chapter 10

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Nicole. I woke up with my body still tangled with nathan's and I couldn't help the blush and smile that came to my face. he pulled me closer my back against his front " good morning beautiful" came his raspy voice making me clench my thighs together. this guy was doing all sorts of things to my body I had no idea could happen just by speaking or being near me. " morning" it came out more as a whisper as he kissed across my neck and I let out a small moan. he groaned pushing his hard member into my bottom " f**k darling I'd love nothing more than to take you again but I'm out of condoms" I let out a sigh. I'm on birth control but I'm not sure I'm ready to do that just yet, I've never been with a guy without one. I just snuggle into him enjoying his warmth " I'm sad the weekend is over" he lets out a long sigh " me too it's gonna be a rough week" I roll over in his arm and give him a small kiss and his phone starts ringing he groans as I giggle " I'm gonna grab a shower" I tell him getting up and rushing to the bathroom I hear part of his conversation " hey bro" " yeah I know I'll be there" " yeah thanks. tell had I'll see her as soon as I can" I start the shower and jump in letting the water relax my muscles, my core is still sore from last night and I can't help but smile but also be sad that the weekend is over and we can't have a repeat. ugh! come on Nicole pull yourself together you can't act so desperate or he will run! I think to myself. cool air hits my bottom and two large hands find my hips making me gasp in surprise " just me love" Nathan says chuckling and I try to hide my body from him in this harsh light. I'm sure I've got a lot more weight than he's used to being with. I can't help but blush and look away. he gently takes my hands and turns me around facing him " why are you hiding that sexy body from me?" I shrug he pushes us so we're both under the water and his hard body is pressed into mine. as he kisses me he slips his tongue in my mouth and my knees go weak k throw my arms around his neck holding on as he holds us up with one hand against the wall and the other grabbing my bottom. " never hide from me" his voice comes out deep and demanding I just nod my head my mind still spinning from me kiss. he smirks at me " said I didn't have a condom but doesn't mean I'm letting you leave this room unsatisfied" my eyes go wide and I'm sure I'm red before I can't even think of a come back his mouth is on my n****e and his other hand is twisting the other a moan comes from my mouth he continues his journey down and my body tenses he gets down on his knees water washing over him as he pushing my butt against the cold tile of the shower and parts my legs looking up at me with dark eyes " don't come till I say" my eyes go wide " what?!" I basically scream and he chuckles he doesn't reply he just drives in licking along my slit which I'm sure is around dripping. I throw my head back hitting the wall and let out a moan and he groans. he licks and sucks and then adds a finger as he's flicking his tongue over my clit. I'm already sensitive from last night and I really don't think I can take much more " ah! Nathan" I pant out as he thrust his finger into me he bites my thigh giving me pain then he goes back to my core and it seems to take it away. my head is spinning " Nathan stop I'm cumming" " not yet little" he pumps his finger harder hitting my spot and my legs begin to shake " Nathan!" " c*m now" I do I squirt. I've never done that before I'm seeing starts my head is back and my eyes are closed as I'm trying to come down he licks up all of me. then he comes back to meet my face and he pulls me in for a kiss I can taste myself on his lips and that turns me on again. I can feel his member poking me and I look into his eyes. I turn us around and push him against the wall " what are you doing little?" I don't answer I just slowly drop to my knees taking his massive member in my hand giving him a few strokes nate. I wanted so bad to take her again this morning but I can't push since I don't have a condom and I don't even know if she's on birth control. I've never done it without one and I'm not sure how she feels about it. Luca called to remind me we have court all this coming week which I'm dreading. the guy needs to go away for life but I'm nervous about his defense team. I decided to surprise her in the shower, I can't have her going home horny. hearing her moans as she tried so hard to hold it off like a good girl I almost blew my own load. she surprised me by getting on her knees taking my d**k in her hand. she looks up at me through her lashes and she's blushing a little, I watch as she takes me in her mouth letting out my own moan as she bobs her head up and down. " f**k just like that" I pant out and she moans I grab the back of her head thrusting into her mouth roughly and she doesn't pull away she just moans around me. I fist her hair and f**k her face " I'm gonna nut" I let her know moving my hand but she continues sucking as I c*m down her throat I let out a loud groan as I watch her swallow then lick me clean " f**k me girl" I say out of breath she stands back up and smiles as he blushes. I pull her in for one more kiss hating we have to part today. once we're a packed we enjoyed breakfast together on the balcony and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. she's in a light pink long dress with her hair thrown up. she had to cover my little love bites on her neck with make up but if you look hard enough you can still see them. I don't want to ruin the mood so I don't bring up the fact that I'm dreading the week or that I probably won't see her much, honestly I'm scared this is gonna be the end of something really great because she's gonna realize how hard this is on me and I don't even like myself on those days. I help her pack her car and give her one more good bye kiss before she drives off. I let out a sigh as I hope in my truck and head home. luca calls. Luca- hey bud how'd everything go? me- pretty good. y'all make it home? I can't help the stupid smile on my face remembering our time together Luca- yeah the girls are napping. you ready for the week? me- nope not at all. guess I'll figure the s**t out like always luca-you know I'm here for you. you talk to Nicole about it? I let out a sigh me- no. this is all new and I don't want her dealing with my s**t. plus who says she's gonna stick around once she realizes I'm an angry asshole who is always busy? Luca laughs Luca- damn man the week hasn't started yet chill out and give her a chance. I roll my eyes me- I'll see you tonight dude with that we hang up and I finish the drive home. when I get home I wait for her to let me know she's made it safely as I start my laundry. I check my phone a few times looking like a lost puppy. till it finally chimes babygirl- made it home safe. now I have to do laundry ( pout face) thanks for a fun weekend I can't help but smile me- any time! wish I could help but I'm doing the same thing. babygirl- well aren't we just wild and fun people lol! me- ha! yeah I already know I'm old and boring babygirl- you said it not me ( tongue sticking out) me- better watch it babygirl you don't live far I'll come spank you it take her a few to reply and I begin to get worried babygirl- ha! I'm definitely not scared officer. Nicole. the drive home was nice. it gave me much needed time to think. I even called katelynn to ask if I was crazy. she told me my feelings definitely weren't crazy but she was honest and told me Nathan was about to have a rough week. I told her I understood. I actually think I'm gonna let myself fall for him. he's so sweet and caring. and damn does he look good! his dark skin and tattoos drive me wild. be has both his ears pierced and honestly I thought it'd be a turn off but it seems like nothing the guy does can make me think negative about him. we texted for a while back and forth flirting and I waited for him to tell me about how his week was gonna be rough as katelynn told me but he never did. I finished my laundry and grabbed a snack before going to bed. .... it has been such a long week! Nathan is extremely busy and a little off but he says it's because he's been in court apparently he arrested this guy whose done some pretty bad stuff and he's worried he's gonna get off. our phone conversation have been short and I'm trying to be patient with him, tonight I'm getting off a little earlier so I decided I'm gonna surprise him by bring some homemade food over and help get his mind off things. last night when we talked I could tell he's been drinking and it seemed like he was mad at the world. I talked to katelynn again and she told me she'd talk to luca about keeping an eye on him. this must be something that happens some times. as I was getting off work my phone rang and I sighed seeing it was Avery me- hello? Avery- hey!! she's drunk really drunk. me- well you sound like the party started early. I look at my watch and it's only 2 she giggles Avery- I haven't been to sleep! anyways I ran into your ex his marriage is blowing up and he says he really needs to see you I roll my eyes. she knows how he treated me yet here she is trying to push me to him! me- I'm not going back there Avery. I'm not being used like trash again. Avery- ugh! stop being dramatic Niki! just come home and see us. great she's hanging out with him now. I think to myself me- listen I've gotta go. Avery- she yells something before hanging up. I let out a sigh and continue walking back to my place when my phone rings again. ugh!! but I soon see it's katelynn. me- hey girl you okay? katelynn- yes. just wanted to see if you have plans this weekend. me-not that I know of. katelynn- great dinner here okay? Lucas parents are coming also.. yikes. me-let me talk to Nathan first I know how much they mean to him and I don't want to over step. she sighs but agrees. she then asks me if everything is okay and I debated with myself on of I should tell her. I finally break and tell her what happened on the phone with Avery. katelynn- you've got to be kidding me! the guy was a complete ass hat and she's pushing you to him just so you will come home! unbelievable! hell my best friend I've known my whole life is currently traveling the world with Dane and I'm not complaining I mean yeah I miss her but she's got her life to live also! I can't help but giggle at how upset she is about this but it also makes me feel better having her in my corner. we finally hang up and I shower and change into a pretty long black maxy dress and let me hair fall natural and add a little make up. I also put on some sexy red lace panties and bra just in case this with Nathan go that direction tonight. I then take my book and head down the the coffee shop down the road to read for a few to pass the time. I know boring but I enjoy sipping coffee while reading a good book. dang it I left my phone at home! I'll go back and grab it before I head over there. I grab myself a coffee and find a corner booth to myself and start to enjoy my book. I'm a few chapters in when I hear the chair beside me moving and notice someone sitting with me uninvited. I look up from my book. Richard. " hey sweetie" he says and I give him a. small smile putting my book down beside me " hi" I notice he has a coffee and has made himself comfortable " you looked really into that book" I can't help but laugh. because it's true once I get into one it's hard to get out and I lose track of time " yes I love reading" he laughs " well you definitely look beautiful doing it" I smile politely at him. be doesn't give me the same butterflies as Nathan and honestly knowing he tried to break up katelynn and Luca rubs me the wrong way. nate. it's been a long f*****g week! my mood is gone because I've either been on the stand or the dumbass who I'm trying to make sure stays in jail has been giving his son story about how his mama didn't love him enough and that's why he kidnapped 3 little girls and gave them drugs a while sleeping with their mom and she was so high she didn't notice they were missing. we still don't know what he was gonna do with them. when we found them they were almost dead from drug overdose. I've been trying to keep my conversations with Nicole short and sweet but I can tell she knows I'm not okay and I'm worried. we are done for the day so Luca and me are grabbing a coffee before I head home. I tried called Nicole but she didn't answer but she may still be working. just one more day of this. one more day. I keep telling myself. " mama and dad are coming this weekend" Luca says and I nod my head " okay. I should be there" " okay. I think kate's inviting Nicole." I let out a sigh. " great. maybe her and I will actually be able to talk before then" he pats my back " bro. you need to open up to her about your own parents then she'd understand why this is so hard for me." I shake my head " I can't put that on her and I can't say anything because I haven't even told her it's been a rough week just been keeping my distance" he sighs but his phone rings. I let him know I'm going to get my coffee because I definitely need it. I order my coffee and look around at my surroundings.. cop/ military habit I guess when I do a double take. my girl sitting there looking beautiful as ever sitting with someone. she doesn't see me so I grab my coffee from the lady and make my way over when I see who she's sitting with it feels like the air has been hit our of my chest. richard. I walk up to them and be smirks at me and I look over at Nicole who is smiling at me. really? " well I guess I know why you didn't answer" I spit out and her face drops " Nathan I" I cut her off " it's cool" that's all I say as I turn and walk away. I hear her call my name but I keep walking once I make it outside I'm boiling with anger I look at Luca " I'm going home" I throw my coffee in the trash and he looks at me " what happened?" " she's in there with Richard" I spit out point to the coffee shop. I then turn and get in my truck and leave before he can say anything else. Luca. I was on the phone with Kate when he walked back out and I knew that look he was pissed off. I let Kate know I'd keep an eye on him because that's why she was calling. I hang up and be lets me know Nicole is inside then he leaves so fast I can't even reply. a minute later Nicole walks out holding a coffee and a book eyes wide as she looking for him her eyes land on me " where'd he go?" I sigh and run my hands through my hair " home" she groans " I wasn't having coffee with him! I was sitting in there reading when he came up and invited himself to sit in my booth" I nod in understanding " he's just had a rough week. let him cool off" she nods. " I left my phone at home. I'll call when I get there." I give her a small smile knowing she's in for a battle " good luck" she gives me a small smile back before turning to leave. I go in and get myself a coffee and Richard comes up to me. " looks to be trouble in paradise" he says smug I rolled my eyes " look just because you couldn't get Kate doesn't mean you have to chase my brothers girlfriend" he laughs " fair is fair" " I will kick you ass and don't forget just because I have the badge on doesn't give you a free pass" he laughs and shakes his head before walking off. stupid prick Nicole. I walked home as fast as I could and called Nathan. twice and be didn't answer either. so I texted him and started out dinner waiting for him to respond. nothing fancy just wrapped chicken and veggies with brownies. once everything was done I had check my phone a dozen times and still nothing. I wanted to sit on the kitchen floor and cry my eyes out!
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