chapter 9

2189 Words
Nicole. we made it down to the pool. ever since we changed into our swim suits I can't help drooling over Nathan, his body is unbelievable! I'm laying in a chair beside katelynn watching the guys play with hadley in the water. katelynn hands me a pretty fruit looking drink and says " cheers to new friends" and I can't help but smile. " so how'd y'all's day go?" I ask and she laughs " oh you know just chasing a toddler around an aquarium but she enjoyed it" I laugh she tells me the story of how her and Luca met and how nates basically been there since the start. when she talks about luca you can tell how much she loves him. we watch the guys and she giggles as luca winks at her and I blush because Nathan does the same thing. " y'all have a good day?" she asks and I smile " yes we did some exploring it's so beautiful around here" she nods her head agreeing. we get in the water to cool off and not long after I get in nathan's arms find their way around my waist, I feel so comfortable in his arms is scary. I notice his body is a little tense and I'm not sure what's wrong, but before I can ask hadley comes over. " unc are you coming to see the fireworks?" her parents looks at her with wide eyes and Nathan's body seems to hold me a little tighter before he can answer katelynn says " had we told you they are busy you spent all day with unc yesterday" hadley's face seems to fall and katelynn tried to give a small smile to either me or Nathan. " well I for one would love to see some fireworks. would it be okay if I came" I ask her and her eyes light up and she nods her head excitedly I feel Nathan let out a breath behind me and I turn around in his arms " that okay?" I ask and he seems speechless but he finally answers " uh yeah that's fine" I give him a small kiss we all enjoy the water for a few until Hadley starts getting tired then we decide to head back to our rooms to change and get ready to see fire works. I've never seen them over the ocean before so I'm excited. Nate. her body has been killing me in that swim suit it's hard to take my eyes off of her. I also noticed alot of the guys out here seem to think the same way I do which makes me hold her close to me so they know she's taken. she's in the bathroom now getting ready while I sit on the balcony. my head is racing with so many thoughts. I understand that she told me she's cool with hadley and I know she seems like she's happy about it but in my head I can't seem to let it go. I text Luca nate- you think she's testing me? luca- huh? about what? nate- about hanging out with y'all. do you think she's waiting for me to say we don't have to go? Luca- she seemed like she liked the idea. is she acting different now?? nate- not really she just said she had to shower and change real fast but nothing else really. luca- I guess just go with the flow don't over think it man I sigh and look up when I hear her " hey I'm done if you need to grab One" my eyes roam over her body, no make up on her sun kissed face her hair down and she's got on another dress. a long black sundress that his once again hugging her body in the places I want to be. I stand up and make my way to her and pull her in for a kiss. she shocked for a moment but soon recovers and kisses back. our tongues fighting for dominace. I rest my head against hers as we catch our breath. " you look absolutely amazing" she blushes and looked up at me through her lashes " thank you" one more small kiss before I go to shower " I won't be long enjoy the sun set babygirl" she nods and takes a beer as she heads to the balcony, I can't help but stand there and watch her for a moment. I decided to throw on some tan shorts and a black button up to match her I know cheesy but hell I don't care. I'm crazy about her. I smirk as she looks me over before we leave and that makes her blush more. we walked hand in hand to the beach and find the others we already out a blanket so we aren't covered in sand by the end and I sit down. I expected her to sit beside me but instead she sits between my legs and rest her body again me " you smell amazing" she whispers. I kiss the side of her head " so do you babygirl so do you" Luca and katelynn are smiling at us and Hadley is up dancing to the music that's playing. when the fire works start everyone's eyes are on the sky and her light up. I gently move her dress down her leg a little and rub the outside of her smooth thigh. I feel her body tense but she doesn't say anything or move my hand. I continue to do this moving a little closer every time and give her a squeeze every now and then. I can feel she has goosebumps. when the fireworks finish I pull her dress back down giving her small kiss. Luca and his girls head to their room with a very sleepy Hadley but neither of us make a move. she finally turns her head a little to look at me " take me to our room please" she whispers and my eyes go wide and I nod my head I give her a hand helping her up and I food the blanket back up. we walk back holding hands not saying anything. when we get in the elevator we're alone I push her body against the wall and I claim her mouth him mine, her arms around my waist and one of my hands holding on to her him while the other is cupping her face. we only pull apart when the elevator dings, we quickly make it to our room and as soon as the door closes I push her against it locking it and looking into her eyes. hers hold just as much lust and need as I'm sure mine does. I claim her mouth again pushing my body into hers as I hold her hands above her head. I slowly kiss down her jaw as my hands wonder first her ass squeezing and she lets out a moan. I take the chance and move my hand to her big breasts and squeeze, she lets her head hit the door while I slip the strap of her dress down and give it a little tug letting her breast fall out of it. I pull back for a moment to enjoy the view of them and she looks at me with wide eyes blushing and I can feel her trying to get her arms free. I shake my head at her and move my mouth to her n****e, sucking, licking and biting a little leaving my mark on it while she moans " Nathan" she says breathlessly but I don't stop i just move to the other and give it the same attention. Nicole. before I know it he's sitting on the bed while I'm straddling him, my dress is till down showing my breast and my hands quickly start trying to undone his shirt. I take in his body as my hands slide across his brod chest and he closes his eyes. at least he likes my touch, I lean down and place small kisses on his neck and chest as his hands come under my dress and he holds my butt roughly no can't help the moan that leaves my mouth. soon he's flipped me over and my dress is gone, I lay here feeling a little embarrassed being only in a black thong in front of him. he leans up and his eyes and hands both roam over my body as he places small kisses along my stomach I try to squeeze my thighs together but his thigh is in the way so I end up grinding against him. he continues to kiss down my body, my legs and licks his way back up my legs till he gets to my thigh then he gently bites it making me moan out again. his eyes still dancing around my body " absolutely beautiful" he says and he slowly pulls my thong off and my heart rate picks up. I'm so nervous, there wasn't much foreplay even though I'm already wet and ready for him but will I get mine as well I wonder. there been many times where I haven't. he grabs my hips pulling me out of my thoughts as he pulls me to the edge of the bed, he then dios his head towards my core and his warm breath makes me shiver. " you smell delicious" is all he says before he dives in sucking and licking my hands find their way to his hair and I run my fingers through it as I'm moaning out. then I feel his finger enter me and I almost lose it " taste even better" then he nibbles on my clit as he's pumping his finger in and out of me " Nathan!" I say breathless nate. she's still wet and her body is driving me nuts all I want to do is drive into her warm p***y but I want to make sure she's enjoys our first time. I can feel she's getting close a few more pumps and she's squeezing my finger and Moaning loudly. " I'm cumming" she says and I just continue to eat her as she rides out her high. I kiss my way up her body then I take her lips making her taste herself and she moans into the kiss. " I'm about to f**k that right little p***y" I bite her neck and she grinds her hips back into me I hop up and grab a condom and pull my pants off and I see her eyes on me as I let my d**k out and stroke it a few times. I smirk at her because her eyes are wide, I slip the condom on and climb back on top of her " I'll be gentle" she nods her head and I start going in her head falls back and I let out my own moan. f**k! she's tight and feels amazing! I kiss her neck going slow to let her get used to me she wraps her arms around my back " faster Nathan" and I take her hands and hold them above her head the other holding on to her hip as I kind into her both of us moaning out. " Nathan! yes!" she screams and that only makes me go harder. she starts to tighten around me so I reach down and grab her n****e and squeeze it as she comes undo around me bringing my own not far behind. a few more pumps before I fall on the bed beside her and pull her close kissing her head. damn that was amazing, didn't think I could get off that quick without being completely dominating. I hear her sigh beside me. " eveything okay babygirl?" she looks up at me and smiles " that was amazing" I chuckle " yes, yes it was." I clean us both us and we get back into bed her in my shirt and me in boxers as I pull her close to me. " Nathan?" " hm?" I say into her hair I feel her body tense a little and she moves some but I hold her tighter " what is it babygirl?" " um did you enjoy it? I mean you said you were into other things and.." I cut her off with a kiss " I definitely enjoyed it. we have plenty of time for other things and to try things to see what you like. but tonight was about you babygirl. and I guess me, I didn't know how bad I needed this body." I say rubbing my now hard member against her hip and she giggles " already?" she quirks a brow at me and I laugh as I kiss her " I can't help it you in my shirt does something to me." she pulls me in for a kiss that soon turns heated and we go for another round before we climb back under there covered and fall asleep in each other's arms.
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