ms sally walks over with the broom ' it's isn't nice to bad mouth someone then try to ask her on a date boy" she says never looking at him and this makes me chuckle a little " never bad mouthed him Ms just letting her know what the golden boy is like" he says back sounds annoyed. Ms Sally looks him over before saying " well she's a big girl she can figure life out" richard rolls his eyes and sets some money on my work station and points at it. ' my numbers there too if you want that date or need a friend" I just smile and wave as he walks out Ms sally turns to me." you don't listen to that boy nathan is an absolute angel!" I smile and hug her " im sure Nate and I will figure out what we want" she nods and we continue to clean up before I tell her goodbye. when I get to my apartment Avery and her friends are already there making their selfs at home. " your home finally!" she says dramatically throwing herself on me and I laugh trying not to fall. I greet everyone and make my way to the kitchen " alright so lasagna is the best you get tonight because my feet are killing me" I say getting the things out and as I turn around she hands me a beer shrugging " that's fine with me I'm starved for your food!" I laugh at her. she's to lazy to cook her self or she could make the things I do. I throw the lasagna together as we catch up. I tell her about Nate and about what Richard told me. I take a long sip of beer waiting for her advice " look sounds to me like he might be a good guy and the Richard dude wants to cause trouble. but you should definitely talk to him, I can't watch you go through that again Nikki" she says giving me sad eyes and I nod I know what she means and I don't think I can go through it again either my self esteem is already gone. as I'm chopping the salad the guys walk in and her boyfriend throws his arm around her shoulders while the other guy walks beside me " need any help?" he ask and I shake my head. " just about done thanks though" I give him a smile and he's looking at me funny which makes me uncomfortable. he leans against the the counter crossing his legs over the other watching me. he's in a nice dress shirt with bleach washed jeans he's got blonde hair and a nose ring. his name is Tyler or Taylor I can't remember what they told me this morning but they both call him ty " so how long you staying in this small town?" he asks and I look over at him for a moment " well the plan is to stay as long as I want I don't have anywhere else to go and so far I like it here." " well the city has more to do. what are you going to do around here?" I roll my eyes " well I have a job so that's something" he snorts " you can cut hair anywhere" " yeah that's true Nikki you know we miss you!" Avery says pouting I decided to drop the conversation as I'm pulling out the food someone knocks on the door " I'll get it" Avery says jumps off the counter nate. after I clocked out I decided to go check on nicole. she still hasn't responded and I'm getting worried maybe she got hurt or something. when I reach her door I look down at myself. maybe I should've changed before coming so I don't look so desperate. I shake my head before knocking to my surprise another girl and a guy answer it " uh hey I'm just checking on nicole" I say trying not to sound lame the girl smiles real wide and puts her hand out " I'm the best friend Avery! you must be the sexy officer" she says winking at me as I shake her hand " uh yeah names Nathan" " well come on were gonna eat. this is my boyfriend Blaine" she says pulling me inside and I nod at the guy. he's got blue hair and alot of piercings. as we're walking through she yells " oh Nikki guess what I found at the door" she giggles " if it's a dog I call dibs!" Nicole yells back and I can't help but chuckle. when I walk in she looks beautiful snacking on salad fixings her hair a mess but I notice some dude standing in the corner. I can't help but look over at him then at her. her eyes go wide " Nathan! I wasn't expecting you" she says clearly surprised. I make my way over a little closer to her giving her a smile " sorry for just showing up. you haven't replied and I got a little worried about you" she hits her head with her hand " ah I'm so sorry! Avery surprised me this morning and I left in a hurry forgetting my phone and the days been so busy I didn't have a chance to come back for it then as soon as I got home I had to cook because she's a mean hungry person" she rambles on I give her a small kiss on the cheek catching her by surprise " hey everything is fine. just needed to know you were okay" she smiles at me blushes a little " yeah I'm fine thank you" I smile and nod looking around the room the guy in the corner is staring holes in me " alright well I'll let you continue. call when you aren't busy" she grabs my hand " I uh have plenty if you want to stay for dinner." she looks down a little and I squeeze her hand " I'd love to it smells amazing" she smiles and Avery says " yeah she's the best cook I've basically been starving with her gone' Nicole laughs shaking her head they introduce me to everyone and the ty guy seems like he hates me even though I don't know him. they've made their way into the living room leaving me fixing plates with her " you mind if I set my belt somewhere?" I ask Nicole and she nods taking my hand again and leading me down the hall. " sorry you can leave it in here. I don't really have any where else" she says looking every where but me. I take a moment to look over her room. she's got beautiful sunset pictures hanging and a dark purple bed spread. and her room smells just like her. I pull my button up off and my belt laying them on her bed as she watches. I take a seat for a min and I can tell something is wrong. I pay the bed beside me and she sits letting out a sigh. I grab her hand kissing it " what's wrong beautiful you seem stressed" she gives me a small smile. " honestly I'm just glad you showed up." she looks me over before continuing " I'm pretty sure she only showed up to talk me into coming back hence the random dude who thinks I should have been dying for him already" her body shudders " dude has been staring at me all evening" I pull her a little closer " I'm sorry" is all I can think to say she sighs " I love her I really do. but I don't want to go back I like it here and I wasn't happy there" I kiss the top of her head " do whatever makes you happy beautiful" she pulls away looking at me " think I just want to get through this within fighting with my best friend" I nod " well let's eat I'm starved and it smells amazing" she smiles at me taking my hand as she beads back out before we get back into the kitchen she turns to me " oh richard came in today" I roll my eyes and she chuckles lightly " you can tell me how that went later" we fix everyone a plate and they come to get it. we all sit around her coffee table eating. I notice the one guy really hasn't taken his eyes off of her. " so tell me about you Nathan" Avery says and I finishes chewing my food. " well I'm an officer here along with my best friend. really that's about it" she nods looking me over and hums a little " well that doesn't tell me much. trust me Nikki has no taste when it comes to guys just look at her ex's" I hear Nicole groan but Avery continues " last guy she was literally a side piece and we didn't even know it for months guy before that didn't have a job. now she's here and getting swept off her feet by some county guy I'm just not sure what to think" I nod understanding and look over at Nicole who is red from either anger or embarrassment. " well definitely don't have anyone else in my life and as you know I have a job" I say smiling at nicole who refused to look up from her plate. " hm well I thought I'd introduce her to try here Because last I heard she thought you had a wife and kid. I thought I'd talk her into coming home" I feel Nicole stiffen next to me and i place a hand on hers giving it a squeeze " well that was my best friends wife and daughter. and I don't think she wants to leave she's just getting to know the people" Avery rolls her eyes " okay but what is there to do here she's 24 not 50 she needs to live" the other guys laugh and Nicole finally speaks up " you know I don't enjoy the same things you do. I'm actually enjoying the slower pace her aves chill out a bit please" Avery rolls her eyes again " yeah okay" " there's always something to do here. we just went to the festival this weekend and mud fest is soon I'll be going with Luca and his daughter is going for the first time nicole might enjoy it" Nicole looks at me and her eyes are dancing again I can tell she's interesting but no one says anything. we continue eating and I continue to hold her hand Nicole. I knew Avery came for a reason I guess I just didn't expect her to jump down my throat about it. I thought she was happy I was finding a new place but I guess not. I'm just so tired of looking after her and my parents I want to just live life. without worry about her getting home or my parents showing for money. once everyone is done I gather the dishes and take the fo the kitchen and Avery follows me as soon as we set them in the sink she turns to me " you know he seems nice but you and ty might have alot more in common and plus you'd be closer to me sweetie" she says smiling at me and I smile back " I'm not coming back. I'm happy here and if you want me to be honest ty gives me the creeps" she giggles " oh he just likes you loosen up" I let out a sigh. " I'm staying aves. I'm sorry" she groans before hugging me " just be careful I don't want you working yourself to death and I sure don't want me country police man breaking your heart" I agree I'll be careful and we say our goodbyes. shockingly ty gives me a hug also winks at me before they leave. once they are out the door I lean my back against it closing my eyes taking a moment to gather myself. I feel nates body close to mine as he kisses my cheek then the other then my nose I open my eyes and he's standing in front of me leaning his arms above me resting on the door " you okay beautiful?" I smile " better now" he kisses me softly " let me clean up and you can spill the beans on your bestie and Richard" he says chuckling making me giggle " you don't have to I can do it" he shakes his head " I know your feet have got to be killing you" he pulls me towards the kitchen where be seats me at the bar then he takes my shoes off and probs my feet in the extra chair. be kisses my forehead then places a cup of tea in front of me before he starts cleaning up I know I should tell him the story of me and Avery and I also know I need to ask him about what richard said but I don't want to ruin the moment. so I sit there watching his perfect body moving around my small kitchen as he cleans and I sip tea. I'm so used to taking care of everyone else this feels odd to me.
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